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Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy)

Page 50

by M. R. Polish

  He lifted me higher in his lap and twisted me so that I straddled him. He grabbed around the back of my head, grabbing fistfuls of hair and pulled me close. His lips crushed mine and I could feel the intensity of the kiss in my soul—in his soul. I leaned back just enough to rest my forehead on his. I ran my fingers through his hair.

  Emotions and thoughts filled me. They were embedded deeper than they were before and I heard them a bit clearer. They weren’t mine, but I felt them as if they were. The conversation with my mom quickly entered my head. An intense connection. A spark. This was it.

  I wasted no time. I wanted more than ever to be with him, but I didn’t want to wait anymore to give him my gift. Pushing my magic toward him, I focused on his inner energy. The world seemed to stop as I felt his soul draw from mine. Breathing wasn’t required; all I wanted was his touch. Ian was the only thing keeping me alive.

  A familiar sizzle radiated from him to me. His hands that still held my hair and back of my head warmed. His breathing hitched as he pulled me back down to kiss me. The wind picked up, sending everything on the porch into a spiral around us. Lightning streaked in the sky somewhere over the ocean and deafening thunder boomed. It was my power but not under my control. It was now Ian’s power too. I could feel it emanate from him as our kiss became more urgent, and lightning veined through the sky again. My hands found every part of him that I could explore and his did the same to me.

  Our energy crashed together as the waves beat upon the sand. We were in the middle of the perfect storm—our perfect storm.


  My whole body shook as I watched Ian and that witch from far off. I couldn’t believe that everything I worked so hard for was gone. Jarak may not have loved me without my spell, but I loved him, and seeing Esmerelda wrapped in the arms of the one she loved killed me.

  Wrapping my arms around me tighter, I walked off. My bare feet squished in the sand on the beach. I closed my eyes and lifted my face up to the clear blue sky, soaking up the warmth of the sun before lowering my head and watching as the waves crashed to the beach. I only had one thing I could do. My pain overwhelmed me; I wanted Esmerelda to feel how I feel.

  “Death Keeper, I want to make a deal.”

  Wolf Fate

  Our fate is not written in stone, we can change it.

  Six Months Later…



  S uck it in. Just suck it in and try not to breathe. Ugh. Who am I kidding? Ian will notice if I pass out walking down the aisle—so will everyone else.

  Pulling the zipper back down to my waist, the most delightful relief flooded my upper body as my stomach flopped out of the satiny fabric. Cringing, I tugged the rest of the dress off, letting the white material fall to the cream colored carpet, pooling around my pink painted toes.

  This was ridiculous. I was never going to find one I liked. The image in my mind of the perfect dress was just not becoming a reality.

  The sales lady knocked on the door. “I have another one for you. I think you’re going to love it.“ Her overly chipper voice grated on my nerves. Sure she was paid to be sweet, but I wished she’d tone it down. No one was that perky all the time.

  Standing there in my bra and underwear, hands on hips, I shook my head—despite the fact that she couldn’t see me. My reflection in the full length mirrors surrounding me mimicked my frustration. “No. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m so done. Just take them away.”

  I couldn’t believe Ailaina talked me into dress shopping without her. I wasn’t going to find a dress before we had to leave tomorrow.

  Nothing like cutting it close.

  “Are you sure there’s nothing else you’d want to try?” She attempted again.

  I knew it was her job, but seriously, I had enough. Maybe I could use magic to make her leave? That wasn’t completely immoral. Was it? Just a little spell?

  Staying silent was my only answer. Well, it was the only ethical one I could give that didn’t involve a potion.

  A loud sigh gave away her resolve. The dress that hung half over the top of the door disappeared, and the rustle of dresses in plastic left the room.

  Scrounging through my bag, I found a hair tie. Drawing my hair back, I fastened my hair in a messy bun, then snatching my clothes from the chair inside the changing room I slipped into their comfort. Why couldn’t I wear jeans to my wedding? It was my wedding after all.

