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Inassea Chronicles: The Blighted Flame

Page 20

by P. A. Peña

  “Nope.” Cordellia grinned. “I never use my talent during the placement tournament. I like to be surprised by how things turn out.”

  Cordellia left the room. As the door closed behind her, Aurelia drifted back into consciousness.

  “Welcome back,” Virgil said.

  “Where’d I go?” Aurelia asked. Her voice was low and hoarse.

  “Lucious knocked you out in your match. You don’t have to worry, though. I cleaned his clock for you.”

  Aurelia shivered. “That explains why it’s so damn cold.”

  “I can help with that.” Virgil reached out for Aurelia’s hand.

  She took it, and her hand began to glow orange. The glow spread around her until it covered every inch of her body.

  “You really are a space heater,” Aurelia said with a smile as she cozied up in her sheet. “While I do appreciate your generous donation of heat, shouldn’t you be conserving your mana? I hate to say it, but you look terrible.”

  Virgil looked his body over. The Saint’s Breath was doing its job, but it still had a way to go. Cuts and bruises were no longer present, and his hand was beginning to look normal. Even so, his arm was still discolored despite regaining some feeling. “Yeah. It seems I can’t keep myself from getting hurt. I’ll be fine, though.”

  “Well, you’re in good hands. Cordellia is an amazing healer. I mean, she’s got us both wrapped in the Saint’s Breath. I can tell you firsthand, casting it once is difficult.”

  “She is pretty great, huh.”

  “I’m guessing Logan is out going through his match.”

  Virgil nodded. “Try not to worry about him. Just focus on getting better.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried. He’s going to win, and he’ll be back here soon enough.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure you’re right.” Aurelia fell silent as she looked down. “Is everything all right?” Virgil asked. “I can run and get Cordellia.”

  Aurelia shook her head. “No. I, I’m fine.”

  “You know, I’m pretty sure I’ve mastered the art of deciphering when you’re upset.”

  Aurelia giggled as she turned to Virgil, her head tilted slightly. “You think you know me that well?”

  “Maybe. I could always just read your aura.”

  “That’s true. Honestly though, I’m fine. I just, we really should talk.”

  “About what?”

  “You know. What happened before between you and Logan—”

  Virgil leaned back in his seat. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Yes, there is. Logan said horrible things to you and—”

  “And I’m still here. Don’t get me wrong. What he said hurt. Like really really hurt, but I understand he’s going through a lot. I’m willing to overlook it. I mean, that’s what a good friend would do. Right?”

  Aurelia’s face reddened. “I, uh, I didn’t expect you to take this so well. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you can be a little hot tempered.”

  Virgil chuckled. “Well, I did have some help putting things into perspective. In any case, you and I are friends, and that’s something nobody can take away from me.”

  “You’re damn right.” Aurelia said. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure Logan gives you an apology.”

  “Aurelia, that’s really not—”

  The doorknob turned, and Logan stepped into the room. “You’re awake.” He beamed.

  “That was pretty quick,” Virgil replied. “You didn’t throw your match, did you?”

  “Of course not,” Logan said as he approached the hospital bed. “I just ended the match as quickly and efficiently as I possibly could.”

  Aurelia gasped. “Logan, you didn’t.”

  “You know I did.”

  “Okay, I’m lost,” Virgil said. “Just what did you do?”

  “I merely broke the girl’s hands,” Logan said as he folded his arms. “It’s nothing a good healer can’t fix, and some of the best in the world are here on the island.”

  Aurelia sighed as she shook her head. “At least you both made it through to the next round.” The room fell silent as each of them realized just what those words meant. Virgil and Logan looked to each other, not a word spoken between them. “You two cut that out right now,” Aurelia snapped.

  “Aurelia, I—”

  “I don’t want to hear it, Logan.” Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle as Logan began to blush, but a stern look from Aurelia put an end to it. “Logan, you have been incredibly rude and insensitive towards Virgil. Apologize to him this instant.”

  Logan remained silent as the siblings glared at each other.

