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The Wrangler (Wild For Her Series Book 3)

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by Ally Prince


  The Wrangler

  Copyright © 2018 Ally Prince

  The Wild For Her Series


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  From Ally

  Also Available from Ally Prince

  The Wrangler

  #3 - Wild For Her Series

  Ally Prince

  Copyright © 2018 Ally Prince

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, persons or locales, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Cover Design by: Just write. Creation and Services

  Editing by: Swish Design and Editing

  The Wild For Her Series

  #1 The Stud

  #2 The Cowboy

  #3 The Wrangler

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  I just wanted a quiet Monday beer to wash down the crap I had been dealing with. My rope was stretched uncomfortably tight and at any moment it would snap, and Summer would get what was coming for him.

  The crowd was small, there had even been a few women in here earlier. Beer slid smoothly down my throat. I could stay for more, but I needed to get home and rest up because tomorrow I’d be dealing with the same shit again.

  I’d finished my beer and considered another when Harry Walker, owner of Walkers Arms, started yelling.

  “Travis watch the bar, I need men outside now.” Then he started sprinting for the door. Not waiting or knowing what I was in for I followed close behind with a few others.

  The lighting in the parking lot provided a dim glow over the situation, but it allowed me to see enough.


  Pretty sure Penny Anderson laid on the ground. I knew her brother well, her not so much. And the man? Fuck. I picked up my pace, shoving those out the way who just seemed to be staring, and reached the guy just as Walker did. I snatched the bat—he had a fucking baseball bat—out of his hand and thrust it off to the side and then we took him down to the gravel. He struggled a little, but he reeked of liquor.

  “You coward,” Harry spat in his face, the bastard smiled.

  “Turn him over,” I suggested. We maneuvered the guy so his face was down in the gravel. Another guy came along and put his weight on his legs, this fucker wasn’t going anywhere.

  “What happened?” The guy under us struggled to move. Harry not so nicely pushed his face into the gravel again. He shut up.

  “Looks like Miskin here took to Penny with a bat, beating on his own girl wasn’t bad enough.” I glanced over to where Penny lied, but instead, pale blonde hair caught my attention. It glowed like a halo in the low light. The girl looked tiny, scared as hell, and something fierce roared in my chest.

  She was precious and deserved so much fucking better.

  “But don’t you worry, Summer will cover this shit up.” Harry sounded disgusted, I turned to him.

  “What’s Summer got to do with this?”

  “That’s his daughter, Kayla, and this…” he jerked on Miskin, “… this is her boyfriend.”

  Fuck me.

  I peered back over at the girl, I made out the words on her lips, she repeated sorry over and over again. Our eyes met for the briefest of moments. Those eyes would haunt me.

  A truck roared into the lot, and moments later Mason slid to his knees in front of Penny. So, they were a thing?

  Paramedics arrived, the sheriff took Miskin, but I remained and watched her. She looked so small. No-one came for her to see if she was okay, she stood all alone and that didn’t sit well with me.

  I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to take her in my arms, but the girl had had a rough night and I figured I would stress her out. Moments later Harry stepped up to her, put his arm around her shoulder and led her away. I didn’t like the ugly feeling which settled in my gut.

  I would find her, and I’d make sure she was always okay.

  Chapter 1


  I tugged my scarf tighter as I trudged across the gravel parking lot on my way into the office. The wind chill rattled my bones today. I despised this time of year. I liked the warmth, and even though Texas winters were milder than most, I still felt the chill to my very core.

  I had contemplated not coming in when I woke this morning. Briefly, I even considered leaving. The thought of packing up what I had and hopping in the horrible shiny car I now had to drive, and heading off to places unknown seemed appealing lately. The only reason I didn’t was because my mother stayed, and I didn’t want to leave her alone.

  My boots crunched over the ground before I walked up the three small steps that led into the office. It was a transportable building situated at the edge of a new subdivision my father was funding. He hadn’t officially named it yet, but I bet it would be something pretentious like Summer Acres or Summer Fields. He wouldn’t be able to help himself.

  Summer Holdings was a decent company. It wasn’t the company I’d planned to work for when I went to college. I hated every single moment I worked here. I’d been so close to quitting, so close to gaining freedom and then Rove happened.

  In one foul swoop he stormed in and hurt people I cared for, more than he hurt me. I carried the guilt with me every day that somehow I might have been able to stop it. Somehow, I could have tried harder.

  I pushed through the door that caught in the wind and slammed against the wall. My blonde hair swirled in my face as I battled, struggling to close the door. Slamming it shut, I drew in a deep breath and tried to blow my hair from my face. It didn’t budge, I was no doubt a disaster.

  I turned and headed to my small desk that sat against the rear wall.

