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The Wrangler (Wild For Her Series Book 3)

Page 5

by Ally Prince

  “What’s up?”

  “Oh, we have a fence down, and Kevin called from in town and said the wardens just rolled out again.”

  “Fuck it,” I snapped making Kayla jump in my arms. “Sorry,” I mumbled before letting her go.

  “I got everything loaded ready to go.” Tyler thumbed over his shoulder.

  “Give me two, I’ll be right there.” He nodded and headed away.

  “Want me to help?” Those huge blue eyes were serious as fuck, but I had to laugh.

  “Baby, fixing fences is hard work, you need muscle.” I gripped her slender arms, and she laughed.

  “Okay. You go wrangle, I’ll have dinner ready when you get home.”


  “Well, yeah. Isn’t that what ranchers do?”

  “I wrangled you, didn’t I?”

  Kayla stepped into my space, lifted to tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to my lips her hands grazing my beard, her eyes scanning my face. “You sure did, handsome.” With that, she headed to her car. I watched as she leaned into the back seat. Her ass was more than fine.

  I had work to do though, and when I got home tonight to this angel in my house, I wasn’t sure I’d ever let her leave.

  Chapter 6


  Sinful intent. That’s how I would describe the glances Nick was giving me over dinner. There was something about how his eyelids hung a little low, his eyes burned a little brighter, and the way he licked lips that told me I was in for a night I would remember if I wanted it.

  Did I want it? Well, yeah. Who wouldn’t?

  I’d made myself comfortable in his kitchen and cooked up a risotto. I should have asked if he even ate rice and chicken, but I figured most men ate whatever was put in front of them and Nick hopefully wouldn’t be much different. I sipped on the left-over wine that wasn’t required for dinner, talk about bonus, and found Nick’s stereo system which was droning some old country songs.

  He had pushed through his front door with a rush, his eyes almost wild until they landed on me.

  “Give me five, I need a quick shower.” He offered me a wink and then he disappeared down the hall, and all I could think as I heard the pipes roar to life was that Nick was naked.

  His body was wet and naked.

  I wondered if he manscaped?

  I tried my hardest to not rub my thighs together. I tried my hardest to ignore the way my nipples had pebbled. And I tried my hardest to dull the ache that sat low in my belly. But when he walked out with his hair looking shades darker because it was wet, and just a pair of low hung sleep pants on, I nearly combusted on the spot. Nick’s body was a work of art. One that would take years to sculpt to get all the hard lines, dips and ridges perfect. The way the front of his pants hung over what seemed to be a very impressive package also caught my eyes. How the hell was I meant to organize dinner with him dressed like that?

  Somehow, I had managed. By the time we sat down, I had a slight sheen of sweat on my forehead from the amount of restraint it had taken to not touch the man.

  He sat across for me, his broad shoulders filling my sight. That tanned skin still beaded a little with water, my mouth went dry and I didn’t even taste the risotto.

  “You get your fence fixed?” My eyes were wide as I shoved a spoon full of rice in my mouth. Nick smirked, I could see it under his beard.

  “No issues at all, Kitten. Was an easy fix.” He put his fork down and rubbed his big hand over his chest, for no other reason than to get my attention I’m sure. I wanted to be that hand. Nick had a slight smattering of chest hair, it was a little darker than the hair on his head, he also sported a snail trail that disappeared into those sleep pants that I wanted to rip off.

  “What’s your plan for tomorrow?” It was normal practice to make conversation at dinner, right? Nick cocked a brow at me as I put my spoon down. I had eaten enough.

  “You wanna make small talk? Or do you want to head for dessert?”

  Straight to the point. Nick was already pushing his chair back and rising to his feet. My eyes followed him then raked down his body and stopped on the impressive tent he had in front. I may have swallowed a little louder than normal because, holy shit.

  “Kitten?” he growled, my eyes snapped up to his.

  “Dessert.” It was barely a whisper.

  Nick moved around the table to my side and reached for my hand, with a slight tug I stood and followed behind him as he led me to his bedroom.

