by Finella Vane
Elise was very proud of Niav in another way. Her patient had been going out more and more, even though the weather was growing colder. She still suffered from mild symptoms but she would fight through them and remain strong. She thought that the way she bundled herself up against the cold acted as a physical layer of protection in situations where she could become uncomfortable. She knew she hadn’t been in large crowds, like in tube stations or markets yet but that was something she could work her way up too. The doctor reduced Niav’s dose of medication and confirmed that she'd be off them entirely by Christmas. Niav and Anselle celebrated by spending the following weekend in Stratford upon Avon. The couple stayed at a small bed and breakfast outside the town and Anselle rented a Mercedes E Class to get them there. They went on the Town Ghost Walk (Niav swore she saw one), took a tour on the river (Niav didn’t get seasick), and Shakespeare’s birthplace.
But once back in London it was hard for Niav to keep her mind off her mother. Anselle and Gina tried to keep Niav’s spirits up but it was hard when every time the subject was brought up the artist would break down in sobs. Elise let Anselle know that she should watch for signs of depression which would mean more medication for Niav and nobody wanted that. Two weeks before, one day, out of the blue, without even thinking about it first, Gina suggested to Niav that she throw Anselle a surprise birthday party at the restaurant. Gina hoped that the planning would distract the woman from her latest difficulty.
The idea of throwing Anselle a party has just the effect on Niav that Gina hoped it would (for about thirty minutes). At first, Niav was very excited to be doing something for the girl who had done so much for her. She figured that she had to plan the menu, send invitations to Anselle’s coworkers, none of whom she knew, and arrange to get Anselle to the restaurant without Anselle becoming suspicious of anything. Her first step was to call Anselle’s work and talk to one of her co-workers. Once she explained why she was calling, the co-worker, Ken, readily agreed to get the rest of Anselle’s mates on board. The menu was easy, they both loved the restaurant and Niav decided to let the party goers chose between a steak dish, a fish dish and a chicken dish (she hoped none of them were vegetarians). Sides would be served family style and dessert would, of course, be cake (though Niav would've rather have had chocolate soufflés). The easiest thing to do would be to get Anselle to the restaurant; all Niav had to do was ask the blonde to go and she would.
Party planning was over seemingly before it began. One phone call and even a text to Lisa and it was over. Not even Gina expected it to go so fast. All Niav had to do was sit back and wait for Anselle’s co-workers to call or email with their RSVPs. Niav’s gift has been wrapped and waiting for weeks so there wasn’t any shopping to do. Gina suggested making it a triple celebration for Anselle’s birthday, their engagement and Niav’s coming off the medication. But that still didn’t leave Niav with anything else to do. She had no friends or family to contact and invite and Anselle’s family was in New Zealand. The woman was pretty sure they wouldn’t want to fly half-way around the world for a non-milestone birthday or their engagement party and Niav was fairly sure Anselle never told them about her disorder. But she sent off an email to Anselle’s mom anyway.
In another attempt to keep Niav’s mind occupied Gina contacted Evelyn and asked her to send anything she could Niav’s way, even freelance work. She even went as far as to ask Evelyn to contact Niav’s boss in the research department and see what she could do to send Niav more assignments. The Englishman would love to contact Niav’s mother herself but she thought that was a step too far; she’d leave that to Anselle.
Anselle did call Niav’s mother but she also had to leave her a message and if it was a little less friendly that she originally wanted it to be she really didn’t care.
By the day of the party Niav had gotten acceptance emails from twelve of Anselle’s fifteen coworkers and Anselle’s boss but no response from her text to Lisa. The menu was set, grilled Scottish salmon, 10oz sirloin steak or roasted rosemary/lemon chicken (no vegetarians). The sides would be mixed vegetables and roasted potatoes. Niav would make the cake herself from scratch; double chocolate cake which Gina would pick-up that afternoon.
