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Santa Baby: a Crescent Cove Romantic Comedy Collection

Page 11

by Quinn, Taryn

  I gripped the back of my neck. Yeah, so she was annoyed. Whether it was because I’d fallen asleep right after or because we’d had sex in the first place was anyone’s guess. Only way to find out for sure was to piss her off enough to be honest.

  I know you’re clearly unfamiliar with booty call protocol, but yeah, it’s good to let the dude know you’re leaving in case he wakes up with a hard dick and wants round two.

  Her response was instantaneous.

  Sorry, Charlie, that was a one-time event. But good luck finding a more suitable partner. I hear Tinder is nice.

  Tinder, huh? You tried that? Is that why you couldn’t find anyone to finish the job?

  Thank God you came along. Willing prick and all. You’re such a good Samaritan. When I can walk straight again, I’ll send you a thank-you note.

  Pride surged first. I was a man, after all, and fucking a hot chick until she couldn’t move was pretty much every dude’s dream. But she wasn’t some random hot chick. This was Ally, and she wasn’t just a conquest.

  She’d been a virgin, for fuck’s sake, and if she was hurting from my lack of finesse, I’d saw off my own dick. Okay, maybe take a swing or two at it at least.

  Ah, to hell with it. I was asking, straight out.

  Are you all right? Physically? I was rough.

  Fine. Dandy. All good under the hood.

  I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Laurie wakes me up every night & super-charged O put me down for the count.

  She took longer to reply.

  Just as well. Talking makes stuff messy. We did it, it’s done.

  While I was pounding a dent in the mattress beside my hip, she texted again.

  How’s L?

  Don’t know. Haven’t gone to get her yet. Just woke up. I should’ve checked with Oliver first, but I was worried.

  Don’t be. I’m perfect. Thanks for not making this weird, okay? Gotta go. Work calls. Give L a kiss for me.

  Al, come over for dinner or something?

  I waited a few minutes for her to answer. When it became clear she wouldn’t, at least anytime soon, I headed into the bathroom and took care of business. The shower beckoned, but I wasn’t in that much of a hurry to wash her off me. Especially since I was fairly certain this would never be happening again.

  Forget making a baby. Our friendship was probably in shreds.

  Never learn, do you? Last time you thought with your dick, you ended up married to a woman you hadn’t even intended to keep dating.

  Of course, that was entirely different, and out of that relationship had sprung the best thing to ever happen to me. Sure, I’d been divorced by the age of twenty-five, but eh, shit happened. Especially in my family. The key was getting out of a bad situation.

  With Ally, I’d been thinking practically. The kid thing had been building for a while. Approaching her about it had only come about after I’d mulled it over from every direction. Sure, they were sticky parts. I’ll admit I hadn’t expected the sex thing to go down so well. I mean, she was beautiful, no denying that, but I didn’t want to fuck every lovely woman I saw. And it was Ally.

  So yeah, the lust had been a surprise. Even more so? The morning after, I wasn’t regretting we’d done it so much as I was regretting we hadn’t done it again before she split. And there had been no babymaking involved.

  Just Ally and her soft, lilac-scented hair and rain-soaked skin. Her full lips and her curves and those perfect thighs, spreading for me…

  Swallowing hard, I braced a fist on the sink. Maybe I’d better take an ice-cold shower so I didn’t go to my brother’s with a damn hard-on.

  A quick glance at my phone made me curse. Almost noon. Laurie was probably wondering where I was. Oliver too. My brother didn’t like his schedule being disrupted, so his lack of a phone call was surprising.

  I texted him as I grabbed my jeans off the floor.

  On my way. Sorry. She ok?

  Who’s this? Not my derelict brother who was probably getting laid this entire time while I doted on his offspring.

  In spite of my bleak mood, I grinned. Leave it to O.

  I wish on the getting laid. More like sleeping it off.

  It being previous laying?

  Gentlemen don’t kiss & tell.


  Asshole. I’ll be there in a few.

