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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

Page 15

by Brair Lake

  ‘There was a car. But I’m not sure if she got in. She might have.’

  Just because I can, I slam her head against the counter, smiling when she yells.

  ‘Maybe next time a mother comes in with her child. You’ll take more care with who you watch.’

  Once outside, I breath in and close my eyes. I force myself to remember which way the car was facing.

  ‘That way – They went that way.’

  Crow nods as he mounts his bike. As he’s placing his helmet on, his cell rang.

  ‘Ignore it.’

  ‘It’s Trax.’

  My heart nosedives as I watch Crow. He isn’t giving anything away and my fingers itch to snatch the cell from him. To know what Trax is saying.

  ‘Have they found Charlie.’

  ‘We have to get back to the club.’

  ‘What about Charlie.’

  ‘I’ll drive us.’ Apple-Pie swipes the keys from my fingers, which have gone lax while my knees wobble as I lean against the car.


  I stand at the main door of the club. My body is shaking and I keep checking the street for bikes. There aren’t any. My hands are sweaty and I brush them over the smooth denim covering my thighs. No matter how many deep breaths I take, I’m unable to settle my heart. The beat matches the pounding in my head. As I look towards the door, my feet refuse to move.

  ‘Apple-Pie.’ Her hand slips into mine and I squeeze the warm flesh. ‘What if he’s - You know.’ I couldn’t say the word. It stumbled over my tongue.

  ‘He’s going to be fine Sugar Jay – No-one’s going to hurt him.’

  ‘They killed his family.’

  Apple-Pie’s arm wraps around my hips as she pulls me in close to her. For several moments we stand like this.

  ‘Sundance was a boy when that happened Sugar Jay. Then they had the power to hurt him. Not now. Now they just want to scare us.’ Apple-Pie’s finger lifts my chin. Her dark blue gaze bore into me. ‘And we won’t let them.’

  There are no bikers in the communal room. This shouldn’t have surprised. Yet my heart fell, and I stumble over to my comfort zone. The large overstuffed chair. One of Charlie’s blankets is there and I hug it. Sniffing his baby scent.

  ‘We should be out there looking for Charlie, Crow – Why did you bring me back.’

  Crow’s just putting his cell back into his jacket pocket. His dark gaze on me as he hunches down in front of me.

  ‘Trax is my boss – He told me to bring you back, and I did.’

  ‘Yes – But I thought Charlie was here.’

  ‘Here Sugar Jay – Drink this.’

  I turn to Violet. The look in her eyes, matches everyone else’s in the room. I don’t want their sympathy or pity. I want my son, and I swipe the cup of coffee out of her hand. In slow motion we all watch the hot brown waterfall as it tumbles from the pale blue mug, as it spins to the ground.


  Violet waves her hand as she drops to her knees ‘It doesn’t matter, Sugar Jay.’

  Pulling Charlie’s blanket closer, I shut my eyes. As I rest my head, I listen to the hushed tones of the others. Maybe if I forge sleep, they’ll leave.


  The sound is faint. A hum is digging into my sleep, and slowly I begin to open my eyes. The bright light hurts, then a door bangs and the hum is louder and closer. I turn to the door and freeze. My body refuses to move. In my head, although I’m screaming, nothing is coming out of my mouth. Then I’m leaping from the chair. Charlie’s blanket falls to the ground as I race over to Sundance.

  His arms are stretch out towards me, and I tear Charlie from his grasp, pulling the blanket back. His face is at peace, His eyes closed. I lower my lips and kiss his forehead. He murmurs, and my smile is shaky.

  ‘Is he okay.’

  ‘He’s fine – Although a doctor is coming to check him out.’

  I don’t know how I reached the sofa. All I know is I have to look at Charlie. To check he is fine. My smile deepens. He is oblivious to the fuss going on around him.

  ‘Where did you find him.’

  Sundance’s fingers slide into my hair, his lips brushing against my forehead. ‘They’d taken him out of Burntwood Creek – That’s why it took a while for us to find him.’

  ‘You should have rung me.’

  ‘It was better this way.’

  ‘You think.’


  I was looking at Charlie just like I did the day he was born. One of his tiny fists wraps around my finger.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘For what.’