  Grabbing my bag, I let the dressing room door close behind me. Rows of dresses puked up sequins and lace all over the store.

  I blew a rogue strand of fiery red hair off my face as I pushed open the front door. Heavy humid air met my flushed skin with aggression. I loved Hawaii’s warmth, but right now it weighed on me, and I just wanted the dry crisp air Nevada offered.

  Home. That’s what I missed most. It was hard not to dwell on my memories of childhood, planning my future wedding with Ailaina, talking about boys with Meadow. I shuddered. Meadow’s last breath still haunted my mind. Killing the woman who was a mother to me was a moment that would disturb my dreams forever.

  The last year or so of my life has been anything but easy, and I was so ready to walk down a paved road—or an aisle to marry the man I loved. Either way, easy was something I was ready for, but not even dress shopping was simple. Groaning, I marched out to the parking lot.

  “Who broke your wand and set it on fire? Did Luna hate your choice of dress? Cheer up, you girls are supposed to love this stuff.” Ian leaned against the cherry red 1967 Firebird, his legs kicked out in front of him, and his arms folded. Black strands of his hair fell in layers over his forehead, teasing the corners of his icy blue eyes. I loved how he was growing his hair out a bit longer. My fingers begged to run through the thick waves.

  I shook my head at the jeans and black t-shirt he wore. They made me want to sweat for him. Yet he never did. I wasn’t sure how he got away with wearing clothes like that in summertime, let alone in Hawaii. I needed shorts and tank tops. The least amount of clothing that I could wear and still not show off all my Victoria Secrets the better.

  “No. Well, I don’t know. Luna stayed out of the store. That’s the problem.” Tossing my bag through the open window to the front seat, my mind spun at all the possible excuses to give him as to why I basically ran from the bridal shop. I didn’t want to talk about it, but nothing good stood out for me to use. None that he’d buy anyway. He knew me too well.

  He dipped his head to look at me with his soul-piercing blue eyes over his shades. “You’re upset because Luna left you alone to try on dresses?”

  Looking away, I glanced back at the store front window, complete with a mannequin in a flowing white gown. “No. Not just Luna, but everyone. Nothing is like how I imagined growing up. Silly little girl ideas I know, but I want my best friend. I want my mom. I just want something normal.”

  Ian rubbed my upper arms before pulling me to him, wrapping his arms around me. “I know you do.”

  Luna’s presence created tingles throughout my body as our spirits recognized our closeness. Fuzzy new warmth raced over my skin like a wild fire over a prairie. Dregan. His new connection with me started after Ian and I bonded completely, or whatever it was called.

  I hated that word. Bonded. Ugh. It made me feel enslaved, or trapped. I’d much rather say something like intertwined, or connected, or heck, I’d rather just tell everyone our souls made love rather than telling someone we bonded. Just saying that word in my head left a nasty taste on my tongue.

  Ian pushed back first. “It seems like whenever we get a moment alone it’s interrupted lately.”

  A ripple of nerves tensed under my skin as Luna’s hackles rose. Her silvery gray color was quite the contrast with Dregan’s midnight black coat.

  I knew she was still adjusting to the marriage and bonding with Ian and Dregan. My decision to be with Ian chose her future as well. Not that she complained about being with Dregan, because he was an Alpha and a protector, but because she’d
missed out on so much of my life that she still wanted me to herself.

  “Easy, girl. Ian didn’t mean anything bad by it.” Reaching down to run my hand over her head, my cell phone buzzed in my bag.

  Digging through the cluster of receipts and other girly purse-like necessities, I found my phone and pulled it out. Ailaina’s goofy picture I took while playing mini golf with her, Ian, and Davin, filled the screen.

  Mouthing an ‘I’m sorry’ to Ian, I slid my finger over the touchscreen to answer her call. It was like she knew I needed her. Her timing was impeccable.

  “Hey you. I was just thinking of you,” I said, trying to use my excited voice. Maybe she wouldn’t notice it was fake. Maybe.

