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The Alpha’s Baby

Page 106

by T. S. Ryder

  Valery looked at herself in the mirror. She looked sexy as hell! She had never felt so excited about her figure. Valery hoped Beau would like it. Then, deciding to go for broke, Valery slipped on some matching pink high heels. She wasn’t the most graceful in heels, but she figured she could pull it off. She opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

  Beau froze, his eyes took in every inch of her. He gently licked his lips as a smile appeared on his face. He stood up from his armchair and approached her. The excitement and desire he felt for her rose with every step. He wanted her.

  Valery stood still, she modeled her figure, slowly swaying her hips from one side to the other. Then she squished her arms together slightly to emphasize her breasts. She had never felt more powerful in her life and the reaction Beau was having told her that she had all the control at this moment in time. She smiled at him and walked closer.

  “You look so amazing,” complemented Beau, slowly grasping her hips with his large firm hands.

  “Thank you,” replied Valery awkwardly. She felt a surge of heat and excitement flash through her as Beau held her. She looked up into his eyes and gently placed a tender kiss on his lips.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned licking his lips where she had just kissed, “I want you so badly.”

  “Then take me,” said Valery, softly. She was certain she wanted him to take her. The passion that rushed through her body was too strong to fight. She wanted him to ravage her. She wanted to scream his name as he brought her to her climax. Her clit began to swell and her slit began to dampen as her excitement increased.

  “I don’t know if I can. If I’m not careful, I might kill you. Mating is not just something we do for fun. It is permanent, you will be marked and appear to other vampires as my property. Do you really want that?” As Beau explained this to her, Valery felt her excitement ebb away.

  “What do you mean I’d be seen as your property?” she asked, looking at Beau with concern and interest.

  “Well, when a vampire mates with a human, it’s a process. I have to drink some of your blood while I make love to you. It leaves my scent on you which tells other vampires that you are mine. If they choose to ignore that and try to take you from me, then I have full privileges to end their lives,” said Beau, uncertain about telling Valery the truth about mating. He didn’t want to frighten her, but he wouldn’t lose her either. She was going to be his.

  After a few minutes of silence, Valery finally spoke.

  “Can you mate with me without killing me?” she asked, looking directly into his eyes.

  “Honestly, I don’t know,” replied Beau with a big sigh. He knew he wanted her. He had to have her and mating her was the only way to make sure he kept her.

  “I want you to do it,” Valery said after a few minutes, “I want to be yours, forever.”

  “Are you sure? It can’t be undone once we do this,” answered Beau. He wanted to be sure this was what she wanted.

  “I’m sure,” she answered. Then Valery moved towards the bed, laid her body on it and gave him an inviting smile. She had never asked to come here. She had never intended to fall in love with him. Now, if she was being honest with herself, she was starting to fall in love with him. Valery’s body ached to have him inside of her, pleasuring her and making her scream his name. All she wanted was to be with him and to give herself to him in return.

  Chapter Six

  That was all it took. Beau immediately pounced on her. She giggled as he held her closely. Beau kissed her neck tenderly, feeling Valery’s pulse as her blood ran through her veins. His mouth watered, he wanted to taste her in every way.

  As he kissed her neck, Beau slid his hand up and down her body, feeling every inch of her. He slowly caressed her skin, sliding his hand down over her hips. Then, Beau slid a finger under the pink thong string, gently teasing Valery’s clit. She moaned slightly, not wanting to give him too much too soon.

  Beau continued, adding a second finger. He massaged her clit, feeling it swelling as Valery’s desire increased. Then, sliding down off the foot of the bed, Beau pulled Valery to the edge of the bed. He ripped the thong off of her and thrust three of his fingers deep inside of her wet slit. She gasped, arching her back as heat enveloped her. Valery let out several moans of pleasure while Beau continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her tight, wet slit.

  After a few minutes, Beau leaned down and took her clit into his mouth. Valery’s back arched again and she gasped, grasping for the sheets beneath her.