  ‘For bringing Charlie home.’


  ‘He has no idea what trouble he’s caused.’

  Charlie is asleep in his crib, and Sundance is standing at the door. His body glistening with water from his recent shower.

  ‘And he’ll never know Sugar Jay.’

  ‘We have to tell him.’

  Sundance came to stand beside me. His hand resting on my waist and I felt warm. ‘Maybe one day.’


  ‘Are you going to stand there all day. They’re throwing a party downstairs.’

  ‘You go – I don’t think I can leave Charlie just yet.’

  ‘He’s not going anywhere. We have the baby monitor, and the house is pretty full. Only a fool would risk doing something stupid right now.’

  Sundance is standing behind me. His body pressed up against mine, and there is no denying his erection. My clit pulses in response to his touch and I smile at him.

  ‘I might come down in a bit. – It’s just I need to spend time with him, Sundance.’

  ‘we’ll spend the day together tomorrow.’

  ‘Doing what.’

  Sundance’s lips brush against my neck and I shiver. My hand grips on to the crib. If he was to remove my clothes right now. I wouldn’t stop him from fucking me.

  ‘Whatever you want.’

  ‘What if I want to spend the day in here. In bed. Just you, me and Charlie.’

  His hands are on my waist and my stomach flips. Sundance’s touch drives me crazy and I wonder if it always will.

  ‘If that’s what you want – But wouldn’t you rather go for a ride. Get some fresh air.’

  ‘You tempt me too much.’

  ‘Can I tempt you to come to the party.’



  ‘You should join the party.’

  I didn’t turn or acknowledge Layla as she came into the room. She’s been missing from the club for four days, and now she’s back.


  ‘I’ll watch Charlie – Go downstairs. Show everyone you’re okay. Otherwise they’ll search you out. Then what sleep will Charlie get.’

  ‘I should thank everyone for their help.’

  ‘Yeah – Sugar Jay.’


  ‘What’s Inferno like?’

  ‘His son is a lot like him – Why.’

  Layla reached over to Charlie to rearrange his blanket.

  ‘No reason – Well, he keeps watching me.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about him – I’d worry about Baby Blu.’

  Layla’s giggle is light as she looks at me.

  ‘Yeah – She keeps watching me too.’

  Chapter 27

  ‘It’s good to see you’ve decided to join us.’

  Sugar Jay looks up at me, and I ache to take her in my arms. Although a smile plays on her lips, the usual luster in her gaze is missing. Her beer swings in her hands as she watches me.

  ‘It would have been rude of me not to. These people put their lives at risk for me.’

  My gaze shifts around the room. We haven’t slept for four days. And although we’re tired, our bodies throb with life. Now we’re unwinding. Letting go.

  ‘They’re good people, Sugar Jay.’

  ‘I know.’

  I finish my beer, and notice Sugar Jay still hadn’t touched hers. ‘Come o
n. Let’s get out of here.’ Sugar Jay follows me. I need her touch. A touch she is denying me as she follows me sedately.

  As we pass the bar, I grab a couple of beers as I lead Sugar Jay outside. The flood lights come on, illuminating the yard. My fingers find Sugar Jay’s as I lead her to the hammock. My gaze shifts to the first floor of the four story building. Inside, my son is sleeping.

  ‘I wasn’t sure if you’d leave Charlie tonight.’

  ‘Layla’s watching him. I think she’s hiding from Inferno and Baby Blu.’

  The beer fizzes as I remove the lid and my mouth greedily drinks at the foam.

  ‘I’m glad you’ve left Charlie with her. Without Layla, we wouldn’t have found him.’ As I watch Sugar Jay, who is staring at the building, I wish I could read what was in her mind. To know what was going on.

  ‘You found him.’

  ‘Yeah. It wasn’t easy.’

  Sam and Minty had led us on a chase as they moved from town to town constantly. I wipe my hands over my eyes. The last four days have been hell, and I’ve never known terror like it. Terrified at what I would find. My fingers cling to Sugar Jay and I squeeze the flesh.

