Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 16

by Dee King

  I look back at my test and finish the last two questions.

  I gather my bag. I drop the final on the desk with the others and almost sprint out of the classroom.

  I make it to my locker when I see something fast coming close to me. I look away. I now know that it’s Alex. We will be alone.

  “You can run, but you can’t hide Selene.”

  “You are getting creepy. Stop following me. Just leave it alone. We obviously weren’t meant to be. I am sorry. I am also sorry that I wasted over three years liking someone who was never going to share the same feelings for me.”

  “What? You have no idea how I feel.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “No, but I could.”

  “That answers it don’t you think?”

  “This is not the place for this conversation. We need to go somewhere.”

  “No. I don’t think so. This conversation is over. This. This is over. I am sorry I gave you a false sense of hope. I thought you were what I had wanted. I was wrong.”

  “You were not wrong. I just haven’t had the chance to be alone with you the way HE has.”

  “Oh, but you did. You ran away as soon as Cali called. Oh, and lets not forget that you punched me in the face!”

  “That was an accident. I would never hurt you on purpose.” Alex tries to touch my hand. I pull away.

  “Too late.” I slam my locker. I walk away leaving Alex furious with me.

  I make it just in time for my second to last final.

  Mr. Larkin’s class. My class with Sebastian.

  I sit down, look over, and he looks at me as if seeing me for the first time. We both smile at one another.

  I start thinking of how just a few days ago all I wanted was to run away from him before

  he could talk to me. And now all I want is to talk to him.

  Funny how these things work out.

  I look down at my final and the answers magically appear. The bubbles are filling in and I

  am barely holding the pencil. I look over at Sebastian who has a brilliant smile across his face. Are you doing this?

  Me? No. Never. He says energetically.

  Stop. I want to pass on my own.

  Okay. I just wanted to help.

  Thank you, though. I say shyly.

  The pencil drops in my hand. That was actually pretty cool. The only two answers I have

  left are essay questions. I take my time answering them. I look up and Sebastian must be done because he is walking out of the class. Other students are walking out, too. I finish. It was hurried, but I finish.

  I lay my final on Mr. Larkin’s desk.

  “Miss Athans, may I speak with you for a moment?” Mr. Larkin wants to speak to me? No. This can not be good.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I have noticed that you took the longest. Was this final too hard for you?”

  “No. It was fine.” I can feel my voice shake as I answer him.

  “Good, because I know that many have cheated on my final, and it would be sad if you were taking my class again this summer to graduate.”

  “Cheating? I did not cheat.”

  “Well, as long as you and Mr. Andreas do not have the same answers on all the questions then you should be fine.”

  “Excuse me? I did not cheat.”

  “Yes, Miss Athans I heard you. I said as long as you do not share all the same answers then you should be fine. You know, you can not cheat off others your whole life. You will have to do the work yourself.”

  What in the hell is he talking about? How does he know about Sebastian helping me?

  “Well, you have a good rest of the day, Miss. Athans. You are now an adult and get to make adult choices. Good Luck.” He stands from his desk, I feel very anxious.

  “Mr. Larkin?”


  “Did I do something?” He turns around from wiping down the board.

  “No. I do not believe you did. I just wanted to make sure that you knew cheating was not tolerated.”


  I start to leave the classroom when I hear something behind me. I turn and Mr. Larkin looks different.

  I turn back around. I think finding Sebastian is better than standing here with whatever he is.

  “Sebastian! What is going on?” I see Sebastian standing against the wall waiting outside of the classroom.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why is Mr. Larkin accusing me of cheating, and I think something is wrong with him.”

  Sebastian's eyes begin to narrow.

  “Mr. Larkin is not from here.”

  “What? Who cares. I mean why does he think we cheated.”

  “He is from the Mount.”

  “What? Mr. Larkin is a god?”

  “Oh gods no. He is a minotaur.”

  “A what?”

  “He is a creature from the Mount. He was sent here many years ago to be involved in the school.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it’s the gods way of watching us on Earth all the time. He tells them things about us, reports to them, you get it?”

  “I guess, but what is he?”

  “Well, on the Mount he would have the head of a bull and the body of a man. On earth he just looks human.”

  “That is even more weird.” I say.

  “It’s not. If we ever go to the Mount you will see more than you can imagine. He was just pretty much warning you that he heard us, it was his way of letting you know who he was.”

  “Well, that could have gone a little smoother. It was strange.”

  “Yea, most minotaur are. They can be a little rough around the edges, but I promise he wouldn’t dare hurt you.”

  “Yea, but he could fail me.”

  “Not if he wanted to live.” Sebastian’s mischievous eyes say he is telling the truth.

  Chapter 22 Sebastian and I walk hand in hand to our cars. I see Chloe waiting at my Jeep. “What’s up?”

  “Not much, decided I would talk with you since we haven’t had the time too.”Chloe tells

  me. I look at Sebastian.