  “Beau!” she moaned his name with such passion, that it caused a shudder of excitement to pulse through Beau.

  He continued to pleasure Valery until his cock threatened to explode out of his jeans. Beau rose and pulled off his shirt. Valery watched as his muscular physique towered over her. Then, with one quick movement, he unbuttoned his jeans and slipped out of them. His cock was free, and it expanded completely, throbbing with desire.

  Valery was undeniably aroused. She sat up on the foot of the bed. With one brisk movement, she took Beau’s bulging, hard cock into her mouth. He moaned, holding her head with his hand. Valery massaged his cock with her tongue, teasing the tip with little flutters of the tip of her tongue.

  “Ooooh Valery,” Beau moaned, as he held her closer to him, feeling his climax growing closer and closer. Then he pulled her away, picked her up and lay her down onto the bed. He spread her legs apart and mounted her.

  Beau moved back to her neck and began kissing and sucking it, again. With one thrust, he entered her. She moaned and pushed her hips down to take him in even deeper, his shaft filling every inch of her.

  Passion and heat continued to overpower Valery. Sensation after sensation exploded within her, driving her toward her climax.

  Beau continued to thrust in and out of her as he suckled her neck. He knew he was close. He wondered if the second he bit into her and began to taste her sweet succulent blood, would he be able to stop? He could sense her blood racing through her veins. Beau extended his fangs. It was now or never. He bit into her.

  Valery’s blood filled his mouth. She moaned in ecstasy as she reached her climax. She screamed his name in passionate wails as he drank from her. Valery felt a pinching sensation in her neck as Beau took from her. The excitement grew and grew until she climaxed again. Her entire body went rigid as she grasped at the sheets and arched her back into him. She screamed his name with pleasure and finally collapsed.

  Beau continued to drink from her. His desire for her blood was too strong. He tried to stop himself, but he couldn’t. He continued to drink. Beau began to panic, he knew he had to stop, but his willpower wasn’t strong enough to stop his overwhelming bloodlust.

  Valery’s body started to soften. He was killing her. Beau could feel her heart starting to slow down. He couldn’t do this to her. He loved her.

  Finally, Beau found the strength to rip himself away from her. Valery lay naked and motionless in his arms. Her blood ran from the two puncture holes in her neck. It christened the white pillows, turning them into a scarlet stain. Beau listened to her heart. It was weak, but still beating.

  “Valery?” he asked, looking at her face. She looked as though she was sleeping, but Beau knew better. Had he waited any longer she would have died. Now all he could do was wait for her to wake up.

  Shaking, Beau rose to his feet. What had he done? Why had he talked her into this? His anger at himself began to rage through him. He could have just killed the love of his life.

  Hours passed and he didn’t leave her side. Eventually, Valery’s heart began to speed up again. Her body had replenished enough of her blood to keep her alive. Beau sat next to her. He dressed and covered her with a blanket.

  More hours passed, and Beau’s guilt was almost too much for him to bear. Suddenly, Valery started to stir. Slowly, she opened her eyes. She looked confused and frightened.

  “What happened?” she squeaked out, quietly.

  “I almost killed you,” answered Beau, bitterly. “I’m so
sorry, my love. I couldn’t stop…” He hated himself.


  Valery’s mind was foggy. She remembered making hot, passionate love. She remembered climaxing over and over and then…. Nothing. Valery struggled to remember him biting her, the heat that had surged through her. So, he had almost killed her. He hadn’t been lying about the risks involved. She knew she should be angry with him, but at this moment in time, she didn’t have the strength.

  “Rest my love. We can talk about this when you wake,” said Beau cautiously. He gently ran his fingers through her hair. Soon, she was sleeping again.

  Chapter Seven

  The next day, Valery awoke with a start. She had little to no memory of the night before. She remembered Beau telling her what had happened, but she couldn’t remember the details.