  “Aurelia,” Virgil began, “you don’t have to—”

  “No, Virgil. My brother has been a complete ass, and he needs to apologize.” Logan remained silent still, folding his arms. “Have you forgotten that Virgil saved your life? The least you can do is apologize for what you said to him.”

  Logan pursed his lips, and sighed as he turned to Virgil. “I hate to admit it, but my sister’s right. I do owe you for what you did back in the Network.”

  Virgil shook his head. “I didn’t save you for any type of reward. You don’t owe me a thing.”

  “Be that as it may, my behavior as of late has been uncouth. Especially considering what you have done for me. Though I must admit I’m not really good at this sort of thing.”

  Virgil smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I understand.”

  Aurelia groaned as she rolled her eyes. “I suppose this is as good as I’m going to get, huh. Listen, you two. You both have a special place in my heart. Logan, you are my brother. We’re family, and I know you will always be there for me, just as I will always be there for you. And Virgil, I know we haven’t known each other long, but we’ve been through a hell of a lot together. As far as I’m concerned, we’re friends for life. Actually, fuck that. We’re best friends. You two have helped make my dreams come true, and I will always be grateful for that. Don’t let the stress of this exam tear us apart.”

  Virgil and Logan nodded before turning to one another. Virgil smiled, and proceeded to walk away.

  “Where are you headed off to?” Aurelia asked.

  Virgil glanced back. “Nowhere in particular. If Logan and I are going to be battling, we probably shouldn’t be hanging out in the same room.” He opened the door and waved back to Logan. “No matter what happens, no hard feelings, okay.”

  Chapter 31

  “This is it,” Virgil said as he walked through the corridor. “I made it to the final round of the tournament. I really wish I didn’t have to fight Logan, but I guess that was always a likely possibility.”

  Virgil cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms. His muscles were still stiff, but he was close to being restored.

  “This is going to be a tough fight,” he continued. “His strength alone is going to be a problem, but then there’s O’Drakka’s Fist.” Virgil groaned. “Just how exactly am I supposed to deal with this?”

  He took a deep breath. “Remember what you’re here for. You have to find a way to win. Making rook is your ticket to riding solo and tracking down Cecelia, and you know just where to start looking. I’m sure the Scarlet Mage . . .” Virgil’s eyes grew wide and his heart skipped a beat as a terrifying thought echoed through his mind. “The Scarlet Mage. I was supposed to be looking for the Scarlet Mage. Fuck. I was supposed to be looking for Olivia!”

  Virgil picked up his pace, only to slow back down as Cordellia rounded the corner ahead. “What incredible timing,” she said. “I just heard the news and was coming to get you. We can’t have you and Logan socializing before your match, after all.”

  “Right,” Virgil replied, trying his best to keep his composure.

  “Come along with me. I’ll escort you.”

  “No,” Virgil said abruptly. “I mean, you don’t need to trouble yourself with me. You’ve already done so much.”

  Cordellia wrapped her arm around Virgil. “Oh, hush up. It’s my job to take c
are of you, and you still have about ten more minutes until you’re fully healed.”

  “Really,” Virgil said, rubbing his neck. “I feel so good, though. I don’t want to be a burden any more than I already am.”

  Cordellia stopped. “Okay, Virgil,” she began. “What’s going on? Are you really that nervous about fighting Logan?”

  “Y-yeah,” Virgil replied. “I’m just, I’m really nervous. I would feel a lot more comfortable working through it alone. You know?”

  “Of course.” Cordellia nodded. “Whatever you need to do to relax. As soon as you’re finished healing, I’ll get out of your hair.”

  “Great,” Virgil replied, forcing a smile as they resumed walking.

  Virgil closed his eyes and focused his mind. He prayed he’d be able to pick up a trace of Olivia, but just as before, he came up dry.

  Damn it, he thought as he ground his teeth. How could you be so stupid?

  “You really are stressed, aren’t you?” Cordellia said. “Are you sure there’s nothing else bothering you? I wouldn’t have guessed you’d be this distraught, having to face off against Logan.”

