Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 14

by Dee King


  “I heard you.” Sebastian tries to push by me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him. “Who was that?”


  “What does Ian need to do for me?”

  “He is going to being setting up traps.”


  “Yes, kind of. We are going to make sure that whoever is after you will not be able to get to you. Well, at least not here.”

  “I can take care of myself , you know?”

  “I know, but this would make me feel better.” He rests his hand on top of mine.

  I open the door to the Jeep and throw my backpack in the back seat. I see Sebastian climbing into the passenger side.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting a ride to school.” He shuts the door.


  “Why not?” He says with a smirk on his face.

  “Fine. I am already running late.”

  We drive to school in silence.

  I purposely turn the radio up so I do not have to talk.

  I find my usual parking spot still open. I grab my back pack from the back seat and turn around to see Alex standing in front of my Jeep.

  “This is a surprise.” Alex tries to open the door for me.

  “Not really.” I say as I step out. I can see Sebastian waiting for me.

  “It is to me. Why is he with you?” Alex asks.

  “He needed a ride. If you will excuse me I have a class to get to. You know how us mortals care about grades and stupid stuff like that.” I push by him. Sebastian walks beside me beaming from ear to ear. I can not help but smile at myself.

  I can hear Alex mumble something as I walk towards my locker.

  “Did you say something?”

  “Yes. What is with you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You never treat me like that. What did Sebastian tell you about me?” I pause for a moment at his questions, trying to keep my thoughts to myself.

  I look past him to see Chloe walking towards us.

  “Nothing. I am just realizing the truth about you and I.”

  “What truth?”

  “That you don’t really like me. It’s fine. I will move on.” I slam the locker door in his face, and walk towards Chloe.

  “Wait! Selene!” I hear him yelling at me, but I grab Chloe by the arm and we walk towards our first class together.

  “What the hell was that?” Chloe asks.

  “Nothing. I have no idea what his deal is, but I am over it.” Chloe stops in the middle of the class.

  “Do what? You have liked him for oh, I don’t know, ever, and now you are over him?” I knew lying to Chloe she would see through me, but I have to move on. I know in my heart that what Sebastian said is true.

  “Listen, we will talk after class, k?”

  “Oh, we will!” She says with a smile.

  Chloe talks to me after class, and as I lie to her about my feelings she says something that hits a nerve with me.

  “This is because you have feelings for Sebastian isn’t it? All that talk about how you hated him and now you have feelings for him?” She says sternly.

  “What? Don’t be ridiculous.” I look away, because I feel she may be right.

  “You can’t lie to me. I see it on your face. You do have feelings for him, but something happened to make you have feelings for him. What is it? What did Alex do to make you not like him, or to make you treat him like that?”

  How do you tell your best friend that you can’t like the boy you have crushed on for years because his Dad is Zeus and he doesn’t actually like you because you are just a pawn to him?

  “He didn’t do anything. I just know he has feelings for Cali and I’ve blinded myself to it.”

  “Oh my gods! How did you find that out?”

  “You can just tell.” I look down at my feet. Apart of me knows that what I just said was true, but I did not want to believe it.

  “I am so sorry, Selene. Hey, bright side?”

  “Bright side?”

  “Yea. Sebastian is HOT! Plus, you can tell he really cares about you. He has changed.” I can feel my face turning shades of red.

  I think I do have feelings for Sebastian, but I have no idea how to deal with that.

  “I don’t know how I feel about Sebastian.” I can hardly look in her in the eyes.

  “Sure, you don’t. You know how you feel, you just always thought it was going to be Alex.” She smiles.

  “Whatever. Let’s get to class.” We walk towards our next class laughing at one another.

  I think about what Chloe said the rest of the day. I never noticed how often I did think of Sebastian. How I would let him drive me crazy in class with his constant smiling and flirting with every girl. Why would that bother me so much? Have I really always had feelings for Sebastian, but was blinded because of how I felt for Alex? Was what I felt for Alex ever real? How do I trust in any of this, if this was always just a ploy by our fathers.