  Her body was weak. Valery looked around the room and realized she was still in Beau’s bed. He was there beside her.

  “Beau,” Valery croaked, her throat felt like she had nails stabbing it.

  “Yes my love, I’m here,” he answered her, concernedly.

  “You’re here, what happened?” she asked, again, looking at him.

  “I told you last night. I almost killed you. I’m so sorry,” Beau apologized again and again.


  Valery continued to rest over the next few weeks. She had been moved back into her own bedroom. Beau had appeared very little over the last few days. He was struggling with the fact he had almost killed her.

  Roses arrived every morning with her breakfast. Beau made sure the servants brought her whatever she wanted. He seemed to be trying to make up for his mistake.

  Gwen stopped by every so often to check on her. She said Beau had left for a few days to forgive himself. She was angry with her brother for being so stupid.

  “He takes too many risks,” said Gwen scornfully one afternoon. She had come to help Valery get dressed for the first time in almost a month.

  “He didn’t mean to,” replied Valery, softly. She was still too weak to speak loudly, “I am not angry with him. It wasn’t his fault. It’s just who he is.”

  “Well, he is a jackass. He should have known he wasn’t ready to mate with you, yet,” scolded Gwen, as she pulled the neck of a T-shirt open so Valery could put her head through.

  “He is not a jackass,” argued Valery, but Gwen’s other comment had struck her. She was officially Beau’s mate. They had mated, she was his. A shiver ran through her spine. Valery wasn’t sure if this was exactly what she wanted anymore. She had been so sure when it had happened, but now she was frightened. Was she actually in love with Beau? Could he ever trust himself to have sex with her again? Could she trust him? There were so many unanswered questions and the only one who could help her figure them out was not there at the moment. Coward.


  More days passed by and Beau still hadn’t come home. Valery was healthy again, but she was still unsure about her future with Beau. He needed to come home. She tried to call his cell phone multiple times, but he didn’t answer or call back.

  Finally, the day came that Valery couldn’t take it anymore. If he wasn’t going to talk to her, then she was going to leave. She was his mate, yes, he had mated with her and claimed her, yes, but she wasn’t going to sit there waiting for him any longer.

  She was just about to leave her room, bags in hand when Beau appeared in the doorway. Silence fell in the room as they looked each other over.

  Beau stared at her, apparently surprised at how well she had recovered. He felt his heart race at the sight of her. He loved her so much, but how could she ever love a monster like him? How could she ever forgive him?

  Valery looked back at him. She felt every ounce of her body scream that she loved him. She instantly forgave him and knew she wanted to be with him forever.

  “I love you,” Valery said, walking towards him, “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me and I hope it will never happen again.”

  “You love me?” asked Beau, surprised.

  “Yes, I do,” she answered nodding her head, “I want to be your mate for the rest of my life.”

  “Well… I am so sorr-” he started, but she silenced him by kissing him gently on the lips.

  “If you tell me you’re sorry one more time, I’m going to slap you,” Valery told Beau, looking deep into his eyes. She kissed him again and he held her tightly, kissing her back.

  Beau couldn’t help but notice something different about her body. Her heart rate sounded strange to him. It was as though she suddenly had two beating hearts. That couldn’t be right.

  Then, something dawned on him. Was it possible? How could that have happened? He slowly knelt down and placed his ear to Valery’s belly. Sure enough, he heard it—the tiny pitter patter of a little heartbeat. There was a baby in there!

  Beau’s heart fluttered. He realized that Valery didn’t know she was pregnant, yet. He was going to tell her they were having a baby together.

  “What are you doing?” asked Valery, looking down at him, perplexed.

  “Well… I hate to tell you this darling, but someone is in there,” answered Beau, rising to his feet and looking deep into her beautiful eyes with a smile.

  “Are you telling me…” began Valery surprised.

  “Yep, you’re having my baby!” replied Beau, excitedly. He kissed her gently and she giggled and kissed him back.

