The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)

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The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) Page 33

by Calinda B

  She whipped out her imaginary notepad, just like Daniel had done. Things to do, she pretend wrote. Get back jewels. They’re mine. She tapped her lips with her index finger. Get the hell out of here. She resumed pacing. It’s simple. Just two things to do, and I’m done. What could go wrong?

  Soft footsteps padded in her direction. Her head whipped around to see. A slim, smartly dressed woman in a short-sleeved dress stepped toward her.

  “Ms. Engles?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  The pretty young woman stuck out her hand. “Renata.” She tapped her hand to her chest.

  “Renata.” Marissa shook it, then dropped her hand and waited.

  The woman smiled at her and said something in Portuguese.

  “I don’t speak Portuguese,” Marissa said sadly.

  Fast falling, distant footsteps rang out. Jason ran down the hall. “Sorry I’m late.” He said something to the woman in her native tongue.

  She blushed, tittered, and clasped her hands in front of her.

  “Since when did you learn Portuguese?”

  “Since I got here. I’m a quick study. My girls teach me.” He leaned forward to catch his breath. “This is Renata. Renata Santos. The boss thought you’d be more comfortable with a woman escort.”

  “What do I need an escort for?”

  He stood up, his face red and mottled, and his breathing labored. “Escort, maid, servant, helper…I don’t know what to call her. She’s just yours to help you find your way here.” He leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

  Renata turned bright red and playfully slapped his cheek.

  “And mine when she’s not busy with you. Which won’t be often, or so I’m told.” A sullen frown clouded his features. “Damn. She’s good, too. Anyway, I’m like your guard or something, and she’s your maid. Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “The boss has decided to give you the night off.”

  “Off of what?”

  “He had plans with you.”

  “What kind of plans?”

  “Jeez, Marissa, would you stop with the questions? I don’t know what kind of plans. He only said that his plans had changed and that you were to get the night off. Renata and I are supposed to tuck you into your room. Will you cooperate for once? Jeez!”

  “What are my choices?” She folded her arms over her chest.

  “You don’t have any, like the rest of us.” He threw up his hands. “You just do what you’re told. We all get our rewards, but that’s because we do what he tells us to do.”

  “And what happens if we don’t do what we’re told?”

  “We get yelled at. We get spanked. How should I know?”

  “You’ve never disobeyed?”

  He looked away.

  “Jason, tell me.”

  “Only once back in the States.”

  “What happened?”

  “He, er, he yelled.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Sort of.”

  “What else did he do?”

  “I don’t want to tell you.” He looked like a little kid.

  “I think it’s kind of important to know what I’m in for. You know how uncooperative I can be. Tell me.”

  “He…” Jason focused his gaze at Renata.

  Her eyes widened, she said something, and smiled.

  He laughed and replied in faltering Portuguese.

  “Tell me, asshole.”

  He turned back to Marissa. “No,” he said petulantly.

  “Jason, if you don’t tell me, I’m going to go out of my way to make sure and be extra uncooperative. Your excuses will only carry you so far.”

  “Alright! Alright! He grabbed my balls, okay? He grabbed them and twisted them until I passed out cold. When I came to, he said that was the least he’d do to me. He’s as strong as an ox, I tell you.”

  “Man, that leash is getting shorter and shorter.” Marissa laughed.

  “Yeah, but the bennies…” he began.

  “Are hardly worth it in the long run,” Marissa finished. “I always knew you were a slime bucket, I just never thought you’d stoop so low.” She turned and headed toward the stairs.

  “Hey, wait.” Jason lunged after her. “We have to guide you up to your room.”

  “I remember the way.”

  “That’s not the point,” he said, grabbing her arm.

  “Let go of me.” She pried his fingers from her arm and flung his arm away.

  It flew back and hit the wall. “Ouch! Damn, girl, when did you get so strong?” He shook his arm. “That’s going to hurt. And I’m going to have a bruise. Goddamn it, Marissa, how will that look to the ladies?” He narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s some of your super powers, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She sped up, glancing behind her.

