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The Wrangler (Wild For Her Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Ally Prince

  Chapter 11


  Kayla climbed into my truck with me and we followed Kevin. We would need to come back this way to get home so no point taking two trucks. My knee was bouncing, and my hands gripped the wheel. Summer would be behind this but once again I had to be able to prove it and that was the hard part. The bastard didn’t like to do his own dirty work. Kayla sat looking small with her head turned toward her window. We hadn’t explored the whole ranch it was too big to cover in the little time we had had. But I hoped she would be here for a long time to come and get to know and love it like I did.

  My mind was going over figures once again. This asshole was costing me a small fortune and probably making Tom at the local feed-come-everything shop rich from all the money I was spending on fencing. But I wouldn’t dwell on it. I would keep my compliance for hunting if it was the last thing I did. Summer would not end me.

  We pulled through a gate that was left open, no point closing it when a foot to the left the fence was cut. I pulled up next to Boris’ truck and climbed out. Kevin was silent, Boris was off in the distance, his thick Albanian accent washing down to us, but I couldn’t understand a thing.

  “Not only did they cut it, but they also pushed the poles over. This took time and effort. I found a small cut in the boundary where they got in. Looks like four-wheelers, possibly more than one.” Kevin told me what he’d figured out. Which was crappy, really fucking crappy?

  “We’ll fix the boundary first, that’s the priority here.” I needed to have a secure boundary, no questions asked. The inner fence was more of an annoyance that would cost thousands but hey, I still had my stock and my ranch. I rubbed at my short hair. Must have left my hat in the truck or in the bed of the truck when I eagerly stripped to fuck Kitten. I glanced to my right and there she was. She looked small. Her face was in a deep frown and her arms were crossed across her body. “Hey,” I said as I approached her. Her smile was weak, her blue eyes a little moist. “Not your fault, Kitten.”

  “I know but it’s just shit. Why does he think he can do this to so many people and assume he won’t get caught? What in the hell is wrong with that man? While he was hitting me, his minions were hurting you. It doesn’t sit well, is all. I don’t want him to hurt you, too.” I pulled her to my chest, what could I say. I felt the exact same way but look at her he had already hurt her, several times. I wanted this man to go down, but I didn’t want Kayla a part of it, that would be hard.

  “Did you get the laptop set up?” Kevin asked, and I nodded. Perhaps we had footage of them coming through the boundary fence.

  “Yeah, my bet is that it was done last night, though. So, it might be harder to see but hopefully, we get something.” I only needed the tiniest bit of evidence that he couldn’t refute. At the moment, I would settle for anything. Kayla sighed into my chest and nuzzled deeper under my arm. “You cold?”

  “I only got time to put two layers on.” I snorted at her and she pinched my ribs.

  “I actually had plans for us this afternoon.”

  “I bet you did.” The playfulness in her voice was endearing my blood heated a little.

  “That too, but I spoke to Walker and got the keys to his old shed. I was going to take you there to check it out. See what it needed before you moved your stuff out of that place you were renting.” She pulled back in my arms, her blue eyes scanning my face, I watched the elegant lines of her throat as she swallowed.

  “Were renting? I am still renting. I need somewhere to live.” Well shit.

  “What if you lived here?” My throat got all thick and my heart rate doubled once again I was pretty sure I was blushing. This girl made me lay it all on the line and I was a little uncomfortable with that.

  “On the ranch.” I nodded, she cocked her head. “In the foreman’s house?” I shook my head and wanted to say some choice words too. Her light brows snuck up, and she licked at her lips. “With you?”

  “Yes, with me, Kitten. You’re not living with anyone else, ever, so might as well think about it.”

  “Ever? It’s me and you now?”

  “Yup.” I leaned forward and pressed my nose to hers. “We’ve got this, Kitten, we are stronger together.” I searched her face for any sign of doubt, but her smile was slow but completely and utterly stunning. My lips captured hers quickly, growling into her mouth and taking it deeper. Her hands snuck around my waist and my cock stiffened in my jeans. If we didn’t have company I would take her again, in the truck. Hell, against the truck. But we did, so I slowed the kiss and pulled back. “You okay with that.”