  “Es, I’m your Seer, remember? I know everything. That’s why I’m calling.” Well, so much for the maybe. “There’s a chance you’re in danger.” Her tone wasn’t even coming close to matching my fake happiness. The line went so quiet I could hear her swallow. “I just overheard Davin.” Nothing like cutting right to the chase.

  Thrusting my hip to the side, I leaned against the trunk of the car with a thump. “Well, don’t sugarcoat it. What is it this time? You know I’m not waking up anymore dead people.”

  More silence. “It’s Julie. I think she made a deal.”

  My heart stopped as the world crashed down around me. “A deal? You mean a deal with Davin don’t you?”

  “I’m sorry.” Now I could hear the tears in her voice. That was never good because she never cried. Ever. Not even when we were kids and her pet rabbit died by the mouths of coyotes.

  Ian’s brow furrowed together. “What’s going on?”

  I shook my head and waved him off. I could only handle one conversation right now, and it wasn’t with him. “Ailaina, what happened?”

  “Es, I heard Davin talking to her and it didn’t sound good. I don’t know how the deal ended or if he took it, but it’s not good.”

  My legs wobbled and began buckling under my weight. “What was the deal?” I asked again, raising my voice enough to let her know I was serious. I had to know what I was up against.

  She gulped on the other end of the line. “Your life for her soul. But not just your life here, but your afterlife as well. She wants you to suffer for eternity.”

  The ring on my left hand pulled at my heart after hearing her. Julie wanted me to have forever without the one I loved, just like what she’ll have to endure.

  Jarak’s death still killed my soul on a daily basis, but I had to think of him being happier now. While alive, Julie’s spell caused him more grief than his death, but she didn’t see that. Julie didn’t see anything unless it was in her interest or advantage.

  “Es, are you there?” Ailaina asked, her voice cracked.

  I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. “I’m here.” At least, I think I was there. That was a lot of news to take in.

  Ian stepped closer and placed a hand on my elbow, his other hand slipped the phone from my weak fingers.

  “Hey, Al, it’s Ian. What’s going on?” He rubbed his dark stubble chin, and all I could do was stare at him. If I was up against Davin I didn’t stand a chance. But it didn’t make sense. Why would Davin help me only to hurt me? And what about his deal with Ailaina?

  “It’s okay,” Luna said as she pressed up on my legs. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I loved her bravery, but not even she was a match for the Death Keeper.

  Ian hung up the phone, and frankly, I didn’t even know what else he told Ailaina. He wrapped me in his arms and held me firmly against his chest. The safest place on earth—in my opinion.

  “What do we do?” I asked, muffled into his shirt.

  “We make a deal of our own.” He sounded so sure, so confident. But the thought of making a deal sunk like a ton of rocks in my stomach.

  I glanced back over out of the corner of my eye to the bridal shop. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to have a happily ever after?

  Just standing in the parking lot for a bridal shop seemed like a bad omen while hearing this news. A new shiver coursed through my spine and down my limbs despite the heat of the day and Ian’s warmth. “Just take me home.”



  S hoving the last shirt into the suitcase unmercifully, unsparing the pressed cotton from a fate of wrinkles, I looked around scanning the room for anything else I might forget. And the fact that Ian wouldn’t tell me where we were going for our honeymoon, left little room for me to decide on how much to pack. So, the entire closet was coming with us. At least my side of the closet.

  Tugging on the zipper that refused to budge, I groaned. Really? I just needed the stupid thing to shut.

  “Here, let me help,” Ian said, crossing the room in three strides. The towel that he had wrapped around his middle from the shower was a bit distracting. A wet sheen covered his skin and droplets of water rolled down his chest.

  I shrugged, pretending his near naked state had no effect on me. “It’s okay, I could probably just magic it shut.”

  “Nah, I can help. Here,” he pat the top of the luggage, “jump up.”

