The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)

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The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) Page 34

by Calinda B

  Thunder reverberated through the air. Daniel grew enormous. His muscles bulged and rippled. He looked like a monster of some kind – a hideous and horrible monster.

  Every hair on her head stood at attention. What’s happening to my lover?

  His face contorted, his mouth opened, and an ear-splitting roar shattered the atmosphere, surging through the air like a sonic boom.

  “So be it!” shouted a man.

  “It is done!” called another.

  “Lord, help us all,” cried Crazy Betty. “I’ve got your back, son.” The old woman cast her eyes into the white. “As for you, child, just save yourself. Don’t worry about nothing but yourself, you hear me? These old fools will keep on with their politicking until they stop breathing. This is a fool’s game. You, you’re better than that. You save yourself.”

  Is she talking to me?

  “Do you hear me, child?”

  She is talking to me! “Yes, Betty, I hear you!”

  The elderly woman nodded, satisfied. None of the others seemed to have noticed the exchange.

  Marissa wanted to make herself known. She wanted to hug her crazy, elderly friend and seek comfort. Instead, hands pressed over Marissa’s mouth in her twitching, dreaming body. She rocketed back into the bedroom wild-eyed.

  “Shhh,” a woman’s voice urged. “Shhh.”

  She tried to scream, but the hand pressed tighter. A man’s voice chattered to the woman in Portuguese.

  “Jewels,” the woman said. “We show.”

  Marissa bolted up in bed, causing the hand to fly from her mouth. “You’re going to show me where the jewels are?”

  “Shhh,” Amalia said, holding her finger up to her lips. “Shhh.” She held up a small keychain flashlight and gestured for Marissa to follow. Cracking open the door, she peeked right and left. “Shhh,” she urged again.

  The trio tiptoed down the hallway. The entire house seemed strangely quiet, making Marissa’s nerves stand at high alert. Her breath seemed to clatter in and out of her lungs. The soft padding of their footsteps sounded like bears crashing through the forest. They reached a doorway, and Amalia stopped and whispered to her companion.

  He dug in his pocket and retrieved a golden key. The key fit snugly in the lock. The man slowly turned it until the latch clicked open. He eased the door open and indicated that he would wait in the hall and stand guard.

  Marissa and Amalia crept into the dimly lit room, hand in hand. An altar sat at the far end of the room. Candles burned in front of photographs placed along the top of the altar. As they grew closer, Marissa examined each picture. A beautiful young woman smiled out at her. It’s the goddess I saw in my visions. That must be Josephina. Her eyes drifted to the next photo. A picture of a young version of El Demonio and the same woman, arms around one another in loving embrace smiled up at her. Marissa frowned. How can that be? She let her eyes roam to the next photo. That’s my mother! My mother! What’s she doing in here? Her eyes drifted over to the last photo. That’s me! That’s me a couple years ago! He’s been tracking me all along! A shriek left her mouth, and her belly broiled with rage and fear. What’s he doing with these photos of me and my mom?

  Amalia stared at her with wide eyes. She brought her finger up to her mouth in a shushing gesture. She pointed to a small drawer at the base of the altar. “Jewels,” she whispered.

  Marissa grabbed the drawer pull and slowly eased open the drawer. A large jewelry box lay inside. Marissa eased the top open and noticed an array of jewels, some she recognized, some she didn’t.

  Amalia pulled a pouch out from her pocket and held it out to Marissa. Quickly, Marissa took each piece from the drawer and dropped it into the bag. She started to close the box when Amalia seized her hand and pointed inside. In the corner, tucked inside a fold of velvet, lay the Herkimer earring. Marissa plucked it up and dropped it speedily into the satchel. When she turned to leave, Amalia grabbed her arm. She twirled her hand in front of the altar.

  “I don’t know what you want,” Marissa said, perplexed.

  Amalia fluttered her hand and flicked her fingers like small fireworks.

  “You want me to cast a spell?” Marissa asked dubiously.

  “Spell. Spell.” Amalia nodded eagerly.

