The Strawberry Heart
Page 21
“Yes. I did it because I love you and you love me. I’d do anything for you to make you happy.” Anselle whispered a suggestion in Niav’s ear causing the woman to blush, “Okay….almost anything.”
After lunch they went to the ice cream shop up the road. This time Niav entered the shop with Anselle even though it was a little crowded on the late summer afternoon. The brunette stayed glued to Anselle’s side as they perused the selection. She had her puppy face on so Anselle wouldn’t push her away and Anselle thought she it adorable. Niav got a waffle cone with strawberry ice cream and Anselle got a cup of caramel gelato. There was no room on any of the benches outside so they ate their treats and shared with each other while they walked back home.
They entered the front door and fell on each other as they kissed their way up the stairs their hands exploring each other’s bodies. Niav tripped backwards up the stairs but Anselle didn’t let her fall. Niav’s weight carried them down so the brunette was sitting on a step with Anselle between her legs. The woman wrapped her legs around her partner’s waist to bring her closer. Anselle ground her hips down as Niav let out a low moan. Their passion stalled when they heard a deep voice from over their heads, “You two can’t wait until you get into one of the flats?”
Niav tipped her head backwards, “Hello, Gina. Been waiting long?”
Gina couldn’t help but smile, Niav was like a big kid, “Hello, Niav. No, I just got here.”
“What are you doing here, Gina,” Anselle snapped though she didn’t really mean too.
“Somebody didn’t call me so I came around to see if somebody was okay,” the chef emphasized the word ‘somebody’ both times.
Niav looked to Anselle still wrapped between her legs, “I don’t think she means me,” the woman whispered.
“No, Baby. I don’t think she does,” Anselle leaned over for another kiss before she looked up to Gina, “Sorry I snapped.”
“That’s alright, no harm done.”
Niav reluctantly released her legs from around her partner to let Anselle stand, “Shouldn’t you be at the restaurant, Gina?”
“I’m making some changes so I can have some more time off,” Gina went to rub the back of her neck but stopped herself. She didn’t want to give away her discomfort on the subject of her off time.
Anselle teased, “You finally promote that chef?”
“Maybe,” Gina teased back.
“You get a girlfriend? You did say that Niav’s doctor was ‘funny’ and what was it….oh yeah, ‘nice’.
“Things were fuzzy a few weeks ago but I’m pretty sure you and Evelyn hit it off too,” Niav added, still seated on the stairs with her head tipped back.
“You girls are so funny, you know that?”
Anselle stepped over her partner while Niav made playful grabs at Anselle’s ankles, “Yes, we know.”
“I think I’m funnier,” Niav remarked as she turned herself over to crab walk the rest of the way up the stairs.
Anselle watched and rolled her eyes at her childish partner before turning her attention back to Gina, “Seriously, Gina, what can we do for you?”
Gina took the cheque out of her pocket and held it out to Anselle, “I told you I can’t take this.”
Anselle opened the door to her flat, “And I told you I want you to have it. Please Gina, let me do this for you. I feel terrible about the loss. I should’ve known better than to invest in something that looked too good to be true.”
“You couldn’t have known, Anselle. I don’t blame you and I trust you. If I didn’t trust you I never would’ve given you my money in the first place.”
“And I feel like I betrayed your trust when I invested so much with those people without even asking you and then I lost it.”
“That’s just it, you didn’t lose it. It was stolen.”
Anselle sat on the sofa and ran her hands through her hair. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard, “I need you to do this for me Gina. Please.”
Gina looked down at her friend and felt a wave of sympathy, “Okay. I’m willing to compromise. I’ll keep the money but I want to give it to you to put back into my account.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not? Are you quitting?”
“No, I’m not quitting.”
“Then take the money and put it back into my account. Invest it wisely, nothing risky.” Gina turned the cheque over and signed her name on the back; again holding it out to Anselle, “Take it or I’ll bring it to your office tomorrow and give it to your boss.”
