A Kiss For The Cameras

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A Kiss For The Cameras Page 17

by Olivia Jaymes

  Her fingers covered his mouth, warm from their kisses. He had no idea that he was worthy of her loyalty. She’d have to show him. “You do deserve it. We’ll walk out of here like we give no fucks.”

  “Not a one,” he whispered, his lips covering hers again, barely at first like the wings of a butterfly, then more as she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Every inch of her was pressed against his hard-muscled body, and everywhere his fingers brushed left a trail of fire on her skin, making her want what only he could give her.

  Groaning as he reluctantly pulled away, he flicked a glance over his shoulder. “I suppose we should join the party. There are people I want you to meet. I can’t wait to show off the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  She had to tease him a little. “You are in love, aren’t you? That room is full of actresses and models. I won’t be the best looking.” Rising up on her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “But thank you for thinking that I am.”

  “You have no idea just how gorgeous you are. Every man in there is going to wish he was me.”

  Giggling, she trailed her fingers up his torso to where his pulse beat rapidly at the base of his neck. “Then let’s get in there make them jealous. I know the women will be. You look especially yummy in that suit. I can’t wait to take it off of you.”

  Nate looked of two minds about rejoining the party and she was in the same boat. A big part of her wanted to blow this off and go home to do all sorts of debauched things to one another but the more practical part of her knew they had to stay. This was his goodbye to Kai. And a middle finger to Stella.

  He straightened his tie and smiled. “You are naughty. We won’t stay late.”

  When Nate’s costars heard what Stella Riley had cooked up for him they rallied to his aid. Max and a few other actors from the Thunder cast had Nate point out the two girls and they’d talked to them personally, asking them not to do this publicity stunt. A short conversation, some selfies, and a few dances later, the girls left by the emergency exit using Max’s limo with smiles on their faces. Paige had no idea what the men had promised them but she had heard something about one of the guys attending a birthday party.

  Stella kicked up a fuss but no one paid much attention to her as even the photographers were getting tired of her games.

  It was two in the morning before Nate and Paige left the party but they didn’t leave alone. They were flanked by Max and the other actors including the very sexy and famous Tyler Gaylord and Sam Collins.

  The paps were so excited to see all the stars of the movie together in one picture, doing silly antics for the cameras and signing autographs, they forgot about Stella’s victim act. There was only one line in the article the next day mentioning that she and Nate used to date and that she was also at the party. End of story. Paige had a feeling Garrett might have also put some pressure on the tabloids as well but she couldn’t be sure.

  The most important thing was that she’d shown Nate that love meant that she would stand beside him no matter what. He deserved that kind of devotion and he didn’t have to be anybody but himself to get it.

  Paige waved the morning paper in Nate’s face as they sat in the hotel room eating lunch the next day. They’d slept through breakfast. “You have good friends, handsome. But I still owe you a good, hard kick in the crotch.”

  His brows went up as he sipped his tea. “That sounds painful. What did I do to earn that treatment?”


  “Her,” he sighed. “Technically, I never did her, and in my defense I didn’t know what she was like when I signed the contract. If I had…”

  Paige waggled her eyebrows. “I’ll tell you what. You can make it up to me.”


  They’d just about worn out the mattress after the party.

  “I can still walk. That means your job isn’t finished.”

  Nate ripped the newspaper from Paige’s hands and tossed it away before jumping up and sweeping her into his arms.

  “Never let it be said that Nathan Andrew Mason only does half a job.”

  Giggling, she allowed herself to be thrown on the messy bed. “Ravish me, you wild man.”

  They didn’t leave the room until they had to catch their plane the next morning. Life was good. Oh so good.


  As much as Nate loved London – and he did with his whole heart – Paige was an American, and he loved her too. Americans celebrated Thanksgiving. She’d been planning the menu with Carrie for almost three weeks. Jason was coming home from Princeton and Paige was excited about being in her own kitchen and in her own bed. Preferably with Nate by her side.