  “Yeah, it sounds pretty fine to me.”

  “Nick?” Boris called, forcing me to take my eyes away from Kayla. He waved me over and for a moment I had forgotten all the shit that was happening. We walked the few feet to where the discoloration of the grass was clear.

  “It goes for a few hundred feet.” He pointed down the broken fence, I sighed.

  It really wasn’t an issue. I had heaps of feed for my cattle and the game stock, but it was the thought that someone had intended harm. It might have caused problems if the game or stock ate the grass not long after it was poured, the chances were slim, but we would keep an eye out for any signs in the animals.

  “I see that. Not much we can do about it. It’ll grow back, eventually. We’ll start tidying up the fence and seeing what we need to replace and make a list to get tomorrow.” I turned to find Kitten helping Kevin lift droppers. “Kitten?”

  “I can work, Nick, I don’t mind at all.” My eyes rolled up to the sky. The bright blue endless sky, not a cloud to be seen today which meant the sun was shining and it was still freezing, highly unusual. The blue kind of reminded me of her eyes. Endless. And the love I had for her. Endless.

  “Let me get your gloves first, though,” I said once I returned my gaze to her, she had already moved on and was lifting yet another dropper.

  “You do that, boss.” The sass in her voice made Kevin choke, and the bastard didn’t even attempt to hide it.

  “Boss? I’ll give you, boss.” I walked up behind her as she bent over and pressed myself against her rear. She stood up straight and gasped.

  “You have such a dirty mind.” She peered over her shoulder at me, her cheeks flushed from the cold.

  “Only with you. I’ll get you gloves, tell me if you want to go you can take a truck.” She nodded and puckered her lips. I kissed her briefly before heading to get her some gloves. I rubbed at my heart because it was doing silly things. One thing I was fucking certain of was that Kayla Summer was the love of my life.


  I slept like a log and might have snored because I was bone tired when we arrived home last night. I managed to whip up some grilled cheese sandwiches have a shower and mind-blowing sex before passing out not a moment later. I stretched out and winced at all the soreness in my body. More than my face, my arms, legs and butt all hurt. My guess the butt muscles hurt from bending over all day. I yawned and inhaled deeply, the smell of bacon hitting my nostrils. My belly roared to life. I slid out of Nick’s huge comfy as hell bed, made quick work of the bathroom before heading off to investigate.

  I rounded the corner into the kitchen and stopped for a moment. Nick Fairchild was fine as hell. He stood there in his sleep pants, no shirt, the lines of his back defined from all the hard work he did. He really was something to feast on, but he was a softy inside, the opposite of how he looked.

  “It’s rude to stare,” he mumbled over his shoulder. I shrugged and returned my eyes to his body. He had a nice ass too. He had those little dimple things on his lower back above his huge powerful thighs. God, I was turning myself on by looking at him. “You want to make coffee, breakfast is nearly done.”

  “Mmm,” I mumbled snapping my eyes from his ass and focusing on the coffee machine. I managed to make two cups, his black and mine with milk, to me it was to bitter otherwise. I had no idea how people thought it was even appealing, it made me shudder just thinking abou
t it.

  I placed the cups on the island and moved to get out plates and cutlery. I knew my way around his kitchen a little now and felt more at home here.

  He plated up eggs, bacon, and sausage and it was freaking delicious.

  “I’ll move in if you cook this every weekend,” I mumbled through a mouthful of bacon, it was so good.

  “I can do that for you, my dear.” I raised my brows and turned to him, but he was eating not paying attention to me. My dear? “I’ve got to head into town and buy up. Want to come for a spin, or you can veg out here?”

  “I’ll come.” I liked being with him.

  “Okay, Kitten. Let’s get ready.” His hungry eyes raked over me and I shivered. I was certain getting ready involved sex of some kind, and I was totally fine with that. I turned on my stool to face him as he stood, he moved between my legs, slid me to the edge of the stool and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. I leaned in and scented his neck. He always smelled divine.

