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A Kiss Before Lying: A BWWM Romance

Page 9

by M. Skye

  Giving him a bright smile, her dimpled cheeks, were flushed and red. “How did you get to be such a good guy?”

  “I’m not,” he shrugged.

  “I think you are.”

  Stepping back into the bathroom for a few minutes, he closed the door and brushed his teeth and did his other grooming routines. When he came back, she was resting in his bed. He sat down next to her. “You look peaceful. Are you okay?”

  “I am,” she grinned. “I guess, I needed a break. I hate this is how I had to get it, but I’m glad it’s being taken care of. I borrowed your phone and spoke to Rico while you were in the bathroom and he says it’s not bad.”

  “I told you that already.”

  “I know... I know you did, but he... he’s just familiar.”

  “And I’m not,” he sighed. “I know your track record with men is off, but I’m here for you. If you just need a friend, I’m here. If you want more, I’m here. I want to be someone you can trust.”

  “I... I...”

  “You don’t have to say anything right now. I get it. I’m new and you’re an old fashioned kind of girl.” When her laughter filled the room, he walked over and tossed on the clothes he had picked out for himself. When he turned back he caught her watching him. “What?”

  “You’re funny. I never thought you would be funny. You always seem so serious at the gym. I have to admit, it’s great seeing this side of you. I think all the girls are going to be jealous,” she joked.

  “Just like all the guys would kill to be where I am right now. I can’t think of one guy at that gym who wouldn’t love to get you to look his way.”

  “I’m never around when they are,” she blushed.

  “Yeah, but they know you. You and Brittney are probably the most beautiful girls at the gym; how could they not?”

  “You’re just talking,” she tilted her head. “You sure know how to make a girl feel good.”

  “I have a few tricks up my sleeve. One of which is my kick ass ability to throw a meal together quickly. Come on, gorgeous girl, it’s my turn to feed you.”

  “You wanna feed me, huh?”

  “Yes. Now go,” he pulled her up and slapped her on the ass. “Pick a movie and I’ll get the food started.”

  Walking into his kitchen and pulling out the things he needed for a good breakfast, he watched her as she scanned his movie collection. Once she stopped at a case and pulled it out, he grinned at the smile she wore and laughed at her selection. Looking back to him, she held it up and shrugged.


  “It’s one of my favorites,” he laughed.

  “You like The Five Heartbeats?”

  “I love it. It’s in the collection, right?”

  “It is,” she grinned. “It’s one of my favorites too.”

  Watching her put the movie on, he shook his head, thinking it was going to be one fun day. He couldn’t remember the last relaxing day he had, and he hoped this wouldn’t be the last. Being around Draya was something he could see himself getting used to. He was already having so much fun with her and they hadn’t shared anything physical except a few stolen kisses. This was the most time he had ever spent with a woman without anything physical in his adult life. He had only ever been this close to a woman once before and that didn’t end well. Something told him that this time with Draya was different, she was different, and he was going to enjoy figuring out just how different she was.

  Chapter Nine: Just a Phone Call Away

  “Get off your ass, Dray Bear. We have to get this place ready. It’s almost show time, and we still have so much to do. We only have a few weeks left.” Looking around the restaurant, Draya sighed and climbed off her barstool.

  “Okay, okay. I’m coming, Rico.”

  Draya and Rico had been working for the past two months and they were nearing the grand re-opening of their Buckhead location. They had the managers running the other restaurant and Rico would pop in on them from time to time, but most of their time was spent in their almost burned down restaurant.

  The past two months had been a challenge for both of them, and with all the extra added drama, of not speaking to either Brittney or Damien, Draya was having it hard. The situation with Brittney was wearing on her more than Damien. She had cut him off, changed her locks, and tried to forget he ever existed, but he wouldn’t let go. He was showing up at her house and she had yet to respond or open the door. He was still calling, up until she changed her number. He seemed to not want to take no for an answer, but with what happened that night of the fire at the restaurant on her mind, she knew being done with him was for the best.

  At first, she and Rico both thought the fire was a result of one of the employees leaving on the stove, but when the final report came back on the cause of the fire, it was ruled as arson. They had been getting questioned for weeks about who they thought would possibly want to hurt them, and only one name came to mind for her, Damien.

  She had asked Damien point blank if he had anything to do with the fire and he denied it, but in the back of her mind, Draya felt like he it was lying. They had an altercation earlier that night and Liam had stepped in and she knew he was angry. Any other time, he would have called or showed up at her house, but he did neither. She was suspicious then, and when she got the final report, she knew. She knew he had done it, but she had no proof. She couldn’t do anything to get him in trouble, but it was more than what she needed to finally be done with him. Being stupid over sex was one thing, but being with a man that tried to kill you was insane. She had more sense than that.

  “Tell me, Dray, how’s that thing we talked about going?”

  “It’s fine,” she replied dismissively.