  As sweet as she was, she didn’t pressure him. She simply said that she would love for him to come see her home as she’d seen his. She had gone out of her way to accommodate his schedule since they’d met so he didn’t feel like he could say no. After all, he truly did want to be with her. His preference for London was well-known but he could tell she was getting a little homesick. Her calls to Carrie became longer and she’d seemed slightly melancholy for a while afterward. She’d talk about her home more and more, and her smile would be at times both excited and sad.

  So he’d agreed to accompany her, of course.

  Their relationship was happier and more loving than ever, he was glad to say. She was it for him. He was in love and she was all he wanted. Now he just had to convince her that he was worth taking a chance on. How to do that he didn’t know but the relationship was on solid ground. They were learning to live together but there were still struggles. Like today. They had boarded their flight for Tampa – a flight he’d wanted to delay until she felt better – and were waiting for takeoff. Clearly she didn’t feel well, and hadn’t for several days. She’d ended up at a local doctor in London who had diagnosed her with strep throat. He’d prescribed a course of antibiotics and she’d been on them for forty-eight hours so she was no longer contagious. Nate, of course, had wanted to spoil and coddle her but Paige kept saying she didn’t feel that badly.

  Thankfully, in the last twenty-four hours her focus had turned to one goal and one goal only. Home. He was determined to get her there in one piece.

  Paige groaned and closed her eyes, rubbing at her temple. Her face was paler than usual and her eyes had a glassy sheen to them. His girl was sick and fighting it. She needed her rest and he couldn’t wait to tuck her into bed with some tea.

  “Did you take your sedative?” Nate asked, rubbing his hand over hers, the fingers cold under his touch.

  She shook her head. “I took some cold medicine instead. It will make me sleep and help this sore throat.”

  Sighing, he hated the helpless feeling that swamped him. There wasn’t much he could do at the moment except feed her soothing hot liquids and hold her hand. “You shouldn’t be flying when you feel like this.”

  “You’re right but I bet you’ve done it when you needed to be somewhere.” She looked up at him then, her fingers squeezing his. “I don’t know how to explain it, Nate, but I need to be home. I need to see Jason. I know it’s selfish and you wish we were in London–”

  “Hush,” Nate scolded softly as the engines revved and rumbled under them. At that moment, he understood this woman who always seemed in control and capable. When she was sick she was like a little girl. She wanted to be in a familiar space. “It is not selfish. I showed you London and you’re going to show me your home too. I can’t wait to see it and also to meet Jason in the flesh. It’s going to be a wonderful trip.”

  He held her hand as they took off and then she fell asleep. He’d lifted the armrest so she could curl into his body and rest her head on his chest. He wanted to show that he could put her first, that her happiness was more important than his own. For so long he’d been selfish and self-centered, living for himself. Now he had Paige to think about and love. She’d stood by him at the party in Los Angeles and he’d vowed that night that he would earn that devotion. He wa
sn’t sure he deserved it but he’d crawl over hot coals on his hands and knees to get it.

  Paige’s love was what had been missing.

  * * *

  It was early the next morning. Despite getting in late, Nate was wide awake before six out of habit. He disentangled himself from Paige and pressed a kiss to her forehead, tucking the blankets around her sleeping form. Her color was much better and her breathing seemed much less labored. Less than twelve hours home and she was already feeling better.

  He pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt and headed downstairs to put on some coffee, deciding to skip his run. He didn’t want to be too far from the house if Paige needed anything. He could go later today if she was resting comfortably.

  Nate hadn’t had much of a chance to see the house when they’d arrived exhausted last night. Sun slanted in the large windows and he could see touches of Paige everywhere in the home. Splashes of her favorite color – red. Comfortable pillows and polished wood. An impressive gourmet kitchen. And books. Bookshelves crammed to the gills. He’d have to check those out and see what was there.

