Caught on Camera: Part One
Page 4
“Damn it, I’m coming too…” Cade shouted, thrusting deeper. He stilled, his cock spasmed—the shaft widening and contracting in Reece’s arse as he filled the condom.
Reece delighted in listening to every unholy praise to the Lord that spilt from Cade’s lips. Each guttural moan and gasping intake of breath etched into his mind. He couldn’t remember having it so good, so intense—and out here, in the garden, with a new lover. It was perfect.
He squeezed his eyes shut, allowed himself to be shoved back and forth onto Cade’s cock as he pulsed through the last of his climax. He knew they looked wild, feral, fucking outdoors, naked and primitive, but he didn’t care. If anything, it added to the magic of it. It was a fantasy come true, a fantasy Reece hadn’t even known he’d had.
Eventually Cade slowed then he carefully withdrew his cock from Reece’s arse.
Reece held his breath as the thick wedge of flesh penetrating him popped out. He loved that moment. He was sad that the fucking had ended but the rim of a glans just eking that last bit of stretch from him, like a promise of more to come, always had him gasping.
“You okay?” Cade asked, reaching for Reece and helping him straighten.
“Never fucking better,” Reece said, though he did feel a little light-headed. His back was a bit stiff and his elbows and knees rigid from bracing against the pounding.
“That was intense,” Cade said, stroking Reece’s cheek. “Didn’t think I’d be getting my cock up an arse today when I came to work.” He grinned.
“Must surely be the best type of work,” Reece said, matching his smile and loving the satisfaction he could see in Cade’s eyes.
Cade slipped his hands though Reece’s hair, flattening it back against his head. “I think so. Wouldn’t it be cool if sex was your job?”
Reece laughed. “Getting paid to do that. Hell, yeah. Can’t think of anything better.”
Cade smiled, slanted his head and kissed him. A gentle, sweet kiss that held none of the mad, frantic energy of moments ago.
Reece let himself fall into it and onto Cade. He knew in that instant he wanted more. What had Cade said about blokes? They fancied each other, fucked then got to know each other. If they still liked the other person there could be a happy ever after. Reece wanted to get to know Cade better. Perhaps he could be in his future, his fairy-tale ending. Maybe he should ask him out—or at least for his number.
They broke the kiss and a car door slamming echoed toward them.
“Fuck,” Cade said, “get dressed.”
Panic seared through Reece. He jumped into action, grabbed his boxers that were by the pool and pulled them.
He lunged for the rest of his clothes. His feet tangled in his overalls as he stepped into them. He staggered to the left and nearly fell over the cat who was skulking around. “Fuck,” he muttered. He rammed his arms into the braces of this decorating gear and slipped them to his shoulders.
His cock was still semi-hard and his arsehole warm with satisfaction. He also had sweat on his forehead and chest and his mouth was dry.
He raced up to the house, bumped into the table and sent the empty cans skittering to the floor. “Shit,” he muttered.
He stooped and grabbed the cans.
Cade was next to him, pulling on his jeans. His cheeks were flushed and his hair flat and wet. He didn’t have the same panic in his face that Reece was feeling though. He wasn’t dressing slowly, but he lacked urgency.
“Jesus, my spunk is all over that cushion,” Reece said, pointing down the garden then looking at the back door.
“I’ll sort it, you get to work,” Cade said.
“What? Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll clean it. Say a bird pooped on it or something.”
“Thank, mate.” Reece turned and stepped away.
Cade grabbed his upper arm. “I’m more than a mate.”
Reece looked at him. His heart was beating wildly, his need to get out of the garden acute. But he paused, looked at Cade and said, “Yeah, I think so.”
Chapter Five
Reece hurried back toward the bedroom. As he went up the stairs, he expected to bump into Mrs. Henley-Smythe at any moment. He listened out for the click of her heels and the swish of her string of pearls.
But he made it back to the magnolia room without seeing anyone, thankfully.
Perhaps it had been a neighbor’s car door or a delivery van out front? He picked up his brush. It had gone a little dry on the end and he eased the rigidity from the bristles and continued with his job.
What had Cade said? Imagine if sex was your job. Reece smiled. Fuck. Wouldn’t that be a perfect life? Especially if it was sex with Cade. Cade was an amazing fuck—passionate and intense and not afraid to go for it.
As Reece dragged the paint down the wall, he clenched his arsehole. It simmered with a little bit of sting and reminded him of the fun he’d had. He still felt hot and sweaty from it, damp too, from the pool and the hot tub.
He glanced out of the window. Cade was by the lounger, the one they’d fucked on. He’d pulled a yellow hosepipe into the middle of the garden and was spraying Reece’s cum from the brown cushion. The hard shot of water was misting upwards and fuzzing in the air around Cade.
Reece licked his lips and remembered sucking on Cade’s cock. Damn, the guy had come hard and fast, squirting his jizz all over Reece then the lawn. He’d like to suck on Cade again, hear him moan and feel him thrust his hips. He wanted Cade to suck on his cock, take him deep and let that sexy mouth of his wrap around his shaft.
Fuck. Now Reece was getting hard again. He really was a mass of testosterone today and it was all down to one man.
