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Jason (Kings of Guardian #4)

Page 16

by Kris Michaels

  “And you know about this operation how?”

  “Dude? Seriously? Do you think there is anything in the company I can’t find out? Both you and Gabriel got real interested when I mentioned Yuri and the Russians. I may not pay attention to the noise of the world, but when you two get quiet, I start digging.”

  He took a drink of his tea and weighed his options before he responded. “Alright. Continue with the chat room, but—you need to listen, hear and assign meaning to what I’m about to say, Jewell.” He stared at her to ensure she was paying attention. “If he makes contact with you, your first, last and only course of action is to contact me immediately. You do not respond, do not talk to him, and do not attempt to engage him in any way without my express and direct involvement and consent. Do you understand what I’m directing?”

  “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

  “No, I think you’re brilliant. Now answer my question.”

  “I heard you.”

  “That isn’t what I asked. Do you understand your directions?”

  Jewell scrunched her nose at him and glared.

  “Don’t try to buck me on this, little girl. Within the next two weeks, I will be the CEO, and I will not tolerate anyone in the organization striking out on their own. You are not a field worker. You have no experience in counterintelligence and I will not authorize any direct contact with this uber-hacker without trained eyes on the interaction. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal. I’ll stay in my sandbox. For now.”

  “You’ll stay as long as I tell you to stay. Now, what do you have planned for next weekend?”

  Jewell tapped her watch and pulled up her calendar. “Just the normal. No trips or conferences.”

  “Will you come to Las Vegas with me?”

  “Why are you going to Vegas? Oh! To see Justin’s new restaurant? I haven’t been yet. The reviews have been off the hook. I have a Google alert set up for them.”

  “Well, if he’ll let me, I want to have the reception there, yes.” Her face brightened as the information filtered into his sister’s mind. The jerk of her head as the word ‘reception’ registered and her wide-eyed surprise when she figured it out.

  “You’re marrying the lady from Savannah? She has a little boy, right?”

  He cocked his head at her.

  “Jared asked me to run a background on her. She’s had a rough life. I only saw her driver’s license photo, but she looked lovely.”

  “Her name is Faith, and yes, she has a son, Reece.”

  “R’s, huh? That’s cool. You could pick some awesome names starting with R.”

  He laughed. “Who said we were going to have more children?”

  “Right, a King that doesn’t reproduce like a rabbit. Doesn’t happen.”

  “Joseph and Ember?”

  “Any day now, I’d bet. You guys can’t help it. Just look at poor Tori! Pregnant again. You’d think they’d figure out what caused that.”

  “She threatened castration.”

  “Holy shit! I can’t blame her, and growing up on a ranch, she could do it, couldn’t she?”

  He shifted in his chair at the thought. “I wouldn’t want to find out.”

  Jewell snorted and lifted from where she sat cross-legged in the chair. “I’ll let you get back to work. Let me know what time the plane to Vegas leaves. I want to meet her before she’s Mrs. King.”

  “Dinner, Friday? You, Tori, Jacob, Christian.”

  “No Jared?”

  “Jared doesn’t do well around Christian. He’s met Faith and shown his ass in the process.”

  “Huh, I can’t wait to hear the backstory on his pant-less escapades. It’s sad he can’t behave around Christian. For all his good points, the man is mule-headed.”

  “True. And blind.”

  “As a freaking bat. But you can’t not invite him. You know that right?”

  “I know it.”

  “Good. What time Friday?

  “Seven. O’Malley’s.”

  “Cool. See you then.”

  He waited until the door closed before he picked up and dialed the phone.

  “Justin, I need reservations for seven at O’Malley’s for Friday night. Unless you’re in town, then it will be eight.”

  “Well, hello to you too, Jace. What’s the occasion?”

  “Introducing my fiancée to the family in the area.”

  “Seriously? Was this a whirlwind romance?”

  “Not really, but events in the last few days have definitely moved my timetable up.”

  “Is she pregnant?”