  He was hinting at the fact that she and Liam had been spending a lot of time together, but they hadn’t had sex. The attraction was there, the tension was thick but other than the kiss at her house that day, nothing had happened. They would train together, he would stop over for meals, hang for hours, and spend most nights either sleeping on her couch or on his when he invited her over to his place, but he hadn’t made a move. She was starting to think she made the whole kiss up, but when she thought about it, she knew it felt too good not to be real. He was possibly one of the funniest guys she had ever been around with the best body she had ever laid eyes on, but maybe he just wasn’t interested. She wanted to see if there was more than just their friendship, but she wasn’t going to push. If he wanted her, he was going to have to say it.

  Letting her mind drift to the night before, Draya felt her insides heating up. She had never been so close to throwing all caution to the wind. She was surprised she had the willpower.


  “Here it is,” Liam grinned, “The moment of truth.” He was holding a spoon in front of her face and she was smiling from ear to ear. He had invited her, over once again, and cooked one of her favorite meals. She had no clue he even knew she liked this.

  Leaning her head forward, taking a bite, Draya’s eyes lit up, realizing how good it really was. Taking another bite, she realized that Liam had to have gotten Rico’s recipe for their restaurant’s famous Asiago Chicken. While he was waiting patiently, she made small moans and let the food slide down her throat.


  “It’s amazing,” she smiled and heard him sigh in relief.

  They had been spending every day since the party together and so far, all they had done was cook for each other and watch movies. Things had been so innocent, but she really craved more. He was awesome, probably one of the nicest people she had met, but they hadn’t gone there. A part of her understood, but the other part needed the release. She hadn’t had sex in over two months.

  “I’m glad you think so. I just want to go on record of saying I’ve never cooked that in my life.”

  Appreciating the gesture, Draya nodded her head and ran her hand over his shoulder. “In that case it’s great. What made you want to attempt this?”

  “You’re doing so much at work
and although I’m kind of a part of it, I can tell it’s stressful. I wanted to do something nice that you wouldn’t expect.”

  “Well, consider me surprised.”

  Looking pleased with himself, Liam stepped back and sat their plates on the bar top. While she was standing off to the side watching him, she looked up and gave him a brief smile. He had been great during the tedious process of rebuilding her restaurant and this night was definitely much needed. She was still standing off to the side when she felt his hand on her arm.

  “Come on, gorgeous, dinner is ready. I got red wine, I hope you like it.”

  “I love red wine.”

  “I know. I have to admit, I did a little research on you. I wanted you to have fun.”

  “You researched me just to give me a night of relaxation?”

  “I know it sounds corny, but yes. I know I might have overreached a bit—”

  “No,” she interrupted, running her hand down his arm. “I am so happy to have someone do things like this for me. I’ve never had…” Stopping in mid-sentence, she dropped her hand and his sparkling blue eyes seemed to look through her. “I don’t mind.”

  Looking down at his lips, she had the urge to lean in but stood frozen. He was staring at her with such intensity that she felt every wall inside her shatter. She wanted him to touch her, but instead, he ran his hand across her cheek and stepped away.

  “Time to eat. I’m starved.” He took his seat, as did Draya. She felt deflated. She had never wanted a man as much as she wanted him, and he seemed to only want a friendship. She wasn’t sure she wanted to accept that.


  “Hmm, still no sex, huh?”

  “Rico... seriously,” Draya hissed. “Just scream it out for all the workers to hear. He hired them, you know.”

  “I know, and I know that man wasn’t interested in the restaurant business until a certain someone wiggled her little ass in his face. Maybe he’s just being cautious, but he’s going to tap that. Mark my words.”

  “We’re friends. He admitted to not knowing much about the restaurant business, but he trusts our business savvy. He’s been great over the past few months.”

  “Yeah, I bet,” he smiled. When his expression turned a little more serious, Draya knew what was coming next. “Are you staying at his place tonight?”

  “No,” she didn’t look up. “I have my own place. Why would I do that?”

  “I don’t like you being alone there with everything going on.”

  “It’s my house, Rico. I’m not going to run and hide. Besides, I got the locks changed.”

  “That’s not it, Dray, and you know it.”

  “Rico... What now?”

  Reaching out for her hand, he held it tightly and gave her a squeeze. “I saw the lilies and the note in your office.”

  “He’s playing mind games, it’s nothing big.”

  “So the flat tire and the bashed in windshield were mind games too? I’m worried about you and I don’t like you being alone.”

  “So what do you suppose I do? This place is being watched and you don’t let me wipe my own ass without you present. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you had a chip implanted in my ass to track my whereabouts.”

  “Hmm, that’s an idea. Let me call someone up and get that arranged,” he laughed. “But seriously, I’m just afraid for you. I don’t like the thought of you not having a man around to have your back.”

  “It’s not Liam’s job to protect me. I’m grown Ric. I can take care of myself.”

  “You should just mention it to Liam. I, at least, want him watching out for you when you leave that gym late at night.”

  “Damien hasn’t made any moves for over a month. I think he might be giving up. The flowers may have been his way of apologizing. He does and says stupid things, but I think he had to have seen that my car was gone. I just don’t think he’s that reckless.”

