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Mysterious Mountain Man

Page 8

by Annette Broadrick

  Two women stepped through one of the nearby doorways and walked to the balustrade. Hoping they wouldn’t stay long, Jake lingered in the darker shadows near the wall of the building and waited for the cool air to force them back inside.

  They seemed to be in the middle of a gossip session.

  “Did you notice the look on her face while they were dancing?” said one. “She looked like the cat who swallowed the canary. It’s a wonder there weren’t yellow feathers dripping from her mouth.”

  Jake frowned at the comment. Speaking of someone being catty!

  “And the way she follows him with her eyes whenever she thinks he isn’t watching,” said the other. “It’s almost laughable. It’s obvious she’s hoping her daddy’s money is going to buy this one for her!”

  “It really is sad, isn’t it,” the first one said, without a hint of sadness, “how hard Rebecca has tried all these years to get a man’s attention.”

  Jake stiffened when he heard Rebecca’s name. Surely they weren’t talking about Rebecca Adams.

  “I know,” the other one replied. “She always hung on Brock’s arm like a leech in an effort to get him to notice her at these affairs. Not even her own father paid her any attention!”

  Damn! Rebecca was the topic of their vicious remarks, and there wasn’t a hell of a lot he could do about it. If they’d been men, he would have definitely interrupted their attack, but taking a swing at a couple of pseudo-ladies would not be the most politic thing to do. Instead, he was a captive audience of one unless he wanted to risk giving his presence away.

  “Well, you must admit that she has excellent taste in men. Did you see the shoulders on him?”

  Oh, great. Jake leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes in resignation. Wasn’t it bad enough that he was forced to listen to comments about Rebecca without throwing him in there as well?

  “And did you see the way she was dancing with him? It was a wonder the poor man could draw breath, the way she plastered herself against him.”

  “Did you get his name?”

  “No, but he couldn’t be from around here or I’d certainly recognize him.”

  “Maybe he works for her father’s company.”

  “Well, whoever he is, he isn’t part of our set, or I would have seen him at the club, either playing tennis or golf or at the pool. With a build like that, I’d dearly love to see him stripped!”

  “Oh, Amanda!” the other said, giggling. “You’re just awful!”

  “Let’s go back inside, shall we? It’s much cooler out here than I expected.”

  Jake watched them drift back inside, still whispering and giggling to each other. Now those two reminded him of the kind of women he’d known at college—spoiled and pampered, thinking they could have whatever their hearts desired.

  He’d been the target of some of their desires and knew from painful experience what it was like to get caught up in one of their games.

  He was ashamed that he’d thought Rebecca was just like them. All those years he’d worked with Brock, when he’d turned down dinner invitations to Brock’s home with feeble excuses, when he’d distanced himself from Brock’s daughter whenever possible, he had thought she was a shallow, immature brat. He was just as guilty as those two for not seeing Rebecca for who she was.

  After a few minutes he stepped back into the ballroom and looked around for Rebecca. He spotted her about halfway across the room, her back to him. He recognized her straight posture, the way she held her head, the sparkle of the jewels in her hair. Perhaps she would be ready to leave shortly. He knew he was fed up with the place. She was talking to a couple of—

  Dear God, the two women standing there talking so animatedly with her were the same two who had been out on the terrace a few minutes before. Both women were acting overly sweet to her, as though she were a dear friend, when only moments earlier they had been making cruel remarks about her. How could they think that Rebecca couldn’t attract any man she wanted! Why, she had more class in her tiniest toenail than both those biddies put together!

  Since her back was to the door and his approach, the two women spotted him before Rebecca knew he was behind her. He noticed that one elbowed the other and both of them wore sly grins. What were they hoping for now, more grist for their gossip mill?

  Well, maybe he’d give it to them.

  When he reached Rebecca he slipped his arms around her, wrapping them firmly around her waist, and pulled her against his chest. She gave a start that he controlled by the grip he had on her, then he nudged her head aside by placing a kiss on her neck and whispering, “Just play along,” under his breath.

  He felt her relax slightly against him, but her breathing was far from even. “Oh, hi, Jake,” she said a little shakily. “We were just talking about you.”

  I’ll just bet you were. “Mmm,” he murmured against her neck. “Were you?”

  She quivered and tried to turn in his arms, but he merely tightened his hold. “Uh, mmm, yes. Amanda and Millicent happened to mention that they hadn’t been introduced to you.”

  Slowly he raised his head from where he’d been nuzzling Rebecca’s earlobe. He gave each of them a steady look that revealed nothing of his thoughts. Both women wore ridiculously eager smiles.

  “Jake, I’d like you to meet Millicent Trusdale and Amanda Wrightman. This is Jake Taggart. He’s president of CPI Industries.”

  “Wrightman?” he repeated slowly. “Any relation to Troy Wrightman?”

  Amanda nodded eagerly. “That’s my father. I had no idea you and Daddy worked together. I can’t imagine how it happened that we never met before,” she gushed.

  Still holding Rebecca pressed against him, he said, “I don’t do much socializing. When I’m not working, I like to spend all my spare time with ‘Becca.” He dropped his voice. “Don’t I, darling?”

