Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 17

by Dee King

  “Is there something you are not telling me?”

  “No. I would just like you to respect the gods. That is all. I taught you that. Remember

  that. Respect is earned. They earned it. You will have to, too.”

  “You want me to respect them, yet I have been a goddess my whole life and never knew,

  because of them? Explain that?”

  “You have always been able to do what you can do now, just the bracelet let’s you have

  more control over it then when you were a child. Think about it, if you had known you could use

  water like that, or fire, you could have shown others, and then they would have taken you away.” “Who would have taken me away?”

  “Your father.”


  “Because it’s not common for gods or goddess’ to just be walking amongst people.” “I am now.”

  “Yes, and look how hard this has been just in a week for you?”My mom says while

  staring at the bracelet.

  “When I wore my bracelet the first time, this did not happen.” I state.

  “That’s because you weren’t paying attention. It did. That’s how they knew who you


  “If I take it off, what will happen?”

  “You won’t be able to do half of what you can do. Unfortunately, it will always be on you

  on Earth, whether you like it or not.”

  “I don’t get it.” I shake my head back and forth.

  “You will.” She says while stroking my arm.

  “Whatever. I guess I should be going.” I stand.

  “Okay. I will call you before Saturday to find out everything.” My mom stands beside me. “I love you, Mom.”

  “Love you, sweetheart.” I walk out the door towards my Jeep. I look at the house one last

  time knowing that my whole life I have been lied to, and secrets were kept.

  I park next to Sebastian’s car at the mansion. I find Colin, Ian, and Sebastian sitting in the

  living room very quietly. Whispering.

  “What are you all up to now?” I ask as I lay my keys and phone on the counter. “What?” I have startled the three of them.

  “What are you guys doing?” I walk towards the three of them. Sebastian stands. “Nothing, here, sit.” He moves over so that I may sit by him.

  “Actually, we are discussing what Alex’s next plan of attack will be.”

  “His plan of attack?” I ask.

  “Yes. He will have one. This is far from over Selene.” Colin says.

  “What is all this paper work?” I take one of the papers they have on the table in front of


  “It’s our strategy plan.” Ian yanks the paper from my hand.

  “Calm down, dude.” I joke.

  “This is my job. I am the son of Aries.” Ian says determined.

  “Yea, and?”

  “War is what I know. It’s what I do.” He tells me in a sarcastic voice.

  “We are going to WAR? I thought we had soldiers for that?”

  “You are kidding, right?” Ian looks disgusted with me.

  “No, I don’t see what the big deal is. I don’t want to be with Alex, I want to be with

  Sebastian. This is not a big deal.” I lean on Sebastian’s shoulder.

  “That’s the problem. You see this through human eyes, not a goddess’ eyes.” Ian tells me. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask.

  “It means that the two of you are going to change the worlds. It means that the two of you

  are going to be pretty much, oh, how do I put this, Royalty. The two of you will be royalty in the

  eyes of the gods, the Migades, our whole world.”

  “Royalty? Because that seems a little out of this world if you ask me. We are just

  teenagers. Don’t you guys have other gods or goddess’ for that kind of stuff?” I look at Ian. “You are not just teenagers Selene. You are a goddess with a lot of people counting on

  you. Do you understand what that means?”

  “You don’t have to talk to me like I am stupid, Ian.” I stand. Ian stands. “Obviously, I do. You think that you and Sebastian are just going to go live happily ever

  after? You have really got a lot to learn.”

  “Well, being how I am new to this, yes I would say I do!”

  “Listen, listen. Everyone needs to calm down. Selene, please sit back down. Ian, sit.”

  Sebastian asks.

  “Whatever you guys think is going to happen, is not going to happen today.” I state. “It won’t as long as we have a plan.” Ian looks at me.

  “Okay, so what’s the plan your majesty?” I glare at him.

  “Here is what I think Alex is going to do. I think he is going to try to separate the two of

  you, maybe even kidnap you. Try to get you to change your feelings.”

  “That will not work.” Sebastian places his hand on my knee. I place my hand on top of


  “He may, or he may not, but as soon as Cali gets here we will know more.” “Cali is coming over?” I look at Sebastian.

  “Yes, she should be here shortly. She has been trying to convince Alex to tell her what he

  is going to do.”

  “Why would she help us, though?” I ask Sebastian.

  “Because Cali is one of the few on your side.”

  “I gathered that, but why does she have a part in this at all?”

  “Her mother and my father got with your father, and planned this long before we knew.

  Cali has to be on your side. It’s not an option.”

  “She always has options. No one owns her.” I tell Ian.

  “You keep thinking that.” Ian smirks.

  I can sense someone is close to the house. I jump out of my seat, and run to the front


  I stop. I listen. Foot steps. Quiet footsteps. Sebastian, Colin, and Ian are at my side. “How did you hear that before we did?” Colin whispers.

  “Shh. I don’t know. I just did.”

  “It’s because my girl is special.” Sebastian winks at me. I can hear the footsteps

  approaching. I pull the door open fiercely.