  He laughed. “Not that type of event, you idiot. But she does have a little boy and he’s amazing.”

  “Damn, bubba, I’m glad to hear that tone in your voice. I’ll come to town just to meet her.”

  “Thanks, and since I have you on the phone, can I book your new restaurant for the reception?”

  “Sure, when?”

  “Next Saturday. The whole damn family, and that includes the guys at the Ranch.”

  “Shit. I’ll have to close down for the event. Let me work that, but yeah, count on it.”

  “Thanks. I’ll pay for the revenue you lose.”

  “Nah, don’t need you to do that. Take care of yourself, big guy.”

  “I will. You stay safe.”


  He hung up, glanced at the clock and placed another call.


  “Hey, Tori, it’s Jason.”

  “Hi, Jace! What’s up? Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. I was wondering if you and Jacob would be available for dinner Friday night.”

  “Sure, I don’t think he’s got anything planned. I’ll need to get a babysitter, but that won’t be a problem.”

  “Could you see if the sitter could watch one more?”

  “Ummm, I guess… what’s going on?”

  “Got a minute?”

  “Yeah, I just got the twins down for a nap and Talon is playing.”

  “Well, sit back, because I need to catch you up. About six weeks ago…”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Faith pulled at her dress again. The fabric was too clingy. Why did she buy it? Because Tori told her it made her look fantastic. And that woman could be a supermodel. Tall, thin, long beautiful blonde hair, and blue eyes that any movie star would kill to have. Yeah, when a lady like that takes you shopping and tells you to buy it, you do.

  And then you put it on at home. Uggg. Another tug. Tori told her the dark brown embroidery around the small collar, the cap sleeves and the hem of the creamy, silky material made her eyes stand out. Faith forced her hair into something that resembled a French twist and pinned it. She’d never actually worn a lot makeup, so a dusting of blush, a sweep of mascara and lip gloss was as fussy as she was going to get. She stepped into the three-inch heels and dared a look in the mirror.

  Her reflection blinked back at her. Well… okay. The dress did look nice. The cream colored heels with the dark red soles made her legs look miles long. Normally that would be a bad thing, but not anymore. Jason towered over everyone and she didn’t have to worry about her height. Heck, just about everyone she’d met in Jason’s world was tall.

  A vibration skittered her phone across the gold and brown marble vanity. She cast a glance at the face. A text from Max. She’d read it later… after she figured out how to make the dress she was wearing not feel like she’d been turned into a mummy. The phone’s repeated alert brought a warm feeling with it. Max had been checking on her. She hated ditching work without giving notice, but in typical Max fashion, he’d been wonderful. The majority of his texts today had been detailing her potential replacements’ wacked-out answers to interview questions. The running text conversation had been amusing, and if she was willing to admit it, it made her a little homesick for the fatherly love Max had lavished on her.

  Her heels echoed on the tile of the bathroom floor. The inordinately loud sound reminded her that f
or the first time since she’d arrived in D.C., she was alone in the house. Christian had taken Reece over to Tori and Jacob’s house so she could get ready. Reece loved the babysitter, a very well-paid, professional nanny vetted by Guardian to watch their children.

  She shook her head and watched her reflection again. In one week her world had been set on its ear. Her life in Savannah, including Max, was a thing of the past. Although she knew Max, Helena, and Cal were alright, she missed spending time with them, missed the casual hospitality of longtime friends.

  “Babe! I’m home.” Faith smiled at the shouted hail. Jason hadn’t once come in the house without announcing himself since the pepper incident.

  “In the bedroom.” She gave one more glance at her reflection and went to meet her man.

  Jason strode into the bedroom and stopped almost mid-stride. “Holy shit!”

  “What? Is the dress wrong? I know it’s kind of tight. But Tori liked it and said it would be okay.” She ran her hands over the material, tugging it away from her hips.

  “Princess, you look amazing.”

  Color rushed to her face. She so needed to hear that. “Thank you.”

