The Strawberry Heart

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The Strawberry Heart Page 6

by Finella Vane

  Niav helped Anselle open the box, inside were picture envelopes containing hundreds of photographs. “Wow. I forgot how many there were. I used most of the money I made from allowance and then part-time jobs buying film and getting it developed. Don’t be shy, dig in.”

  Most of the pictures Niav looked at were shots of trees, birds, flowers and a dog. “How come there are no people?”

  “There should be some shots of the family somewhere and some of the school football team. I may have thrown those out though.” Anselle frowned.

  “Why would you throw those out? I thought you said you were on the team.”

  “I was, I hurt my knee and had to sit out for a while. I brought the camera to school one day and took some shots while I sat on the bench. My mom found out and forbid me to take it to school again.”

  “But why would you have thrown the pictures out?”

  “Because I didn’t like looking at them.” Another coughing fit made her pause, “I didn’t want to sit on the bench I wanted to play.”

  Niav let the subject drop. She didn’t have to be knocked over the head to realize when somebody was uncomfortable talking about a subject. The duo remained on the bed passing photos back and forth until Anselle started to yawn. “That’s all for tonight I think. I’ll come back in a few hours to give you your next dose of medicine.”

  “You don’t have to go.”

  “Anselle, you have the flu. I probably shouldn’t even be this close to you without a mask on.” Niav rested her hand on Anselle’s forehead. “At least your fever has gone down a bit.”

  “I wish I could kiss you.” Anselle yawned into her pillow as she turned over.

  Niav kissed her on the temple, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”


  The night passed peacefully for Anselle until Niav came in to wake her up to take her medicine. The blonde was cranky about being wakened and put up a fuss when Niav held the measuring cup to her lips. “Don’t make me spill this or I won’t make you breakfast later,” the woman threatened. “Just take it and we can both go back to bed. It’s yummy, strawberry, remember?”

  Anselle replied groggily, “you like strawberries,” but she opened her mouth and let Niav pour in the liquid.

  “Now go back to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”


  The next morning Anselle woke to a strange noises coming from somewhere in her apartment. She managed to untangle herself from the blankets and take her medicine. She wrapped the blankets around herself and slowly stumbled towards the living room. She changed course when she noticed Niav moving around in and the strange noises emanating from her kitchen. The brunette had a bowl on the counter and was removing items from a bag; two oranges, a carton of strawberries, a pint of milk, half dozen eggs, a loaf of brioche bread, a bottle of maple syrup, a small jar of something and a bottle of dark liquid. A sudden cough from the blonde startled the younger girl who turned with a glare, “I’m going to get you a collar with a bell on it so you won’t scare me anymore.”

  “Sorry. Maybe your ears are clogged. Good morning, anyway. What are we making?” Anselle took a seat at her dining table so she could watch the brunette in the kitchen.

  “Good morning. We?” Niav laughed, “We are making French toast for breakfast. Do you think you can eat and keep down French toast? Did you take your medicine?”

  “I’ll certainly give it a try. Is there bacon too? Yes, I took it. Wanna smell my breath? Its strawberry scented.”

  “No thanks, I trust you. And no, there’s no bacon. You can have some orange slices and some strawberries.”

  “No bacon?” Anselle pouted but noticed the twinkle in Niav’s eye again when she said ‘strawberries’.

  Niav laughed as she measured out the milk, cinnamon and vanilla (her secret ingredient) into the bowl on the counter. She broke in four eggs and whisked the ingredients together. The woman cut the brioche into one-inch-thick slices and set them aside on the counter. Next she set a skillet onto the stove and turned the heat to medium high; adding a bit of butter when she felt the pan heating up. With the butter melting in the hot pan Niav dipped a slice of bread into the bowl coating it with the egg mixture; she flipped it over to soak the other side then immediately laid it in the sizzling pan. She did the same with a second slice. As she waited for the bread to brown she put the kettle on and set two teabags into two mugs. She flipped the bread over, brought Anselle the maple syrup, utensils, napkins and the milk and sugar for the tea.