Anselle heard the light-hearted threat but didn’t take it too seriously, “Are you sure? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable with another advisor?”
“I’ve known you for a long time. I don’t want another advisor, I want you.”
Anselle rose from the sofa to stand in front of the Englishman, “What did I do to deserve a friend like you?”
Gina took the blonde into her arms, “You’re just lucky I guess.”
Anselle looked up into Gina’ blue eyes, “Is this where we kiss?”
Gina pushed her friend away, “Ew….I know where that mouth’s been.”
It was only when they broke apart that Anselle realized that Niav didn’t follow them into the flat, “Let’s go see what Ireland is up too. She’s got lobster mac and cheese left over from lunch; you have to try it.” Anselle turned away so she didn’t see Gina’ knowing grin.
Before Anselle could open Niav’s door Gina put a hand on Anselle’s shoulder to stop her, “You know you didn’t have to tell us about what happened. All you had to do was take the money and put it in our accounts we wouldn’t have been any wiser.”
“I could’ve done that, yes, but that wouldn’t have been right. I had to tell you, you’re my friends. I couldn’t go behind your back with this.”
“What would you have done if you couldn’t come up with the money to repay us?” Gina didn’t want to say, ‘what if Niav didn’t have the money to give you’.
“I would’ve tried to get a loan from the bank and if I couldn’t I would’ve told you that I would pay you back over time. Did Lisa say anything to you after I left?”
“Not really. She mumbled something that sounded like ‘New Zealand’ then she left. I haven’t heard from her since. Have you?”
“No. I wonder what she meant.” Gina shrugged as Anselle pushed open the door, “Honey, I’m home!”
Lisa waited three days to call Anselle but the call came when she and Niav were waiting in Elise’s reception area for their appointment. Niav had been bouncing with enthusiasm because she was going to ask Elise to let her come off the medication for good. Anselle wanted to take the call but she thought that talking to Lisa would take a while and she wanted to be there for her partner for her big moment with Elise. The call went to voicemail just as Elise called them into the consultation room.
The doctor greeted the two as they entered the room. Once the two were settled down she picked up her notebook and asked Niav how she was feeling. Niav looked happier then Elise remembered seeing her; she was almost sitting on top of Anselle while Anselle held her in her arms in an effort to keep the woman from bouncing off the sofa.
“Iwannacomeoffthemedication,” the woman blurted out without taking a breath.
“Oh, well, you’re feeling better then?” She watched Niav nod vigorously, “Before I can say yes or no tell me how your week went.”
Niav took her journal out of her bag and reviewed the week’s events for her doctor. She asked the couple a few questions about what happened at the park and seemed satisfied by the way they both handled the situation. She was also happy with Niav’s foray into the ice cream shop. She questioned her about venturing any further than the park by herself and was little disappointed when she replied ‘no’. She made some notes then turned her attention to Anselle. The blonde told her about giving Gina and Lisa the cheques and her agreement with Gina to put
the money back into Gina’ account. She went on to tell her about the call she missed from Lisa before they were called into the office. She told her that she’d give her privacy if she wanted to return the call while she was there in case there was something she needed to talk about but Anselle declined her offer.
Niav’s face fell when Elise turned to her with a frown, “I’m sorry, Niav, I can’t let you come off the medication just yet but I will reduce your dose. I would like you to try to go further on your own and even try to go more places with other people not necessarily just Anselle. We’ll revisit the subject at your next appointment which I would like to schedule two weeks from now. But call me if you have any trouble and I’ll see you sooner.”
Niav was disappointed but agreed. Anselle gives her partner’s hand a squeeze to show her support.
Before she lets them leave she warns Niav to stay on the medication, “I know you’re disappointed but you’ll need to come of the medication gradually with lower doses or the withdrawal symptoms can be very severe. You can suffer from a return of your attacks, insomnia, nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss, fatigue, and numbness just to name a few. If you follow my advice and you’re rate of improvement increases I see no reason why you can’t be off the medication totally by….,” Elise referred to the calendar at the back of her notebook, “I’d say by Christmas.”