  The office was simple. It consisted of three desks. Mine, Margaret’s and one for the site foreman. Margaret was the finance guru, without her my father would be toast. The site foreman’s desk sat empty, seeing as Rove went MIA. A small kitchenette sat at one end and the bathroom sat outside—we had to share it with the crew who worked on the subdivision. I made every effort to go into town for lunch, just to use a restroom that wouldn’t traumatize me for life.

  I really hoped that Margaret arrived soon because I needed her here as a buffer before my father showed up. He arrived every day sometimes gracing us with his presence more than once to remind us that we were all useless and he was ultimately in control. Asshole.

  The heat was the first thing I switched on, followed by the urn and then I moved to turn the answering machine off.

  I fired up the computer getting ready for another day filled with spreadsheets and filing. If this were any other company my father would be disgusted that the degree, he paid for, was being put to work in such an unqualified position. But this was my father, and he didn’t care much when it came to me. I wished I knew why, but I honestly couldn’t remember one nice encouraging word he’d ever said to me.

  I stuffed my purse in my drawer, and the thought of coffee had just crossed my mind when the phon
e buzzed.

  “Summer Holdings, Kayla speaking.”

  “Oh, Kayla dear.” Margaret’s throaty voice filled my ear. She sounded like she smoked a pack a day. Well, she might have once, but she didn’t anymore.

  “Hey Margaret, is everything okay?” I peered at the clock and grimaced at the time. Clearly, if she wasn’t already here at a quarter to nine and she was on the phone, things were not okay.

  “It’s Bill, dear. We just received a call. The specialist had a cancelation and we need him to have this appointment. It’s in Austin, so I need to leave shortly. I won’t be in today, dear.”

  “I understand.” Of course, I did, it sucked that I’d have to be here alone with my father. “Hope they can help Bill out.”

  “Me, too, dear. I will see you later in the week or next Monday. I don’t really know yet.”

  “Take your time. I’m sure I can manage.” I thought I could, it was whether my father let me.

  “You are quite capable, dear. Best wishes. See you soon.” She gave me best wishes for dealing with my father. Fuck my life.

  I had not long hung up and moved to my desk with my coffee when the door lurched open. With my back to it, I silently prayed for a few moments that it might be the new site foreman or a construction worker.

  “Did you make me coffee?” Jonathan Summer barked as he slammed the door. I had my answer. I took a deep breath and turned slowly, not looking at the man who made my blood boil and headed to the office to the kitchenette.

  I made his coffee exactly the way he liked it, but I would wager my first born there would be something wrong with it.

  He made himself comfortable behind the foreman’s desk. I placed the coffee on the coaster, pulling back to return to my desk, hoping the phone rang hot so I had something to do.

  I was nearly standing upright when he lashed out and grabbed my forearm, his grip tight. My breath caught, and I struggled to not wince.

  “I wouldn’t have this issue if you learned how to keep a man happy.” His blue eyes that were so similar to mine glared at me. His white brows bunching and his nose a nice shade of red. “When will you learn to do as you’re told?” He didn’t want a reply and the one he’d get would lead to a whole other conversation I didn’t want to have. So, I kept my eyes on where he gripped me, the ends of his fingers going white. It would bruise. Again.

  “I wasn’t a hard task, Kayla. Now you’ve screwed it all up and I still don’t have the land I need.” Spittle flew from his mouth, I saw it fly past my arm and land on the desk below.

  The door blasted open with a bang, a burst of wind filled the office with frigid air and my father cursed up a storm.

  I remained still trying to gather up the strength to tug my arm from him.

  “What the fuck do you want, Fairchild?” my father bellowed, releasing me. My instant reaction had me rubbing at my arm with my other hand because it hurt.

  “Are you okay?” a deep voice asked in a calming tone. I gulped and stepped away from my father.

  “Who cares about her? Why the hell are you in here?”

  Oh, he was speaking to me. I raised my eyes, briefly passing my father and registering his expression, not pleasant at all, and moved my eyes to the other man in the room.

  Oh dear.

  Green eyes brimmed with thick dark lashes stared straight at me. They looked for a moment familiar, but they couldn’t be. I would know if I’d ever seen this man. A cowboy hat cast a slight shadow over his face, the rest was hidden behind a thick, short dark blond beard.

  My smile faltered a little, but I couldn’t find any words to respond with. This man stole my breath and that might be dangerous.

  “Fairchild,” my father snapped loudly making me jump a little. Heat flooded my cheeks. Embarrassed this man caught me in such a situation. A situation that showed how weak I’d become. I was so sick of being weak.

  I dropped my eyes to the man’s hands. He held a stack of paperwork in one, the other was fisted and I could see a slight pulse in it.

  “You got someplace to be, Kitten? I need a word with the Mayor.”

  Kitten? As much as I didn’t want to go outside in the cold, I sure as hell didn’t want to stay in here and listen to my father talk to him like he was a piece of shit.

  I heard enough of that all day, every day.

