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The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)

Page 35

by Calinda B

  “Are you thinking of doing Alex? He’s probably got his own.”

  “No, I’m not thinking of doing Alexander. Do you or don’t you have any?”

  “What are you going to do for me if I share?”

  “Jason, I can’t believe you. You helped a man abduct me and now you want to make sure I stay here. Just hand ‘em over, dogface, or I told you I’m going to make your job a living hell.”

  “Nope. You’re going to have to do something for me.”

  “You know I can hurt you. Just hand them over, and I won’t hurt you – today, at least.”

  “Alright, alright, alright! This bruise is bad enough.” He lifted his arm to show her the ugly bruise on the back of his arm before shoving his hand inside his shorts pocket and retrieving his wallet. He unfolded it. The condoms lay between two 100 dollar bills. “You want both of them?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “You’re going to tell me who you did when you’re done with them.”

  “I don’t own you any explanations.”

  “Whatever. Here…” He shoved them in her hand.

  “Thank you. I’m sure you’ve got more where those came from.”

  “Oh, you know it. I’m a busy guy.”

  “You’re disgusting, that’s what you are.”

  Renata stepped next to her and eyed the closet. She plucked a pair of black and white, soft, stretchy Capri pants from the shelf and held them out to Marissa.

  “They’ll do.” Marissa sighed and took the pants.

  Renata found a black, sleeveless top with strategic cutouts made from the same stretchy fabric and handed it to her.

  “Get out of here, Jason. I want to dress without your ogling eyes.”

  “Don’t worry about it, doll. I’ve seen far more beautiful women here than you.”

  Ouch. “Get the hell out of here.”

  “You’re so bossy,” he said, wandering out the door. “I’m still here,” he called.

  “Good for you,” she called back. She quickly dressed in the skimpy, revealing outfit.

  Renata handed her a pair of sandals and nodded.

  Marissa raced into the bathroom and peeled open the first packet. She dropped the earring inside the condom and rolled it up tightly. For extra measure, she opened the next one, dropped the condom covered earring inside, tied it in a knot, and rolled that one up, too. It will have to do.

  She wiped her palms off on her pants, clenched and unclenched her hands, squatted down and inserted the latex bundle inside.


  I did it.

  Did what?

  Found a place to hide the earring.

  That’s great. No one can find it?

  Not unless they get intimate with me. She swore she heard him laughing.

  Our source of communication is inside of you?

  Wrapped in condoms.

  That’s brilliant. And right where I belong – only I’d rather be unwrapped.

  I have to go. Jason and Renata are waiting.

  Who’s Renata?

  My maid or servant or helpmate or whatever she’s called.

  You’re going to be spoiled when you come home. Good thing I’m wealthy.

  All I want is to be home with my dog by my side.

  Just your dog?

  Okay, okay, okay. Her pelvis pulsed with want. You, too. But we have some sorting to do.

  We do. We will. We must. Let me know if anything changes. We’ve found his plantation and will arrive soon. We’re heading to the airport shortly.

  Who’s we?

  Me and Tom. The others will arrive through ether gates.

  There are gates in the ethers?

  Jason burst into the room. “Get a move on! The boss expects to leave promptly, and he’s going to take it out on me if you’re not there.”

  Gotta run. Bye!

  Marissa put the sandals on her feet and followed Renata out into the hall.

  After a breakfast of fruit and pastries, Marissa finished her excellent cup of coffee. She placed the cup on the table with a soft thunk and scoffed at Jason. All the while she’d been eating, he’d been messing around with Renata, trying to kiss her and groping her like she was his dolly. The Brazilian woman kept pushing him away, red-faced and giggling.

  “No means no, jackass.”

  “She’s just playing hard to get.”

  “She’s too embarrassed to say no to you.”

  “Whatever. Mind your own business.”

  “Your business is mine to mind, Mr. Brown.”

  Marissa’s head spun around to see El Demonio standing on the deck as if he’d just transported there like on Star Trek.