“Christmas? That’s so far off,” Niav whined. “Can’t we aim for Halloween?”
“Or my birthday in early December?” Anselle chimed in wanting to be helpful.
“Let’s see how much improvement you’ve made by the end of next month, Niav and we’ll talk about it then, okay?”
Again Niav was disappointed but she agreed. The bubbly, excited Niav from earlier was long gone as Anselle stood from the sofa to lead her saddened partner out of the office.
Niav was still moping the next day so she didn’t feel like doing anything Elise advised her to do. Before Anselle left for work she asked Niav to put an ad on-line to sell their furniture even though they hadn’t decided which flat to stay in yet. The woman didn’t feel like doing that either. She didn’t order groceries or send off the laundry and for the first time she didn’t answer her mobile when Gina called. She was so sure Elise would let her off the meds. She felt like she was doing so much better. The brunette would certainly stop taking the meds on her own if it weren’t for the doctor’s stern warning and some research Anselle did about withdrawal that had her frightened at becoming worse than she was.
A text arrives from Anselle, ‘Did you place the ad or are you still moping?’
Niav replied, ‘Not moping, sulking. It’s different. And no.’
‘No, it isn’t and please do so.’
‘Yes, it is and I’ll think about it.’
Anselle didn’t respond to Niav’s last text and Niav didn’t place Anselle’s ad.
Gina phoned an hour after her first attempt but Niav still didn’t feel like talking so she let the call go to her voicemail. An hour after that she heard footsteps on the stairs and just assumes it was Gina come to check on her. Niav heard the knock on the door; when Anselle left she didn’t prop open the door with the book; and for a moment the artist thought about pretending she wasn't home but she’d feel even worse if she ignored Gina in person so she forced herself to finally get out of bed.
The knocking on the door turned to pounding and when the voice on the other side says, “I know you’re in there,” Niav froze in her tracks. It’s not Gina at her door but Lisa.
“Anselle’s not here,” the woman called back.
“I know. I want to talk to you.”
“About what?” Niav hadn’t gotten a step closer to the door.
“Things. Come on, open up.”
“What kinds of things?” Niav ran back into the bedroom, grabbed up her mobile and sent off a quick text, ‘Lisa is here, wants to talk to me. Help!’
“Niav! I’m not going to hurt you. Open the door.”
Niav figured it would take Anselle at least thirty minutes to get home if she was able to leave right away and if Anselle was able to get a taxi. She could always lock herself in the bathroom if she felt threatened so with a deep breath she turned the knob and stepped behind the door to shield herself as she opened it to let the woman in.
By the time Anselle arrived, approximately forty-five minutes later, she entered the flat to find Niav curled up in a club chair and Lisa sobbing uncontrollably on the sofa. Anselle looked to her partner who raised her eyebrows and shrugged. “Everything okay here?” she asked as she sat in the other club chair.
Lisa lifted her head, saw Anselle, buried her head in her hands and sobbed harder. Niav stood and motioned for Anselle to follow her into the kitchen.
“I thought you were in trouble,” Anselle whispered.
“Me too,” Niav whispered back, “but she told me some things and then she broke down. I’m sorry I should’ve texted you back and told you not to come. I’m sure it would be fine if you went back to work now.”
“What did she tell you?”
Niav blushed, “She told me that she was sorry for pushing me out the door that day. She only did it because she was jealous. She said she loved you but that she knew she had to let you go because….”
“Because why, what?” Anselle wanted to shout through her whisper.
“Because she knows that I will never break your heart,” the woman sniffled back tears as Anselle took the brunette in her arms. “Gina must’ve told her about a lot of things that have been happening with us because she knew about the therapy and our moving in together but the fact that I gave you, sorry loaned, you the money to pay her back after what she did to me….well, it opened her eyes.”
“I still don’t get it. You loaned me the money because you love me I didn’t think it had anything to do with her.”
“It didn’t have anything to do with her. If anything I thought that if she found out that it was from me she’d turn it down.”