  I nodded at him. Ignoring my father, I sucked in a deep breath and made my way to the door. As I passed the stranger his hand brushed mine and for a fraction of a second, and he squeezed a finger. How did a stranger know to offer me comfort in the company of my own father?


  I’d had the week from hell. Not one single thing had gone the way I needed it to at the ranch. We were well into hunting season and people were giving back their permits because of Jonathan fucking Summer. Of course, I couldn’t prove it was him yet, but I would. Damn right I would.

  The first time the fence was cut, I figured it would be bored teens out for some fun. What better way to get that fun than to get onto a gaming reserve and see what you might find. But twice this week I had fixed holes in my fences. The fences bordered up with the new land that Summer had purchased for another freaking subdivision. Also, not a coincidence.

  The man was unrelenting. How he still held on to the Mayor title, I honestly had no idea?

  Game proof fencing cost a pretty penny. I had regulations to abide by to keep my permits. If it had been any other pasture I would have been okay with it. Sure, it would have pissed me off, but fixing fencing for longhorns is a shit load easier.

  Ultimately, I knew coming in here this morning wouldn’t be getting me anywhere, and at the moment, I was okay with that. I wanted Summer to be aware we were onto him, and if I had to perform a stakeout to catch the bastard, I fucking would.

  He really didn’t help the situation. When I walked in the bastard had his daughter by her arm. She looked moments away from tears, I swear I saw her hand trembling and the fucker just glared right at her. That irritated me. The girl had been through enough.

  When she walked past me to head outside, I had to touch her. Offer her something I knew I shouldn’t, but she looked like she needed it. It was cold as hell outside today, so I’d keep this meeting brief and to the point.

  “You owe me three grand.” I slapped the receipts on the desk in front of the older man and glared. His nose shone red, I’d like to say it was from the cold, but he liked wine a little too much. He was balding, and his midline was ever expanding.

  He grunted, peering down at the pile and reached for his cup. He took a sip, a nasty snarl on his lips as he pulled the cup away. “Fuckin’ useless.”

  I had to ball my hands into fists—that comment was no doubt directed at the pretty little thing now out in the cold.

  “I owe you shit, Fairchild. Unless you have evidence.” He steepled his fingers under his chin.

  “Evidence of what?” I hadn’t explained why he owned me money, so that bastard was guilty of something.

  “Whatever that is.” He looked toward the paperwork again. His cheeks colored slightly, and he cleared his throat.

  “I’m on to you Summer. Your days here are numbered,” I warned taking a step so the desk pressed against my thigh. The older guy glanced up at me. A snarl once again clear on his face.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s fine. I can work with that. When I catch the guy, and I will, no amount of money will stop him from talking.”

  “I don’t do anything that will jeopardize my career.” He had this odd grin on his face like he had a reason to be proud.

  “No. You let your daughter take the fall for your incompetence. You bury anyone who doesn’t agree, and Brookfield no longer has stars in its eyes when they think of you. You will get what’s coming.” I reached for the papers as he stood. He was only around five foot nine, so not impressive at all. I towered over him at six three.

  “What and who Kayla chooses to waste her life with has nothing to
do with me. It’s not my fault the girl has no value for herself.” He straightened and began to dust off his shirt. I laughed. If anyone didn’t respect her it was him.

  “Is that why she’s driving around in a fancy new European car because she doesn’t respect herself?”

  Summer launched forward a little, trying to get in my face from across the desk. “Don’t stick your nose where it isn’t wanted, Fairchild. You’ve been warned,” he snarled and the threat was very real.

  “That sounds very much like a threat, Mayor.”

  “I will do whatever I have to, to protect my business,” his voice rose as he spoke, and his face turned a deeper shade of red.

  “So will I.” I leveled him with a glare. I would stop at nothing to make sure this asshole went down for all the shit he was trying to pull. What I needed was hard, solid evidence, and I had no idea how to get it. “Do you treat your daughter like that in public all the time?” I knew the answer. If cameras were rolling he was all smiles. If influential people were around he loved her dearly, but as soon as they left so did any love he had for her. His wife often looked like a zombie, her eyes large and somewhat vacant.

  “What I do with my family is nobody’s business, Fairchild. Don’t dig into something unless you’re prepared for the consequences.” Another threat.

  I nodded and stepped back. I was done here. “I’ll be back, and you won’t like what I bring with me.” I headed for the door, his breathing heavy behind me. The man was an asshole, and he deserved to be treated like one. He had no influence over me whatsoever.

  I yanked open the door and let the cold wind hit my face, it felt refreshing, dulling the fire a little. I didn’t bother to shut the door the fat ass could do it himself. I trekked down the stairs and headed for my truck which I’d parked next to the gleaming silver car.

  Her car.

  I was about to hop in my truck when she opened her door. I paused knowing I should go. But the pull to her was strong. I turned, and our eyes met over the roof of her car.


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