  Olivia’s words echoed through his mind. He had promised he wouldn’t say anything to anyone. Of course, she was supposed to be there with him. Time was running out. No. It was nearly out. There was only one match left to go, and he was no closer to finding the Scarlet Mage than when he started. In fact, he had managed to lose the one person he knew he could count on.

  “Virgil?” Cordellia said. “You can tell me what’s wrong. I’m here to help you.”

  Virgil stopped in place. It was as if his heart and mind were competing to see who could race faster. His stomach was wound tight and sweat trailed down the back of his neck.

  What’s the right thing to do? Can I really handle this on my own? How would I handle this on my own? What if he already got his hands on the Crystal Catalyst? What if he captured Olivia? What if he killed her?

  Cordellia placed her hand on Virgil’s shoulder, and they locked eyes. “You look terrified,” she said, worry plastered all over her face, her eyes heavy with concern. “What’s going on?”

  I can tell her, can’t I? What if I do, and she’s working with the Scarlet Mage? I’d have to fight her. She’s an aquamancer. Fuck. She’s a king. She’d kill me on the spot.

  Cordellia gave Virgil’s shoulder a gentle squeeze as she waited with bated breath. “Cordellia,” Virgil began. “This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to hear me out.”

  “Of course. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  “The Scarlet Mage is here. He’s after the Crystal Catalyst. It isn’t safe.”

  Cordellia’s face turned pale. The Saint’s Breath coating Virgil vanished. Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened as she pulled her hand back. “How do you know the Crystal Catalyst is here on the island?”

  “I, I can’t say.”

  A moment of silence passed between the two as each of them seemed to be analyzing the other. Cordellia cleared her throat. “Well,” she resumed, “I assure you, what you’re suggesting is impossible. The kings have enchanted the island to ward off unwanted intruders. No one can step foot on this ground without being invited.”

  “That’s just it.” Virgil clenched his fists. “I think the Scarlet Mage has infiltrated the Crusader’s Alliance somehow. Perhaps as an applicant.”

  “Again, that’s impossible. Each of you has been vetted extensively. There’s no way the Scarlet Mage has slipped past us. Now, where have you gotten this idea?”

  “I’m telling you he is here, and he’s after the Catalyst. If he manages to get it, a lot of people are going to die.”

  Cordellia sighed as she shook her head. “Okay. Let’s just take a step back. I don’t know how you came to know we’ve recovered the Crystal Catalyst, but it is securely kept under guard. It couldn’t possibly be in a safer place. That aside, I doubt severely the Scarlet Mage, as powerful as he may be, would be able to infiltrate our ranks.”

  “He’s not alone, though. He’s been working with witches, and—”

  “We’re aware of that as well. Even so, the likelihood of the Scarlet Mage successfully sneaking his way among us is just laughable.”

  Virgil paused for a moment as he looked down at the floor. “Your clairvoyance!” he exclaimed as he looked up again with a spark of hope. “You can look into the future, and we can know for sure nothing is going to happen.”

  Cordellia frowned. “It isn’t as simple as that, Virgil. As I said before, none of what I see is absolute. I merely get a glimpse of the most likely possibilities, and from there, I can make an educated guess on what will happen.”

  Virgil’s shoulders tensed, and he balled his fists. “That’s still better than nothing.”

  “Virgil, I—”

  “Please, Cordellia. I have an awful feeling this tournament is going to end terribly, and this could be the only way to keep it from happening.

  Cordellia fell silent. After a brief moment, she closed her eyes and exhaled. “I’m not going to use my clairvoyance.” Virgil opened his mouth to speak, but Cordellia quickly cut him off. “After spending most of the day healing our Crusaders, I simply don’t have the mana reserves left to see anything of consequence. What I will do is have a team search the castle grounds. Will that put your mind at ease?”

  “But what if the Scarlet Mage is one of the search team? He could be anyone, and—”

  “And if that happens to be the case, then I will deal with it personally.”

  Virgil fell silent once again.