  “Wow. Thanks for the greeting. You all didn’t have to meet me at the door.” I move back

  so that Cali may come inside.

  “You guys look like you were ready to fight someone.”Cali smiles. I laugh. “No, I think they are in shock, because for the first time I could sense someone coming.” “That’s awesome! I knew you would learn fast.” She holds up her hand, I smack it and we


  She takes hold of my hand. Tightly. I look at her.

  “What are you doing?” I try to pull my hand away.

  “You, Selene, need to be prepared for what is to come.” She releases my hand. I shake my

  hand around for a moment as I start to walk back to the table.

  “Sorry, Selene, but I really need you to grasp the concept that Alex is furious.” “I care, because?” I am still looking at my hand.

  “Because he is going to do whatever it takes for you to be with him, he is in denial.” “It’s a river in Egypt. He should visit there.” I snicker. Cali grabs a hold of both my


  “This is bad. I have never seen him so angry. You will need a guard at all times.” “That’s why I am here.” Colin chimes in. I push Cali’s arms off my shoulders. “Knock this off. I am not scared of Alex. Oh my gods you guys act like I just killed

  someone. This is what each of you wanted. Now, that you have what you want, you are still not

  happy. Well, I give up.” I turn to walk up the stairs to my bedroom.

  I forgot my phone on the table. I turn back to get it.

  “Selene, don’t be mad.” Sebastian hands me my phone.

  “I am not mad at you, this is just so out of my realm of understanding? Why does />
  everyone care so much?” I ask Sebastian quietly.

  “I will explain as soon as we are done here. If that’s okay with you?” He asks me. “Yea whatever, I will be in my room.” I turn away from him. I look down at my phone as I walk up the stairs.

  I have quite a few text messages. I hop onto my bed and curl up with my pillow.

  Alex texted multiple times. I read through them.

  You and I need to talk.

  Selene, stop ignoring me, you didn’t even give me a chance!

  Selene! You are making me mad! You won’t like me mad!

  Okay, I am sorry. I just need to see you.

  Selene, text me back ASAP!


  I look at my phone. This has to stop. I decide I will deal with Alex on my own. I call him.


  “Selene! Where have you been? I was worried sick!”

  “Okay, this is going too far.”

  “I know. We need to see each other so that we can discuss this, and you can see that you have always been right about me.”

  “No. Alex, I can’t see you. This is over, actually we never had anything to begin with. Just me with a crush on you. So, there really isn’t anything else to talk about.”

  “Your wrong. I need you, I told you that night at the party that I felt the same way you did! How can you already love Sebastian? He doesn’t love you. You know that, right?”

  “Alex, I know that you only want power, and you think I am some kind of prize to you. I know that if we were to be together it’s only so you can have the power that you obviously need so badly.”

  “That’s not true! Who told you that? Sebastian? Ian? I will kill them!”

  “You won’t do anything because I already told you this is over. Why can’t we just be friends?”

  “No. You did not just say Let’s Be friend’s to me! I know you didn’t just say that to me!”

  “Listen, it’s late, and I have school tomorrow. I am sorry that I have upset you so much, but we both know that we are not meant to be.”

  “We are meant to be! My father planned this so we would be together! You don’t want to anger my father do you?”

  “I could really care less who I anger! At this point I am done with you, him, or whoever stands in my way! You hear me? You hear what I am saying you power hungry freak!”

  “Oh, I hear you. I promise those words just sealed someone’s fate!”

  “And I promise you that you just sealed your own damn fate!” I throw my phone across the room!

  Sebastian enters my bedroom as I am dozing off. I see him look over at my phone on the floor.


  “Yea?” I roll over to see his gorgeous blue eyes staring at me while he is laying beside me. He has my phone in his hand.

  “Did you throw your phone?”

  “Yep.” I sit up on my bed.

  “Why?” He asks with such control in his voice.


  “Alex what?” He stands beside my bed.

  “I talked to Alex.”

  “Why? Why would you do that?” He asks.

  “Because he texted me. A lot. I just wanted to handle this on my own.” I look down at the pillow clenched in my hands.

  “Did you actually speak to him on the phone?”

  “Yes. We have now made sure we both knew how we felt about this situation.”


  “And what?”

  “And how do you feel?” Sebastian asks me.

  “I feel this is ridiculous. I have had enough. I just want to be happy, I want to walk across the stage at graduation and I want to be with you. Why does this have to be so hard?”

  “Because we aren’t normal. We are gods.” He sits back on the bed.

  “We have hardly had any time alone since we have, um gone public so to speak, and I think maybe after your final tomorrow we will have to take a little trip.”

  “A trip?” I lift my head towards him.

  “Yes. A trip. We can discuss all this and so much more.” He says as he runs his hand over my arm. I shiver from his touch.

  “I would like that. I would actually love that! Where are we going?” I ask.

  “I can’t tell you. That would ruin the surprise.” He slowly brushes the hair out of my face.

  I lean towards him.

  He leans towards me.

  Our lips touch.

  Slowly, we fall onto my pillows. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms

  around my waist. I run my fingers through his hair as we kiss. I can feel his hand moving slowly from my waist to my stomach. I push his hand down to my thigh.