  “That’s cool. I have something to take care of anyways, you girls have fun.” He tilts down

  and brushes the hair out of my face as he kisses me.

  I stand there wanting more, but now is not the time.

  “Hop in.” Chloe opens the door to the Jeep. We both wave at Sebastian as he drives


  “So, you have a lot to tell me, huh?” Chloe wastes no time.

  “There isn’t much to tell. I just realized how much I like Sebastian.” I can not tell Chloe

  everything she wants to know, and I hate lying to her.

  “You’re going to sit there and lie to me? I am your best friend, Selene.” “I am not lying. I just found out that Alex was not who I thought he was, and I finally saw

  how much Sebastian liked me.”

  “So, all those times I told you that he was crushing on you, and you said how he annoyed

  you, that was all a lie?” I can see Chloe is getting angry.

  “I just thought he was arrogant. I never said I hated him.” I keep my eyes on the road. I

  start to drive to the mansion.

  “Oh okay. Well, do you love him now?” I nervously laugh.

  “I don’t know about love. Love is such a strong word, don’t you think?” “I would say that you guys have something I have never seen before. You are like

  glowing.” I look over at her.


  “You know, happy? That kind of glow. Wait. Unless your pregnant?” We both burst into


  “I don’t thin k that’s going to happen for a long, long time.” I start to take the curve to the


  “Selene? Where are we going?” I can sense she is excited.

  “Remember? I live with Colin, now?”

  “Yea! That’s right! WOW! I forgot all about that! I’m
sorry, Selene I have been so selfish


  “No you haven’t. Plus, I have not brought you here before. I wanted you to see where I

  am living now.”

  “Wait. What about your mom? Did your mom move in too?”

  “No. Just me. I still see her, and we talk on the phone, but I had to become a grown up, ya


  “Yea, I guess.” Chloe’s face looks out the passenger side window.

  “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “I know. It just feels so strange that we are going to be going separate ways in a couple of

  days.” A tear falls down Chloe’s face.

  “I know.” I can feel the lump in my throat as I try to finish the sentence. I park the Jeep,

  and we start walking towards the balcony steps.

  “You should have told me you were bringing company home.” Colin is standing shirtless

  at the threshold of the doorway.

  “I would have been dressed.” Colin playfully says.

  “Please. You would not have put a shirt on either way.”

  “Your right.” Colin slides the door closed behind him. Chloe sits in one of the oversized

  chairs. I walk to the refrigerator to grab some water bottles for Chloe and I.

  “How did it go today?” Colin asks with his face in a grimace.

  “Fine. I only have one more final tomorrow. First period, then I am done.” “I am done. Today was my last day of high school. Forever!” Chloe announces loudly. “That’s great. What’s your plans after you graduate?” Colin slides down into the couch

  across from Chloe.

  “Paris. I leave two days after graduation.”

  “WOW! That’s great, Chloe. You will have to send us post cards.”

  “Selene didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?” Colin looks in my direction, with a scowling face.

  “We both are going to Paris.”

  “No, she failed to mention that.” I can see Colin gripping the side of the couch cushion. “Well, I am not going. That has always been Chloe’s dream. She was just saying that.” I

  look at Colin.

  “Wait. You really are not coming?” Chloe looks in my direction.

  “No. You know I can’t afford that, plus I have the Surf team. I am hoping to make

  Nationals this summer, and then maybe go Pro. Remember?”

  “Yeah, but I always thought you would come.” Chloe’s eyes start to glisten with tears. I

  hand her the bottle of water and sit next to her on the other chair.

  “I am sorry, Chloe. I knew that this day was coming. I just never wanted to discuss it.” “I know, I know. I just feel so overwhelmed with all this. We are going to be moving on

  with our lives. What if I never see you again?” I take a hold of Chloe’s hand. I squeeze it tightly. “We will. I will see you again, and we will talk every day!”

  “No, we won’t. You will move on, get married and have babies, and I will just be famous

  all by myself.” She says laughing through tears.

  “Yes. You will be a supermodel, and you will leave us little people to fend for ourselves.”

  We both giggle with one another.

  Colin offers to make dinner for Chloe and I, we both say yes immediately. I hear my phone.


  “Selene, do you need to come home to get your stuff for graduation?”

  “I think I have everything, Mom. I will come by though when I take Chloe home tonight.” “You and Chloe are hanging out together today?”

  “Yes. Before she leaves for Paris in a couple of days.” My mother squeals with excitement.

  “How wonderful is that?”

  “Pretty wonderful.” I can feel my lips spread apart as I smile.

  “Okay, well you girls have fun. Tell Chloe congratulations for me.”

  “I will, but you will see her at Graduation, Mom.”

  “I know, but I wanted her to know now.”

  “Got it! Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you, sweetie.” I place the phone on the coffee table in front of Chloe and I.

  “My mom says congrats.”

  “Tell her thanks.” Chloe says as Colin hands her a plate of food. I look down at the plate he hands me.