  His bedroom was amazing. I really didn’t take in enough when I woke up in it. The ceiling was pressed tin, the detail amazing, it was painted in a subtle green. Three of the walls were in the same stone as the outside of the house. It had a fireplace which Nick had lit because a soft orange glow lit the room. His bed sat in the center positioned between two windows, it was all light colors and homey.

  “You sure you want this, Kitten?” Nick had stopped moving as we neared the bed. He turned to face me, the glow of the fire sparkling in his green eyes.

  “I’m sure. I want you.” I had never wanted anyone like I wanted this man right now. He had me wound tight, and I wanted to explode.

  “I don’t share.” His voice dropped low and husky.

  “I don’t either.” There was no way I was cut out for casual sex. Should I tell Nick this? Maybe, I could have him once and be okay with it? I really doubted it, but now that was a risk I was willing to take. I wanted to feel all of this man no matter the outcome.

  “Good. Come here, Kitten.” He crooked a finger at me, a wicked smile tugging at his lips as I stepped forward. My hands reaching to touch his skin. He was warm, his skin soft but his muscles hard, such a contrast. I spread my hands out over his ribs, they looked so small. Nick was a big man. Doubt snuck in for a brief second, but I pushed it away.

  “I think you’re overdressed,” he stated softly as his hands landed on my hips. His touch heated my skin and considering he was nearly naked I was way overdressed. I nodded shakily, my eyes still on his chest. “Let’s lose the sweater.” He tugged at the hem and I had to remove my hands from him so he could pull it over my head. I gathered the courage to lift my eyes to his, I noticed he was frowning. Self-consciously I folded my hands over my small breasts. He didn’t like them? He slapped my hands away.


  “How many layers are you wearing, Kitten? It doesn’t often snow in Texas, you know that, right?” The jerk. I rolled my eyes and huffed. So, I liked to be warm. I often wore sweaters with a tee and a singlet. Three layers—surely that was normal? He didn’t let me dwell for long and tugged at the hems left behind and pulled both layers off and threw them to the side somewhere.

  “Now, that’s better.” The hum that left his mouth sent chills racing over my body. “What am I going to do with you?” I had several ideas, but I bet his blew mine out of this world. “You are a beauty.” His breath washed over my face as he leaned in. I waited for the kiss, but instead, he touched a finger to my nose and let it drop to my parted lips. Slowly, it declined over my mouth, chin, neck until it settled between my breasts. “What about this, can I take it off?”

  The fact he asked kind of surprised me, but I nodded before his eyes met mine. Green was such a pretty color. Nick could tell you a lot with his eyes, I was beginning to learn that. He blinked casually, lazily almost, before his hands slipped around my back and in no time at all my bra was falling and the warm air lapped at my sensitive skin.

  “These are pretty much perfect.” I don’t think anyone had ever called anything about me perfect. I had to swallow down the emotion that threatened to surface. If Nick kept this up he was going to ruin me for all other men but in a good way. My standards would be so high I’d live a lonely life unless Nick wanted me for more, and I really hoped now that he did.


  I wanted to take this slow. I wanted to cherish every inch of her body, but she was so fucking beautiful it almost hurt to look at her. Her breasts were perky with rose-colored nipples. Her skin
so milky, and in the right light I’d see traces of her veins. Her long blonde hair hung down her back and with her bright blue eyes eating me up, I struggled not to throw her on the bed and fuck her like a crazy man. But something told me Kayla needed soft and gentle. Was I capable of that? I’d soon find out.

  “What about these tight jeans, Kitten? Can I take them off?” My hands itched to touch her tits, but I wanted her naked even more. I caught her nod out the corner of my eye and I moved my hands to the button on her jeans. I sank to my knees in front of her, her small hands resting on my shoulders as she steadied herself while I slipped her pants down her long, slender legs. They honestly went on forever. I fumbled with her shoes and managed to rid her of her clothes. I sat back on my haunches and looked up at her body—long and lean, yet curvy and slender. The way her hips bowed and that small patch of blonde between her legs, she truly was enticing.