Niav decided to make two sheet cakes and stack them to give the cake height, use chocolate pudding as the filling and chocolate buttercream as the frosting. As soon as Anselle was out of the flat Niav began the cake. Sugar, flour, baking soda and salt were sifted together into a medium sized bowl and set aside. In a small saucepan butter, cocoa and water were brought to a boil then immediately removed from the heat. The wet ingredients were mixed into the dry. In another bowl eggs were whipped before buttermilk and vanilla got added then poured into the cocoa mixture. The two mixtures were combined well and then poured into greased baking pans to cook for twenty minutes.
The cakes were set aside to cool while the artist started the icing. Butter, cocoa and cream were brought to a boil in a saucepan and removed from the heat. Sugar and vanilla got stirred into the hot saucepan to finish the frosting. Niav turned the first sheet cake out onto a tray she borrowed from Gina and spooned out the chocolate pudding (made according to package directions). The pudding was evenly distributed over the cake using a spatula before the second cake was gently set on top. The still-warm buttercream was applied to the top layer of cake. She sliced strawberries and layered them on top of the buttercream to spell out ‘Happy Birthday Anselle’. Toothpicks held up a layer of plastic wrap and the cake was fit into the fridge to wait for Gina to pick it up.
Gina stopped by at noon to pick-up the cake and take Niav’s present to the restaurant. Niav had already asked Anselle if she’d like to have dinner at the steakhouse for her birthday so the only thing left to do was wait.
When Anselle got home Niav was already dressed to go. The brunette had on a deep, green button-down shirt with black slacks and a black, green and ivory striped tie. The color of the shirt turned the woman’s eyes from golden-brown to hazel and Anselle fell in love all over again. Anselle tried her best to convince her love to celebrate in bed instead of going to the restaurant but Niav was having none of it (until later - she promised). The artist all but carried the blonde into the shower telling her to get ready to go.
The next time Niav saw Anselle Anselle was wearing a dark blue suit, matching blue tie and white shirt; brown belt and shoes completed the outfit and Niav briefly reconsidered Anselle’s offer to celebrate her birthday in bed. Now that she was dressed and ready to go Anselle was strong enough to refuse most of Niav’s advances but couldn’t say 'no' when the woman backed her up against the counter in the kitchen then dropped to her knees.
They had planned on walking to the steakhouse but with Niav’s ‘present’ they were running a little late for their reservation so they grabbed a taxi. Niav sent off a text to Gina to let her know they were on their way. The Englishman was waiting by the hostess stand when the couple entered the restaurant. Gina wished Anselle a happy birthday while giving Anselle a hug. They removed their coats and Gina asked the hostess to take them to the coat check room. The chef escorted Anselle and Niav to their table. Gina walked them past their ‘usual’ table to the rear of the dining room. Anselle started to get suspicious when she saw that there were folding screens sectioning off that part of the restaurant. Gina dropped back to let Anselle around the screens first. Anselle stepped around the screen and blushed scarlet when she was greeted by her coworkers with a loud “Happy Birthday”.
Anselle shook everyone’s hand, thanked them for coming and introduced them all to Niav as they made their way around the table. The woman hadn’t thought about it while she was getting their RSVPs but now that everyone was present Niav realizes that all of Anselle’s coworkers were women. Niav made a mental note to ask Anselle about it later. The guest of honor took a seat with Niav next to her. Gina was on Niav’s other side to keep the woman comfortable. Ian, Anselle’s boss took the chair on Anselle’s right. The rest of the party settled c
omfortably around the large, round table. Gina had added the choice of soup or salad to the menu, with Niav’s consent, and dinner began as the waiters took the starter orders.
While the guests waited for their starters the servers came around with their drinks and the waiters returned to take the entrée orders. As it turned out Anselle’s boss was a vegetarian so Gina handed her a menu and told her to order anything she’d like. Crisis averted. Niav listened to the conversations around the table. The artist feared that there would be nothing but talk about finance and the economy so she was pleasantly surprised to hear them talking about everything but. Niav heard conversations about sports, music, movies, the restaurant, family matters and other current events.