  “Dray, this man beats you. He broke your nose once, or did you forget? He would do anything to keep you in his life and if he saw that slipping away, I think he would try to take you out of ours. I love you Dray, but I won’t stand by and let something happen to you.”

  Placing a shaky hand on his cheek, Draya looked into his eyes. “I’m okay, Ric. I promise I’m okay.”

  “Yeah, for how long?”

  Draya would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t afraid. She knew Damien had a mean streak, but she never thought he would be torturing her like this. She had been getting stuff delivered to her house and job that she knew was from him with the most ridiculous notes attached. It was like he was obsessed. She knew ending things with him would be hard, but she never expected to feel unsafe. To her, it was bad karma for what she did to Deena, but Rico wanted his head on a platter. She had prevented their contact so far, but there was only so much she could do. They all still attended the same church and now, with Liam attending with her, she knew there was bound to be some bad blood.

  “Come on, Rico. Enough Damien talk. It’s time to get back to work.”

  Standing and walking back to her office, Draya entered and shut the door behind her. She didn’t want to let Rico see her tears or fear, but the most recent note had shaken her to the core. It contained a picture of her sitting on Liam’s couch. It really wasn’t the note that scared her as much as the picture.

  The picture meant that Damien knew where Liam lived and that didn’t sit well with her. He wasn’t a part of this, they hadn’t even slept together, so putting him in danger because of her bad judgment was out of the question. She had spoken with Liam today, but she hadn’t told him about the note and picture. She knew she needed to let him in, but knew it would only enrage him and make him want to retaliate. This wasn’t his battle to fight, and she damn sure didn’t want him involved.

  Closing her eyes and exhaling into the air, Draya looked at her shaking hand and tried to compose herself. She had never been in a situation like this before and she wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to have someone to share all of her feelings with, but the one person she needed wasn’t there. She needed her best friend, but that didn’t seem like an option.

  Continuing to have herself a good cry, Draya felt her cell vibrating beside her and looked over at it. The caller ID said private, and she just stared for a second, dreading that Damien had discovered her number. She had done her best to avoid him, and she was just ready to have her life back. Snatching the phone off her desk, she decided not to become one of those weak bitches she despised. She wanted to grab the reins of her life back. She refused to let him terrorize her this way.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she roared into the phone.

  “Draya,” she paused, hearing the voice on the other end of the phone. “Draya, you there? It’s Mom.”


  “Yeah, baby. I... I got your number from Rico a few days ago. I was contemplating whether I should call you or not, but I thought I’d take a chance.”

  Listening to her mother’s fragile voice, Draya clutched the phone tighter. “Mom, what’s wrong?”

  “Baby, it’s Daddy. He’s getting worse. I know how you feel, but I know you don’t want to let this be the last memory you have of him. When you were growing up, he loved you so much, and I know the problems you two have with each other are because you’re so much alike. Baby, you have to come and say goodbye. At least give yourself some peace.”

  With tears slipping down her face, Draya shook her head, even though no one could see her. “Why would he want to see me? All we do is butt heads, and I… I’m nothing like how he wants me to be. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t even recognize myself. I can’t expect someone like him to understand the woman I’ve become. I’m not what he thinks.”

  “Daddy knows you, Dray. He has been a stubborn ass for the greater part of seven years, but he just wants his little girl back.”

  “I’m not that anymore.”

  “He finally knows that, sweetie. Come home, baby. Talk to
your dad.”

  “How can you lobby for him, Mom? You want out; you want to be free, so just free yourself and walk away. You can come here; you can live with me.”

  “I appreciate what you’re saying and I’m flattered by your offer, but no, baby. I’m going to handle my business like a woman. I’m not running away, but I’m not staying either. Your father and I have our problems, but I would never want you to stay away because of them. He’s sick and he needs support, but I’m afraid I just can’t offer that anymore. His girls are all he has.”

  Sitting quietly on the other end of the phone, Draya just listened to her mother’s uneven breathing before responding. “Mom, I have to go.” When she sighed, Draya felt awful, but she still wasn’t sure what to say or do. She did want to see them, but she was afraid. She had never seen her dad look weak, he was always the picture of strength when she saw him. “I’ll call you tomorrow when I have a better handle on things.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Not really. I can’t talk about this right now, Mom. I promise I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “I love you, honey. Whatever it is that’s bothering you, it will be okay. I know whatever you’re going through, you will be able to sort it out because you’re strong. I wish I had half your strength.”

  “I love you too, Mom,” Draya sobbed, hanging up the phone.

  Glancing up at the clock on her wall, Draya realized it was time for her to go. She was going to be late to meet Liam for training and she knew he wasn’t going to like it. For a guy who was pretty much lax in his everyday life, Liam was a stickler in the gym. He was so serious, but it was fun training with him. They had become such good friends and he was a blast outside of the gym. She knew he probably had his own things going on, but she felt like he was always in her corner, well, as much as she would let him be.

  Standing and flipping off her light switch, Draya grabbed her bag and locked her office. Brushing through the front and waving at Rico, she tried to make a speedy exit, but he caught up with her. “Tell Liam I said hey. Be safe, Dray Bear. Can I walk you out?”


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