  Renata raced to keep up, several steps behind.

  “What happened to you?”

  “It’s what’s going to happen to me that I’m worried about.” She reached the doorway to her bedroom and opened it.

  “Wait!” Jason grabbed the door handle. “Renata has to help you get ready for bed.”

  “I’m not tired. It’s not that late. I’ve slept for days, remember?”

  Jason glanced nervously at Renata and back to Marissa. “Look, you might want to mess with me, but it’s not fair to mess with Renata. She’s a good girl. The boss doesn’t hold back just because she’s a girl.”

  “She also looks to be about 25 and that hardly qualifies as a girl.” Marissa shoved past him and entered her room. Cut flowers had been arranged in vases and set on every surface. “Are these in honor of my funeral, or yours?”

  “The boss just wants you to feel comfortable.”

  “Then the boss should send me home.” She whirled to face him. “Jason, I don’t belong here. Your boss is evil. He’s a sorcerer. He wants to use me, or kill me, or ensorcel me. He’ll do the same to you if you’re not careful. I watched him evaporate one of the workers today. Poof! Up in smoke!”

  “Sorcerer? Evaporate?” Jason’s face crumpled with confusion. “You’ve sure got a creative imagination, baby-doll. No, he’s just got a bad temper. I told you that.”

  “You’ve seen the way people cringe around him, right?”

  “A little, yeah. He garners respect.”

  “That’s not respect, that’s fear. Use your dumb brain.” She smacked the side of his head.

  “Ouch! Stop it! Would you quit hurting me? I don’t deserve this!”

  “Yes, you do. That and then some.” She flopped on the bed.

  Renata hurried over to her and began unbuttoning her shirt.

  Marissa pushed the young woman’s hands away. “Stop it. I can do that myself.”

  Renata backed up, her eyes flooded with tears.

  “Oh, jeez, Marissa, you made her cry. She’s only trying to do her job so she doesn’t get fired. He seems to go through staff like water. Since I’ve been here, I’ve seen people come and go. It’s constant turnover.”

  “Yeah, because he evaporates them.” She regarded Renata. Renata looked like an innocent. She didn’t want the woman to be turned into a puff of smoke. “Tell her I’m sorry. Tell her that I don’t know how to be taken care of by a maid or whatever she is.”

  Jason said something to Renata and nodded.

  She turned to face Marissa and smiled.

  “She will wait for your instruction. She’s here for anything that you need.”

  “Um, okay,” Marissa said doubtfully. “Can she help me get to an airport?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re here. Get used to it. I plan on it.”

  “So you don’t care that your boss is capable of doing despicable things? How do you know he won’t can your ass?” Marissa stood up and wandered over to the window. She stared down to where the worker had stood only a short time ago.

  “I know he’s tough, but he’s not a demon or anything. He’s just
a guy with a brutal temper. All you have to do is watch your back.”

  Marissa turned, crossed her arms, and glowered at him. “Don’t you have any self-respect? Are you that big of a tool?”

  “I don’t know what you mean. This is the best gig I’ve ever had in my life. I don’t want you or anyone to mess this gig up.”

  “You could get killed in this so-called gig, Jason, not that it matters all that much to me.”

  “You’re being dramatic. I always hated it when you were dramatic. I’m done with this conversation.”

  Her voice grew louder and sharper. “That’s because you don’t want to hear the truth. You never wanted to hear the truth. You’ve always lived in your own little make-believe world!”

  “And you never wanted me to be happy!”

  “I’m not your mother, Jason. I’m not anything to you except your very big problem unless you help me escape.”

  “And I’m not going to help you escape. I’m staying, you’re staying. I like it here. Get used to it.” He pounded the wall with his fist.

  Renata shrank away from the display of anger. She inched toward the bedroom door.

  “Now look what you’ve made me do! You’ve made me frighten Renata! God, you’re such a bitch, Marissa!”

