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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

Page 11

by Brair Lake

  Sundance’s cheeks are just as flushed as my body. His breath harsh in my ear as he grounds himself. When his hand floats over my stomach, I quiver.

  ‘You deserve it.’ Then he’s rolling away from me. His gaze on the ceiling. ‘What are you doing today.’

  ‘Not the laundry.’

  ‘Maggie won’t be helping you anymore. She starts in Nightshades today.’

  ‘I might join her. Make sure she’s okay.’

  ‘She’ll be fine, but I’ll clear it with Trax and Layla – Let them know your covering the bar this afternoon. Violet can watch Charlie.’

  As Sundance rolls out of bed, I hitch the sheet to just above my tits and watch his tight ass as he waddles into the bathroom without closing the door. Just as I’m rolling out of bed with the intentions of joining him in the shower, Charlie releases a whimper.

  ‘What are you doing today!’ Now Charlie and I are a part of his life, I’ve decided, Sundance is going to start sharing his life with me.

  ‘There’s some business we need to take care of in town. But I should be back in time to cover the doors this afternoon.’

  When I’m left facing a closed bedroom door, I bite back my scream. His answer, hasn’t satisfied my curiosity.


  From behind the black marble counter of Nightshades’ bar, I scrutinize the variety of the club’s clientele. From my short stay, I have come to realize, although Burntwood Creek is a small town, gossip is prolific when it wants to be. Which meant most of the clientele have to be coming from out of town. Devil’s Comforts reputation is spreading. Either that, or Burntwood Creek is sin city’s paradise.

  In the background, an unfamiliar piano concerto is playing. Trax and the brothers offer class, and its class they’re getting. This was no back street thank you ma’am establishment. After a slow search of the room I finally spot Maggie.

  Her blond is piled on top of her head with a few wisps framing her face. The black dress molded to her body, emphasized her ass and tits. The long legs on show, are elongated by the black and silver diamanté stilettos she’s wearing.

  Her punter is about five nine in height and has to be in his late forty to early fifties. The way his pale brown eyes devour her, it’s clear to see he’s impressed. Maggie must have sensed someone watching her, because her gaze flashes over to me, and I smile, which she returns.

  ‘Well if I had known you were working this afternoon, I’d have returned sooner.’

  With a wink at Maggie, I turn my attention to Crow. His dark lingering gaze warms my body, making it impossible for me to suppress my own smile.

  ‘Are you all back?’ Over his shoulder I scan the room for Sundance. Although he promised to return, and cover the afternoon shift with me, there’s no sign of him, and my stomach drops.

  ‘Nope. Crabby and Sundance have another errand to run. Although Sundance did ask me to pass on a message.’

  My eyebrow arches as I wait, and my eyes widen when Crow leans forwarded. His lips are soft to begin with, and all I can do is stand there and swing my arms in the air. Crow deepens the kiss. His tongue snaking into my mouth. It’s a warm kiss and while it doesn’t have the power to curl my toes. There is a tiny flutter in the pit of my stomach.

  My giggle is nervous when I step away. My gaze darting around the room to see if anyone is watching. ‘That’s some message he sent.’ I gasp as my tongue washes over my lips.

  ‘Yes it was – Wasn’t it.’ Crow pushes an escaped tendril of hair out of my face. His touch gentle as he strokes my jaw line. Although I know I should break his hold, step back, I don’t. His toothy smile, makes me blink, breaking the spell he has over me.

  ‘Can I get you a drink.’

  ‘Yeah a beer.’ When I hand Crow his cool beer, I make sure I avoid touching him. ‘I haven’t seen you in a couple of days – Are you settling okay into Burntwood Creek.’

  ‘Sundance has been showing me the sites – It’s a pretty place.’

  His smile deepens as his gaze sweeps over my body, and I curl my fist to stop myself from tugging on the hem of the figure hugging dark purple top I’m wearing. Conscious of the amount of flesh I have on show, and when Crow’s gaze lingers on my cleavage, I force myself not to blush as his tongue flickers over his lips

  ‘It is. And so much prettier with you here.’

  ‘Crow – I’m Sundance’s girl – Do you really think you should be flirting with me.’