  Am I just a pawn in this sick game they are playing? My father’s game? Why have children just to cause them all this heartache? I already hate this man, and now I know that I will not play by the rules. I will play by my own damn rules!

  I had not noticed how angry I was until I looked down at my charm bracelet. It was shining so bright. The anchor was turned to the side again. I have given up on trying to move it back to the way its supposed to lay.

  Can you hear me, Dad? I will not play your damn games! I will decide who I love for how I feel, and as far as seeing you- Go to HELL! You used your daughter as a pawn to get back at Zeus? What a childish move. Well, guess what! You shouldn’t have had me, because this child is not your pawn. This child has a mind of her own. Game on, Dad!

  I can see red.

  Literally, a red blur walking towards me as I take my keys out of my bag to leave school.

  “SELENE!Are you stupid?”

  “No! Are you?” Sebastian is standing in front of me. He looks like he is on fire. His face is red, his hands are in fists, and his eyes look like they have specks of red in them.

  “What is wrong with you? We all heard you!”

  “Good! I am glad!” Sebastian takes me by the arm as he starts to drag me out the door of the school.

  “Take your hands off me!”

  “No! Get to your Jeep as fast as you can! Go to the mansion! Colin will be able to be help you.”

  “Stop! Sebastian stop!” I slap him on the arm where he is holding mine.

  “No! You stop! You have no idea what you have just done! Listen, GO! You won’t have much time before they get here!”

  “Who gets here?” I stand in front of Sebastian beside my Jeep.

  “No time. Go straight to Colin. Don’t look back. Just drive.” Sebastian starts to steer me to the driver’s side door.

  “You are making no sense!” I refuse to get inside of the vehicle as he opens the door.

  “Selene! For once in your life, just do what you are told!”

  “Screw you!” I jump in the Jeep with Sebastian’s help.

  “Later.” He says with a smirk. “Now, GO!” He slams my door.

  I look at him, but I can feel someone coming towards the Jeep. It’s a blue blur.

  “GO!” Sebastian yells. I listen to him.

  I go in reverse as fast as I can. I don’t look back. I just put the vehicle in drive and speed out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 20 I park the jeep next to Colin’s Icon Sheen. I turn to get my bag and I hear Colin yelling something from the balcony of the mansion. I look up at him.

  “Hurry up!” He screams down at me. I run up the stairs to see him standing there armed with weapons.

  “Colin? A little extreme don’t you think?” I start to laugh. He looks like a ninja warrior.

  “No time for your foolishness. You need to go inside. Stay inside until everything is all clear.”

  “You are being ridiculous. I am not going anywhere! I h
ave no idea what the big deal is?”

  Colin steps to the side. He opens the door to the house.

  “Now! This is not a request.” He looks so mad, but all I can do is laugh.

  “I am sorry, but I can not take you serious right now.” I sit down on the oversized chair overwhelmed with laughter.

  “You have no idea what you have done, do you?”

  “Oh, I know what I have done! I told all of you how I feel. Now, you guys think that something bad is going to happen to me? I just don’t care. I am tired of these games. So, let whoever comes, come. Just so you know, Colin, your not my dad! I am done!” Colin walks slowly towards me.

  “You did that and more. We have been hiding you, and you pretty much just said come and get me! Do you know how hard Sebastian has been fighting for the two of you?” Colin argues with me.

  “With who? Who wants to find me so bad? I never asked him to do anything for me. Nor you!” I scream at him.

  “Just go inside. It is the only way I can protect you. The house has been charmed.”

  “I think I will pass. I feel like I need some water. You want some water?” I stand up to walk to the outdoor refrigerator. Colin grabs me with both arms, throws me over his shoulder, and walks into the house with me like I am sack of potatoes.