  “Is there anything else?” Cordellia asked.

  “N-no,” Virgil stuttered. “Thank you.”

  “All right,” Cordellia said as she wrapped her arm around Virgil once again. “Let’s get you to your final match.”

  After walking Virgil to his destination and ensuring he was in tip-top shape, Cordellia left him to his own devices. Virgil stood outside the arena, trying his best to contain his anxiety. His body was tense and his nerves jumpy. He closed his eyes and scanned the castle once again.

  “I still can’t sense her,” Virgil said to himself.

  Finally, the arena wall opened up, and the combatants stepped through. Virgil looked across the battlefield at Logan. A fierce determination radiated from him as he kept his gaze fixed on Virgil.

  I have to finish this quickly.

  Logan cracked his knuckles and summoned O’Drakka’s Fists.

  Who am I kidding? There’s no way this ends quickly.

  “This is the final round of the placement tournament,” Roxanne called out to the coliseum. “Given what we’ve seen from these two competitors, it is sure to be a match for the ages.” The crowd was deafening with excitement. “If you would like to shake hands, please do so now.”

  Virgil’s eyes widened. That’s it! I can surrender.

  Logan walked towards Virgil, and he followed suit. The two men shook hands and returned to their respective sides.

  Virgil smiled. Yeah. If I surrender, the match will be over, and I can focus on finding Olivia.

  He looked up to the kings and opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a violent eruption.

  Chapter 32

  The entire island quaked, and an eerie green glow appeared. A barrier adorned with runes began to form and was quickly sealing off the coliseum.

  “Everyone remain calm!” Roxanne called out as she summoned a void behind her. “It appears we are under attack. Remain here, and we’ll be back for you once we have secured the island.”

  The kings left through the void, and the arena walls retracted into the ground. Virgil dashed for the exit, desperate to make it through before the barrier closed. His efforts, however, were entirely in vain. The barrier closed off just as he reached the threshold.

  Virgil reached out towards the barrier. He could feel the malice oozing from it. He looked at the runes, and while he couldn’t read what they said, he recognized them instantly. His heart skipped a
beat, and his hands trembled. He closed his eyes and scanned as far as his aura perception could reach. There were several new auras spread out across the island. Each of them gave off a malevolent force so intense they sent shivers down Virgil’s spine. However, there was one distinct aura signature he had encapsulated deep within his heart. Virgil opened his eyes. His fists were tight as he stared at the barrier. There was no other option. He had to escape the coliseum.

  Virgil unleashed a flurry of blue flames upon the barrier only to have them be soaked up like water into a thirsty sponge. His jaw tightened as he prepared to throw another blast. However, a touch on his shoulder stopped him.

  “Don’t bother,” Logan said. “Even I can tell that barrier’s too strong for you to burn through.”

  “You don’t know what I’m capable of,” Virgil sneered as he turned to Logan, shrugging his hand off.

  “Just step aside,” Logan said, as he approached the barrier. He reached out with his gloves. As soon as his fingers touched the barrier, sparks erupted from it, and Logan flinched as he pulled his hand away. “This can’t be,” Logan said, his jaw wide. “Even if it’s lost magic, O’Drakka’s Fist should still have an effect on it.”

  “Well, it doesn’t,” Virgil replied. “Now move out of the way.”

  Logan turned back to Virgil. “Would you just stop for a second and think? Throwing fire at it over and over again is only going to waste precious resources.”

  Virgil clenched his fists. “I don’t have time to sit here and argue with you. I’m going to bust through that barrier. Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you if you get hurt because you’re too stubborn to move out of the way.”

  “You think I’m stubborn?” Logan pointed to his chest. “You’re literally trying to throw the same tired ass solution at the problem, expecting it to work as if it didn’t just fail miserably.”

  “What if I joined in?” Fynn suggested as he, along with the other probationary Crusaders, approached the bickering men. “Perhaps if we attacked the barrier together, we could overpower it.”

  Logan shook his head. “There’s no way we’ll overpower it.”


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