by Finella Vane
Niav had been trying to focus on her research project but found it harder and harder because she kept pausing and listening every time she heard Anselle coughing. After hours of listening to the sounds getting worse and worse Niav couldn’t take it anymore, she Googled ‘Gina’ Steakhouse’ and dialed the number. A woman answered and after she said that no, she didn’t want to make a reservation she asked to speak to Gina. She was told that Gina was busy but Niav didn’t want to leave a message so she told her that it was an emergency. She put her on hold and she assumed she went to get Gina. The next voice she heard was a very pleasant sounding, deep voice, “Gina speaking.”
“Hello Gina, my name is Niav. I’m Anselle’s neighbor.”
“How can I help you Niav?”
The girl on the other end of the phone didn’t sound happy about being interrupted at work. “Well,” the woman suddenly felt nervous and a little embarrassed. “Um..Anselle’s sick and I’ve been listening to her coughing all day and I’m kinda worried about her. She seems to be getting worse.”
“Anselle’s sick? Anselle’s never sick.” Gina’ voice was softer.
“She got caught in the rain the other day and now she’s got the flu. She sounded bad last night but all I’ve been hearing today is coughing. I’m worried about her. Could you come check on her?”
“You think she’s that bad?”
“Yes. I think so.” She really did but there wasn’t anything she could do about it was there?
“Okay, let me make a call to get someone to cover me for a while. I’ll be probably half an hour or so.”
“Thank you, Gina.” Niav hung up but she knew she wouldn’t be relieved until Gina was actually there.
It took almost an hour before Niav heard footsteps on the stairs and then knocking at her door which surprised her. She figured that Gina would just go into Anselle’s but when she opened the door she found that it wasn’t Gina at all but an express delivery girl with a package. Niav took the package and signed for it knowing that even though Anselle was home there was no way she was in any shape to answer her door. She brought the package inside and placed it on the floor next to her door. Just as she took her first step back toward her desk she heard another set of footsteps on the stairs and then knocking at her door. When she opened it that time she saw a girl who must be Gina. She looked exactly as Anselle had described her. “Hello, Niav. I’m Gina. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too.” Niav shook the hand held out to her.
“Do you want to come with me into Anselle’s?”
Niav hadn’t expected that question like she hadn’t expected Gina to stop at her door. She wanted to, she really did but she just couldn’t and not because she was afraid of having an attack but because she was afraid of seeing Anselle and losing her resolve to keep away from her. She lowered her eyes and said, “No, thank you but if you wouldn’t mind can you give her something for me?”
“Sure.” Gina fished her ‘emergencies-only-key’ to Anselle’s flat out of her pocket while Niav disappeared into her apartment. When the woman returned she held out a glass container that held more of the chicken soup she had made the day before. Gina took the container; Niav thanked her again and closed her door forgetting all about the express delivery box.
Gina surveyed the bedroom; used tissues surround an empty bottle of syrup on the nightstand while more used tissue litter the floor. Anselle was curled up under several blankets and didn’t even acknowledge Gina’ presence next to her until she felt a hand on her forehead, “Niav,” she moaned.
Gina raised an eyebrow and looked down on her friend, “sorry it’s just me but her telephone call is the reason I’m here if that makes you feel any better and she gave me some soup for you. How much of this medicine did you take?”
Anselle only responded with another moan.
“You need to see a doctor. You’re burning up.” She put her hand back on her friend’s forehead.
Anselle moaned again, “No doctor, Niav.”
Gina had to bite back a chuckle, “I’m not Niav. It’s me, Gina. We are both very good looking though so I can see why you could get us confused. Can you get up? I passed a clinic on the way here. It isn’t too far.” In Anselle’s weakened state it was pretty easy for Gina to get her unwrapped from the blanket cocoon she had created but getting her out of the bed was a different matter altogether. First Gina tried simply asking; when that failed she tried gentle persuasion; when that failed she tried blackmail; when that failed she tried gentle force; that failed too. “Stay right there.” Gina threw the blankets back over her friend.
Niav was surprised by the third unexpected knock on her door that day and she opened it to find Gina again, “I can’t get her up and dressed by myself can you help me.”
“Is she really that out of it?”
“Yes. She’s taken her syrup but I don’t know how much or when she last took it. She’s got a fever and I want to get her to the clinic down the street. Will you help?” When the girl in front of her hesitated Gina added, “She asked for you. In fact, she thought I was you.”
Niav felt that helping was the right thing to do despite her wanting to keep herself isolated and since Anselle was out of it maybe she wouldn’t even notice, “Yes, I’ll help you.” She toed the box on the floor until it was positioned to keep the door open before following Gina.
Gina found her friend in the same position she had left her, “Niav can you find some sweat pants for her? I’ll try to wake her up.”
Without a word Niav advanced into the room and began going through Anselle’s dresser. Gina reached down and put her hands on Anselle’s shoulders and gently shook her, “Anselle? It’s time to get up. Anselle! Niav’s here to help you.”