  We had barely reached the hall when a knock at the door stopped Nick in his tracks. He paused for a few moments. His hard cock pressed up against my damp panties.

  “It might be Kevin,” I offered.

  Nick nodded and slowly set me down. “He better be fucking dying.” His cell started to ring. I glanced to the kitchen and he nodded. I walked over and reached it as he opened the door.

  I swiped at Kevin’s name and said, “Hello.”

  “They’re taking your car, Kayla.” I didn’t reply because there standing at the door was Sheriff Rayner, Deputy Collins, and my fucking father.

  “How can I help you?” Nick’s voice was oh so strained, his back tightened, and his hand gripped the door.

  “Well…” Sheriff Rayner cleared his throat, he looked uncomfortable. “I am going got have to place you under arrest.” He sighed long and heavy.

  “What?” I squeaked, dropping the phone and heading to the door. My father’s gaze raked over me and he even smiled when he took in my eye.

  “Kayla, stay out of this,” Nick warned, glancing at me briefly.

  “Are you beating on her, too?”

  I lurched toward my father, and Nick had to stop me.

  “You fucking asshole, I fucking hate you.” Tears flowed from my eyes, my body grew hot and every single muscle in my body was tight with rage.

  “You see, we found stolen goods on your property, you need to come with us.” Deputy Collins was a little sterner, perhaps Dad lined his pockets but not the sheriffs.

  “My car,” I whispered out and looked up at Nick. His face was tight, and he gave me a small nod but didn’t say anything.

  “Mind if I get a shirt?”

  “I’m sorry you have to come with us now.” Deputy Collins stepped forward a hand on his fucking gun.

  “Now now, son.” Sheriff Rayner put an arm out across the door to stop him. “You have two minutes, Nick. Don’t do anything stupid because I’ll have to come and get you.” Nick nodded and turned heading off to the bedroom. I shot glares at my father.

  “You wanna tell us about that.” Sheriff Rayner pointed to his eye.

  “Well, it’s obvious—”

  “Didn’t ask you.” He spun on my father and shut him up. When he turned back and our eyes locked, he knew but what could he do.

  “Dad hit me yesterday.” I was honest.

  My father exploded and starting yelling. He called me every name under the sun.

  “You see, Deputy Collins, this is why police attend the scene alone. Get him the fuck out of here.” He shoved the deputy toward my father as Nick came into the room fully dressed.

  “I’m sorry about the intrusion, guys. Seems the car title is in his name and he reported it stolen a couple of days ago. I guess he figured out where it was.”

  “He was here yesterday. He would have seen it in the workshop,” Nick offered, and I stared at him.

  He was here? Yesterday?

  “I’m hoping this will sort itself out, but if you have anything to add, Kayla, come down to the station, Nick will be a while, unfortunately.” I nodded and quickly wrapped my arms around Nick, inhaling him.

  “I’ll be fine, Kitten. See you soon. Yeah?” Pressing a hard kiss to my lips, he grabbed a cap from near the door and he was gone, being hustled into the back of a cruiser as my father looked on. I slammed the door and then flipped him the bird. Should have really done it the other way around.

  I needed to shower and get ready, I had something to prove.

  Chapter 12


  I sat dressed in Nick’s kitchen with no real plan of what I could do.

  I needed to go to the station, but I wanted to take something to show that Nick did not need to be arrested. But I couldn’t prove anything related to my car, or Dad’s car as it turned out. Everything I had against him was, well, nothing. I had nothing. I had words we’d heard, whispers people said but no solid evidence.

  Nick’s cell sprung to life on the bench.

  A familiar name popped up, and I answered it, “Hi Easton, this is Kayla.”

  “Hey, sweetheart, I’ve got something you might be interested in.” I swear I heard innuendo in his voice, I blushed and was thankful he couldn’t see me.

  “Nick’s been arrested,” I blurted it out, and Easton chuckled.

  “Yeah, I know. Meet me at the Walkers Arms in a few.” The call ended, and I burst into action. I found my bag, threw both of our cells in it. I grabbed the keys to Nick’s truck, and I headed off. I briefly explained to Kevin at the workshop on the way out what I was up to, he gave me a thumbs up and I was racing into town. I kind of figured I could speed a little because the sheriff and deputy were busy, the adrenaline rush was actually nice.