  His fingers are light as he strokes my face. His head lowering. ‘This isn’t flirting Sugar Jay. If I was, your panties would be wet, and your pussy would be on fire.’ His tongue slides along my neck until he reaches my ear to nibble on the flesh. With another laugh, I step away. My gaze shifting to the door, where I discover Sundance watching. ‘Fuck.’

  Crow makes no attempt to move as we both watch Sundance saunter in our direction. My heart hurts as it pounds against my ribcage. My feet are heavy as the biker silently approaches. Then he stops and leans against the bar.

  ‘Pass me a whisky.’

  My fingers shake which I curl as I resist the urge to salute at his command, and count to ten before pouring the whisky. Fuck, I could do with a drink.



  ‘I passed your message on.’

  ‘I noticed.’

  Fuck the rules. I pour a shot of whisky and swallow the golden amber liquid in one gulp. The liquid burns my throat. In an attempt to hold back my cough, which Crow makes worse as he belts me on the back several times, I find myself spluttering the whisky down my chin.

  ‘I’m fine thanks Crow. You can stop now.’

  With a deep breath, I turn to face Sundance. The urge to throw his drink at him, is strong as I watch his smirk spread.

  ‘In that case. I’ll catch you later.’

  Then he’s gone, leaving me alone with my lover. Pulling myself up to my full height of five – seven, I face the smug bastard. His fingers linger over mine as he accepts the whisky from me. His gaze wanders over my body, and heat flushes through me. One look from him, and I’m ready to jump his bones.

  ‘Business go okay.’


  ‘Good. – Maggie seems to be settling in.’

  Sundance’s deep blue gaze remains on me, and the light throb in my pussy became heavy. ‘Yeah. I think she’ll be popular.’

  ‘Aren’t all the girls.’

  Sundance raises his glass in a salute before dispensing with the liquid in one mouthful. Then he’s handing the empty glass to me with a nod of his head.

  ‘Only the best for Devil’s Comfort.’

  ‘Are you sure you should have another one. I thought you were on security.’

  Sundance’s smile deepens his dimples as he glances at his watch, and my thighs clench as my stomach dips once more.

  Chapter 20

  The fiery liquid slides down my throat, and like Sugar Jay a few moments ago, I’m in danger of choking on the whisky as I hold my laughter at bay. If Sugar Jay has any notion of cheating on me, I doubt if she’ll be able to hide it. Her checks are flush, deepening the gray of her eyes, and her lips are bare of their customary crimson lipstick. And she isn’t giving me her full attention. ‘I’m on a break.’

  ‘Oh.’ The way her lips pout has the blood running from my head to my cock, and it jolts, pushing against the metal zipper of my now too tight jeans. I have an itch and it needs scratching. Without thinking, I do what I wanted to do since returning to the club and watched Crow make his clumsy pass.

  Sugar Jay’s lips are soft, and her mouth eagerly opens, accepting my tongue without a mummer. It’s the clash of glass shattering which breaks our kiss. A kiss I’m unwilling to relent, but I have to when Sugar Jay backs away. Her gray gaze dropping to her toes. ‘That’s a fine mess, Sugar.’

  The swish of a cloth hits me on the shoulder, and I grab the white rag as Sugar Jay withdraws it. ‘If you hadn’t kissed me. I wouldn’t have dropped the glass.’

that excuse of a kiss has you dropping the glassware. What would you do if I really kissed you.’

  A quick search of the room has me spotting Apple-Pie talking to Crabby. ‘Ask Apple-Pie to watch the bar while you take a break.’

  ‘I can’t. I’ve just had one.’

  My finger trails down Sugar Jay’s small upturn nose. Only to stop when I reach her lips. ‘I’m the boss, Sugar – Take a break.’

  Fuck, the tip of her tongue teases the flesh of my finger and I shuffle my legs. I’m not the only one aroused. Sugar Jay’s gray eyes are almost black. And as I watch her tits heave, I trail my finger along the pale flesh. The quiver of her tits, burns my fingers. ‘I need you Sugar. Take a break.’

  When I see the hesitation, I slip my fingers below the neckline of her purple top. Her ridged nipple is caught between my finger and thumb, and I roll the hard flesh. The flush in Sugar Jay’s cheek deepens, when I give another squeeze. Her slight nod has me releasing my hold.

  ‘I hate to break this tender scene but we have a problem.’