  Jason reached for her hand and made her spin around. “Perfect… except…”

  “What? Is something wrong?” Her breath caught. She hadn’t bought anything else. What did she forget? She could just stay home, maybe have Christian bring Reece back. Jason could go to dinner without her.

  “You’re missing something.”


  “This.” Jason dropped to his knee in front of her and lifted a baby-blue ring box in his hand. “Faith Marie Collins, will you marry me?”

  Nestled in the white silk of the box was a diamond engagement ring. Tears filled her eyes. She nodded, because speaking wasn’t an option right now.

  Jason lifted off his knee and put the ring on her finger before he kissed her softly.

  “Don’t cry.”

  “Happy tears.”


  She half sobbed, half laughed, at the comment. “Waterproof.” She held her ring up, putting her hand on his suit jacket.

  “A princess cut diamond for my Cinderella.”

  “It’s beautiful, but…”

  Jason’s smile slid off his face. “If you don’t like it, I’ll get something else.”

  Her stomach fell at the hurt look on his face. “No! No, I love it, but…”

  “But what?”

  How the hell did she tell him? “Ah… your brother… he’ll think I’m using you.” She felt the tears as they fell streaking down her cheeks. So much for the makeup.

  “Oh, God. I’m going to kill that asshole.” Jason pulled her to his chest and rocked her in his warm, strong arms, rubbing her back gently with those massive, gentle hands. “The ring is a symbol of my love. It has nothing to do with my brother.”

  “But it’s too much. It’s too big. I can’t wear it, he’ll think I’m using you, and I don’t want that. I don’t need an engagement ring. I’m happy with a simple band.”

  “You may be, but I’m not. Every man in viewing distance will know you’re mine. I want you to wear my ring. No one will say a thing.”

  “But they’ll think it, won’t they? I mean, I’m nothing…”

  He cupped her face in his hands and made her look at him. His image wavered through the tears that banked in her eyes. “Wrong. You’re everything to me. You’re everything to Reece. You deserve more than I can ever give you.”

  “Will the rest of your family hate me, too?”

  “They’ll love you. Jared has his own issues, and we aren’t going to buy into any of them. This ring is a symbol of my love. Wear it for me?”

  “I’m scared they won’t like me.” She’d be okay if they didn’t, but Jason and Reece needed the family’s approval. God, how could she deal with the ramifications if his family hated her and forced him to choose?

  “I’m not.”


  “Because I love you. They know that, and because of it, they’ll love you, too.”



  “Thank you. It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen.”

  “I love you and Reece.”

  “And we love you.”

  “As much as I’d like to take advantage of that fact with Reece at the sitter, I think we need to head out.”

  “Rain check, Superman?”


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Faith peeked out of the limousine’s window. A line of cars waited to offload their charges in front of the restaurant. A lush garden-scape extended to the street and was studded with benches and people who lingered outside. The overall atmosphere was beyond anything she’d ever imagined. Expensive, refined and so not Five Guys Burgers and Fries. She was completely out of her element. The cars crept forward slowly and her nerves edged higher with each turn of the car’s wheels.

  “Relax. I promise tonight will be fun. Besides, you know Tori, Christian and Jared already.”

  “Yeah. Jared hates me.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and scooted closer to the window, looking at the clothes the women in the garden area were wearing. Thank God she’d listened to Tori and bought the dress she had on. The one she’d been considering wouldn’t have fit in at all.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  She whipped her head back toward Jason. “Hello? Have we met?”

  Jason laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. “Yeah, we’ve met. Let me worry about Jared.” The car stopped and Jason cupped the nape of her neck in his palm, tilting her eyes up to his. “Come on Cinderella, time for the ball.”

  She drew a deep breath and nodded. She wasn’t ready for it, but then again, she probably never would be.