The hum of conversation and laughter combined with the bustle of the servers and wait staff caused Niav to feel a little overwhelmed. The woman bowed her head and began to take deep breaths. Gina put an arm around Niav’s shoulders and Anselle’s hand rested on Niav’s thigh grounding the woman. Niav covered Anselle’s hand with her own and gave it a squeeze. Anselle turned her head and gave her partner a questioning look; Niav smiled and nodded, signaling her “doing okay” status. She’d fight through whatever she had to too make the night special for her partner.
On Gina’ other side was Adam, the youngest of Anselle’s mates from work. She leaned forward to get Niav’s attention, “Congratulations on your engagement.”
Niav smiled, “Oh, thank you so much.”
“Anselle’s ring is stunning. She said you designed it yourself.”
“Yes. Thank you. I did. I couldn’t find anything I liked on line so I had it made.”
“May I see yours?”
Niav asked Gina to excuse her reach as she showed the young girl her ring.
Adam took Niav’s fingertips lightly in her, “It’s beautiful. Anselle says you’re an artist.”
Niav brought her hand back, “Yes, I work in publishing and do some freelance work.”
Gina added, “She also designed the three photo collages that hang on the walls here, which she’s actually never seen in person. Why don’t we go look at them?” The chef knew that Niav could use a break from the atmosphere around the table.
The three women pushed their chairs back and walked away from the table but not before Niav whispered, “be right back” to Anselle.
Adam was clearly impressed with the photo collages (as was Niav). They agreed that the black and white one was particularly striking with its simple white matting and black frame. Gina informed them that it was the one the guests commented on most and that she had even gotten offers from guests looking to purchase it. Adam said that she’d make an offer too if Niav would sign it first. The woman blushed and said that Anselle was the one who should sign it since she was the one who took the pictures. The information surprised Adam who complimented Anselle on her photography skills when they returned to the table.
Niav found out tidbits of information about most of Anselle’s coworkers over the course of the evening; Adam was older than she looked and was born in Berkshire. James was from Ireland like Niav and was married with two daughters. Stephen was addicted to X-box games and offered to teach Niav how to play. Ian was in theater in her youth and even did “Twelfth Night” in a theater in Bolton. Andy studied visual arts at Lancaster University. Jed was from New Zealand like Anselle. Ken was from Edinburgh and had a son named Bill. Hugo attended school in Bristol briefly before her family moved to Australia and then back to London. Niav was so glad that Anselle's coworkers were such interesting people.
Coffee and tea were served around the table and Anselle could tell right away Niav made the cake from the strawberries that spell out “Happy Birthday Anselle”. The server brought the cake back into the kitchen to cut and plate it for the guests and Gina had Anselle’s present from Niav brought out. Anselle told Niav she shouldn’t have gotten her anything, that the party was more than she could’ve asked for. Niav kissed the blonde on the cheek and told her to stop being so selfless and open the gift. Anselle unwrapped the gift agonizingly slowly; sliding her finger under the tape holding the paper in place then peeling the paper back to reveal the gift underneath. It was the sketch Niav did of the little boy sitting under a tree with a puppy reading the upside down book. Around the sketch were pictures of Anselle at different stages of growing up with her family. There was a picture of baby Anselle being held by her mother, another showed toddler Anselle being supported by her father while trying to take her first steps, a picture of a little older Anselle riding her first bicycle, pre-teen Anselle unwrapping Christmas presents, teenage Anselle practicing with a football, another of a teenage Anselle dressed in a suit (looking very uncomfortable) and a picture of Anselle at her graduation from school. There were also a few pictures of Anselle’s parents together and some of other adults Niav assumed were aunts and uncles. Tears were in the blonde’s eyes as she looked at the photos then up to Niav, “How….? When…..?”
“I emailed your mom after you sent her the scans of the sketches and asked her to send me some pictures of you.”
“You’ve had this for that long?”
“Do you like it?”
