A Kiss For The Cameras

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A Kiss For The Cameras Page 16

by Olivia Jaymes

  “They were in my suitcase.”

  “And now they’re not.”

  Throwing up his hands, Nate tucked his phone and the room key into his jacket pocket.

  “What do you have against those shoes? It’s like a vendetta with you. They’re comfortable shoes that look good, and they were expensive too.”

  “They’re ugly,” she said bluntly. “I’m sorry I took them out of your bag but you’re so good-looking and then you wear those shoes. They make your feet look long and skinny.”

  “My feet are long and skinny,” Nate laughed, holding up her wrap. “Thank you for the apology though. I do appreciate it but I don’t want to encourage this going forward. I think you need some form of punishment for this behavior.”

  Ohhh. That sounded…kinky and dirty. Just the way she liked it.

  “I have been a bad girl,” she nodded, her pulses leaping at all the possibilities. “Very bad. Clearly I haven’t learned my lesson.”

  “I think you’ll spend the limo ride to the party on your knees.” Nate leaned forward to whisper in her ear, his breath hot. “With my cock in that pretty mouth of yours.”

  Paige gave an exaggerated sigh even as her legs began to quiver. He was going to mess up her makeup. “If that’s what it takes to make this up to you, then I guess I have to.”

  She needed to be bad more often.

  * * *

  Paige was reasonably put back together when they stepped out of the limo. What had started out as purely an oral exercise had quickly turned to something else. She’d spent the entire drive in L.A. traffic bouncing up and down on Nate’s very hard length. At first, he hadn’t wanted to let her come – part of her punishment and all – but a few raunchy suggestions in his ear won him over. She’d come in a glorious waterfall of technicolor pleasure. Then they’d had the task of freshening up, using almost the entire tiny box of tissues in the back of the vehicle. She’d swiped on a fresh coat of lipstick just as they’d pulled up to the curb.

  Nate stepped out first, offering her his hand before leaning down to whisper in her ear. “I’m going to hold you to those suggestions, you naughty minx. When we get back to the hotel, you’re in for quite a night.”

  Smiling broadly as she stepped out, she waved to a crush of fans behind a barricade.

  “That’s the plan, handsome. When you say night, you better mean all night.”

  His deeply satisfied laugh could be heard all the way up the red carpet and heads swiveled at the sound. “It’s a promise, my love.”

  Just as they had a dozen times or more, they worked the red carpet slowly and methodically. Posing for pictures and signing autographs. It didn’t bother her as much anymore, especially with Nate at her side. She wasn’t blasé about it either but this was something she could handle. Loving it was out of the question. Nate, on the other hand, was in his element, laughing and joking with reporters and fans alike. He was energized by the attention and sometimes she simply wanted to stop and watch him work. He loved them as much as they loved him.

  By the time they reached the end of the carpet and the entrance to the venue, Paige was ready for a strong drink. This evening was supposed to be a chance to have fun and let loose. She wasn’t much of a party girl but this night was important to Nate. It was his final goodbye, although he’d see all of his friends when it came time to promote the film. This chapter of his life was coming to a close and she hoped he was in the right frame of mind to move on. With her and Flynn.

  The minute they walked inside the venue they were greeted by a grim-faced Max.

  “Max, smile. It’s a party,” she teased him, giving him a hug and getting kisses on the cheeks in return. “Loosen up. Have some fun.”

  Not even a little smile from him. He grabbed Nate’s arm and dragged him aside, whispering fiercely into his ear. Paige stood there trying to figure out what was going on or read Max’s lips. Nate, for his part looked just as agitated, his cheeks turning red and his fingers scraping through his perfectly gelled hair.

  Something was definitely up. Nate straightened his tie and strode back to her, placing an arm around her waist. “Love, we need talk.”

  She’d never heard Nate sound so tense, almost fearful.

  “I’m listening.”

  Nate’s gaze darted around the dimly-lit packed room, his jaw tight. “Not here. In private. It’s important or I wouldn’t ask.”