  The driver and another man who had been in front of the vehicle exited the car. From what Jason had told her, there would be people already at the restaurant to watch over them, too. Toto, we really aren’t in Kansas anymore. He waited until one of the men knocked on the car’s window before he opened the door. Jason lifted out of the vehicle and extended a hand back to Faith. She took another deep breath and grabbed his hand.

  Naturally, the first person she saw when she got out was Jared. Fear of what the man would do or say froze her to the spot. Her future brother-in-law strode across the open area to where they stood. She moved closer to Jason and shivered as his arm pulled her against his side. Thankfully, her left hand was now hidden behind Jason’s back. The weight of the ring grew with every step Jared took.

  He stopped and nodded at Jason before he pinned her with a stare. “I wanted to get to you before we went into the restaurant. I owe you an apology. I’m truly sorry for making assumptions. The only thing I can say in my defense is that my concern was for his safety.” Jared held up a hand when Jason started to respond. “I know I didn’t go about it correctly. I failed to think before I spoke, and by doing that I caused people I care about pain. I never meant to imply your actions led to the events that transpired overseas. Jason, dude, you’ve got to know you’re my fucking hero. I’m amazed at how strong you are.”

  The muscle tension drained out of Jason’s body. Faith could literally feel the man releasing his anger. “I accept your apology, Jared. But I think you’ll have to earn Faith’s forgiveness.”

  She shook her head. “No, I forgive you for making assumptions. Based on my background, I can understand why you think I’m not the right person for Jason.”

  “Actually, I believe you are exactly the right person for him. I’ve never had anyone put me in my place quite as succinctly as you managed the other night. I’m still licking my wounds. I have a feeling you’ll keep this guy on his toes.” Jared’s stern expression broke into a broad smile that Faith echoed.


  The shouted greeting brought them out of their conversation. She registered the man as a King immediately. A more refined, tailored version of Jared and Jason str
ode through the crowd, drawing admiring glances as he passed.

  He grabbed ahold of Jason and pulled him from her arms. The bear hugs and back slapping bordered on physical assault. Jared leaned close and whispered, “Our brother Justin. He owns this and five or six other restaurants. I lost count.”

  She nodded and took a quick step back as the man switched his attack from Jason to Jared. Once the back pounding ceased, Jason introduced them. “Faith, my brother Justin.”

  Justin moved in for a hug and Faith flinched and braced instinctively. He laughed and pulled away, instead lifting her left hand and kissing the back of it. “A pleasure to meet the woman who won my brother’s heart.” She felt the heat rise in her cheeks as he made it a point to look from her ring to her face and then wink. “I see congratulations are in order.”

  “I’m a lucky man. She said yes.” Jason pulled her back into his side and smiled down at her. The love she saw in that smile melted her bones into a puddle of goo.

  “Then she is as smart as she is beautiful. Congratulations, both of you.” Jared’s comment startled her. She darted a glance at him to confirm he wasn’t being sarcastic. He smiled at her and gave Jason’s arm a slap before he headed into the restaurant.

  “Let’s go inside. Christian, Jewell, and Jacob are already well into the second bottle of my best cabernet sauvignon and Tori has the market cornered on my sparkling cider.” She barely heard Justin’s comment as she watched Jared walk ahead of them. Maybe she wasn’t in Kansas any longer, but Oz had suddenly become a better place to be.


  Faith’s face burned and her fingers trembled as she wiped tears from her lashes. She cradled her ribs and stomach with her other arm. Jared’s voice rose just before Jacob robbed the punchline and sent the table into another fit of laughter. Honestly, she’d never laughed so much or felt such camaraderie. Jason’s family contradicted everything she’d experienced growing up. There didn’t appear to be any animosity between the siblings, and if the riotous dinner was any indication, the family had strong bonds and were not afraid to express themselves.

  Faith marveled at the brothers’ good-natured harassment, and the merciless way Jewell, Tori, and Christian teased them baffled and surprised her. As the evening progressed, their rather loud dinner earned several glares from closer tables. Without a second thought, Justin comped the meals and sent a bottle of wine to the offended parties.


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