  At the bottom of the stairs, he was about to turn into the kitchen but the fireplace caught his eye. Specifically, the framed photos on the mantle. He smiled as he saw one of Jason with St. Nick, perhaps looking all of three or four years old. There was one of Paige and Jason at his high school graduation. She looked every bit the loving and proud mother.

  Reaching out, Nate lifted a fancy crystal frame from the mantle and studied the photo inside. Paige’s wedding picture. No, Paige and Noah. Nate couldn’t deny the man that had come before him. The couple looked young and in love, beaming with happiness. Their whole life ahead of them, naive to what lay ahead. Because she’d told him, Nate knew that the puffy white dress she wore concealed a secret. She was already pregnant with Jason. The cut of the gown covered up the fact the she was five months along and showing.

  Carefully, he placed the frame back on the mantle and reached for another. This one of Paige round and pregnant, her arms protectively over her belly. Nate’s chest tightened painfully and his hand trembled as he placed the picture back.

  There was only one left. A family photograph. Noah, Paige, and Jason – who was possibly around ten in the picture, all gangly arms and legs. They were all in white and red Christmas sweaters in front of a holiday backdrop. Noah’s arm was around Paige and his hand was on Jason’s shoulder.

  They were a family. Or had been.

  Paige had lived an entire life while Nate had been getting his career going. She’d written books, married, raised a child. Carpooled. Went to soccer games and teacher conferences. She’d monitored homework and fought for her marriage. She’d taken her vow of ‘in sickness and in health’ seriously. What had he done?

  Worked. Worked some more. Partied and drank. Played the field with more women than he could remember. Lived every day in the most self-centered manner possible. He’d prioritized everything and everyone below his career. Who the fuck had he become? Sometimes he barely recognized himself. Was he a man that even deserved a life with Paige? He wasn’t so sure he did.

  “I keep most of those up there for Jason.”

  The family photo still in his hand, Nate whirled around at the sound of Paige’s voice.

  “I didn’t mean to–”

  She waved off his apology and came to stand beside him, her fingers lovingly brushing the frames. “It’s fine. They’re on display so they’re not a secret. I keep these up here for Jason mostly, to remind him of his father. We had some good times.” She tapped on the glass of the picture he held in his hand. “That was the last one we had taken, all three of us together. Noah was diagnosed about six months later and he got quite thin. He didn’t like anyone to take his picture after that.”

  Swallowing a lump in his throat, Nate replaced the picture on the mantle. “They’re all lovely. You were a beautiful bride and you glowed when you were with child.”

  Giggling, she pointed to the photo of her, late in her pregnancy. “Do you know why women glow when they’re pregnant? The oil glands in our faces go into overdrive. We’re not glowing, Nate. We’re greasy. And if we’re dragging around twenty or so extra pounds in the Florida heat we might also be sweaty. Not so romantic, huh?”

  He put his arm around her shoulders. “I refuse to believe that. You were gorgeous.”

  Leaning against him, she gazed at the display on the mantle. “I’ll offer some of these photos to Jason when he’s here. I can put them into storage for him.”

  Nate shook his head. “No, I didn’t mean for you to take them down. I was just being curious, that’s all.”

  “It’s time,” she said softly. “Maybe we can put a picture of you and me up here. Start some new memories.”

  He wanted that so much it was a real physical pain inside of him.

  “Baby girl,” he said in his sternest voice, turning away from the photos and giving her every bit of his attention. His thoughts had gone to a dangerous place, one he wasn’t ready to deal with. “What are you doing out of bed so early?”

  “I woke up and you weren’t there,” she said. “I came looking for you. Plus, I need to take my antibiotic anyway.”

  “You’re going to rest today. No arguments.”

  Sliding her arms around his middle, she laid her head on his chest right where his heart beat. For her. “You’ll get none from me, although I’m feeling better. I was thinking of getting my e-reader and sitting out by the pool. It’s supposed to be a beautiful day. You should go for a run.”