  Something had gone, as Nate would say, “tit’s up” to put him and Max in such a tizzy.

  “Let me sneak off to the ladies’ room and finish freshening up and then we can talk.”

  Nate nodded. “Max and I will be by the bar. He said there’s a private terrace just next to it where we can talk.”

  “Get me a Cosmo?”

  “Of course.” Nate kissed her, his lips urgent as his fingers brushed her cheek. “I adore you, Paige. Please remember that.”

  “I adore you too.”

  Those were facts she wasn’t likely to forget.

  Paige found the restroom without any trouble, despite the horrific lighting and dark corners. Quickly taking care of business, she was just about to come out of the stall when she heard the bathroom door swing open and the sound of giggling. Voices. Young.

  Holy hell. It couldn’t be. She had to be mistaken.


  It was her. Stella Riley.

  This had to be what Max and Nate were so upset about. But why was she even here? She wasn’t in any of the movies. Christ, was she dating some other poor bastard and planning to ruin his life too?

  “I can’t wait to see his face,” she laughed. “I’ve brought the two women he had the threesome with and they’re going to make it look like I ran into them by accident, only to be reminded of my heartbreak last year. I’ve got paps stationed at the exit to capture my anguish. His PR people threw me under the bus after I ended it and now he’ll pay for that. He thinks the press and the public have forgotten his kinky night at the hotel. Well, I never forget anything, and now everyone else is going to be reminded of what he did to me. The press will be talking about his cheating and deviant sex life for weeks or more. My name will be in all the papers and everyone will want to interview me. Maybe even Oprah.”

  This little bitch was evil. Paige had known that already but to see – or hear – it in action was something completely different. This girl needed to grow the fuck up and move on.

  “I bet he’s wishing he still had you,” the friend said. “Have you seen his new girlfriend? Ugly. She’s like a hobbit or something.”

  Paige had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Hell yes, she was short. She was probably ugly too, but then she had brains and a sense of humor. That would last longer than firm tits and a flat stomach.

  “She writes books,” Stella snorted. “So boring. She’s like…ancient.”

  Compared to this snotty little miss, Paige was pretty old. Not enough to be her mother but enough to know better. The universe didn’t revolve around Stella Riley.

  Paige made a mental note to kick Nate in the balls. What had he been thinking getting involved with this bitch, even if it was only fake?

  “She’s just his speed,” the sidekick giggled over the sound of sniffing. Jesus, were they doing cocaine? Did people still do that? It wasn’t the eighties anymore. “You said he was bad in bed and had a tiny dick. He’s probably all she could get.”

  So Stella Riley was trying to pass off Nate as an actual boyfriend? Paige knew good and well the lousy actress had never slept with him.

  Boy, had Stella missed out.

  Smiling widely, Paige straightened her dress and shoved the door open so it banged against the other stall. If she was going to do this, she might as well make an entrance.

  “Excuse me.”

  Paige elbowed her way in between the two girls to get to the mirror to reapply her lipstick. She was halfway through when she looked up to see Stella and her friend staring at her. Excellent.

  “Stella, honey. Your mouth is h
anging open.” Paige pointed to the stunned girl who was wiping white powder from her nostrils. “It’s not a good look for you.”

  Stella recovered quickly, her lip curling into a sneer. “Whatever, Grandma. This is a private conversation.”

  Paige’s smile grew wider. She kind of felt sorry for Stella but not that much. She brought on most of her own problems. She lived for the drama.

  “A private conversation held in a public bathroom while you’re snorting an illegal substance. Right.” Paige dropped the gold tube of lipstick back into her purse. “I just thought I’d let you know that I heard what you said and there is no way those paps are getting one picture of your fake tears. You’ll have to get your name in the paper another way because you’re not using him again. Those days are over.”

  Smirking, Stella leaned down to get in Paige’s face. “He’s going to leave you, you know. The whole time we were together he was fucking everything with tits. If he couldn’t be faithful to me, there is no way he’d be faithful to someone like you.”