  Jason released Renata and stood stiffly at attention.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d let my staff do their job and not interfere with their duties.”

  “Y-y-yes, sir, Alex.”

  “And I’d appreciate it if you’d call me Mr. Díaz from now on. Just to remind you who’s the boss around here – you seem to have forgotten.”

  “Y-y-yes, sir, Alex, I mean Mr. Díaz.”

  “Don’t assume your position is secure here, Mr. Brown.”

  “I-I-I don’t, sir.”

  “Good,” he said crisply. “Everyone is expendable.” He turned his gaze to Marissa. “Except for you, my dear.” His eyes widened as he explored her appearance. “You look charming, my gamine little coquette. Did you find your breakfast to your satisfaction?”

  “Yes, sure. It was good. The coffee’s fantastic.”

  A small smile flickered on his face and then quickly faded. “Thank you. I believe we grow the finest around here. Come,” he said, proffering his arm.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’ll be heading up to where you’ll be living from now on.”

  “I won’t be living here?”

  “No. You deserve something finer.”

  Marissa’s eyes darted around her surroundings. “This is perfectly fine. Better than fine.” Help me out here, Daniel. He wants to move me.

  El Demonio waved his hand dismissively. “This is common. Come, or we’ll be late.”

  Do you know where you’re moving to? We have the location of the plantation – nothing else.

  Clueless! She stood up, ignoring the sorcerer’s crooked elbow.

  El Demonio’s eyes formed small slits.

  The same chill from the pond behind her home, so long ago, seeped into her veins. Her arms immediately covered with goose bumps and her teeth chattered. She rubbed her arms vigorously.

  “What did you just do?”

  “Nothing! I did nothing! The r-r-r-real question is what did you just d-d-d-do? I’m f-f-f-freezing?” I think he sensed me communicating with you Daniel!

  Then don’t. Not unless you’re safe!

  “Right there. That. What did you just do?”

  “I d-d-d-didn’t d-d-d-do a th-th-thing. P-p-p-please turn off the c-c-c-cold.”

  “As you wish.” He flicked his hands and the chill vanished.

  “Jeez! Were you trying to turn me into a block of ice?”

  “You’d be of little use to me then.”

  “I’m of no use to you right now and it won’t get any better, I can assure you.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he said, with the confidence of someone used to getting his own way.

  The jewels! “I need to get something out of my room.”

  “You’ll have everything you need at your new home.”

  “I need to get my own clothes.”

  “We’ll have them laundered and brought to you.”

  She picked at her fingernails. “I need to bring them. You don’t know how to wash them.”

  “My staff can handle washing a few rags,” he said with disdain.

  Tears pricked her eyes. “No, I need them.”

  El Demonio turned to Renata. He barked a few orders to her, and she turned and walked toward the stairs.

  “She doesn’t know where they are. Just let me
go up and get them, and I’ll be right back.”

  El Demonio eyed her shrewdly. “Alright. We can work on your attachment to your past once you’ve settled. Go retrieve the reminders of your old home.” He impatiently waved his hand toward the stairs.

  “Oh, thank you! I’ll be back in just a moment.”

  After she’d returned, clutching the bundle of clothes, El Demonio gave her another look that chilled her insides to snow-cone slush.

  “What’s the nature of your attachment to these clothes?”

  Think, Engles, think. “It’s like you said. They remind me of home. I miss my dog.” Her face grew long as she said this. She really did miss Sober.

  “We can get you another dog. You haven’t yet met Rumba, either.”

  “I don’t want another dog, I want my dog.” Her eyes moistened. A single tear tracked her cheek.

  It must have affected her captor, as his eyes softened. “A dog can be a true companion. I understand. We’ll arrange to have your dog brought to you.”

  She sniffled. “Thank you.” And I’m hoping there will be no need to send for my dog. I’m hoping to be home soon.

  “And now, let’s depart. This matter is settled. Hand Renata your clothes.”