  “I’m playing doctor today. I can run anytime.”

  She batted her eyelashes at him. “Doctor and patient. That’s one game we haven’t tried.”

  “And you are in no condition to play it,” Nate responded promptly. “Head back to bed and I’ll bring you some tea and your medication. Then I’ll start breakfast.”

  “Bacon?” Paige’s eyes lit up. Even sick, her appetite didn’t waver. She had a cast-iron stomach.

  “Bacon,” he conceded. “And toast, and anything else you want. Now up the stairs with you.”

  He knew she wasn’t feeling a hundred percent when she didn’t argue. He also knew this docile mood wouldn’t last long but while it did, he’d show her he could take care of her. That he wasn’t all about himself.

  * * *

  Paige’s son Jason arrived Monday evening just after dinner. The young man was tall, the same height as Nate but with a wiry physique. The same physique that Nate had at that age. Jason’s hair was dark like his father’s and he had an easy smile just like Paige. Giving her a big hug when he’d come in the door, he’d lifted his much smaller mother clean off the floor. Nate thought he saw a tear in the young man’s eye as well, although Jason would probably never admit it.

  Paige fussed over her only child, warming the lasagna rollups she’d made for dinner. She silently urged Nate to speak with Jason as he ate, anxious for the two most important men in her life to get along. From the looks Nate was getting from her son, he wasn’t sure that was going to happen.

  Her phone rang and she lunged for it on the counter. “This is my agent and I need to take it. Jason, there’s homemade ice cream in the fridge for dessert plus a tin of cookies on the counter.”

  Bustling into her office, she’d left Nate and Jason alone. This was his opportunity to make nice.

  “Your mother is an amazing cook, and I think she and Carrie have some special recipes lined up for Thanksgiving.”

  Jason wiped his mouth with his paper napkin. “Most of the recipes are traditions from her own family. The only changes are the desserts. She tries new ones every year.”

  “I’m looking forward to them. This will be my first Thanksgiving.”

  “How long are you staying?”

  So much for beating around the bush. Right to the point.

  Nate could do that too.

  “Paige and I are returning to London at the end of the week. I’m doing some voice work for an animate
d film.”

  Jason placed his fork on his empty plate. “And then?”

  Ah. Nate was beginning to see where this was going.

  “I’m not sure. You and Paige are invited to spend Christmas with my family if you like.”

  The young man weighed Nate’s words before answering. “So if we spend the holidays with you, then are you coming back here?”

  Taking a slow breath, Nate chose his words carefully. “Well, no. I have a play in London starting after the first of the year.”

  Jason’s jaw jutted out. “And then?”

  “Hopefully another movie.”

  Hopping up from the kitchen island, Jason rinsed his plate. “But you don’t know where it will be filmed. So that’s Mom’s life now? Following you around like a groupie wherever you happen to be? She has a home and it’s right here. She loves it here. Do you even care about that or are you just a typical egomaniac movie star? Because she loves the warm weather and the sunshine. She wants another dog, Nate. She’s been talking about that for at least a year. Can she get one if you guys are running all over the world? Answer me this. Does she get anything that she wants or is it all about you?”

  Swallowing hard, Nate forced himself to meet Jason’s scornful gaze. He didn’t much like seeing himself through the young man’s eyes. “I’m determined to give your mother anything she needs to make her happy.”

  Snorting, Jason shook his head. “As long as it’s what you want. You don’t fool me. You’re driving all of this and Mom is just along for the ride. You make all the decisions.”

  Jason was certainly Paige’s son.

  Nate tried again, hoping his sincerity would be enough. “I made these commitments before I met your mother and I have to see them through. I can be sued if I don’t. When these are done, I’ll be able to make decisions based on what we – as a couple – want. I can promise you her wishes will be taken into account. I know you don’t believe this but I try to do that as much as possible.”


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