“I guess I’ll have to ask her.” Anselle returned to the sitting room and sat on the sofa next to Lisa. The woman was no longer sobbing but her head was still in her hands. Anselle put her arm around Lisa’s shoulders, “Alright?”
Lisa shook her head, “No.” How could anything ever be alright? The love of her life had found someone else and would never be her. “I came to apologize and say good-bye.”
“Good-bye? Where are you going?”
Lisa picked up her head and turned to look at Anselle, “I was going to ask you to cash in some of my investments so I could take some time off and do some traveling. I need to think about a lot of things. I need to get some things straight in my head.”
Even though they hadn’t spoken civilly to each other in weeks Anselle still didn’t want her friend to leave, “You have to go away for that? How long? Where will you go?”
“I need to get away from here, from you.” The woman had a guilty look on her face, “I’m sorry. I don’t know for how long. I’m thinking about going home to visit my family for a time then after that I don’t know.”
“Gina said you mentioned New Zealand.”
“Yeah, I thought I’d go there but maybe it isn’t such a good idea. Maybe I’ll go north. I’ve never been to Scotland. Or maybe I’ll go to Ireland and find myself an woman too,” Lisa laughed at that but it was strained and she broke down again.
Niav, who had stayed in the kitchen while Anselle talked to Lisa, entered the sitting area with two cups of tea; she put Lisa's on the coffee table until the woman was ready for it and handed the other one to Anselle, “I have coffee on if you’d prefer that.”
Lisa remained silent so Anselle responded, “Tea is fine, Matt, thank you.”
A comfortable silence fell on the room but was broken by footsteps sounding on the stairs. Three pairs of eyes turned to Niav’s door as it was pushed open. Gina stared back at the trio, Lisa leaning into Anselle on the sofa and Niav curled up in a chair, “Oh, um, have I
come at a bad time? I only wanted to make sure Niav is alright. She…you didn’t take my calls this morning and I was concerned. I see that you’re fine…I’ll go, shall I?”
Niav jumped up and jogged forward as Gina backed up and the door started to close, “Gina, Gina, please stay.” The artist caught the chef by the elbow and escorted her back into the flat, “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your calls earlier. I was,” Niav glanced at Anselle, “sulking, because Elise won’t let me come off the medication just yet.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Niav.”
Niav shrugged like the subject wasn’t bothering her all morning, “It’s alright. She thinks I can by Anselle’s birthday so we’ll have two things to celebrate that day.”
Gina smiled broadly at the woman in front of her, “That’s a positive way to look at it, good for you, Niav.”
Anselle just sighed and rolled her eyes.
“So,” Gina hesitated looking around, “what else is happening today?”
Anselle and Lisa looked up at the Englishman but neither girl said anything for a moment until Niav nodded, “Help me in the kitchen, Gina?”
While the artist and the chef decided what would be good to make for lunch Niav caught Gina up on the day’s events so far. They both agreed that what Lisa needed was something warm and hearty that wouldn’t take too long to prepare. Niav suggested chickpea-tomato soup. She found the recipe in the little box and showed it to Gina who immediately agreed.
Niav put a large saucepan on the stove and gathered the first few ingredients, olive oil, garlic and a can of diced tomatoes. While Gina sautéd the first ingredients Niav collected the rest of the items needed to complete the soup; a can of chickpeas, chicken stock, a sprig of rosemary, salt and pepper. Once the garlic and tomatoes had been sautéed for two minutes Gina stirred in the rest of the ingredients. The pot was covered after the heat was turned down and the timer was set for ten minutes.
While the soup simmered Niav cut slices of the crusty bread she was saving for dinner, arranged the slices on a cutting board and took it to the dining table. Gina found four good-sized bowls in a cabinet and placed them on the counter. Niav asked Lisa and Anselle, who had been talking quietly on the sofa, if they would take their seats at the table. Gina ladled the soup into the bowls; she took two and Niav took two to the dining area.