  I finished dressing and went downstairs to check out. The woman behind the desk didn’t wink or waggle her brows or do anything to indicate she knew I’d gotten a room for the purposes of sex, but it was pretty obvious. I lived on the other side of the lake. Sure, my excuse of having a few too many to drive home might hold water, but small towns and suspicious minds went together.

  As long as no one had seen Ally enter the hotel too, all good. I didn’t care what people thought of me.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Hamilton. Please come again. And give our best to Ms. Lawrence.”

  I stared at the concierge for so long that my vision blurred. Then I shook my head and strode toward the door.

  Maybe she knew Ally and I were friends. Sure, she did. And maybe we’d be the hottest topic of gossip by lunch. Probably before then. I just hoped Ally didn’t have to deal with shit at the diner.

  The drive to Oliver’s place didn’t take long. He lived about a mile away from me, also on the lake. The Hamilton family home was about a mile away on the opposite side of Oliver’s. We were like three points of a triangle of dysfunction with beautiful views of the water.

  I pulled up behind Oliver’s BMW and parked in the circular drive. To torment myself some more, I checked my silent phone. No response from Ally.

  Surprise, surprise.

  I jogged up the steep flight of stairs to the porch and went inside without knocking. I followed my little girl’s laughter into the kitchen, already smiling. No matter what kind of shit brewed in my gut, hearing Laurie was the way to put me in a better mood.

  Especially when she was covered in chocolate chip batter from making cookies with my not so stern, older-by-six-minutes brother.

  “Well, look who it is, L-monster.” Oliver swung Laurie up onto his hip and carted her over to me. He was all smiles, but his eyes were a little wild.

  I knew that look well.

  “Daddy!” Laurie said, already extending her arms to me and leaning half out of my brother’s hold.

  “Hiya, sweetie. Sorry I wasn’t here sooner.” I grinned and took her from Oliver, setting her on my hip as he had done.

  Every now and then it occurred to me how similar our mannerisms were. Oliver didn’t have any children, of course. I wasn’t sure he ever would. He’d used my experience as reason to double and triple bag ever since. For all I knew, he could’ve gotten snipped, he’d been that freaked out about unplanned procreation.

  But he was a damn good uncle, as evidenced by my little girl’s giggles as she recounted her night with my brother.

  “We watched movies. Poor Dory. And Hank. Unca O loved Hank.” Laurie looked back at my brother for confirmation. “Didn’t you?”

  “I did. So much so that I decided I need Hank bedding for my Alaska King bed. I may have to get it handmade, but such sacrifices are made for love.” Oliver ruffled Laurie’s messy blond curls. “Right, baby girl?”

  “Unca O has the biggest bed ever.” Laurie held out her hands as far apart as she could, tilting precariously on my hip until I righted her. “He said it has enough room for all his favorite big ladies to come over for sleepers.”

  “Sleepovers,” Oliver corrected, winking at me before he turned away to clean up the cookie mess on the counter.

  I narrowed my eyes at O’s back. “That sounds fun. We should do that sometime. What do you think? You, me, and—”

  “Ally! She’ll come over for a sleeper. And her friend. The one with the bouncy hair.” Laurie grinned. “Like Goldilocks.”

  “Your hair isn’t too far from Goldilocks’s hair yourself, princess.” Oliver turned back to brush a kiss over Laurie’s hair while mouthing the word
“no” at me.

  “That sounds fun. I’m not sure Ally and Sage could make it, but we should ask them. And we’ll get lots of snacks. All your favorites. Cheetos, and caramel popcorn, and gummy worms. Wouldn’t that be fun to eat all of that in Uncle Oliver’s big special bed?”

  “This is how you repay me,” Oliver muttered, shaking his head as he swept the tray of cookies into the oven.

  “Yes. So much fun. And we could get a puppy too.” Laurie’s big blue eyes glowed. “Puppies love sleepers. Right, Unca O?”

  “Sure. Why the heck not? Might as well get a marching band in there too.”

  “I’m sure it could be arranged. I’ll get back to you.”

  Oliver flipped me the bird behind Laurie’s back and I swallowed a laugh.