“I love it. Thank you so much,” Anselle pulled her partner to her and gave her a deep kiss.
Cheers and whistles erupted when the two kissed. When they broke apart Niav blushed and buried her face in Anselle’s shirt.
Things settled down when the cake plates were brought out. Gina let it slip that Anselle’s partner made the cake and everyone gave Niav their compliments. Soon after dessert the party wound down and the guests began to take their leave, wishing the couple congratulations and Anselle the best of health.
Before they left Niav showed Anselle the photo collages hanging on the walls of the restaurant. They walked hand in hand from the round one next to the bar to the square on the back wall to the black and white one near the coat check room. “Gina says people have offered to buy that one.”
“It’s gorgeous. You did a great job. I can’t believe we haven’t looked at these before.”
“You did a great job with the photography.”
“We did a great job.”
Dark clouds obscured the couple’s view of the moon and stars as rain threatened to fall making them wish they had taken a cab home. They had wanted a romantic stroll through the park but bypassed it in order to get inside before the light drizzle that had started to fall turned into a torrent. Luckily the shower held off until the two closed the flat door behind them. Niav fit the leftover cake into the fridge while Anselle laid her gift on the dining table to be hung the next day. When Niav turned after closing the fridge door Anselle was there pulling the woman into her arms. There was no hurried rush to intimacy, no frenzied discarding of clothes. They took their time undressing each other while soft lips and hands placed in just the right spots made the other yearn for more. They made love listening to the sound of the rain gently tapping on the roof and windows.
“Thank you for a wonderful birthday, Baby,” Anselle turned her head to give the woman spooning her a kiss.
Niav returned the kiss, “You’re welcome.”
That morning they were having a sleepy, Saturday lie-in, cozy and warm under the covers. The cold rain still beat out a rhythm against the house but they didn’t care if it rained all day. So far they had only moved to use the toilet and get cups of tea and plates of toast, Niav wanted cake but Anselle wouldn’t bring her any because Anselle thought it was too early for sweets. There was no need for television or radio to fill any silences they were not uncomfortable with it. They talked about the party, Anselle read to Niav, they kissed, Niav taught Anselle all the Irish Gaelic she could remember, they kissed a little more, they talked about what they wanted their wedding to be like but didn’t go as far as to set a date, Anselle told Niav about some sights they should see on their honeymoon in New Zealand, Niav told Anselle that she wanted to get something nice for Ans
elle’s mom for keeping the secret about the pictures and they kissed some more.
The clock read two when the couple agreed that it was time to get something to eat. They climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen where they made salads with tomato, cucumber, carrot and freshly made croutons. After lunch Niav put in a cd and the couple slow danced in the living room. Niav felt like the day was exactly what she needed to break out of the funk she’d been in over her mother. As long as she had Anselle in her arms she didn’t need her. Anselle felt something shift in her partner’s demeanor as they dance across the floor. First Niav tensed and became stiff in her movements but soon the woman rested her head on her partner’s shoulder and unclasped their hands so she could encircle the blonde in her arms.
“I love you,” the artist whispered into Anselle’s ear sending shivers down Anselle’s back.
“I love you too, Baby.”
This time the kisses were more fevered; touches more insistent. Clothes were pulled up and pushed off as the two women did a different kind of dance back into the bedroom.
“Could you stop that?” Niav asked sleepily from her position as the little spoon.
“I’m not doing anything,” Anselle was just as sleepy.
The artist ‘tsks’, “Not you. Listen.”
Anselle lifted her head and listened. There was a ringing. It was soft but it was clearly there, “It’s just my mobile.” She dropped her head back to the pillow.
“It’s been ringing on and off for the past ten minutes. Somebody must really need to speak to you.”
“They'll get tired soon and leave a message.”
“Maybe you should answer it next time it rings.”
The blonde really, really didn’t want to get out of bed. She was usually uncomfortable as the big spoon because her partner was taller but she had found the perfect position. She knew she would never find the spot again if she moved even an inch. But the soft ringing started again.