  “Sebastian.” I stop kissing him.

  “What’s wrong?” He leans his body over mine.

  “This isn’t the right time.”

  “Oh. Oh gods. I am sorry. I don’t want that at this time either. We were just in the moment. I got carried away. I apologize. It’s just that when I am alone with you, I can not seem to control my feelings or actions.”

  He moves over onto his back, staring at my ceiling.

  I lean over to my side and I place my hands over his chest.

  “It’s not that I do not want to. Believe me, I do. I just want to be more prepared.” Sebastian places his hands over mine. He tilts his head slightly towards me.

  “I have a proposition?” I start to giggle.

  “What’s that?” He moves his head and looks at me.

  “How about if we stay the night together tonight, in the same bed, but I won’t touch you if you don’t touch me.” I take his hands in mine.


  I place my head on his chest as I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 24 I wake up in the same clothes I fell asleep in, in the same place I fell asleep. On Sebastian’s chest.

  I slowly move my body, inch by inch off the bed. I walk to the door and quietly open it.

  I turn to see that he has rolled over onto my pillow. I go to the bathroom to take a shower.

  I look in the mirror to see myself after my shower. I can see a shimmer of a glow around me. I feel happy. Truly happy.

  I take my robe off the back of the bathroom door and walk to my room to get my clothes. I see Sebastian still sound asleep.

  I walk in my closet to get my clothes for today. If we are going on a trip after my last final should I pack now?

  I decide to wait. I want to be early today so that I take this test and finally be done with high school.

  I pick out a pink striped long maxi skirt with a white, tight fitting blouse. I place my feet in my white wedges and turn to see Sebastian standing in the doorway of my closet.

  “You are absolutely stunning!” My knees feel a little weak. I try to speak, but the words don’t come out. He walks into the closet.

  “Really. You are breathtaking.” I glance over his shoulder to see Colin.

  “Oh, don’t let me interrupt.” My face is every shade of red right now.

  “I have to go to school.” I smile at Sebastian as our hands brush each other.

  “Great, because the two of you are making me nauseous!”

  “Your just jealous.” I elbow him in the side as I walk passed him.

  “Harsh, Selene. Harsh.”

  “Okay, I will see you guys later.”

  “Wait, I will walk you out.” Sebastian hurries to my side. We walk hand in hand to my Jeep.

  “I will see you at my house after your final.”

  “Your house?”

  “Yes. My house. Don’t be late. I want today to go perfect.”

  “I am sure it will be.” I close the door behind me as he leans in and kisses my lips. Sebastian taps the side of the jeep two times as I start the vehicle. I wave goodbye as I back out of the long driveway.

  There are few cars here today. Everyone must be about finished with finals. I finally get to park in the front. I look in my bag.

  I might as well put on some makeup since I have
the time. I look in the mirror.

  Works for me. I step out of the Jeep to walk to my class.

  I finish the final.

  I walk to my locker one last time.

  I take down all the photos I have collected over the past year. I look at one I had not seen in a long time. It’s Chris, Sebastian, my date to Junior Prom, and I.

  I look happy. I never really did notice how much Sebastian had been part of my life. I look through my collection of notes that Chloe and I used to write back in forth in since freshman year. So many memories.

  I drop the notebook by accident. I lean down to pick it up and Alex has it, opened to a page.

  I try to grab it out of his hands. He looks down and starts to read it aloud.

  “Today I saw Alexander. He is so hot! OMG! Did you see what he was wearing? He looks so hot in his football uniform.” I try to snatch the book out of his hands. He keeps reading it over my head.

  “Yes, I saw him. Did you see Sebastian? Oh man. That guy is HOT! I wouldn’t mind letting him sit next to me.”

  “Stop it Alex! Give it back to me! That was a long time ago.”

  “Okay, I will stop.” He gently hands me my notebook. I throw it into my bag. I slam the locker door shut and stomp away from him. He follows me. Closely.

  I can feel him right at my heels. I pick up my pace as I walk to my vehicle. I am almost to it when he has me by the back of my shirt.

  “Get off me, Alex!” I pull my body loose from his grip.

  “Selene! Stop being a bitch!” I can not control my temper. I slap him straight across the face.

  “Damnit, Selene! You are going to pay for that!” He gets dangerously close to my face.

  I hear something startle me from behind.

  It’s Chris.

  He steps in front of me. I push him to the side.

  “I can handle him.” I say to Chris.

  “You think you are going to talk to my sister that way? You are dead wrong!” He punches Alex in the face. Alex barely moves. I push Chris hard. It knocks him off balance.

  “You can push me around all you want, but you mess with my family and that is too far.” I can feel the anger boiling inside of me. Clouds start to appear in the sky.

  “Hit me! I dare you! Hit me, again! Come on! You think you have all the power, let’s see it! Hit ME!” I scream at Alex.

  “This is not over!”

  “Oh! It’s over! It’s REALLY OVER!” I slam my fist into his face as hard as I can. He stumbles backwards. He immediately puts his hand to his face and looks me directly in the eyes.


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