Anselle moaned, “Niav?”
“Yes, Niav. Can you sit up for Niav?” Gina turned her head, “Niav can you please?”
Niav approached the bed handing the pants she had found to Gina, “Anselle, it’s Niav. Can you sit up for me? Gina is going to take you to the doctor and when you come back you can have some more of the soup I made.”
“Yes, Anselle, soup. But you have to get up and get dressed first.”
The fog slowly lifted from Anselle’s mind while Gina and Niav helped her get dressed. “Niav? Are you alright?”
Niav was in a hurry to leave, “Yes, I’m fine. Gina’ outside hailing a taxi. We better get going.”
A coughing fit wracked Anselle’s body and she fell into Niav who wrapped her arms around the shorter girl to keep her from falling. “Sorry,” Anselle groaned when it was over.
“It’s alright,” Niav replied keeping Anselle still in her arms, “but if I get sick I am going to have to kill you.” The woman managed to get her friend into the hallway just as Gina arrived to tell them that the taxi was waiting. Gina threw an arm around Anselle’s other side but as the trio approached the stairs Niav balked. “I….I….can’t,” she felt the familiar sensations creeping up on her.
Anselle straightened herself as much as she could and pulled away from Gina, “it’s okay. You don’t have too. Gina’ here and she will help me. I hope I’ll see you when we get back.” She cupped Niav’s cheek with this right hand. “Thank you for everything you’ve done today. I know how hard it was for you but I want you to know that it means a lot to me.” The blonde was relieved when Niav didn’t shy away from her touch.
Gina didn’t understand exactly what the exchange she was watching was about but she was patient and let them have their moment. When she heard the taxi honking she gently pulled Anselle away, “let’s get you to the doctor. See you in a bit Niav, thank you for your help.”
“You’re welcome.” The artist watched regretfully as Gina helped Anselle down the stairs before going back into her flat.
Niav had put aside her research project and had begun working on rough sketches for an outside commission for a children’s clothing company she had g
otten through her boss. The company manager had sent her an email describing what was required and photos of the clothing she was supposed to draw the children wearing. It was easy work, the commission was good and it got her mind off thinking about Anselle for a while. The woman finally heard the front door close and footsteps on the stairs after what seemed like hours. She waited for the fourth knock on her door that day and was disappointed when it didn’t come. Instead she heard the sounds of the two women moving around inside Anselle’s flat and talking quietly interrupted every so often by her coughing.
The next thing Niav heard were raised voices followed by the slamming of a door. The fourth knock came quickly after. Gina walked into Niav’s apartment as soon as the door opened and threw herself down onto the sofa, “she’s such a baby when she’s sick.”
The woman was momentarily taken aback by Gina’ easy familiarity but rapidly felt at ease in the restaurateur’s company, “can I get you anything to drink, water or beer?”
“No, thank you. I have to pick-up a prescription for her highness, I just wanted to stop by and fill you in.” Gina pulled out her mobile after she felt it vibrate in her pocket. The text from Anselle said, ‘I told you not to bother her’. Gina sniggered as she put the phone back into her pocket. “She doesn’t want me to bother you. She told me that you and she are kinda on the outs right now. If I had known I probably wouldn’t have asked you to help me with her. I’m sorry if it was uncomfortable for you.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m glad I could help.” Niav wondered how much Gina actually knew.
Gina informed the artist that their friend had the flu and had actually gotten exposed to it a few days before the rain storm. The doctor had called the druggist with a prescription and Gina was going to fetch it but would it be okay if the two talked more when she got back. Niav readily agreed but wondered what Gina could have to say.
A short time later Gina returned and found Anselle wrapped back up in her blanket cocoon fast asleep. ‘Good’, she thought, ‘then you won’t harass me for talking to your girlfriend’. She put the medicine on the nightstand with a bottle of water, cleaned up the used tissues, washed her hands thoroughly then returned to Niav’s. Seated back on the comfortable, chenille sofa with a cup of excellent, fresh coffee Gina allowed herself to relax. “This is really good coffee. I should get some for the restaurant.” The woman sat silently while she waited for Gina to say what was really on her mind. It didn’t take long, “I have two things to say to you. I mean one thing to say and one thing to ask. You may not want to do what I have to ask after you hear what I have to say but here it goes; Anselle really likes you. I don’t know what exactly happened or didn’t happen between the two of you but she likes you and the fact that you’re on the outs really bothers her. I’m not going to go on about the last relationship she was in that ended badly because I’m not the kind of person to try and guilt somebody into doing things but I will tell you that when she falls she falls hard and she’s fallen for you. The first night you two met you were grilling steak, right?” Niav nodded which signaled Gina to continue, “Did you know she came to the restaurant that night?” Niav shook her head. “She met Lisa there. Lisa could tell right away and even teased her about being smitten with you. The way Anselle was blushing I knew it was true.”
“I don’t want her to be smitten with me. I……have problems.”
“She knows and I believe she liked you before she knew. Anselle cares about you. She’s not the kind of girl to give up easily. I think you may have some idea of that.”