  “I can hold them.”

  “I insist. She can, at least, carry them for you.”

  Her stomach in a bunched up wad, she reluctantly handed over the clothes.

  El Demonio turned swiftly and strode down the hall with military precision, Marissa, Renata, and Jason racing to catch up.

  Outside the front door, an older Rolls Royce, polished to perfection, sat waiting. Marissa stepped up to it and eyed the immaculate leather interior. “Nice wheels,” she said to Jason.

  “Yeah,” Jason said, fingering the smooth finish. “I hope to own wheels like this someday.”

  Another small smile flitted across El Demonio’s face. “I enjoy automobile restoration. I have several. You’ll see them where we are going.”

  A handsome, dark-haired man wearing a crisp black suit held the door open for Marissa, eying her appreciatively. His tanned face sported an immaculate mustache and soul patch which he obviously spent far too much time grooming. His eyes danced with wicked delight.

  “Use the condoms on him,” Jason whispered.

  Marissa shoved him away and climbed into the seat.

  Jason began to climb in next to her, pushing past the amused chauffeur.

  “Mr. Brown! You are to ride in the Jeep with Captain.”

  “Aw, come on,” Jason protested.

  “And you will speak to me with respect or not speak to me at all.” El Demonio’s voice rang sharp and decisive through the heat of the Brazilian day.

  “Yes, sir.” Jason’s tone held a hint of mockery.

  “I said respect, Mr. Brown, not sarcasm.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jason mumbled.

  “Speak clearly, Mr. Brown. I can’t understand your garbled tongue.”

  “Yes, sir,” he said with defeat. He gave Marissa a pleading look before shambling back to the military escort with Renata.

  She pressed her lips together and shook her head. You made your own bed here, buddy.

  “And you’ll be advised to keep your hands off of my staff,” El Demonio barked. “Your driver serves as my eyes in all his duties.”

  Jason released Renata’s hand. “Yes, sir,” he said, his face a sullen pout.

  After El Demonio settled beside her, he spoke to the handsome driver and they were on their way.

  As they made their way off the property, the laborers would cease what they were doing and stand at stiff attention. Others yanked at the sleeves of those who paid no notice to the vehicle, pulling them up to standing. Some even saluted.

  “Why are your workers so scared of you?” Marissa asked.

  El Demonio ignored her.

  “They seem petrified of you.”

  “That’s not my problem. Getting good product is my only concern.”

  “And you don’t think you can accomplish this without scaring the bejeezus out of them?” She shook her head, and turned to stare at the Jeeps in front and behind them. “Why the military escort?”

  “I have enemies.”

  “What kind of enemies.”

  “Deadly ones. Let’s turn our attention elsewhere, shall we?” He flicked his hand.

  The driver’s face glazed over. Marissa experienced a stab of pain, like two sharp needles were being jammed into her temples. “Ouch!” she exclaimed. “What the hell was that?”

  His face furrowed, and he said nothing. He flicked his fingers again, and the driver blinked and shook his head. Marissa’s headache vanished.

  She continued to stare at her surroundings, passing abundant greenery erupting from the red soil. “Why is the soil so red?”

  “From all the blood I’ve spilled,” El Demonio said. He glanced at her and a half smile formed on his face.

  Marissa shrank into the seat.

  “That was a joke. I was kidding.”

  “It wasn’t very funny.”

  The chauffeur shook his head left and right almost imperceptibly.

  It’s not a joke. She shivered and pressed against the car door, eager to be as far away from him as she could. “You were funnier when you were in Seattle.”

  His lips pressed together like a clam shell. “I was probably trying to impress you.”

  “It works better than abduction does, I’ll tell you that much.”

  “Are you always so brazen, my dear?”

  “I seem to be, yes.”

  “I find it delightful.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” He spoke to the driver. The driver nodded. El Demonio flicked his fingers again and the glazed eye face appeared once more.

  “What are you doing to him?