  She gave an infinitesimal jerk at the endearment.

  Having her pressed so intimately against him was also causing a definite reaction in him over which he had no control. He shifted slightly so that only one of his arms was wrapped around her. He kept her close to his side.

  “Why, Rebecca,” Millicent squealed. “How could you have kept this wonderful man all to yourself? Just how long has this been going on?” she asked archly.

  Before she could respond, Jake drawled, “Oh, I joined the company almost six years ago.” He gave Rebecca a melting look. “From the time I first laid eyes on Rebecca I let everyone around know that she was private stock.”

  All three women stared at him with varying degrees of shock and surprise. In fact, Rebecca’s jaw had just dropped. Afraid that the other two women would recognize the amazement in her expression for what it was, he hastily leaned down and covered her mouth with his...and promptly forgot the purpose of the kiss when his lips touched hers.

  Her mouth was soft, moist and slightly open, an invitation he couldn’t resist. Turning her more fully toward him, he slipped his tongue between her lips, quickly discovering that he wanted much more than a mere taste.

  Forcing himself to remember their audience, he reluctantly pulled far enough away to whisper, “Are you ready to go yet, Sweetheart? I’m tired of sharing you with all these people.”

  Rebecca could only nod, her eyes wide.

  He turned to the other two who stood with mouths agape—not nearly so attractively as Rebecca—and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you, ladies. I hope you’ll excuse us. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to be a gentleman. There are times when I have a tremendous urge to toss her over my shoulder and haul her off to the nearest cave.”

  He nodded and, with his arm still around her waist, guided Rebecca out to the hallway where he retrieved her wrap, then led her to where he’d parked the car.

  “What in the world was that all about?” she finally asked in a faint voice once they were both inside the car.

  “How well do you know those two?”

  She blinked. “Amanda and Millicent?”

; He nodded.

  “Well, I guess I’ve always known them. I mean, we went through school together, although I went back East to college and they stayed here. We’ve been friends for years.”

  He leaned toward her, sliding his arm around her shoulders. “Then I suggest you find a higher caliber of friends!” His kiss immediately took over where the other one had ended so precipitously.

  This time he took a leisurely approach to exploring the delicious taste and contour of her lips, teeth and mouth, lazily nipping at her bottom lip, then sucking on it in a soothing gesture. He cupped his hand at the nape of her neck, losing himself in the moment of discovery.

  Eventually he had to pause for air. With a great deal of reluctance he raised his head and stared down at the woman in his arms.

  She was struggling to get air in her lungs. His breathing wasn’t too even, either. He enjoyed watching the quick rise and fall of her delectable breasts as she tried to calm her breathing.

  “How much...have you drink tonight?” she managed to ask.

  “No more than you. You’ve been with me all evening.”

  “We only had wine for dinner. We both switched to tonic water when the dancing began.”


  “But then—I mean— Why were you so—so—”


  “Is that what that was?”

  “You mean you didn’t recognize it?” he asked, with just a slight hint of hurt in his voice.

  She stared at him for a long moment before she hesitantly said, “I’ve never seen you behave like this before.”

  He straightened in his seat and started the car. “I hate catty women.” He pulled out of the parking place and started home.

  “Are you talking about Amanda and Millicent?”

  “Among others. I just don’t see the point of women having to talk about each other in slighting terms.”

  “But they weren’t saying anything slighting! In fact, they were asking all kinds of questions about you when you walked up.”

  “So I decided to become the mystery man in your life. Do you mind?”

  She looked at him askance. “Why should I need a mystery man in my life?”

  “For a little romance and adventure, perhaps?”

  “Are you on drugs?”

  “Damn it, Rebecca. Here I try to be a little romantic and you start accusing me of stuff!”

  “All right, Jake, all right. There’s no reason to get excited.”

  “And you don’t need to use that soothing tone of voice on me as though I just escaped from the state asylum.”

  She was quiet, and when he risked a glance at her he saw her carefully watching the way he was driving. Damn. She really did think he’d slipped a cog somewhere.

  “All right. So maybe I did act a little out of character.”

  “A little?”

  “I acted on impulse, okay?”

  She cleared her throat. “Do you get these impulses often?”

  She sounded so prim that he couldn’t help smiling. He darted another glance at her. “Obviously not often enough, but if I offended you, I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, you didn’t, uh, offend me. I mean, not really, uh, exactly. I think surprised is the better word. Or maybe shocked—astounded—flabbergasted—”

  “I get the point, ‘Becca, although I don’t see why it should have been that big a shock. After all, you’re a very attractive woman and I’m a very normal—”

  “I am?” She coughed. “I mean, you find me attractive?”

  He turned into the driveway and drove past the house to the garage without answering. Only then did he realize the trap he’d unsuspectingly laid for himself. And he had done it, that’s for sure. Nobody else.

  He helped her out of the car and walked her to the back entrance of the house, through the back rooms to the foyer and paused at the bottom of the winding steps.