  “Uh, here goes.” Marissa thought of the protection spell. She brought the Huitzilopochtli to mind, a relative lifetime ago in her back yard. She imagined asking Huitzilopochtli to protect her from stealing back her own jewels and to keep El Demonio away from the knowledge. She visualized Daniel as Huitzilopochtli. She sought his help and protection. Then, for good measure, she blew a kiss at the imagined god.

  Amalia nodded, satisfied, and the pair raced out of the room. Her companion looked relieved when they emerged.

  Outside of Marissa’s room, Amalia reached back into her pocket and produced a tiny sewing kit. She thrust it into Marissa’s hands. She patted the pouch of jewels in Marissa’s hand, patted Marissa’s shirt and twirled her hand in a circle, as if she were sewing the pouch into the garment.

  Marissa nodded, hugged Amalia, held her hand over her heart and silently thanked the man, looked up and down the hallway and snuck back in her room.

  Sitting on her bed, she dumped the jewels onto the bedspread. All her pieces were woven together in a tangle, intermingled with exquisite pieces she didn’t recognize. She glanced at the earring, hesitating only a second before picking it up. Daniel!

  Marissa! Where are you?

  She closed her eyes for a moment, relishing the love and lust that filled her body. Remembering his frightening countenance in the dream, she shuddered and opened her eyes. My dangerous lover. I’m in Brazil.

  Brazil! Of course. His plantation! Why didn’t I think of that? The trackers sensed him going North, not South. The trail disappeared over Nova Scotia.

  Jason’s here, too. He’s some kind of minion for El Demonio.

  We’ll deal with Jason. He’s an insect. A plantation should be easy enough to find. Are you okay?

  Well, enough. I was knocked out cold for days. I only came to today.

  I’m going to kill that man. I’m going to blow him apart and send every shred of his spirit into different directions.

  Marissa shivered. I saw you in my dream tonight.




  I said I saw you.

  I heard you. What did you see?

  I witnessed your interchange with the Numina. I didn’t know you were a part of that organization.

  There’s a lot about me you don’t know.

  I’ll say. I also saw Crazy Betty. She works where I work.

  Betty the Diviner?

  That’s not what we call her.

  It seems there’s a lot I don’t know about you.


  How am I going to get out of here? El Demonio is a rageaholic.

  He’s known to have a violent temper.



  What are you?


  I asked you what you are.

  I told you that I’m a Night Numen.

  Yeah, but I don’t know what that is. After witnessing your transformation, I know even less.

  I never wanted you to see that.

  Dude, if we’re soul bound, don’t you think I’m going to see you in all ways?


  Daniel, then. Don’t deflect. What is a Night Numen?

  I’m an aberration. There’s never been another one like me. Even I don’t know what I’m capable of. That’s why I…

  Why you what?

  That’s another reason why I bound your soul so quickly. I was afraid you wouldn’t accept me.

  You were afraid I would accept someone as gorgeous as you?

  I have as much ugliness inside as there is beauty. Looks can be a façade. I possess rage and darkness, too, just like El Demonio.

  Silence. Ice formed inside of Marissa’s gut.


/>   I’m here.

  I don’t want you to be afraid of me.

  I hear you. I didn’t want to be bound without my permission.

  So we’re back to that.

  We’ll always go back to that until there’s truth and understanding between us.

  That will take time.


  And right now, we don’t have that luxury. We don’t know what El Demonio’s plans are.

  Does that matter?

  It might. He threw us off the trail before. He’s a master at deception.

  Apparently you are, too.


  I deserved that.

  You did. But like you said, we don’t have time to sort things out. How can I get out of here?

  Look for chinks – he’s got his Achilles’ heel.

  I’ve already begun. Besides his dementia, he’s a control freak. He likes things in order. Things out of place unnerve him, and he tries to rein in his temper, but loses it.

  That’s great Marissa! Good work!

  Marissa smiled at the praise, realizing it was the first time she’d smiled since she got here. Thank you.