  “He doesn’t need to remember the way. The same thing is being done to your friend back there.” He indicated the Jeep behind them.

  “That’s kind of mean, taking people’s memories. The same thing was done to me as a teen.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. People can be cruel.” He patted her hand and did not inquire. “The red soil is called terra roxa. It’s very rich in nutrients. Our plantation grows some of the finest coffee in the world because of this rich soil.” His face grew animated. “Once you’ve accepted life around here, I’d like to show you around.”

  “What makes you think I’ll ever accept life around here? This is not my home.” Her heart felt heavy. Strong, then fly away.

  He looked perturbed. The wheels in his brain seemed to be racing to put things in order. He turned to her, his face earnest. “I’m not what you think I am. I can explain.”

  Why do all the men I know have to explain things to me? “Go on.”

  El Demonio regarded her somberly. “I loved her.”

  “Loved who?”

  “Josephina. She was to be my bride.”

  “She was to wed Daniel. She loved him.”

  His nostrils flared and the muscles on his neck corded thick and large. His hands clenched into fists. A nervous tick tippity-tapped on his forehead. “Not in the same manner.” The words came out in a hiss. “Not in the least.” Reining in his temper, he changed topics, assuming the visage of a sweet old man. “My plantation here in São Paulo is world renowned. My most popular coffee is Pouco Noite. That means ‘little night.’ It has a dry cocoa fragrance and dark honey and chocolate dominate the darker roast levels.” He brought his fingertips to his mouth and kissed them. “The wet aroma is sweet, like caramel vanilla. You will enjoy it.”

  Marissa eyed him suspiciously. Jekyll and Hyde? “It sounds delicious.”

  “I have another – a milder blend with a nutty, malty, slightly fruited fragrance. It is good for espresso. You will enjoy this one as well.”

  “I look forward to it.” This guy is wacko!

  “The coffee has to be harvested in the dry season when the coffee cherries are bright red, glossy, and firm. We harvest our
s by hand. The skin of a coffee cherry is thick and bitter. However, the fruit beneath it is intensely sweet and has the texture of a grape. The next layer is the parenchyma, a slimy, honey-like layer, which helps protect the beans. The beans themselves are covered by a parchment-like envelope called the endocarp. Once picked, the coffee has to be processed right away.”

  “I didn’t know that. I drink coffee every day and had no idea how it was made.” She picked at the dry, jagged skin around her fingernails.

  “People seldom look below the surface. They consume, they take, and no thought is given to how or why something is as it is or how it came to be.” He paused, looked out the window and spoke to the driver.

  They turned from the dirt road they were on onto a smaller, poorly maintained dirt road. The driver slowed, easing over and around the potholes.

  “This is the road to your new home.”

  “The road isn’t very well maintained.”

  “It serves to detract.” His brown eyed gaze sought hers. “This was to be the home that I would share with Josephina. I loved her very much,” he repeated.

  “And you think you can just bring me here and have me take her place.” Marissa’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “Not at all. You’ll serve me in different ways.”

  Marissa scoffed. “What makes you think I will serve you at all?”

  “You’ll have everything you need. You’ll come to love me.”

  “Are you kidding? That will never happen.”

  He pursed his lips and stared out the window.

  “Josephina did.”

  “If you say so.”

  “You don’t believe me, but it’s true.”

  “She had to be a lot younger than you. You’re way older than Daniel.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Yes. But the love was evident. It was real.”

  “I was told that you tried to get her away from Daniel and that you cast a spell over her.”

  “I did nothing of the sort.”

  Marissa’s solar plexus flared. “That’s a lie.”

  He barked orders to the driver, clearly uncomfortable. He sat, silent and simmering. After several moments, he said, “She was never his.”

  “Another lie. She loved him, and you know it.”

  “She was mine before she was his! Of course I tried to get her away from Navid.” he snapped, viciously.

  “Okay, that seems true enough. Why did she go to him, then? Did Daniel cast a spell?”


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