“Yes. I’m finding that out. But she needs, she deserves somebody normal, somebody she can go out with and do fun things with. You saw earlier, I can’t even go down the stairs.” Niav hung her head in her hands. “She deserves better than me.”
“She wants to be with you. Forgive me but I think you’re making a mistake turning away from her. I don’t know if you want help to get better so you can go out someday but if you do then she would be there for you and support you through whatever it took. Every step forward and any step back, she’d be there all the way. She’s that kind of girl.”
Niav wanted to cry; her heart knew Gina was speaking the truth she just had to get her brain to find the courage to accept it too.
“I’ll let you think on that and make up your own mind but I think she’d be really good for you. Now, I have something to ask you but feeling the way you do I’m not sure you’ll go for it. Anselle is going to need somebody to look after her for a few days. She’s going to need a lot of bed rest, fluids and take her medicine. I could arrange for a nurse for her but I thought if you were willing you might do it. I know it’s a lot to ask and if you say no I’ll understand.” Gina crossed her fingers and waited.
Niav’s heart was beating so fast she thought it would punch right through her chest but it wasn’t the same feeling she got when she was having an attack. Anselle needed her. Nobody had needed her in what felt like forever. Could she do this one thing for somebody who had been trying so hard to break through the barriers she had surrounded herself with? The one person who had ever made an effort to understand what she suffered. The one person she believed actually meant it when she said that she’d be there. Yes, she could. “Yes. I will.”
Niav let herself into her neighbor’s flat with Gina’ key; the express box under one arm. Anselle was still curled up under the blankets. Niav put the box on the dresser then returned to her apartment. She quickly checked her emails for any new work, there was none; picked up her sketch pad and pencil set then returned to Anselle’s. She sat herself down on the chair by the window and began to sketch. The artist was so involved with her sketches she didn’t notice when the blonde on the bed opened her eyes. Anselle watch for a while as Niav picked up pencil after pencil examining it and either put it back down or add something to the sketch. “Niav?”
The pencil Niav had just picked up went flying across the room in Niav’s fright, “Don’t do that! You scared the life out of me!” She set the pad down and went to the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Sorry. What are you working on? Can I see?” Anselle sat up and made grabby hands at the artist.
“I’m glad to see you’re coming back to your old, demanding self. The medicine must be working.” She retrieved the sketch pad from the floor and brought it to the bed. “Gina asked me to look after you.”
“I told her not to bother you. I’m sorry. You don’t have to stay here if it’s uncomfortable for you.” Anselle held the sketch pad back out.
Niav waved at the sketch pad indicating Anselle should keep it, “I want to be here. She told me some things about you too.”
Anselle flipped through the pages, “Oh, God. What did she say? These sketches are so good, Matt. You should do it professionally.”
“Thanks, I’ll think about it.” The woman sat at the foot of the bed. “Gina just told me what you told me. That you’re stubborn and that I’d never get you to go away so I might as well just give in.”
Anselle laughed which turned into a coughing fit. Niav slid up the bed until she had her back to the headboard so she could rub the sick girl’s back. “Easy now. That’s it. Just relax.” Niav unscrewed the cap from the bottle of water on the nightstand and held it out, “Sip this. Do you have juice or would you prefer tea?”
“Do you really think I would have juice?” The blonde snuggled into the brunette’s side. “Cuddling is nice.”
“Cuddling is very nice but I can’t make you tea if we’re cuddling.”
“Cuddling is nice.” Anselle sighed sleepily.
The next thing that woke Anselle was Niav’s growling stomach. “Somebody is hungry.”
“Somebody is very perceptive.”
Anselle moaned as Niav pried herself out of her hold. “There isn’t anything here to eat.”
“I brought more soup. I’ll heat it up. I’ll even share it with you if you’re good and
take your medicine. You do have a pot, right?”
“Pot? I never would’ve taken you for a smoker,” Anselle teased.
Niav rolled her eyes, “I will let you starve or drown you in the bathtub. In your weakened state I’m pretty sure I could.”
“You wouldn’t!” Anselle hid herself under the covers. “I’ll take my medicine. Pots are in a cabinet under the counter.”
“I want to see you take the medicine.” Niav held out the bottle and waggled it until Anselle’s head popped out from under the covers. Niav poured out a dose into the small measuring cup and handed it to the blonde.
“Mmm, tastes like strawberry. Delicious.”
“Does it? I love strawberries. They’re my favorite.” Niav’s eyes twinkled; Anselle noticed and filed the information away in her brain for possible future use.
As Niav left the room Anselle shouted out (as best as her voice would allow), “You can always use the microwave to heat up the soup!”
The blonde had to laugh which turned into another coughing fit as she heard, “killing me” come from the other room.
The two ate some soup and talked until Niav left for a while to check her email when she returned Anselle asked her about the box on the dresser. “Oh, I forgot all about it, sorry. It came this morning. I think it’s the photos from your mom.” She handed over the box.