  “I’m the bitch? I’m the bitch? Get a grip, Mr. Brown.” Her arms and legs started to tremble. She flexed and un-flexed her fingers. Don’t burst into light, Engles. Calm yourself. She paced around the room like a tiger in the zoo. “I’ve got to get out of here.” The tips of her fingertips began to glow. She shoved them under her armpits.

  “And I’m not going to help you. I’m staying here in Brazil.”

  Marissa lunged at Jason, pinning his shoulders to the wall.

  His head cracked against the plaster. “Ow! Shit! What’s gotten into you? Where the hell did you get that strength?” He clawed and struggled against her grip.

  The frustration, rage, and fear of being captured exploded in her body and mind, making all kinds of crazy swirl inside. She jammed her knee into Jason’s groin, causing him to shriek and double up in pain. “You think you’ve got trouble from your boss?” she said to his bunched over back. “You think his is the only temper you have to worry about? Guess again, asshole.” Her teeth clenched as she endeavored to prevent her light to show.

  “You’re fucking crazy, Engles!” Jason shouted. “Breaking up with you was the best thing I ever did.”

  Marissa scoffed. “That’s not the way I remember it.” Her fingers vibrated. “Just get out of here. Get the hell out of my space.” She shoved him toward the door. Renata was nowhere in sight.

  Jason staggered toward the door.

  She rammed her hands under her armpits once more.

  He swirled to face her and yelled, “If I wasn’t going to lose my job over it, I’d hurt you right now.”

  “Yeah, right,” Marissa said. “Get out of here.” Her feet began to vibrate.

  “I would, you know. I’m not opposed to hitting a girl.”

  “I’m a woman, jackass. Now, get out of here before I pitch you out.”

  He scurried out of the room like a retreating crab, slamming the door behind him.

  Unable to contain herself any longer, Marissa burst into a floodlight of color. If anyone from down below looked up toward her window, they’d sure wonder what was going on. The only thing she could hope for was people’s perceptions. They’d perceive what they wanted to perceive. Maybe they’d think a flying saucer had landed in her room. She hobbled over to her bed and collapsed into a heap, fully clothed. At least I’ve got some semblance of a plan now. Eat, strong, jewels, and fly away.

  Chapter 37

  Marissa hadn’t even been aware of falling asleep when she cannonballed into the white dreamscape. She exploded into lucid dreaming; hovering over a group of individuals huddled in a circle. One of them, a man, paced back and forth, clearly out of his mind with anger. Daniel.

  “How could this happen? Why didn’t any of you step in when you sensed El Demonio was near?”

  “Well,” an elderly female voice began. “We didn’t have consensus, that’s why. The older members of the group are cautious about moving forward. Their job is to keep the younger members reined in.”

  “Your whole group is like Congress. You behave like a bunch of senators, all preventing forward movement. You veto, you block, you bicker, and then this happens!” A terrible ripping echoed and darkness consumed the white space. The expanse of dark oscillated with eerie shrieks and calls, as well as shouts of protest.

  “Rein yourself in, young man,” an older man bellowed. “This is just the kind of thing we’re mindful of. We guard against rogue use of power.”

  The white light quickly restored.

  “This is the kind of thing that might have saved her,” Daniel shouted. “I didn’t develop this ability for no reason.”

  “Yes, we’re aware of that. But we thought it prudent for you to keep in check.”

  “You, my father…you’re always trying to keep me in check.”

  “You keep getting into trouble, Daniel,” the old woman stated. “You’re like unchecked power. The use of power has to be responsible. One has to be held accountable.”

  Daniel whirled to face her. “And sometimes, it has to be used to prevent foul play!” He resumed patrolling the dream-space.

  “The boy’s got a point,” a man said.

  It’s Tom, Marissa realized.

  “He can’t learn his own strength if he doesn’t use it.”

