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Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy)

Page 60

by M. R. Polish

  This city no longer carried the excitement it held when Es and I landed on the plane just days ago. When we got her back, I was taking her away. Far away.

  “Torres, I need you to change your deal so you will still have power, but…” he paused, looking at each of us before continuing, his last gaze lingering on Torres. “I need you to make a deal to have the power of Raya. That way you can free the Watchers, and Es.”

  Adonia touched Torres’s arm, and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “So you’re saying that I need to make a deal to replace Raya. Right?”

  Davin nodded. “I am.”

  “That means Torres will have to leave this world.” Adonia covered her mouth, staring at her husband.

  “It does. I know it’s a huge decision, but…” He didn’t finish.

  What else was there? As far as I was concerned there was nothing to ponder over.

  Torres shook his head. “There isn’t a decision. My daughter is in trouble and needs me. I’m ready.”

  Davin sighed, a deep rumble in his throat. “Torres, I don’t think you understand. And before the deal is sealed, I have to know that you understand all of it, the fine lines that bind it. The internal pain that will happen is unconceivable. And also the anguish that follows is torture for anyone. A person doesn’t turn that dark without drawing out every evil that could attach to the soul.” He shifted his weight. “And the spirits of all those who made a deal with me will be magically bonded with you. They are linked with you in ways that would make the insane seem perfectly acceptable.”

  Ailaina looked at me while they went over the details of the deal, but her eyes told me there was something she wasn’t telling me. A secret that her eyes begged to tell. What secret did she have?

  I cocked my head, asking her without words what was going on, but she just shook her head and smiled—sadly.

  Torres hesitated. Picking up Adonia’s hand he stared into her eyes. “I’m sorry I’ve done this to you. And to her.”

  Davin stood, holding his hand out for Torres to take. “Then we have a deal?”

  Torres stood, wavering slightly before grasping Davin’s hand. “Deal.”

  The ground shook as their hands linked and lights flashed brighter then darker. Dregan and Hela whined as black spirits floated around Torres, swooping low, touching his body then swinging back up.

  I ducked with Ailaina, as more filled the room. Torres groaned as each one touched his skin.

  Davin looked away. His expression said more about how he felt about the deal than words could say. Deep sorrow etched into his forehead.

  It didn’t matter if I lived to be a thousand years old, I’d never forget that look. He really hated causing pain. His deals weren’t a product of malevolence, but pure duty. I couldn’t help but wonder how much Raya held over him, making him continue his deal making.

  The lights continued to flicker as the room swarmed with spirits. Torres stood, unable to move as they flew through his torso. His mouth hung open and his head fell back.

  With his arms out to his sides, he raised up off the ground, hovering above the lush carpet. More shadows swooped from the ceiling, each one lifting him higher.

  Adonia cried out as her hand slipped from Torres’s.

  I held Ailaina down, blocking her sight.

  With my arms still around Ailaina, I looked up just as Torres called out for Hela. The father of all spirit wolves appeared but didn’t react. He sat, looking up at Torres, his shoulders as stiff and square as they could be.

  Torres’s eyes widened and his face whitened in panic. “No!”

  I wasn’t sure what was happening, but Dregan came and nudged me, whining. An intense ache that came from him ebbed inside of me.

  Letting one arm go from around Ailaina, I grabbed on to Dregan. “It’s okay, boy.”

  Dregan nuzzled his nose deeper into my shoulder, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Torres and Hela. Torres never looked anywhere but at his wolf, and Hela remained in control. His bravery to whatever was going on filled me with a sense of pride to be a Guardian.

  The front door swung open, and a team of B.O.M.B. agents rushed into the villa. A familiar head of curls led the squad. She stopped the others. “We’re too late,” Camilla said, shaking her head as she watched Torres slowly fall to the ground.

  One last spirit flew through the room as Torres unconsciously landed on the floor.

  Camilla tossed her hands in the air. “Great. Just great.”

  Davin squatted down, checking Torres. “I think he’s okay.”