  Anselle watched as Niav move around the kitchen like it was her own; plating up two slices of French toast and adding two more prepared slices to the hot skillet. The brunette was so changed from the two previous days it was like watching another person entirely. Niav exuded nothing but confidence; she was in her element, safe and secure. Anselle never wanted to see her any other way. “Did you ever dance, Niav?” Niav froze and Anselle stumbled to explain, “I mean, the way you move around the kitchen, you’re so graceful, like a dancer.”

  Niav plated the two pieces of bread from the frying pan and brought both plates over to Anselle after adding some of the sliced fruit. She poured the hot water into the mugs before seating herself next to the blonde. “I took lessons when I was younger and I danced in a few competitions. It’s one of the things that make my condition so hard to deal with. I was so….I don’t know, outgoing, social?”

  “I’m sorry.” Anselle could hear the frown in her friend’s voice.

  Niav sighed, “Please don’t be sorry. There was no way for you to know.” The woman laid a hand on Anselle’s thigh and squeezed. “Eat. If you’re still hungry when you’re done there is enough batter for more slices.”

  After breakfast Niav sent Anselle to rest on the sofa with another cup of tea while she set about cleaning up the kitchen. “I’m going to go back to mine to make more soup and so some work. It’ll be easier there than bringing everything I need here. Do you want to come or are you okay there?”

  “I’ll come. Your sofa is more comfortable than mine.”

  Niav finished the dishes, dried them and put them away. She packed the ingredients she didn’t use back into the bag to take back home. “Ready whenever you are.”

  “Ready.” Anselle bundled the blankets closer around herself and Niav helped her off the sofa and down the hall.

  Anselle settled herself on Niav’s sofa so she could watch the woman in the kitchen. Her opinion didn’t change as Niav danced around from sink to fridge to counter to stove. The only thing missing was the music. The blonde let the warmth and comfort of her surroundings lull her to peaceful sleep.


  Over the next few days the couple settled into a comfortable routine and Anselle got better and better under Niav’s nursing. Lisa and Gina phoned daily to check in and see if they needed anything. Gina even sent Niav flowers as a thank you which made Anselle just a little bit jealous. Days were spent at Niav’s with Anselle resting and napping on the sofa while Niav cooked, worked on sketches or research. Nights were spent at Anselle’s, lying on the bed going through the photographs. Saturday afternoon Lisa called and informed Anselle that since it was her, Lisa’s, turn to choose where to have Sunday brunch she chose Anselle’s place. “You know I can’t cook.”

  “Well, it’s my turn to choose and since you shouldn’t go out yet you’re going to have to think of something.”

  “I think you’ve already thought of something. You think I’ll ask Niav to cook. That would be so wrong and you know it.”

  “Come on. Gina met her. I want to meet her too,” Lisa whined.

  “Then just come over and meet her. I can’t ask her to cook brunch for us. She’s spent all week cooking and caring for me. It wouldn’t be right. She’s not my personal chef.” Anselle was getting heated.

  “You can invite her to join us.”

  “Invite her to join us and ask her to cook too? Lisa, get this through you’re thick skull. I am not asking Niav to cook brunch for us on Sunda

  “Put her on the phone, I’ll ask her.” Lisa figured it was worth a try.

  “Good-bye, Lisa.” Anselle hung up shaking her head at her friend’s nerve.

  Niav, who couldn’t help but hear half of the exchange, draped herself over the back of the sofa. “Lisa wants me to make brunch on Sunday?”

  “You are not making brunch on Sunday. It’s her turn to choose someplace to go but she’ll just have to wait until I can go out next week. If she wants to meet you she can just come over.”

  Niav said hopefully, eyebrows raised, “I could, I would if you wanted me too.”

  “You’re not and I don’t.”

  “I could.”

  “Not,” Anselle looked up at the lounging woman. “That face isn’t fair.”

  “What face?” Niav asked even though she knew exactly what face.

  “That pouty face with the big eyes and the bottom lip. I’m not going to change my mind. Lisa can wait.” Anselle crossed her arms and pouted herself.

  “You’re crankier today than you were when you were sick,” Niav pulled herself off the sofa to return to work.