Unable to drag his attention away, Reece watched Cade realign the wet cushion and turn the hose off. When finished, he wound it up again, the muscles in his back contracting and relaxing as he did so.
“Yes, Roger, that will be perfect as a location.”
Reece spun to the door.
A deep male voice was talking just outside.
“Go ahead and set it up. I already agreed to it and there’s a lot relying on it. People waiting, actors contracted. We can’t afford to let a set opportunity like that go to waste.”
Reece quickly resumed painting and stared at the bristles on his brush as they fanned out. It must be Mr. Henley-Smythe home and talking about his movie business.
Shit. How long had he been home? Had the car door slamming been him arriving at the house or had he been in much longer and they hadn’t noticed?
Bile rose in Reece’s gullet as he continued to listen to what seemed to be a telephone conversation. It was one-sided.
“I know, but he agreed to this. It’s a new venture, a new opportunity.” Pause. “I don’t care what his agent says. This is the plan and this is my company. There’s lots going on right now. It’s an exciting time and business is booming.”
Reece continued to paint the wall. An exciting time? He wondered what blockbuster Mr. Henley-Smythe was involved in, perhaps a new A-lister film? Was the star playing up, not co-operating? Reece was sure actors and actresses were cantankerous and demanding. He didn’t think he’d enjoy working with people like that. He preferred an easy life.
The conversation came to an end and Reece heard Mr. Henley-Smythe walk away, his footsteps faded then a door slammed.
He breathed a sigh of relief. Surely if Mr. Henley-Smythe had seen him and Cade fucking each other stupid in his garden, he’d have had something very colorful to say about it. He didn’t seem the sort to just allow his employees to fuck on his time. He’d have come looking for them, shouting, swearing and docking their wages, surely?
Reece glanced outside.
Cade had gone.
He reloaded his brush and carried on painting.
He soon became lost in his thoughts. Sweet memories of being taken from behind, allowing Cade’s dick to sink deep and bring him to orgasm. Reece stayed semi-erect as he worked, but he didn’t mind—it was a nice change to feel
aroused and excited.
Moving away from the window, he then painted around a wall-fitted cupboard. His hand wasn’t quite as steady as it usually was. He cursed when a blob smeared on the wood and he had to wipe it off.
Reece turned—Cade’s voice in the quiet room had made him startle. “Shit,” he said. “My nerves are fucked.”
Cade stepped in, his big, dark body looking out of place in the cream room with the white decorator sheets spread over everything.
“It’s not just your nerves that are fucked,” Cade said with a grin. “Your mouth and arse are too.”
“He’s here, you know? The husband. Mr. Henley-Smythe.”
“Yeah, I saw his Merc out front.” Cade shrugged. “That’s okay, though.”
“How do you know?”
“It’s all cool. He only thinks about work.”
“Yeah, I heard him, on the phone.”
“Talking of phones. Pass me yours.”
“Just do it.”
A bubble of hope popped inside Reece. Did Cade want to swap numbers so they could get together again? Plan more wild fucking sessions then get to know each other? He sure as hell hoped so.
“Here,” Reece said, reaching his phone from a small backpack that he kept his lunch and keys in.
“Chuck it.”
Reece threw the iPhone through the air.
Cade caught it and tapped away for a moment.
“What you doing?” Reece asked.
“Putting my number in your phone.”
Reece smiled. “Why?” he asked, though he was pretty sure he knew the answer.
“Because I have something to show you.”
“Oh, what’s that then?”
“You’ll see later.” Cade gave an annoyingly smug grin as a tinny tune tinkled around the room. “Excellent, you’ve just called me, which means now I have your number, too.”
“Good, so we’re even.”
“You reckon?”
Damn, he was being maddening. But far from repelling Reece, Cade’s teasing, flirty behavior only made him want more. The glint in his eyes, the slant of his smile and his big, strong body that was made for fucking, was a pull, drawing him in.
“So what’s happening later?” Reece asked.
Surely if Cade had said he had something to show him, they’d have to meet up. Go someplace. Would there be more fucking tonight? Reece hoped so. His arse would be a bit tender but he’d cope just fine.
“Later. I’ll text you, okay,” Cade said, tossing the phone back to Reece.
Reece caught it and dropped it into his pocket. “Yeah, whatever.” He went for nonchalant.
“I hope you like it,” Cade said. “What I’ve got to show you.”
Before Reece could answer, Cade headed for the door and slipped out of the bedroom, leaving the scent of chlorine and fresh sweat circulating with the aroma of paint.
Reece sighed and carried on working.
He was at it for another three hours, toiling away, caught up in his thoughts. He’d have to come back one more day and finish the job, but that was okay, because he’d told Mrs. Henley-Smythe that it would be a five-day fee. The room was big and with the en suite as well, it was a large job.
As the heat of the day dispersed and Reece’s stomach began to complain about its empty state, he packed up his paint and headed for his van.
Cade had gone, leaving just dinks in the gravel where his much larger van had been parked earlier.
Reece wondered where he lived. Was he local or did he travel a long way to do the Henley-Smythe’s garden? Had he grown up in the area? Did he live with someone, his parents…a lover?