  “You think?” Adonia placed her hand on Torres’s forehead.

  Davin stood up and brushed off his pants. “He’ll be fine. He’s the King of the Underworld now, so he has no reason not to be.”

  Camilla shot daggers across the room to Davin. “You didn’t do that. There’s no way you made a deal like that. No one is stupid enough to make Raya their enemy.”

  Adonia looked up at her. “He had no choice. Our daughter is in danger, and that was the only way to help her.”

  Raising a brow, Camilla glared at Davin. “This is going to be a lot of red tape you know. A change in such a position in our world is a big thing. Usually it needs to be pre accepted. Just so there isn’t so much paperwork.”

  Davin smirked. “I’ve never had any deal of mine approved before. Why would I start now?”

  Camilla planted her hands on her hips and hung her head. “Davin, you have always made my job hard.”

  He grinned. “I do what I can.”

  Ailaina hooked her arm with Davin’s. “I think at this point paperwork should be the least of your concerns.”

  “Well, there’s nothing left for us here,” Camilla told her team. Before leaving, she looked over at me. “I hope this helped. Keep me informed.”

  I nodded. “I hope so, too.”

  Waiting for Torres to wake was hard and long. But once he was up, the sudden change was tough not to notice. His skin was pale and black streaks ran down his neck. Under his eyes was considerably darker as well.

  He didn’t say anything, but just sat in the chair staring out into space.

  Adonia leaned closer to me. “Something’s different about him.”

  Frowning, I shrugged. “Well, he did turn into the King of the Watchers.”

  Still close to me she stared at her husband. “I know that, but I mean he’s different. He’s harder, colder.”

  I hated that this woman had already been through so much and her journey was only starting. “Adonia, listen to me. Torres was bound to change during this deal. Davin didn’t want to do it, but it had to be done. Changing into whatever Raya was had to be a huge shock on his body. Look at him, he even looks different.”

  “I know, but there’s more.” This time she looked at me.

  Tipping my head, I returned her gaze, swallowing hard. “More? How much more?”

  She averted her eyes, staring at Torres but not really looking at him. “Hela’s gone.”

  My heart dropped. “Gone? What do you mean gone?”

  A tear slipped down her cheek, dangling at her chin for a mere second before falling to her folded hands. “Gone gone. I can’t hear him or feel him. I haven’t seen him around Torres either, and we both know that’s huge because there is no way Hela, or any spirit wolf would leave their Guardian—especially at a time like this.”

  The pit of my stomach snaked around in unimaginable twists. “Dregan?”

  “I’m here, but it’s true. Hela’s gone.” Dregan didn’t appear, but his voice was at least there. “I don’t want to show up and cause Adonia or Torres more grief. It will take a while for them to grieve Hela.”

  I nodded slightly, but stopped so Adonia wouldn’t catch on that I talked with my wolf. Her strained voice was proof enough that she was barely hanging on to whatever sanity she had left, and I didn’t want to push her over the edge. She was bonded to Hela almost as much as Torres was—just as much as she was bonded to Torres. How would his new chang
e affect her?

  I didn’t know what gone meant. Dead… Missing… I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to go on living without Dregan. He was a part of me in every sense of the word. To lose him would be like pulling out every vital organ. I needed him. And Luna was quickly becoming a part of me in the same way. To lose either of them would kill me.

  “You won’t lose me. Or Luna, we’ll get her back, too.” His voice was calm, but a voice in the back of my head told me that fate was a game changer and we really didn’t know what the future held. If Torres, the first Guardian, could lose his wolf, then none of us were secure.

  Davin wrapped his arms around Ailaina’s waist from behind and whispered something in her ear. Casting a glance my way, he gave a curt nod. “I think we’re ready.”

  Not waiting a second more, I stood, leaving Adonia to deal with her thoughts. I made short time getting across the room to Torres.

  His eyes locked on mine but where his once vibrant green eyes—eyes like Es’s—were now black. “Take care of the pack. They’ll need a leader.”