  By the time I pulled into Walkers parking lot I was panting, I was so worked up my emotions were all over the shop. I got out of the truck, briefly looked at the gravel patch where Penny had been hurt, but I pushed that thought away for now. At eight a.m. on a Wednesday morning, I really didn’t think Walker would be at his bar, but he opened the door and ushered me in, locking it behind me.

  “Mornin’ darlin’. You want a tea or coffee?” I asked for coffee and followed Harry to the bar where I found Easton sitting looking at his cell. He was wrapped up in his conversation and didn’t hear me sit down.

  “You have a girlfriend?” Easton jumped and slammed his cell face down on the bar top. His eyes narrowing, but I wasn’t afraid. I found it odd that this six foot something of a man who was covered in tattoos and had an eerie presence about him had what looked like a pretty little brunette girlfriend.

  “She’s a… well, if I say a piece of ass, I know you’re going to hit me. So, I’ll say we’re just having fun.” He winked, his dark lashes way longer than was needed on a male.

  “Good for you.”

  Harry returned with my coffee and sat down on a stool on the other side of the bar.

  “Why don’t you sit out here with the cool kids?” I winked at him and picked up my coffee.

  “I’m more comfortable over here, thanks.”

  “You found a replacement yet?” Harry shook his head. I noticed how tired the man looked. He ran a small ranch too, I think. “You get tired, too much wrangling.” I nearly snorted in my own drink, but Harry just rolled his eyes and made a face. It said ‘really’ without him having to say a thing. What could I say, I was comfortable with Harry, so I said stupid shit. Like the time I asked Nick if I just hop on the bed. I was awkward, I knew that, but they seemed to take me for who I was, and I liked that a whole lot.

  “Well, we should get started.” Easton stood and retrieved a laptop from somewhere. “Mason called this morning. I think Kevin called Harry and so and so on until I was called. Anyway, Harry here has quiet the surveillance system.” I gasped and remembered the night not so long ago when I’d been on Harry’s place intent on burning the car, the same fucking car that Nick got arrested for supposedly stealing. Should have burnt the fucker. “
That’s right, Kayla. I had just wired it all up, you set it off.” His wry smile was a little comforting. Harry made a noise, but I wouldn’t look at him, I felt the heat in my cheeks. Why the hell was I so awkward?

  “We have footage that’s not at all pleasant to watch and puts your father in one hell of a position. Now, I want to assure you I went out and checked, the girl is okay. It puts him and Sanderson on Harry’s property with a four-wheeler.” I nodded because this was good, but I still didn’t understand fully.

  “What do you mean, the girl?”

  “Do you want to watch it, or I can tell you?”

  “Don’t watch it,” Harry said bringing my eyes to his. “I think it’s the young woman from the day spa across from Mae’s, she gets out of the car and he pushes her several times before they go off screen.”

  I swallowed thickly, my heart hurt a little.

  “Isn’t she pregnant?” Harry nodded somberly. “Fuck.” He was an asshole.

  “Anyway, I think if we take it down to the sheriff because your dad is sitting pretty down there waiting for Nick’s lawyer to arrive.

  “Nick has a lawyer?”

  “Yeah, from when he got divorced.” My eyes snapped to Easton so fast, my heart stalled, and I couldn’t breathe. “Joking, Kayla. Shit! Sorry. I thought you knew him enough to know he ain’t ever been married or divorced.” It took a moment for my heart rate to slow but it did. I could feel Harry’s gaze on me, but I wouldn’t meet his eyes because his tenderness might make me lose it.

  “So, can we go to the station now?”

  “You can.” They both stated at the same time.

  “I got somewhere to be. You got this.” Easton stood, nodded at Harry and patted my back and headed out the door.

  “You need to do this. I wanted to bust down there right away but this is something that needs to come from you. You need this power more than I do. I’ll settle for knowing that he’s going down, chick, that’s enough for me.”


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