  Suddenly, everything seemed so perfect. They had fallen in love in the most unlikely of ways. He had almost killed her twice. Now after all of it, Valery was pregnant with his child.

  They stood in silence for a few moments. Neither knowing what exactly to say to the other, yet both feeling completely at peace with the situation.

  “I have a question for you,” he asked, looking down at her and slowly backing away.

  “What is that?” she asked him, curiously.

  “Well, I have never met any human female like you. You came into my life and knocked me completely on my ass. You have allowed me to break the ridiculous tradition of choosing a mate at a giant vampire ceremony. Valery… I love you, and I want you to be with me forever,” Beau rambled on until, finally, he dropped to his knee and pulled out a brilliant blue sapphire ring. “Will you marry me, Valery?”

  “Yes, I will!” shouted Valery, happily, as she lunged into his arms.

  In spite of everything that had happened, they wanted each other. They loved each other and they were now, a family.



  Paranormal Menage Romance Collection

  Claimed by Two Werebears


  A curvy girl unlucky in love PLUS two hot bear shifters wanting a mate PLUS a deadly attack!

  Destiny is looking for adventure and love. So when she finds a dating website just for bad boys, she signs up.

  Turns out that it’s a shifter site and that her curves attract not one, but two sexy bear shifters. She can’t decide which is hotter, but she doesn’t have to. She can secretly date them both. Right?

  Too bad the guys are clanmates. Luckily, they see her dilemma and make her a proposal that make her cheeks blush...

  Does she really have room for both, though?

  Add to that the outside prejudice against shifters that suddenly turns lethal, and Destiny feels torn. Is dating a shifter worth the nasty looks and comments? Will she be able to decide on just one or will she lose them both?

  Chapter One

  Destiny Brown clicked through the screens, looking at the latest dress offerings from her favorite online clothing store. Another Monday, another slow and boring day behind the reception desk at Greene and Greene Law Firm. If it wasn’t for the decent pay, she’d loathe this job for its slow days. Though, if she admitted it to herself, sometimes being able to surf the web and do some online shopping was nice. Getting paid to shop? Who wouldn’t love that? But she’d had jobs far more exciting that made the day fly, and she missed the chaotic excitement that came with waitressing, even if
she knew she’d never go back to that world. She was 26 now and it was time to hold down a serious job for her serious life.

  She sighed and clicked away from the clothing website. What was the point? The dresses were super cute, but she had no place to wear them to. It wasn’t like she’d be going out on any dates anytime soon. Since her last relationship failure, she hadn’t had any luck in the dating world. No one she was interested in, no one interested back. It’d been months since she’d gone out.

  Her mother was good about not asking. Not like Ava’s mom, who was always on her about finding a man and keeping a man and having his babies. Her mom had been a single mom, so she never saw the value or necessity in keeping a man. Destiny did, though. She wanted to be married and have a family—live the American dream. But her love life had been a nightmare.

  She scrolled through her feeds on the social media sites, glaring at the photos of her friends in their happy relationships, with their pretty little children. One of the sidebar ads caught her eye. It was an ad for online dating, featuring a grinning couple who looked happily in love. She clicked the ad and looked around the site.

  She’d never done the online dating thing before, but why not give it a try? She had nothing to lose at this point. She clicked the link to make a profile but stopped short when she saw the price. $40 a month and a 6-month commitment? That seemed like an expensive adventure. And she knew people who used free sites. So instead of signing up for this site, she searched for the top free dating sites and when the list came, read the descriptions.

  All of them were similar. They claimed to help you find your soulmate, to be the best matching site around and have the highest success rate. There was one site that seemed different, though. It was called Wild Hearts, and it claimed to be a site that wasn’t for the faint of heart. “Sick of the same old, boring dating profiles? Dinner and a movie not your style? Wild Hearts is for those who are looking for adventure in life, who aren’t satisfied with the mundane. If you’re looking for a wild love connection, make your profile today!”


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