  Paige casually shrugged. “I’m not surprised he was getting a piece elsewhere since you two weren’t even really together. But you see, that’s how we’re different. I keep Nate plenty busy. I doubt he has the energy or the inclination to look at another woman. In fact, I rode his monster cock in the limo on the way here like he was the pony I never got for Christmas. I came twice and that was just the appetizer tonight.” She opened the door and shot Stella one last grin, enjoying the shocked looks on their faces. “And by the way, your acting sucks.”

  The door swinging shut behind her, she went to find Nate and tell him she already knew what he was going to tell her. It was certainly going to be an interesting evening. Because Paige was sure Stella wasn’t done trying to cause trouble. She wanted her name in the papers.


  “You saw her? You talked to her?”

  Nate was apoplectic, pacing back and forth on the patio, his face red, while Max tried to calm him down.

  “She was in the bathroom. I couldn’t hide in there all night,” Paige argued, keeping her voice calm. “She’s brought the two women from your threesome here to the party and she’s planning to pretend running into them is an accident. Some sort of amazing coincidence. She’s going to cry and act all heartbroken for the paps. I guess she needs the publicity for her latest shitty movie. She wants to remind America of how you humiliated yourself last year so she can play the victim again and get her name in the papers. This from the girl who’s snorting cocaine in a public bathroom.”

  Scraping his fingers through his hair, Nate groaned. “This is a nightmare. Shit, why is she even here? How did she get an invitation and get those girls in here?” He whirled on his heel and faced Paige. “What did you say to her?”

  About that…

  “I was kind of in the moment,” Paige began. “Upset about what she was planning. And then she said you had a tiny cock and was lousy in bed. Well, handsome, those were some fighting words.”

  He shook his head, his brows pulled together. “She’s not exactly my type but I don’t care what she said.”

  “She said you cheated on her and you would cheat on me.”

  Nate rolled his eyes. “You can’t cheat on someone if you’re not in a relationship. It’s not like she was interested in me. You know I would never cheat on you, right? I would never do that.”

  He actually sounded worried.

  “That’s what I told her.”

  Nate and Max must have read her expression, because she had their undivided attention.

  “Did you say anything else?” Nate asked cautiously.

  Son of a bitch. Her snarky mouth was always getting her into trouble.

  “I was trying to defend you.”

  “That’s very sweet. What did you say?”

  Rubbing her chin, Paige pursed her lips. “I told her that I was keeping you too busy to cheat on me and that I’d rode your monster-sized cock in the back of the limo on the way here and came twice. Oh, and I told her she was a lousy actress because she is.”

  Max’s eyes widened and then he burst into laughter, choking on the whiskey he’d been drinking. Nate turned a particularly unattractive shade of purple before also bursting into gales of laughter. Paige took a seat at a patio table as the two men roared, snickered and whooped, tears running down their faces.

  So glad I could amuse everyone.

  Nate wiped at his eyes, still holding his stomach. “Love, you are a treasure.”


  “You’re not mad?”

  Shaking his head, he pulled her into his arms where she snuggled close, her cheek on his chest. “I’m not angry. In fact, I feel rather special that I have a woman who would try to defend my honor. Not everyone would do that.”

  Max shook his head. “She may come after you, Paige.”

  She’d thought about that. “I’m pretty sure she nor any of her friends and fans read much, unless it’s a text or a tweet. But she can try if she wants. I really don’t care. I think people are starting to see her for what she is. She’s not a nice person. At all.”

  “No, she is not,” Nate shuddered.

  “So what do we do?” Max asked. “We can’t let her drag you through the mud again.”

  His arms dropping away, Nate walked over to the edge of the patio and then back again, a visible pulse at his temple. “When it’s time to go, Max, you’ll take Paige home. I’ll leave separately.”

  No, no, no.

  Paige replied before Max had a chance. She wasn’t going to let him face this alone. “I don’t think so. I’m not leaving you to face those reporters all by yourself. We’re a team now, handsome.”