  As wrapped up in Sugar Jay as I was, I hadn’t noticed Trax’s approach, and swiftly I glance around the room. Luckily everyone is too involved with each other to notice the pass I’d just made at Sugar.

  ‘If you hate it – Then why interrupt.’ Dark blue eyes rake over Sugar Jay, and my fingers curl at the gleam in them. ‘Trax.’

  ‘Sorry – Berry just rang. Someone’s paid a visit to the warehouse.’



  By the time we arrive at the warehouse. Several other bikers have joined us. We have no sooner dismounted from our bikes, when Berry, one of the club’s prospects, comes running out to meet us.

  ‘Someone attacked Mackie.’ His straggly brown hair flaps behind him as he swings his head from Trax to me. His bright green eyes a stark contrast as his lightly tanned skin, paled. ‘Shit Trax. Whoever it was – Trashed the place.’

  Trax, gaits towards the warehouse without acknowledging the young biker, and I follow. My long strides soon have me inside the old barn. Mackie, is sat on a couple of cartons. His hand at the back of his neck holding on to the bandana that had been holding his blond hair back.

  ‘Did you see who it was.’

  ‘No. I was on my cell. Everything turned black, and when I came too. My head throbbed, and I was greeted by this mess. Fuck Trax – I don’t know what to say.’

  Trax patted the biker on the shoulder, his blue gaze, like mine, scanned the warehouse. Overturned boxes lay on the floor, some unopened. Some with their contents scattered. Thank fuck we stored the guns which are headed for Comfort Springs, elsewhere.

  ‘Do you think anything was taken.’Trax shook his head. ‘It’s hard to tell – But it doesn’t look like it.’ As he swung around, he collided with Crow.


  ‘What are we going to do.’

  Trax brushes his hand over his head, pulling his purple bandana off. ‘You – Berry and Mackie can clean this mess up. I want a full inventory by the end of the day.’

  Crow nods as he turns towards the bikers in question and begins to dish out orders. Mackie pulls the blood soaked handkerchief away from his wound, rolling his shoulders. As soon as the three bikers have shuffled away, I turn my attention to Trax.

  ‘You know who did this.’

  ‘I thought the fucker was never going to make his move.’

  ‘What are you going to do.’ Trax’s lips part to reveal white even teeth. The blue of his eyes disappearing as he stares at Quick-Draw. ‘Call a meeting. – There’s no more pussy footing around. Sam, Minty and their organization are history.’

  ‘What about Layla and Crow?’

  Trax glances at Crabby. His arm hanging over the older biker’s shoulder as he guides him towards the door. ‘They knew what they were doing when they joined Devil’s Comfort.’

  I couldn’t believe it. Finally, after months of teasing and stealing from the Brody’s, the war was about to come to an end.


  Sugar Jay was standing in the shadows on our return, and although I couldn’t see her eyes on me. I sensed her following my progress as I follow Trax and Crabby. Layla was stood beside her and instead of heading for the communal room, we went directly to the laundry room. After Quick Draw closed the door, all eyes turned to Trax.

  Since moving to Burntwood Creek, the club has grown steadily and we are now a force of twelve. Although four members are missing, the laundry room is crowded, and after some jostling and shuffling, the room falls silent.

  ‘Crabby – Send word to Twiggy, and let him know we need him here. Until his arrival. We need to do some surveillance. Quick-Draw work with Sundance to arrange cover at both warehouses and the club. Sleep is going to be short boys. But we’re bringing those Motherfuckers down.’

  Fuck, no sleep meant less time with Sugar Jay and although Berry’s interruption had put a damper on my libido, it hasn’t subsided. As soon as the meeting is over, I go in search of Sugar Jay, who has returned to the bar in Nightshades. Her customary sunny smile is missing as she watches me coming towards her.

  ‘How bad is it.’

  Instead of answering, I lower my head and take her lips in a soft kiss, enjoying the taste of her. It’s only after breaking the kiss, I answer.

  ‘A few overturned crates and a couple of smashed bottles.’

  ‘Smashed bottles?’

  ‘Yeah, we move alcohol around the state,’

  ‘Should I ask where it comes from.’

  I snigger as I tap the end of her nose. ‘Just because I’m the son of a preacher, doesn’t mean I’m an angel. You still want to hang around. Bring Charlie up in all of this.’