  “Put me down! NOW!” I slap him on the back as hard as I can. He sits me down on the ground.

  “Selene! Damnit! You are really making me mad!” He stands face to face with me.

  “I don’t care! I don’t even know you! So stop acting like we are close! You are just some guy who is related to me.” I could see the hurt on his face as I said the words that came screaming out of my mouth.

  “I’m sorry. I am just mad. Look, I can fight my own battles. Thank you for trying to protect me, but I have always taken care of myself. Today is no different.” I stand firm on what I said.

  “Good to hear!” A voice I had never heard just spoke from behind Colin and I. Colin immediately steps in front of me.

  “Colin.” This guy is standing there in front of us. He looks the same age as Colin. I look at Colin. His face is tense.

  I am supposed to be scared of him? He is sexy!

  “Cato?” Colin places a hand on my side. He slowly pushes me behind him.

  “No need to hide her. She has obviously wanted to talk today. Let her talk.” This guy in dark faded jeans, and a white button up shirt is walking towards us. I can feel the tension growing. Colin’s back is hot as I place my hand on him.

  He is taller than Colin! I mean like basketball star tall! He has short, curly brown hair, with dark green eyes. He tries to step over the threshold of the doorway.

  He is pushed back from an unseen force.

  “Charmed? Well, that is just rude.” I am realizing that this is the guy I have been seeing. This is my stalker? He doesn’t look like a stalker.

  “I assume you are talking about to me?” Cato asks me. I move to the left of Colin. I step forward.

  “Yes. I am talking about you.”

  “I get that all the time. Here on Earth that is. It’s fine. I will not hurt you. I mean look at me. Do I look like I could hurt anyone?” He pulls open his shirt to show his very muscular body. On his chest is a tattoo of a snake. It looks about the same size as Colin’s trident.

  My mouth drops open. I feel Colin nudge my arm. I look up at him.

  “Sorry. You see him though, right?” I whisper. Cato looks at me as he buttons his shirt back up. I can not help but grin.

  “Colin, why would I want to hurt her? Come on, you know me.” He tries one more time to put a foot over the threshold. This time Colin steps to Cato. The force of the house almost throws Cato backwards.

  “You don’t need to talk to her. You are free to leave.” Colin walks closer to Cato.

  I follow.

  “I think she has a right to decide if we talk. You can’t make that choice for her.” Cato peeks around at me. Colin turns towards me.

  “Listen to me. I know looks can be deceiving, but he is not a good guy in this situation. He is the one who has been stalking you. Whatever he says, do not step outside of this house.” Cato steps closer to Colin.

  “You could at least let her make up her own mind. Selene? That’s your name, right?” Cato asks me.

  “You don’t even know my name?” I step to the side of Colin closely watching my foot.

  “I do. I just thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves to one another since I have not had the pleasure.” He steps closer towards me. I take one small step closer to him.

  “If you come out here I can explain why I am here.”

  “No, you can explain to her why you are going to be leaving.” I see Colin take the sword out from his back and slice the air. He walks through the doorway towards Cato. Holding the long sword he place’s the tip of it on Cato’s chest.

  “This is your last warning! Leave now!” Cato takes the blade in his hand. He looks at Colin with a smile, and throws the sword in the air.

  “You should never point objects at people. Didn’t your Dad teach you any manners.” I can see Colin about to punch Cato in the face. I run in between them.

  “Stop! Colin! Stop! He wants me. This is my fight!” They both stand there staring at me like I have two heads.

  “She is feisty. I will give her that! I can see what all the big fuss is about.” Cato looks down at my feet then all the way up to my eyes. I place my hand on Colin’s chest.

  “I can do this. Believe me. I can handle myself.” Colin stands with his fists clinched to his sides.

  “Selene.” Colin whisper’s my name.

  “I promise. I can deal with this guy.” I say pointing at Cato. Colin takes a step back.