  “Do any of you know where she is? Can any of you fine, outstanding members of the Numina find my soul bound lover? Find Demonio? Anybody?” Daniel split the atmosphere with his hand, causing wild-eyed, hideous, demonic creatures to slither forth from a crack of night. He sent them back from where they came with an angry fling of his arm.

  “We’ve got some of our experts on it. We can track his signature through space for a while, and then, nothing.”

  Daniel blew out his breath. “As soon as one of you clowns has any inkling of where she is – any at all, you are to inform me at once.”

  “That’s not the way the system works,” one of them spluttered.

  “I don’t care how the fucking system works. I care about her well-being. Do you follow me?” He glared at each member in turn.

  They all took a step back from the intensity glowing in his eyes.

  “Yes,” one of them said. “We follow you. But the system works in a way…”

  A Southern female drawl cut him off. “I think the system is completely broken. And I won’t stand by a minute longer to watch that child be put in harm’s way because you all can’t make up your minds about anything.” A low, deep, phlegmy, nasty cough volcanoed from her lungs. “Lord, have mercy upon us all. Buddy agrees with me. You’re nothing but a group of windbags.”

  Crazy Betty? If dream bodies did, in fact, blink, Marissa blinked. She peered at the collective trying to confirm her suspicions. It is Betty!

  “Ever since my Buddy crossed over, my intolerance for you people has increased to the point that I don’t know what to do with myself. Buddy was my champion. Marissa should be yours.”

  Crazy Betty is a member of the Numina?

  Silence followed. “She’s right, you know.” Tom finally interjected. “She’s a right fine young woman. All our bickering and badmouthing serves nothing and no one. She was hidden away from herself as a child. She’s a powerhouse, I tell you. A right powerhouse. Her restored power should be welcomed into this community of so-called wisdom seekers.” He spat into the white, wiped his mouth off with the back of his sleeve and draped his arm around the old woman next to him. “I’m with Betty.”

  “Get your hands off of me, you old fool.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “So, let me ask something. Do I have your permission, finally, to exercise my power? I’ve sat on my hands for too long. I’m going to do something regardless of your desires. You know that. It would be better fo
r us all if I had your consent.” Daniel towered over the heads of everyone. He pivoted in a slow circle, eyeing each one of the Numina. When he’d silently conveyed his intentions to each one, he stood still, breathing in and out, in and out. With each inhalation, that hideous ripping tore through the air, the dark bled into the white, and the creatures of the night emerged. Each exhale sent them skittering back from where they came. He flicked his hands and the chaotic breathing ceased.

  Marissa held her dreamers breath. She imagined the Numina doing the same. Daniel, her soul bound lover, was a deadly man. He was right. She’d never have consented to the soul binding.

  “I can’t be held accountable for my actions if you’re not in agreement with me. Anything might happen. Like Tom said, I can’t know my own strength until I use it.” His mouth formed a crisp line, and his eyes glowed blue.

  Murmurs and whispers followed.

  “He can’t be trusted,” one of them said.

  “He doesn’t know his own strength,” another called.

  “He’s proven himself,” Tom shouted.

  “Think of what will happen to us if we don’t agree!” another chimed in with a tremulous voice. “Our hand is being forced.”

  “We’ve forced his hand for far too long,” Crazy Betty interjected. “You old fools! Just let him loose. I’m willing to take my chances.”

  A collective sigh issued forth.

  “Yes, by all that is holy, we assent. We release you from our hold on you. We release your bindings.”

  Hold? What hold? How involved in the Numina is Daniel? More secrets! Will I ever learn the truth about that man?

  “We hereby grant you the use of your powers, in every capacity, to do what needs to be done to deal with El Demonio for once and for all.”

  Daniel’s been held back? Marissa’s head spun. I’m not sure that I want to experience unleashed Daniel. The fluttering birds pulsing in the physical core of her body spoke otherwise. She wanted to spin out of the dream into an erotic exchange with this dangerous male, caught herself, and willed herself to stay.


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