  “Yes. What’s wrong with it?” Colin sounds irritated.

  “Nothing. I just thought you would be trying to impress Chloe.” I say with a fork wrapped in noodles.

  “Shut up.” His face turns a slight pink in his cheeks. We all turn as we hear footsteps behind us.

  “We came just in time.” Ian shouts as he makes his way to the stove.

  “Go ahead, there is plenty.” Colin speaks with a mouthful of spaghetti. I feel my heart skip a beat as I see Sebastian behind Ian.

  “Don’t mind him, he has no manners.” Sebastian takes a seat across from me on the couch.

  “It’s fine, Sebastian. Colin made it.” Colin glares at me.

  “What? I am still eating it.” I glare back at Colin.

  “You hungry?” Colin asks Sebastian.

  “I could eat.”

  “You better hurry, dude, because I am starving.” Ian tells Sebastian as he piles spaghetti on his plate.

  “What have I missed?” Ian says with his mouthful of food.

  “Gross. Close your mouth, and nothing.” Chloe looks disgusted at Ian. I look at Chloe as we both decide we are now done eating. I take her plate with mine to the sink.

  “We have a problem.” Sebastian whispers in my ear. I turn and face him.

  “We do?”

  “Alex. He is really mad. I think he is going to do something really stupid.”

  “I could care less. Unless he is going to hurt someone I love.”

  “I think we need to talk about this.”

  “Fine. I will take Chloe home, and I need to go by my mom’s.”

  “That’s fine, when you get back we will discuss this further.”

  “Okay.” I place my hand on his hand.

  “It will be okay, Sebastian.”

  “I know.” He winks at me as I walk over to Chloe.

  “Sorry to cut this short, but I have to run by my mom’s. Are you ready?”

  “Sure. Thank you Colin for a great meal.” Chloe stands.

  “You are welcome. Anytime. Don’t be a stranger.”

  “I won’t.” Chloe looks delighted.

  “I will be back soon. You guys, don’t get into trouble.” I gather my keys and phone.

  “Yes, boss.” Ian salutes me.

  “Dork.” I smirk at him. Chloe and I walk to the Jeep. I have a feeling that my day is far from over.

  Chapter 23 I drive Chloe home. We say goodbye as if we know very soon we will not see each other. On the drive to my mother’s house I can not stop the tears from falling down my face. My life is changing in so many ways, and I can not control my emotions. I park in the driveway. It feels odd that I no longer live here, yet it doesn’t feel like home


  “Mom?” I walk through the living room to find my mother holding a book in her hand. “I am so happy to see your beautiful face.” My mother stands to greet me. “I missed you, Mom.” I start to cry.

  “Oh honey, is everything okay?” We sit down on the couch.

  “Yes, no. I don’t know.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Just everything is changing, and I am not sure what I am supposed to do with my life.” “Like what? What do you mean?”

  “Just everyone will be moving away, I have to be something I don’t understand, and I just

  feel lost.”

  “Sweetie, everyone goes through this. Believe me, I have been where you are now. Well,

  maybe not as a goddess, but life can be hard at times. I promise all this will pass. You will make

  the choices that you think are best, and I will always be here to support

  “Thanks, Mom.” I look over at the book my mom had laying on the couch. It’s a leather bound book. Very similar to my journal from my father.

  “What is this?” I pick up the book.

  “That is a gift from your father many years ago.” She tries to take the book from my hand.

  I hold it tightly.

  “Does this book do what the mine and Colin’s does?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean when you open do words appear?”

  “No, Selene, let me see the book.” My mother tells me she is serious. “Fine.” I hand her the book.

  “This is not a big secret, Selene. This was a journal I kept of your life.” She opens the


  There are pictures of me as a baby, and throughout my life.

  “Why do you have this out?”

  “Because I needed to write about you finding out who you were, and all that you have

  been going through lately.”


  “One day you will have this book, and you will be able to see how much you have always

  been who you are. You just didn’t know.”

  “May I look inside of it? Just for a moment?” I know exactly what I am looking for. The book opens, and I start searching through the pages. I find what I was looking for.

  Right in front of my face was the same picture of Sebastian and I at the beach. “Can you explain this me?” I point to the photo of Sebastian and I at the beach. “Yes. His father and your father thought you should meet before you were actually to see

  one another in high school. I remember that day like it was yesterday. You two were like glue.

  You would run into the water and he would follow. He would build sandcastles, and you would

  sit beside him watching patiently. Then you would knock them down, run away laughing, and he

  would chase you.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “I was not able to tell you, Selene, you had to follow your heart. That day was just to see

  if you two were even drawn to one another. It was very secretive. If Zeus had known, well, I am

  not sure how that would have gone over.”

  “Well, Zeus sounds like a cocky asshole.” My mother’s face goes pale. “Selene. You can not speak like that. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, but what is the big deal?”

  “Just don’t okay?” My mom’s shaky voice makes me nervous.


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