  Find a way to use that. I’ll be scheming over here. And please, no matter what you think of me, keep in touch. I want to have time to sort things out with you, not mourn your loss.

  A surge of warmth filled her heart. That’s a good thing. She paused. I can’t really put the earring in my ear. And I won’t always have the option of pockets. It’s hot here, and I have a closet of skimpy clothes to choose from.

  I’d like to see you in those skimpy clothes.

  I’d like to never see these clothes again.

  We’ll get you your own skimpy clothes. The kind that I can peel off with my teeth.

  Flutters of heat poured from her pelvis. I have a weird idea.

  Tell me.

  Too embarrassed. Let’s just say I think I’ve figured out a way to keep the Herkimer close at hand. She gritted her teeth at the idea.

  Whatever it is, do it. I don’t want to be apart from you. I want to get you home, safe. I have Sober, by the way.

  I’m so relieved.

  He keeps looking for you. I keep telling him you’ll be home soon. And you will.

  I need to get some sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open.

  Sleep, dulzura. Sleep. I’ll have you safely in my arms soon, trust me.

  Trust you? She chuckled. When I only find out things about you in reverse?

  I told you, people like us have to back into things so we’re surprised.

  You did tell me that. Back when we first met. Alright then. Goodnight. my dangerous lover.

  Goodnight, dulzura. I’ll keep you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms.

  Eyes glazed, she picked her jacket up off the floor where it had fallen and feverishly worked to sew the pouch of jewels, as well as Buddy’s protection paw inside the coat. Next, she strode over to the wardrobe, opened it, and searched inside the drawers for some sort of hidden chamber. Don’t old wardrobes like this have hidden compartments? Her fingers explored and landed on a tiny latch. “Just like in the movies,” she whispered. She tugged on the latch and a small, rectangular compartment unfolded. She bunched her coat, crammed it into the compartment, and coerced it shut.

  She’d just closed the wardrobe when the door handle creaked. Expecting to see Amalia, she pivoted around, only to witness El Demonio stagger into the room wearing a mid-calf length, blue and white striped dressing gown. She inhaled sharply and backed against the wall as a shudder quivered up her spine. She swallowed and wiped her palms on her skirt.

  He looked like the old, frail man she’d met in Seattle, sort of like that long ago cartoon Mr. Magoo, not like the robust, rage-fueled man from earlier this evening.

  His hand clutched a small lantern with a candle inside. The lantern light cast shadows making his face appear skeletal like. It illuminated his legs which sported several tattoos.

  One of them, a panther, seemed to watch her. Its golden, red-rimmed eyes bothered her the most as it crouched around his ankle and appeared ready to pounce. It looked like the blood beasts, as she’d named them, which she’d drawn as a child.

  “Josephina, darling, how are you settling in?”

  “I’m not Josephina.” She stood, panting, staring at the door, gauging distance, then back to him.

  “Who are you tonight then, my darling? Ever the creative, imaginative girl…” He chuckled as he made his way across the bedroom with quavering, unsteady steps. He flipped back the covers and patted the sheet. The candle rested on the side stand. “I’m ready for bed, dear.”

  “I thought this was my bed.”

  “It is. It’s yours and mine. Come.” His voice came out slurred as if he’d been drinking heavily.

  She shook her head with quick, terse movements. “No.”

  “Come along, now.” He tugged off his nightshirt and carefully folded it, placing it on the nightstand when he was finished. He stood, wearing nothing but black briefs. His smooth-skinned and muscled bronze body belied his age. Strange gargoyle tattoos covered his shoulders, back, and abdomen. Same as the panther, they seemed to watch her. He plopped on the bed, like a sack of concrete. “Come, Josephina. I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

  Marissa inched toward the door, scooting her back along the wall. “I’m not tired in the least.” Daniel. Help me out here. The tendrils of connection sought their lover, snaking invisibly from her body. Oh, I wish you could hear me.

  “Where are you going, darling? Come to bed.” El Demonio patted the bed again.