  ‘You’re still on probation Sundance. But I ain’t giving up that easy.’

  ‘Look Sugar, I’m not going to be around much for the next couple of days. As soon as you’ve finished, come and find Charlie and me.’

  Chapter 21

  I find Sundance in our room with Charlie lying next to him on the bed. His tiny fingers clutching at Sundance’s blond locks as they tumbled forward.

  ‘Are you going to stand there all day, or come over for a cuddle.’

  ‘I like the view from here.’

  Sundance glances at me, and my stomach flips. It’s crazy the way he only has to smile, and I’m hot for him. Since our interrupted kiss this afternoon, I’ve dreamt of him, and the things I want to do to his body. ‘How long before you leave.’

  Sundance’s gaze lingers on me as I step further into the room. His arm outstretched, and I join him and Charlie on the bed. He’s drawing me in, and sometimes I feel as though I’m drowning and all the lifeboats and jackets are being denied me.

  His fingers tug on the dark tresses of my hair as he frees it from its braid. His kiss is greedy, and I answer it with a deep hunger of my own. Although I crave to tell Sundance I love him, I hold back. I’m not ready for him to close the door which I have pushed ajar.

  ‘I’ve a couple of free hours.’

  ‘Oh and what do you want to do.’

  Sundance rolls until he is leaning over me. The laughter in his eyes dims as his fingers cup my face. His fingers tingle the flesh where he touches me. His lips brush against my forehead before he’s pulling back.

  ‘it’s going to a hectic few days Sugar Jay. – I don’t want you leaving the clubhouse.’

  ‘Are we on lockdown.’ It’s been awhile since I was involved in a club’s lockdown. It’s not as much fun as people think. Trapped with no escape. The last time I was confined anywhere, was the day Bastion sent me Comfort Springs.

  ‘No – I just need to know you and Charlie are safe.’

  ‘And will you be safe.’

  Sundance doesn’t answer as he bounces off the bed. From the drawers he withdraws a clean plain black tee-shirt and from the wardrobe he collects clean jeans.

  ‘Join me in the shower, Sugar.’

  He did it again. He made my stomach flip. Charlie has already fal
len asleep and it didn’t take long for me to settle him in his crib.

  By the time I join Sundance in the bathroom, he’s stripped and already in the shower. He must have heard my approach, because his head lifts and he smiles. His smile has me yanking off my top and short skirt. My shoes and pantyhose I had already disposed of.

  The water is warm and I willingly step into Sundance’s arms. His lips meet mine greedily, and the kiss is voracious as we feed from each other. Neither relenting. Sundance spins my body up against the cold wet tiles, which does nothing to cool my lust for the biker. If it was possible, I would have merged our bodies until we were one. Instead, I settle for wrapping my legs around his waist, dragging his body in closer to mine.

  Sundance breaks the kiss. His lips nibble at my chin. The heat between my legs grows hotter the further his lips slip down my throat. His touch against my tit is not gentle. Yet there’s no pain as he molds and squeezes my flesh. My tits are heavy as he tugs at the ridge nubs. His mouth replaces his hands. His tongue circling and flickering over the growing bud. Heat runs through me when the blood obediently rushes to where his tongue teases me.

  My hips thrust into Sundance. I want him inside me, yet he continues to deny me. His fingers skating, dancing over my flesh. Leaving a trail of burning goosebumps. My breath leaves me on a gasp when his fingers find my pussy, and he begins to stroke the tender flesh. My hips match him stroke for stroke. Sundance increases his tempo. His finger presses my clit, then he’s flicking it. ‘Sundance – Fuck me.’

  His chuckle against my tit fails to ease the ache in my body. The intrusion of his finger in my pussy as he thrusts into me also fails to bring me the satisfaction I crave.

  ‘With your Cock, Sundance – Fuck me with your cock.’

  ‘Not yet. There’s so much I want to do to you Sugar.’

  A second finger joins the first, and I clench around the intrusion. Attempt to hold him in me. My muscles grip tightly on his fingers. And still Sundance thrusts in me. I know my climax is close, yet Sundance continues to deny me the release I’m desperate for. When he removes his fingers from my pussy, I ache from the denial of my climax. My body throbs from the blood pounding through my body.


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