  I nodded yet again. Words couldn’t form. What was there to say? Sorry didn’t feel like it covered it.

  Torres stood, giving his wife a longing stare that spoke untold apologies, then he vanished.

  Adonia rushed up to Davin. “Take me with you. Torres might have made a decision, but so have I.”

  Davin nodded. “I think we all should go.”

  He wouldn’t get any complaints from me. At this point I didn’t care if we raised King Kong from the dead and had him tag along.

  The villa disappeared and turned into the back yard just outside of Davin’s house.

  Neither Raya nor Es were there yet, but Torres was.

  Adonia rushed up to him. “When we married it was for better or worse, till death do us part. Neither of us is dead so I’m not leaving you. If this is our future then so be it.”

  Torres took Adonia’s hand. “Thank you.”

  The wind picked up and the sun fell behind dark clouds. Davin stood protectively by Ailaina as a familiar cackle echoed around us.

  Raya stepped out from behind the tree line. Her raven black hair hung straight down her back. Her face not hooded for the first time, giving full sight to her features.

  But Es was nowhere to be seen.

  “I see you’ve been busy making deals.” Raya stared at Torres. “But I have a deal as well. You see, I’m the one over Davin, and all deals are made for my benefit.”

  “And your time here is over,” Torres said, unwavering. Her power was no longer a concern to him. “All deals are off now.”

  Raya looked him up and down, but didn’t move. “You aren’t stronger than me. No one is.” She looked at Davin. “What did you do?”

  Davin shrugged, keeping his calm demeanor. “I gave him what he asked for.”

  “Raya, you’re no longer needed here.” Torres took a step forward.

  But Raya was faster. She let out a stream of white magic, hitting Torres. He only smiled as he absorbed her energy.

  She pushed harder, her face contorting angrily as she struggled to show Torres that she was the one with all the power. But it was no competition. Torres’s deal with Davin obviously had something none of us knew about, because he wasn’t budging.

  The more Raya tried, the more Torres smiled. She dropped her hand, the white stream falling with it. “I don’t understand.” Her voice cracked with uncertainty.

  “It wasn’t your fate to be the Queen of the Underworld. It was mine to be King.” Torres flicked his wrist, and a force more powerful than I ever saw flung Raya back. She hit a tree, and it split, breaking in half. The loud snap and crackle from the wood splintering as it fell over and bounced off Davin’s house.

  Even as they sparred, I searched the tree line looking for Es. Jogging off, away from the house, I called her name. She had to be here.


  “Es!” I called again. And Again.

  Ailaina came running through the wooded area where I was. “Ian, come quick. Torres can’t keep the portal open long.”

  Portal? What portal? I ran faster than I ever thought possible, tapping into my magic to propel me through the trees.

  Back by Davin’s house, there was a swirling open void next to Torres. “What’s going on?” I asked, taking in the situation.

  Davin shook his head. “Raya wouldn’t say where Es was before disappearing. Torres is searching, but fighting Raya took so much out of him we aren’t sure how much time we have.”

  I watched the portal like a window. “Wait, there she is!” My heart raced as her face came into view. “Es!”

  She looked up, her smile widened. She heard me. “Ian, I’m here.”

  “Why can’t she see the portal?” I asked, more concerned than before.

  Torres groaned. He was going to lose her.

  No. Not today. Not ever again.

  Rushing to the portal, I dove in, not caring if I could make it back or not, just knowing I wouldn’t let Es go again.

  But my legs were caught by someone, stopping me from falling all the way through. Over Es’s head I dangled, reaching for her with my arms. “Es.”

  “Ian!” She stood on her tip-toes but was too short.

  “Drop me lower!” I yelled over the winding sound of the portal.

  A few more inches… Her fingers brushed mine. One more… I grasped her hand and nothing would make me let go. “Pull us up!”

  Her worried gaze locked mine as we were dragged up through the portal. I was on the ground now, pulling her up to me. One more tug and she flung out of the ground, landing on top of me.