  My cock was straining, the brush of the soft cotton pants just enough of a tease to annoy me. I wanted her warmth wrapped around me.

  “Do I look okay?”

  “Do you look okay?” I repeated as I rose on my knees and brought my hands to her legs. “Kitten, you never need to ask that, not here, not with me. In fact, never again. You’re mine, Kitten.” The fact that she doubted herself irked me. Had she really been treated so awfully that she needed that kind of reassurance? Or had she never been told before? “I very much like what I see.” I looked straight up into her clear, blue eyes and caught the light blush. While it was encouraging, a war started to rage inside. She apparently didn’t think she was anything to look at or worthy of a man’s attention, and for that reason alone I would take her father down. But this wasn’t about him. This was about us. Her.

  I stood quickly, pressing a quick kiss to her bare shoulder and turned to the bed. I tugged down the covers, threw some pillows off and dropped my pants. All very romantic. I needed her in my bed, now.

  When I turned back, her eyes were focused on the bed, but she struggled to keep them there. She wanted to check me out, I was okay with that. I hoped she liked what she saw because the chances of her seeing another naked man in her life were slim.

  “Do I just hop on the bed?” Her hands fidgeted in front of her, fuck she was cute. I couldn’t help my smile, and when I didn’t reply she looked my way. “What?” she frowned and looked down. I moved into her space and tilted her chin back up. Her eyes were still a little wide, I wanted to see them heavy with lust.

  “You do what you’re comfortable with, Kitten. But first I think I need this.” Gripping her face gently I brought her lips to mine. The tension melted from her body and she relaxed into me. Our kiss was slow and lazy like we had all the time in the world, we would. Her hands found the nape of my neck and when she pressed her tits against my chest, I growled. My cock jerked and hit her stomach and before she could protest, I lifted her and threw onto the bed. She landed with a squeal and a huff as she moved her blonde hair from her face. I moved to the bed and positioned myself over her.

  She looked so small under me. She also looked a fucking lot like mine. With my arms braced on either side of her head I lowered my body to fit over hers. Her legs opened wider to allow for me and I settled my cock up against her heat. Her hands gripped my ribs as her chest rose and fell with her pants.

  “This okay?” Her nod was jerky. “Want to see how a real man treats his woman?” I didn’t wait for her to reply. I dropped my head and put my mouth on her neck. Instantly her body was shivering. Her hips moved slightly grazing my hard-on and she froze before doing it again. And again. Fuck that was nice. I let her do what she needed and moved a hand to her chest. Her tit disappeared under my hand, I could fit the whole thing in my grip. My fingers flexed as my mouth continued to nibble. Kayla’s hips picked up pace allowing me to slide through with ease, her pussy letting me know just how much she liked it. I tugged at a knee making her open for me. I sank harder into her and flexed my hips.

  “Please. I need you inside.”

  “You think you’re ready or do I need to go down there and check it out?” I hummed against her skin, her intake of breath was sharp, and I could feel her shaking her head. I paused everything and pulled back. Her cheeks bright red, eyes screwed shut and the feel-good feeling began to vanish. “Kayla?” Thankfully she opened her eyes.

  “It’s just, no-one’s ever…” I raised my brows because well, that was a fucking shame it really was. “I want you now, can we explore later?” If possible, her cheeks glowed brighter, but the little angel moved her hips begging me to do what we both wanted.

  “Okay. But later you’re coming on my mouth.” I pulled back to sit on my knees and reached for my bedside drawer. I pulled out a condom and in no time had it rolled on. Kayla propped up on her elbows, her wide eyes staring at my dick.

  “It’s pretty big, handsome.”

  “That’s why…” I slid a hand up her leg to her pussy, her breath hitched, “… I need this ready for me.” I slid a finger through her folds and was greeted with a soaking pussy eager to be fucked. That’s my girl. I reached her bundle of nerves and applied some pressure to it with slow circles. “You ready?”

  “So ready.” She wasn’t wrong either.

  I settled myself back over her and took my cock sliding it through her juices. This would be amazing. I nudged at her opening, her body tensed slightly.