  “Great. Selene, shall we take a walk on the beach?” Cato reaches his hand out for mine. I do not take it. I walk to the stairs of the balcony. I turn to see Colin’s face. He looks furious, but I brought this guy to me. I can not have someone always fighting my fights for me.

  I will be watching. You need me. I will be there.

  Thank you, Colin. Really. I try to smile at Colin as we make our way onto the beach.

  “Let me formally introduce myself.” Cato stops on the sand of the beach.

  “I heard. Your name is Cato. You have been stalking me. I am pretty sure we do not need introductions.” He smirks.

  “Oh, you sweet girl. Naive, but sweet.” Cato starts to unbutton his shirt again. He removes it carefully. He places it over his right shoulder. He stretches his hand out to take my hand in his. He gently kisses my hand as if we were in Shakespeare play.

  “I am Cato to my friends, but my full name is Cato Lucas. I am the son of Medusa, my father is Hades. I am their illegitimate child.” His dad is Hades? Sebastian has a brother? My jaw drops in utter shock.

  “I am not sure what to say at this point. You’re Sebastian’s brother? What do you want with me? Why don’t you just talk to him?”

  “I think you need to understand why I am here. Let’s start with that.”

  “Okay, let’s start with why you are stalking me? Go ahead. Explain that.”

  “I am not stalking you, Selene. I am trying to figure out how I may be of help in this situation you are in.”

  He sits on the sandy beach.

  “I am not going to hurt you. I know Colin thinks I will, but I am not here for that.”

  “That’s comforting.” I say as I sit across from him.

  “How do you know Colin, and why does he hate you?” He chuckles at my question. “Colin doesn’t hate me.”

  “It looks like he does.” I relax.

  “Colin only jealous of me. If I want something, I get it. Plain and simple.” “Oh, so you think you can have whatever you want?” I am no longer feeling relaxed. “No, I just know what I want, and I get it.”

  “Hmm..” I ponder this for a moment.

  “So, less than a week now, any decisions made yet?” Cato tries to change the subject. “What decisions?” Like I am
going to tell you.

  “You know where you pick the one you love, and whether you stay Earth bound or come home?”

  “Home?” I ask.

  “Sorry, I meant the Mount.”

  “That’s just funny.” I start to laugh. He leans closer to me.

  “Selene, your choice will effect a lot of people. This is serious.” He says with a stern voice.

  “Why don’t you worry about your own life, and go back home or whatever you want to call that place.”

  “I see, you think this is a joke. It’s not.”

  “What I think is that too many people are in my nonexistent love life.”

  “It’s hardly nonexistent. It’s one of the decisions that people are waiting anxiously for.”

  “Why do you even care?”

  “I care because there are many of us hoping this is the time for us to finally over rule Zeus.”

  “I am sorry, but I could really care less about how this effects you. I do not want to be a part of some cause. What if I don’t love either of them?” I ask Cato.

  “Now, that would be something. That will not happen. You will chose between the two of them.”

  “Why? How do you know? May be I love someone else?” I toss some sand from my hand beside me.

  “Oh, you are not serious right now are you?” He starts to stand up. I stand with him. “Yes, I am serious.”

  “You really are naive. That’s cute. You will chose between the two of them. That is how it has to be.”

  “Maybe I don’t want that. Maybe I don’t want this so called charmed life?”

  “It really doesn’t matter what you want, Selene. This is your life and your choice. You have to know that by now. You’re dangerously close to the point of breaking, huh?”

  “No. I am not breaking.” I say matter of fact.

  “You’re breaking. I can see it.” Cato smirks. I look at my bracelet. The pearls are glowing.

  “I am not breaking. That just sounds stupid.” I start to walk away from him to go back to the mansion. He barely moves out of my way. Now, he is face to face with me.

  “Believe me, I would love for you to fall in love with anyone else, but that is not in your future.”

  “My future is mine to make. No one else can chose that for me.” I try to move passed him, he just stands there like a rock.


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