  Taking her face between his hands he looked down at her. There was so much innocence in that face. So much trust. How dare those women make snide remarks about her lack of a social life. It wasn’t because she wasn’t attractive. She’d been trying too hard to prove something to her father.

  No wonder Brock had hoped he would show some interest in her. She’d be a hell of a lot better off with him than some bozo who would—

  Whoa! Wait a minute. What was he thinking of here? He didn’t have any intention of getting involved with anyone—not even Rebecca. Especially not ‘Becca.

  He’d been hired to do a job, then he was going back to the mountains where he belonged. What Rebecca chose to do with her life was up to her. Whatever anyone wanted to say about her had absolutely nothing to do with him.

  Maybe that damned dinner wine was more potent than he thought, after all!

  “Jake? What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?” he murmured, stroking her cheek with his finger.

  “I don’t know. As though you can’t decide whether or not you want to kiss me again.”

  “Oh, there’s no question but that I want to kiss you again. The battle is whether I dare.”

  She smiled, her eyes shining. “I’ve never seen you in this mood before.”

  “That’s not surprising. I don’t think I’ve ever been in this mood before.”

  She went up on her toes and kissed him, sliding her hands slowly over his chest and up into his hair. He forced himself not to move. When she eased away from him, she said, “I miss your long hair. I think that was the real you—that man I met from the mountains.”

  “Not very civilized, I’m afraid, despite the costume.” He glanced down at his clothes but somehow couldn’t let go of her. His hands continued to cup her face, his fingers toying with her earlobes, a curl, smoothing her eyebrow.

  “Is something the matter?” she finally asked.

  He forced himself to drop his hands and step away. “Nothing major. I’ve probably been putting in too many hours at work. Maybe I’ll take a couple of days off.”

  She nodded. “Good idea. You certainly have earned them.”

  He made a wide circle around her and started up the stairs. “Well, guess we should both get to bed—I mean, get some rest. Good night.”

  She waited until he reached the landing before she said, “Jake?”

  He looked down at where she stood under the massive chandelier, the light catching the sparkle of jewels all around her. From here she looked like a fairy-tale princess. What he had to remember was that he was not the prince.

  “Yes, ‘Becca?”

  “Do you think you found out anything by going with me tonight?”

  “Oh, yeah.” More than I ever wanted to know. “We’ll talk about it at the office on Monday. See you later.”

  It was one of the hardest things he’d had to do in recent years, to turn around and walk away from the woman looking up at him so trustingly.

  * * *

  The lights of downtown Seattle decorated the skyline outside his office windows, when Jake finally shoved back from his desk and stood, stretching to get the kinks out of his back.

  Despite spring’s rapid approach, darkness continued to fall long before he was finished with each day’s work. Where had the time gone?

  He glanced at his watch. He’d been at the office for fourteen hours. Long enough day for anyone. It would feel good to return to the house, which had come to be a haven to him in many ways. There was something to be said for a smooth-running home life where meals awaited him, clothes were always clean, neatly pressed and put away, and a sweetheart of a woman resided.

  In the weeks since he’d escorted Rebecca to the charity ball, he’d had plenty of time to face what had been happening to him. He didn’t like it. Not at all.

  Jake had always known how he’d intended to conduct his life. He’d learned early on not to allow anyone past his defenses. Mel and Betty had always been a part of his life but even they respected the boundaries he’d set around himself. At least, mo
st of the time.

  Now he felt betrayed by his own feelings for someone.

  Wouldn’t ol’ Brock be laughing his head off if he only knew that Jake had fallen head over heels for Brock’s daughter?

  There was a certain amount of irony in that, he had to admit. A few years ago it would have worked out just fine. He had intended to run the company on a permanent basis, so what would have been more convenient than to have fallen in love with the boss’s daughter?

  Only now she was the boss, and he had no intention of being a part of the company much longer.

  Within a few weeks, if everything went as he planned, he would have enough hard evidence to be able to expose Troy Wrightman, have him arrested and turn the company back over to Rebecca.

  He’d told her that was what he was going to do. He was in the process of doing it. Then he was heading back to Texas.

  However, he knew these few months had changed him so that nothing would ever be quite the same for him. Not that he had any intention of letting her know how he felt. No, he intended to retreat again into the mountains where he was safe from the pain of emotional attachments.

  If he hadn’t been in such a blasted fury over the remarks made by those stupid women, he wouldn’t be in the fix he was in right now. In his effort to protect Rebecca from possible hurt, he’d thrown himself into a situation that had blown up in his face.

  He’d kissed her, and he’d held her, and he’d discovered the woman who had the ability to hurt him because of the way he felt about her. He’d never felt so vulnerable. Not since he was a kid. And he hated the feeling.

  Since that night he’d avoided being alone with her, which wasn’t really difficult. They’d rarely seen each other away from the office, anyway.

  He’d spent the weekend after the ball riding the ferries among the San Juan Islands. He’d spent the night at a bed and breakfast, spent the evening in a local bar and toyed with the idea of encouraging one of the women there who’d shown a decided interest in him.

  The problem had been that she was the wrong woman.

  That’s when he’d known he was in deep trouble.


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