  “No.” Nate shook his head, his lips turned down. “I won’t let you get caught up in the stupidity of my past. Stella is gunning for me and I won’t turn you into a human shield.”

  He was so fucking stubborn sometimes. “I think it would be helpful to remind the press that you’ve moved beyond that single moment in time and with me by your side it will be easier. You and me, walking out of this joint when the party is over, heads held high and wearing a blissful smile. You know, because we’re so in love and Stella Riley is a big old loser.”

  His mouth fell open and she didn’t have to wonder why. She’d used the “L” word. She’d be nervous if she didn’t think her feelings were returned but after the last several weeks she was thinking they were.

  Jesus, hopefully. Otherwise she was going to look like an idiot. An idiot in love with someone who didn’t feel the same.

  Now she was nervous, her heart lodged in her throat and yet somehow it managed to beat wildly.


  Max backed toward the door. “This would be my cue to leave you both alone. Don’t screw it up, Nate.”

  “I won’t.” He waited until Max disappeared inside the party. “You said love. Were you saying it sarcastically?”

  Not only was he stubborn, he could be a trifle thick. Good thing he was so pretty and talented.

  “Did I sound sarcastic?”

  Frowning, Nate shrugged as if he didn’t care. “It could go either way.”

  Time to be brave even though her knees were currently knocking together underneath these designer duds.

  “I wasn’t being sarcastic.”

  His gaze dropped to the concrete and then he looked up again, a look of pure tenderness and joy on his handsome features. “I love you too.”

  The impact of his words sent her reeling and she had to grab a hold of the back of a chair to keep upright. Hopefully a human being didn’t need oxygen and love at the same time because she couldn’t catch her breath.

  “I didn’t expect this,” Paige said honestly. It had come out of left field but she couldn’t deny how she felt.

  She loved Nate Mason.

  “Me neither, but I’m happy,” he confessed, and she could swear she saw his eyes tear a little. His hands were shaking and he shoved them in his pockets. “That’
s why I can’t let you walk out with me tonight. It’s my job to protect you, love.”

  It was her job as well but he wasn’t thinking about that at the moment. She loved him for trying to protect her but this wasn’t the time for chivalry. She needed to show Nate just how strong she could be for him.

  “What can they say about me? That I’m a few years older than you. Truth. That I’m a boring, middle-aged writer. More truth. If they make something up, it will be a lie and we’ll know that.” She placed her hands on his shoulders so she had all of his attention. He needed to hear this. “I love you, Nate. That means I love all of you. The good, the bad, and the downright awful. Even all the characters you’ve played over the years. You did something kind of stupid last year but you shouldn’t have to pay the rest of your life. Don’t let Stella Riley win. She wants you to be frightened and intimidated, and then she can control you. She thinks you’re afraid to walk out of here and be face to face with those girls. Let’s show her she has zero meaning in our new lives.”

  It was a long speech and she could see the war inside of him, going back and forth. He didn’t want to face the paps alone but he didn’t want to expose her to what Stella might be up to.

  “There’s so much bad, love. If I were Kai–”

  She cut him off with a wave of her hand. “Kai doesn’t exist and thank goodness. He’s sexy and all but he’d be hell to be in a relationship with. I’ll stick with Nate, if you don’t mind. Now? Are we walking out of here together no matter who is waiting to get their picture taken?”

  Crushing her to his chest, he proceeded to smear her lipstick quite thoroughly and satisfyingly. When he lifted his head, he pressed soft kisses all over her face from her forehead to her chin as she giggled and batted uselessly at his broad chest with her hands.

  “What are you doing? You’re tickling me.”

  He paused his lips hovering above hers, his expression solemn. “I adore you and everything about you.”

  The seriousness of the moment wasn’t lost on her. This meant something. “I adore you too. I love you.”

  “And I love you. More than you can possibly know.” His throat bobbed and there was wetness around his eyes. “That you’re willing to stand by me when I don’t deserve–”


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