  Raising a brow at the case with overflowing arm sleeves and—was that my underwear hanging out the side? Just knowing that Ian was about to shove them back inside made my cheeks warm. I might be getting ready to marry the man, but I wasn’t quite ready for him to handle my intimate things. I blushed harder thinking about the black see-through lingerie Ailaina sent me that was packed on the very bottom of the mess—just in case.

  “I got it,” I said, shooing his hand away before stuffing the lacey panties in the suitcase. Jumping up on the luggage, I slid my rear over until I settled in the middle, keeping the top down.

  Ian leaned over grabbing the zipper, and then zipped it toward the front. He stopped when he got to my leg. Reaching with his other hand, he slowly slid his hand behind my calf to grasp the zipper and bring it directly in between my legs. As he lifted his eyes up to meet mine, my body melted into a molten puddle of lava under his heated gaze.

  His hands left the safety of the luggage and traveled up my thighs where they stopped. I smiled the sexiest smile I could imagine.

  Just his closeness made the air tingle with electricity, and I could feel Mother Nature’s energy pulse through my veins as my soul sought out a release. Please let it always be this way between us.

  “We’re gonna be late,” I whispered, using the last of my breath that he hadn’t stolen yet.

  “I think you have a point in there somewhere, but I can’t seem to care.” The timbre in his husky whisper warmed unmentionable places as he leaned closer. My heart raced to keep up with the intense fire building in my stomach as his lips caressed mine.

  His hands slid from my thighs, leaving a trail of heated tingles along my skin as they glided up and around to my back. Pulling me closer to him, I fell off the forgotten luggage only to land on the edge of the bed.

  My fingers magically found their way to his head, grasping tufts of his thick hair. His mouth left mine, trailing down to my neck where his lips gently traced my collar bone.

  Es. Ian’s soul spoke to mine. Our connection was so deep I wasn’t sure where either of us began—or ended. My spirit intertwined with his in such a way that we were a perfect fit.

  I threw my head back to give him better access to the most exquisite kissing area. Who ever knew a kiss on the neck would create such a desire?

  Leaving his hair, I grabbed his bare shoulders. His muscles flexed under my touch.

  With an eagerness that matched my building excitement, his mouth captured mine, demanding attention. His tongue left traces of minty mouthwash while dancing with mine in an oral tango.

  “I love you.” His lips brushed against mine as he spoke.

  I was the luckiest girl alive. “I love you, too.”

  With the suitcase securely shut—which in the end I had to enchant to finish zipping the darn thing—Ian and I waited for our flight.

id planes anyway. I could use magic to run fast and raise dead witches, but I couldn’t use it to transport myself. What a crock of crap.

  From my seat I pushed and pulled my carryon in little motions. I just prayed they didn’t lose the two bags we had to check in. “Ugh, I wish the plane would get here already so we can just get there.”

  Ian chuckled. “And you were worried about being late earlier.” He grabbed my hand, stopping me from harassing the luggage further. “It’s okay. You can do this.”

  “Then why do I get the feeling that something will happen?” I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t. He was so confident, and I was acting like a scared little girl. Ugh. Why did flying have to bother me so much?

  He smirked. “Because something is going to happen. We’re going to get married. Remember?”

  Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, I frowned. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  “Es, look at me.” Using the tips of his fingers, he gently placed them under my chin and lifted my head to meet his gaze. “Nothing in this world can stop me from becoming your husband. I know you’re still young, and life has only begun for you, but this is right. I can feel it in here.” He pointed to his chest. “But, if you’re not ready…” His brow etched together as he searched for an answer on my face

  My heart plummeted. “What? No! Ian, that’s not what I was saying. Oh my gosh, no. I want to be your wife, more than anything. I guess it’s just after a year of crazy I’ve become accustomed to things going wrong. I found out I have this insanely awesome magic, I killed the woman who raised me and a warlock who hunted me, and raised five dead witches from their graves. And then Jarak dying…” I held my breath, unable to talk anymore. Speaking about his brother was something neither of us wanted to do. The pain was still too fresh for both of us.


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