  “Not cranky, selfish. I’m not ready to share you or your cooking with anyone yet.” Anselle stuck her tongue out at the back of the retreating brunette.

  “I saw that.” Niav chuckled.


  It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Anselle when Lisa showed up at her door the following day at 11 but it did. She was thankful that Niav was in her own flat at the time because she didn’t want the younger girl to witness the not-quite-fight. She quickly sent off a text asking the brunette not to come over yet. “What are you doing here? I told you that I was not going to have Niav make brunch.” Anselle was still achy and coughing and not in the mood to put up with any of Lisa’s shenanigans.

  Lisa held up her hands in a surrender gesture, “You said that I could come over and meet her.”

  “Yeah but I thought you would come at some other time not at brunch time on Sunday.”

  “Well, you didn’t specify and since I wasn’t doing anything around brunch time today I decided that this was as good a time as any.” Lisa smirked.

  Anselle was about to reply when another knock sounded on her door. Gina stood in the doorway holding out a bottle of champagne. “What are you doing here?” Anselle asked; her voice full of suspicion.

  The smile dropped from Gina’ face, “I thought we were having brunch?”

  “And why did you think that?” Anselle coughed.

  Gina looked past Anselle to Lisa who offered no help at all, “because I got a text?”

  Anselle scrunched up her eyes, “from?”

  Gina didn’t want to get anyone in trouble so she just held out the bottle of champagne again and smiled from behind her came her saving grace as Niav said, “from me.”

  Anselle wasn’t exactly angry at the woman as she was exasperated at all three women. “Don’t any of my friends ever listen to me?” She fisted her hands into the pockets of the loose hoodie she was wearing and slunk over to the sofa.

  Niav brushed past Gina and Lisa to kneel next to Anselle, “I’m sorry. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you.”

  Lisa pulled Niav up from the floor, “don’t pay any attention to the drama queen. I’m Lisa. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  Anselle huffed from the sofa, “I am not a drama queen.”

  Niav looked from Lisa who still had her arm in a firm grip; to Gina who was still standing by the door with the champagne; back to Anselle sitting on the sofa; with no idea what to do. She had thought that it would be a nice surprise but now she wasn’t so sure, “Anselle? Anselle.”

  Anselle was up like a shot removing Lisa’s hand from the woman and guiding her to the sofa, “it’s okay, just sit here next to me and breathe with me, in….out….in….out. That’s it. You’re doing great.” The blonde rubbed a hand along Niav’s back and drew her into a one armed embrace. Without moving her attention from the trembling brunette next to her she said, “I think brunch will have to be postponed.”

  Niav straightened up, “no, no. I’m okay. It’s okay. I can do it. I want to do it.”

  Gina approached the sofa and squatted down, “Are you sure?”

  Niav looked up into Gina’ eyes, “Yes. I want to. Can we go into my flat though?”

  The artist made to stand but was held back by a firm hand on her thigh, “Gina, Lisa, can you wait for us in Niav’s?” Without a word the two women left the flat. “Niav?”

  Niav turned her golden-brown eyes to Anselle’s crystal blue, “I can do it Anselle. I just felt stressed because I thought I had done the wrong thing by inviting them here without telling you. I just wanted to surprise you. I didn’t want you to miss out on your Sunday brunch.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to the blonds.

  Anselle threaded her fingers through the hair on the back of Niav’s head to bring the younger girl closer and to deepen the kiss. When they broke apart Anselle said, “I’m not going to apologize for doing that.”

  “I would hope not.” Niav leaned forward again but Anselle remained back.

  “We have company waiting to be served brunch.” Anselle reminded her.


  Niav had made quiche with broccoli and bacon which she served with a side of fruit salad (Anselle didn’t fail to notice the abundance of strawberries) and mimosas (Anselle had to have plain orange juice because she was on medication) made with the champagne Gina had brought. The trio of old friends shared stories from their college years with their new friend and the women laughed into the afternoon. Niav was tempted to ask Lisa about the donkey story but she kept quiet; not wanting to get Anselle in trouble for telling her about it.