That thought made Reece nauseous. He’d confessed to not having anyone special in his life but Cade hadn’t. For all he knew, Cade could be in a committed relationship and had just cheated spectacularly.
Reece didn’t mind the fucking or being part of an infidelity—it was hardly his fault if he didn’t know. But what he did object to was Cade being off the market. He knew he shouldn’t feel like that. It was only one shag, for God’s sake.
But fuck, what a shag!
He headed for home, a flat on the east side of town. As he navigated the rush-hour traffic, he heard his phone beep.
A message.
He scanned for police then pulled the phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. Cade the Gardener
He smiled. As if he knew anyone else called Cade? But it did bring back a nice image of him cutting the lawn, stopping and peeling of his T-shirt and bending over to tend the mower.
The traffic lights changed and the flow of vehicles continued. Reece dropped the phone onto the passenger seat. He’d wait until he’d pulled up outside home then look. In the meantime he’d enjoy the anticipation—knowing that Cade had contacted him but not knowing the reason, was a fun way of tormenting himself.
Once home he killed the engine and sat, windows down, and flicked his phone to life. He went straight to messages and opened the one from Cade.
Hi sexy, it was fun ‘working’ with you today and getting up close and personal with your hot fucking arse was a particular highlight!
Reece smiled, oh yeah, up close and personal described it very well indeed, and highlight? Damn it was that all right.
So, Reece the decorator, I thought you might like this little memento of the occasion. Don’t worry, for our eyes only. Enjoy!
Reece frowned then noticed there was a picture beneath the message. No, not a picture. A video attachment.
He scrolled his finger over it and the video went to full screen. He tipped his phone sideways.
“What the…?” he gasped.
His heart rate shot up, a pulse in his temple throbbed.
“What the hell?”
The video showed a naked Cade walking across the Henley-Smythe’s lawn, his dick was erect and proud and he had a cocky, unstoppable look on his face. Behind him Reece could see the image of himself, watching Cade go.
“Oh Jesus.” He wiped his hand over his forehead—it was damp with sweat.
The tiny Reece on the screen was taking his clothes off now, racing after Cade, who’d dove into the pool. The angle was such that the camera must have been near the diving board.
Reece watched as he shucked off his boxers and went into the water with his erection poking out from his pale pubic hair.
The screen flicked. Now it was a close up of them kissing passionately. Cade holding Reece’s head and devouring his mouth.
Reece groaned. He just knew this was going to keep on rolling until he was bent over and taking it up the arse. And no wonder he’d felt a few times that Cade had turned or positioned him. Moved his hands. The bastard had known there was a camera there.
Yes, that’s what he was, a complete and utter bastard. What kind of wanker videoed someone while they were having sex without telling them?
Again the screen flicked. This was a hot tub shot.
“Fuck. A camera in the gazebo too.”
Reece heard his screen-self moan as he watched Cade’s shoulder shifting as he jerked him off beneath the water.
His cock tingled. Damn, that had been good though.
Quickly he wound up the van windows and checked no one was watching him sitting in his van watching porn—very personal porn.
Jesus, no wonder Cade had gone on about porn. He was clearly a fan and loved being the star of his own show.
Reece shifted on the seat. He could see the ecstasy and the concentration on his face as Cade took him to the edge. Although he was pissed off at the video, he was also fascinated.
Another split-second flash and Reece saw what he knew was the crest of the short film. Him bent over, the camera only ten feet from his face, with Reece behind him—pounding, fucking, wild and wanton.
“What a bastard,” Reece muttered, as his skin tingled with excitement. It was hot to see—dirty, graphic and shocking but so damn hot. He was at full hardness
now sitting in his van. The memory of the act was rushing back to him and flooding his cock with desire.
His phone beeped as another message from Cade arrived.
You’re a natural, Reece. If you fancy being a very rich man, I’ve got a proposition for you.
Coming soon from Totally Bound Publishing:
Caught on Camera: Part Two
Lily Harlem
Released 9th January 2015
Chapter Six
Did Reece Carter want to be a rich man? Hell yeah, but what sort of question was that anyway?
Cade was mad to ask, because didn’t everyone? No, he was mad…at Cade. Mad for tricking him into making a porn movie in a client’s garden, even if it was only thirty seconds of filth.
Really fucking hot filth, but filth nonetheless.
He typed a text message back.
You really think I’m impressed by that stunt?
Within seconds he had a response.
No, I think you’re turned the hell on. I think you enjoyed seeing us fuck and now your cock is hard again. And why not enjoy it? We’re hot together, and I’d bet my last condom that the rest of the world would think so too.
Reece shook his head. Who the hell was this guy?
What are you on about Cade? Because right now you’re pissing me off. I should come over there and let my fist meet your mouth. And that’s exactly what will happen if anyone else sees this.
He balled his hands. He’d never hit Cade. He might be a fit bloke who liked his sex a bit rough around the edges, but he wasn’t into violence.
I’d rather you didn’t because then I’d have to thump you right back and mark your pretty face. And it ‘is’ for our eyes only. Like I said. But, think about it. Please.