  Half an hour later, we were eating warm chocolate chip cookies while Laurie played on a blanket in the living room. Dory was on TV again and Laurie was babbling happily as she dressed the dolls Oliver had bought her to leave at his place.

  And I was shoving cookies in my mouth faster than I could speak, so hopefully I wouldn’t have to.

  “Out with it. If I’m on overnight babysitting duty, you’re at least going to tell me which townie is now off-limits.”

  I picked up a stray chocolate chip and popped it between my lips. “You have a filthy mind.”

  “Yeah, and you are long overdue for a reckless night. I hope it was worth me missing three hours of sleep because L kept waking up.”

  “Fuck, more nightmares? That’s a new thing. Well, relatively new. The last six months or so. I chalked it up to her seeing a movie she shouldn’t have.”

  “Yeah, some of those porn chicks have traumatized me too.” Oliver gave a mock shudder, but I could tell from his furrowed brow that he was worried.

  “How bad was it?”

  “Not awful, but she was spooked, so I read to her and she eventually fell back asleep.”

  “Just once?”

  Oliver shifted on his stool. “Three times.”

  “Ahh, fuck.” I raked a hand through my hair, guilt swarming my belly like drunk locusts. While my little girl had been crying in her sleep, I’d been fucking Ally.

  Father of the year material for sure. Jesus.

  “I’m sure it’s just a phase. Kids go through tons of them. Remember that year you wouldn’t eat anything but bologna and cheese sandwiches?”

  “It wasn’t a year, more like three months, and this is a bit worse. I wonder if—”

  Oliver held up a hand. “Don’t even say it. If you mention that bitch, my good humor will be ruined.”

  I leaned forward. “Regardless, she’s her mother. And maybe there’s just no getting around that fact.”

  Hearing myself, I frowned. What business did I have trying to set up this arrangement with Ally? My needs—and even Laurie’s—weren’t all that mattered. I’d told myself I could be both parents to my children, but maybe that was crazy talk. I couldn’t magically become the children’s mother. And when it came to the baby I had with Ally, he or she would have a mother. The best mother. Even without seeing Ally have kids of her own yet, I knew that just from watching her with Laurie. So how could I ever consider Ally might want to have a baby and walk away?

  Christ, I was a selfish fuck. No wonder Ally didn’t want to talk to me. I’d thought up the most insane plan ever and I’d asked her to make the ultimate sacrifice for a few pennies. All right, a lot of them, but still. Exchanging a child for a college education was nuts.

  Ally wasn’t Marj, and asking her to make a deal like that proved that I didn’t deserve a best friend like her.

  I just fucking hoped she’d give me another chance.


  Shaking my head, I held up a finger at my brother and yanked out my phone. I texted Ally as fast as my fingers would work.

  I’m so fucking sorry. More sorry than you’ll ever know.

  She didn’t respond, and by now, I almost didn’t expect her to. I couldn’t have screwed up this situation any more if I’d tried.

  I jerked to my feet and almost without thinking, tucked two cookies in my suit coat. Chocolate chip was Ally’s favorite.

  Oliver rose, clearly reading my intentions to split. “You’re leaving? Just like that?”

  “Yeah, I have shit to fix. I’m sorry, man. I really appreciate last night.” I clapped him on the shoulder and went to talk to my daughter.

  She wasn’t in a hurry to go, of course, but I mentioned a possible hot fudge sundae at the diner in her future if she came without a fuss. More sugary snacks weren’t the best idea, and I’d probably pay the price for the rest of the weekend, but desperate times.

  Oliver shook his head before I carted Laurie and her bag of toys and clothes out the door. “Whatever you’re up to, I hope it ends well.”

  “Me too. I’ll call.”

  I was already halfway down the steps with Laurie, who was waving frantically at my brother. “Bye Unca O! Bye bye!”

  “Bye sweetness. Be good for your daddy.”

  She wriggled in my arms, smelling of powder and chocolate. “We go see Ally?”