  “Lift your hips a little.” She rolled them perfectly to fit against me and I began to slide on in. I bit back a groan as every delicious inch strangled me a little more. Once I was fully seated, I dropped to my elbows and took in her face. My hands moved her hair, as I claimed her lips. She responded so easily to every move I made. Her hips rocked in time, her tongue chased mine. It was the best sexual experience I’d ever had.

  “I’m not gonna last, Kitten. You need to come.” Her pants in my ear were eager and when she snuck a hand down between us, I nearly lost it.

  “Please, Nick.” Her voice was husky and her body way too tight. I picked up speed and let my cock go as deep as it could with every stroke. Her body quivered and then she was coming. Her walls pulsing and squeezing the life out of me. My stride stuttered for a moment, but when I looked down and saw the sheer pleasure on her beautiful face I was done for. I pushed in deep and held it there while I came. My breath rushed out of me, and I had to drop my head as it became too heavy. Fuck. I’d never experienced anything so intense. As Kayla came down, she relaxed her legs and then her lips were on me, caressing any spot she could reach.

  I pulled out and rolled over bringing her on top of me.

  “Can we do that again?”

  I struggled to open my eyes, this girl had just obliterated my world. But with her sitting on me naked, her tits there to touch and an eager pussy wanting my cock how could I say no.

  “Give me five, Kitten and you can ride me all night.”

  Her shy little smile lit up my world more than I thought possible. I now knew for certain that Kayla Summer would soon be Kayla Fairchild and I liked that a whole fucking lot.

  Chapter 7


  Weekends were just another work day here on the ranch. There was always work to be done around the place, and as much as I wanted to spend the day inside of Kayla, I had a few things which needed sorting out.

  “I’ll come with you,” Kayla stated as she climbed off my bed and started searching through the small bag I’d retrieved earlier.

  “You don’t have to. It’ll probably bore you.”

  “Will you be there?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then, handsome, I will not be bored. Let me change real quick.” She hustled into my bathroom. Her tight ass swaying as she walked. I pulled on a shirt and jacket before tugging on my socks. My boots were by the door and so was my hat. I headed for the kitchen. We’d already eaten but somehow ended up back in bed. I couldn’t get enough of her, and she loved the way in which I brought her to life. She was eager to learn and to please.

  I filled tw
o travel mugs and waited for Kayla to come out. I had to meet a guy over at the workshop soon.

  A few moments later she walked out of the hall. Her hands holding her hair as she tied it up in some kind of messy bun thing. She had on a dark sweater that looked old, but it was possibly brand-new designer of some kind. Her legs were covered in tight, well-worn jeans, so my eyes tracked down to her feet.

  “Kitten, they are not work boots.” She’d break a freaking ankle real quick. Her eyes briefly scanned her feet and a smile graced her lips.

  “Oh, I know. I left them in my trunk. I came prepared. No getting rid of me.”

  If only she knew how badly I wanted her to stay, forever.

  “Come on, we have a full day ahead.”

  She eagerly followed me with a pep in her step. Fuck she was distracting. The way she walked, her enthusiasm for shit I saw and did every day. Fuck I loved that.

  I stopped dead in my tracks.

  Did I say love?

  It wasn’t possible, was it?

  “Come on slow coach we have wrangling to do. Will you teach me to wrangle?”

  I snorted and began moving again. “Don’t know if wrangling is an actual thing, Kitten. I can show you how to round up that’s kind of the same thing.” It wasn’t often I heard the word wrangle, but Kayla seemed to like it.

  The walk down to the workshop only took a few minutes. We could have taken my truck, but I needed to use a work truck, so there wasn’t really a point. We strolled, arms brushing. The place wasn’t as vibrant as it was in the spring, winter seemed to dull the place. The oaks looked dreary, the garden’s a little sparse, and if we didn’t get more rain soon the grass would brown way sooner than anyone wanted.

  Kevin was loading up his truck when we arrived, he offered a wave but kept at what he was doing. He knew what to do, I didn’t question his ability at all.


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