  “I’m not tired. I told you.” She eyed the door, just a foot or two away.

  El Demonio blinked. He looked around, as if wondering where he was. He stared at the nightshirt. He stared at Marissa and blinked again. “Marissa? What are you doing here?”

  “What do you mean, what am I doing here? You abducted me, that’s what. This is the room I woke up in.”

  He shook his head. Blinked again. The confusion left his face, replaced by something far more malevolent.

  Marissa lunged for the door.

  El Demonio flicked his hand as if he held a whip. A silvery thread of energy shot from his palm and spun around her wrist, whirling her to face him.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Her arm extended tautly in front of her, stretched by an unseen restraint. She tugged and pulled, trying to free it. Goosebumps covered her arms and legs and beads of sweat trickled from her forehead. Without thinking, she imagined light into form, shaping knives that sliced through the tendrils of energy that bound her wrist and stabbed the wall with a sharp thud. When her arm came free, she hugged it close to her body.

  El Demonio’s eyebrows shot up. “Nice trick. So simple, yet elegant. I’ll have to remember that one. I always seem to go for the complex.”

  He stood up and sniffed the air. “Mmm. Your feminine fragrance is most exotic. Come here, and let me have a look.”


  “Playing hard to get only makes me hotter,” El Demonio said. He let out a throaty laugh. A telling bulge formed in his briefs.

  Marissa sickened at the sight. Her legs began to tremble. Don’t get all weak, Engles. Don’t disappear like Mr. Bugs. Be Beelzebub instead. She straightened up and tried to appear calm and cool. “I’m afraid I’m not playing, El Demonio. I’m really not going to let you look or touch.”

  He shrank back slightly. “Where did you hear that name? Don’t call me that.”

  She eyed him, curious. “What name? El Demonio de la Muerte?”

  His mouth pulled back in a sneer. “I said, don’t use that name. I hate it.”

  “Alright, how about this one? Demented Demon of Death? Does that suit you better?”

  “No.” He struggled to compose himself, breathing deeply, his hands fisted by his side.

  “My dog is a demon slayer. My dog would want to shred you.”

  He looked at her, a mixture of rage and sorrow on his f
ace. “I’m not what you think I am.”

  “What are you then? And why is everyone terrified of you?”

  He didn’t respond. Instead, he picked up the lantern, grabbed the nightgown and strode to the door looking once more like a commanding, angry general.

  “My apologies for interrupting. Sleep in if you like. We’re not due anywhere until noon.” He exited the room.

  The jangled of metal met her ears, followed by the snick of the door lock clicking into place. His footsteps pounded down the hall and out of earshot.

  Marissa tugged on the door. I could probably cut a hole in it. But then what? She wandered over to the bed, fell on the covers, and closed her eyes for the last time that night.

  Chapter 38

  Marissa had awoken with resolve. From now on her motto would be, “Trust no one and save only me.” Get on El D’s side and make him think we’re cool with one another. Then, it’s hasta la vista, baby. She showered, found a comb to untangle her messy hair since the brush bristles were now charred, burnt remnants, and wrapped her torso in a towel. She stood before the wardrobe considering what to wear.

  The door lock clicked. She clutched the towel and whirled around.

  Renata poked her head around the corner. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Renata. Come to take care of me, I see.”

  Jason pushed the door open wide and strode inside, like it was his space. “Good morning, baby-doll. Sleep okay?”

  “What do you care?”

  “It’s just an expression.” He shrugged and strode in the room behind Renata. “Get dressed.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Your language has gone way downhill. You never used to swear this much.”

  “I’ve been a little stressed.”

  “Whatever. Get dressed.”

  Marissa eyed him speculatively. “Jason…?”


  “Do you have any, um…?” Her face and neck flushed.

  “Do I have any what?” He idly fingered one of Renata’s long brown strands of hair.

  “Condoms. Do you have any condoms?” She blew out her breath.

  “Of course, why? Have you changed your mind about me? I knew you would.”

  “No way.”


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