  Wrapping my arms around her, we lay like that for what could have been forever. Her body fit next to mine like it was made to be there, she was my other half, the holder of my heart. And I had her back.



  I an. It was him. I should have known that while I was finding a way to save myself he wouldn’t stop either. And oh how I loved him for it.

  We didn’t have to leave the Underworld for me to know I was safe. The last few days passed by in a blur, but right now, everything seemed to speed up even faster. I wasn’t sure what happened, or how, but I was grateful.

  “I’m so glad to see you. Whoever said girls don’t need knights in shining armor anymore clearly hasn’t been kidnapped by the Queen of the Underworld.” Leaning down, I kissed him. “Thank you.”

  “If I knew I was gonna get a kiss, I would’ve hurried.” Running his hand up my back to my head, he pulled me down closer. Our lips crashed together in a rushed frenzy of love and reunion.

  “Es,” my mom interrupted, making me remember that I wasn’t alone with Ian. And now wasn’t the time to forget about danger.

  Blushing, I looked up. Ailaina was next to my mom, holding her hand out to help me up. “Girl, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

  I took her hand. “Well, I have an idea.”

  Once standing, I glanced around. My mom stood next to… was that my dad? He looked like Raya. Not her, but like whatever she was.

  I cocked my head as I stared at him. “What happened?”

  After a brief explanation about Torres’s new deal, my body weighed double, and my knees buckled. I wanted to drop to the ground.

  “It’s okay,” my mom said, taking Torres’s hand. “We’ll find happiness no matter where we are. Even here.”

  “But the evil Raya was will become him. The Watchers consume everything that enters here,” I argued.

  Davin cast a side glance to Torres before looking at me. “Es, there was no other way. While Raya isn’t dead, Torres asked for much more during this deal than I can explain. Fate has a way of sneaking up on you and making you become what is needed for a future to come true. He’s the true king here, we just didn’t know it before.”

  It was still hard to fathom. Fate shouldn’t have so much of a hold on someone. Just like Jarak—wait, Jarak! Was he still there? “Ian, we have t
o go now. Jarak was waiting for me.”

  Running off around the house, I could hear footfalls behind me. Then, just as the world sped up, everything slowed down. Dashing across the yard seemed to take years. We couldn’t get to the group at the fence fast enough.

  Flinging open the gate, I rushed into Jarak’s arms. “I knew you’d make it back,” he whispered.

  Pulling back, I smiled at him. “You doubted my mad skills? Actually, it was Ian who saved me. A lot has happened since yesterday.”

  Ian grabbed Jarak and tugged him into a hug. “I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

  It was a few moments before their reunion parted. Ian looked at me then the others, spotting Lauren. He grinned and laughed. She flung herself in his arms, laughing too. “Ian!”

  It was so good to see them again.

  “Who are you guys?” Ian asked as he set Lauren down, scrutinizing the other two.

  “Ian, this is Katrina, Victor’s sister, and this is Luke, he’s a Watcher,” I introduced them, but held my breath waiting for Ian’s response.

  “We’re here because Esmerelda can help us,” Katrina said. “I shouldn’t be here, and neither should Jarak, or Lauren for that matter.” She cast a short glimpse over at Luke. “But I’m still undecided with him.”

  Luke’s muscles tensed. “I made a mistake making a deal. It doesn’t define who I am. I want to be free as well.”

  Ian touched my elbow. “What do they mean you can help them?”

  “They think I can bring them back to life or something like that. But I told them I can’t.” Staring into his cobalt eyes I found the courage to try but it was quickly doused by my own self conscious spirit. “I don’t think I can.”

  Jarak lowered his head. “It’s just not meant to be.”

  Ailaina walked up with Davin. “But I saw it.”

  We all looked at her. “Saw what?” I asked.

  “I saw Jarak at your wedding. I saw Lauren. I don’t understand.” She looked at Davin. “How did I see something that can’t be? I didn’t understand it before so I never told you.”


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