  “Yep, we’re going to see Ally. But Daddy needs to talk to her alone for a few minutes, so Aunty Sage will keep you company.” If Sage was even working. And if Sage didn’t hate me too for being a jackass and debauching her roommate, assuming Ally had told her what had happened. Part A and Part B.

  Shit, I’d asked a virgin to have my baby. Not knowing she was a virgin didn’t make it any better. Somehow, I should have known. Ally was a lockbox under the best of circumstances, but something like that…

  Not to mention that I’d agonized more than once about her choice of dates over the years, imagining her going home with some of them and needing to drink to get the pictures out of my mind. I’d been certain it was just my streak of protectiveness in her direction kicking in, but what if?

  What the fuck if?

  I placed Laurie in her car seat and adjusted the belt, snapping it into place. “Extra sprinkles on your sundae if you’re good for Aunty Sage.”

  “Sage has pretty hair. Yellow like mine.” Laurie touched her curls.

  “Yes, just like yours, though yours is the prettiest in all the land.” I leaned forward to kiss the tip of her nose and she giggled.

  A minute later, we were on the road to the diner. I debated giving Ally a head’s up that I was stopping by, then decided a sneak attack was best. I wasn’t trying to corner her or convince her of anything. All I wanted to do was look her in the eye and make sure she was okay. And to apologize. Possibly fifty times or so.

  I parked up the street from the diner and released Laurie from her car seat prison. Setting her on my hip, I checked my jacket pocket to make sure the cookies were still intact. Laurie wasn’t about to miss a chance for more sweets, however. She got one forbidden glimpse of them and screwed up her adorable face, her big blue eyes going shiny with unshed tears.

  “For me?” she wailed. “For me?”

  God save me from women. I truly wasn’t equipped to deal with them. Every time I thought I could handle the task, new obstacles were thrown in my path.

  I dug out one of the cookies and resigned myself to a sleepless night with my child. Just as well. God knows I had no other reasons not to sleep at night. Last night’s event had been a one-off, certain to never be repeated again.

  Virginity destroyer.

  The little bell over the diner door dinged as I entered with a now contentedly munching Laurie. She was spewing crumbs all over my wrinkled dress shirt, but my attention snagged on all the faces that turned my way. It seemed like every patron in the place was staring at me and Laurie.

  All but one person with a high, bouncy dark ponytail, and that was because she had her back to me. Luckily, she was talking loudly enough that I could hear her just fine.

  “Oh, not you too, Sally Mae. As I was just telling Vern, I was just helping him with a problem. You know, as a friend.”

  Sally Mae was looki
ng past Ally at me. She cleared her throat. “Uh, dear, I’m not sure—”

  “Certain issues of a performance nature,” Ally went on. “Any good friend would help. Now would you like eggs over easy like usual with red potatoes and a side of sausage? We have the summer fruit cup on special today. Comes free with any meal.”

  “Alison,” I said in an undertone.

  Ally’s shoulders went tight in her uniform, but she didn’t glance my way. Didn’t acknowledge me at all.

  “The fruit cup has blueberries, honeydew, pineapple, and slices of fresh strawberries. The first crop this year from Happy Acres Orchard, right down in Turnbull.”

  “Alison,” I said again.

  Laurie finished scarfing down her cookie and pulled her chocolatey fingers out of her mouth. “Ally!”

  Yeah, my best friend might be able to ignore me, but she definitely couldn’t ignore my little spitfire.

  Ally turned, a genuine smile creasing her face and lighting up her honey eyes. “Hiya you. What’re you doing here?” She moved forward and snatched Laurie out of my arms without acknowledging my presence. “Look at these cheeks, all covered in chocolate. What has your daddy been feeding you?”

  “Cookies. Unca O and me made ‘em. Daddy brought you one.”

  “Daddy actually brought you two, but a certain thief felt the need to sample more of the merchandise.” I cupped my daughter’s head, leaving my hand there until Ally had no choice but to meet my gaze.

  “I texted you.”

  “Sorry, working.”

  “And gossiping. About problems of a performance nature.” The diner was far too quiet around us, and I wasn’t about to give the town anything more to chat about today. “Is Sage working?”


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