  Gina had to leave for the restaurant around 3pm, said her good-byes to Lisa and Niav and asked Anselle to walk her to the door, “have you talked to her yet?”

  “Not yet. I haven’t exactly been well lately. I would love to not have to ask; for her to just open up and talk to me.”

  “She may open up but you may have to prod a little first.” Gina hugged the shorter girl and wished her luck.

  Not long after Gina left Anselle kept giving Lisa the eye and subtly nodding toward the door. Lisa got the hint and said her good-byes.

  As soon as Lisa left Niav felt the tension between herself and Anselle building and she dreaded what she thought was to come; Anselle was going to be mad at her for inviting her friends over and keeping it a secret. She concentrated on doing the dishes, drying them, putting them away, cleaning the sink, countertop and dining table. She thought if she stopped moving something was going to happen but she came to the end of her tasks she couldn’t think of what else to do without bothering Anselle who was resting on the sofa. As she tried to think of something to do her head started to spin, her heart pounded in her chest and she gasped for breath. She stumbled toward the living room, trembling and sweating. She tried to call out for Anselle but her voice got stuck in her throat when she gasped and tears stung her eyes as she collapsed to the floor.

  Anselle couldn’t pinpoint exactly what woke her from her doze on the sofa but something in the atmosphere of the room had shifted. She rubbed her eyes as she looked around; Niav wasn’t in the kitchen, dining area or living room, “Niav?” There was no response. “Niav!” Again there was no response. Anselle threw the cover off herself and slowly stood, “Niav?” She moved around the side of the sofa and spotted the artist lying on the floor between the living and dining rooms. She knelt on the floor as quickly as her aching body would let her and struggled to turn the unconscious girl over. When she couldn’t she laid on the floor next to her and held her hand.

  As she lay there on the floor Anselle studied what she could see of the woman; the silky, curly hair, nicely shaped eyebrows, long eyelashes, freckle just under the right cheekbone and full lips. The hand she was holding had long but delicate fingers with neatly trimmed nails. The skin was smooth and soft.

bsp; Niav slowly opened her eyes to see Anselle lying on her stomach next to her with their fingers interlaced. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to apologize but was cut off by the blonde, “I know you want to apologize but don’t. There’s no reason to be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She turned onto her side and thumbed away the tears that had started to fall down the artists face.

  The two lay on the floor for a while, Niav trembled and cried and Anselle wiped the tears away and told her that she was safe and everything was okay. When Niav said she felt strong enough to get up Anselle suggested they take a nap. Niav was exhausted from her attack so she readily agreed. They helped each other up off the floor and into the bedroom. Niav curled up and fell asleep immediately. Before climbing into the bed Anselle looked around the room. The wall with the door had floor to ceiling bookcases with some books on art and computers and a full set of encyclopedias but most of them were history which testified to Niav’s love of the subject and her job as a history researcher. The furniture was an older style but looked like it was in good condition and well taken care of. Niav moaned from the bed so Anselle joined her as the big spoon offering what comfort she could to the woman.


  Niav woke unnerved by the restricting arm around her until she realized that it was Anselle. She relaxed back into the pillow with a sigh. She slowly rolled over so she was facing Anselle. “Sleeping beauty, it’s time to wake up.” Anselle grunted and tried to wriggle closer. Niav stifled a giggle and put a hand on Anselle’s cheek, “Sol, time to get up.” Anselle moaned again and Niav slapped her gently on the cheek; pulled her hand back quickly and clutched it to her chest. Since the slap did nothing to wake the sleeping girl she decided to try a different tactic; she leaned over and placed a kiss on the same cheek. Anselle just harrumphed and turned onto her back. Now that Niav had a wider field to play with she took full advantage. The artist carefully straddled the sleeping girl’s waist and leaned over to place a proper kiss against her lips, cheeks, chin, forehead and nose. She stopped before each kiss to whisper, “Anselle, wake-up.” But Anselle wouldn’t wake up. Niav straightened herself and frowned. The game wasn’t fun anymore because Anselle wasn’t playing fair.


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