  ‘They kept teasing us Sugar. We’d reach a town and there’d be a message waiting for us.’ My eyes close. ‘I think we still have a mole in Devil’s Comfort.’

  ‘But you don’t think it’s Layla.’


  ‘What about Crow.’

  I pull Sugar Jay closer. Tugging her body into mine. The flesh of her arm is soft as my fingers skate over her skin. Her tremor warms me.

  ‘No. Crow was left here. He never knew where we were.’ Sugar Jay’s hand is on my thigh. Her fingers dig into my muscle as she manipulates the flesh and I begin to harden. The blood rushes to my cock and my lips whisper over her head as I leave a kiss. Coconut fills my nostrils when I breath in deep.

  ‘If not Layla or Crow – Who.’

  ‘I fucking wish I knew.’

  After a moments silence, Sugar Jay goes to pull away, but I refuse to let her go. I need her warmth. If I let her go. I’m afraid I’ll cry. Fifteen years ago I promised myself, that neither Sam or Minty would ever have the power to make me crumble. The last four days came close to me breaking that promise when I failed to find Charlie at each of their hideaways.

  ‘What about Maggie – Did you find her.’

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘But you will.’

  The vehemence in Sugar Jay’s voice, leaves me smiling.

  ‘If I do – What do you want me to do to her.’

  ‘Bring her to me. She stole my son, Sundance. And she has to pay.’

  My blood thirsty wench has my cock twitching and I want to sink into her body. To have her body protecting me from the outside world. ‘Want to go up to our room.’

  When she shakes her head, my heart dips. Her tits are heavy against my hands, and I cup one of the mounds and my thumb flickers over the nub. ‘Are you sure.’

  Her body wiggles next to mine. The fingers which were manipulating the flesh of my thighs, slide to my zipper.

  ‘I’m sure – Lets just sit here.’


  ‘I want you to Sundance. But for now I want to listen to the party. Can you hear them. Everyone will be gone in a day or so.’

  ‘How about a kiss then.’

  Sugar Jay’s giggle wraps itself around my heart. Her lips reach up to mine, and I take them. This is no gentle kiss. I’m hungry and I want more. When Sugar Jay moans in to my mouth I answer with a desperate groan, and haul her on to my lap. Her knees dig into my hips as she squeezes me and I answer with a thrust of my one. My fingers fumble as I pull at my zip, freeing my cock. Our lips are still locked when I free Sugar Jay of her jeans. Then I’m thrusting into her. She is slick and ready for me. Three thrusts and I arch my neck as I release my semen. My body is throbbing, and Sugar Jay’s breath is hot and heavy at my throat.

  Her fingers linger in my hair as her giggle warms me. ‘You’re bad for me Sundance.’

  ‘And you love it.’

  When she pulls her body away from mine. The loss of her touch, cools me and I shiver. It’s with hooded eyes I watch her pull her jeans back on.

  ‘Pull your zipper up.’

  ‘Scared of being tempted again.’

  ‘Sundance, you tempt me each time you walk into a room.’

  ‘Come back here then.’

  ‘No sex.’

  ‘For now.’


  Sugar Jay scrambles back onto my lap. Her fingers once more in my hair. I like her fingers there. Her touch teasing over my flesh.

  ‘Want to join the party.’

  I shake my head. My fingers sliding over Sugar Jay’s back. ‘No – I just want to touch you. Hold you. Fuck, Sugar Jay I’ve never been so scared. What if Charlie had been dead.’

  ‘But he isn’t. And you never gave up.’

  I raise Sugar Jay’s fingers, the ones which were stroking my stomach, to my lips. Her flesh is warm. I’d just fucked her, and my cock is hardening again,

  ‘Do you know I never let Charlie go as Berry drove us back to Burntwood Creek.’

  ‘What happened to the people who had Charlie.’

  ‘They disappeared.’

  Sugar Jay’s fingers stilled. ‘What do you mean they disappeared,

  ‘They were gone when we found Charlie.’


  She didn’t need to know, one body was at the bottom of the Mississippi, and another was on his way to Comfort Springs.

  Chapter 28

  When we return to the communal room, we discover the party has begun to wind down. Bodies lay sprawled over the sofa and chairs, while some bikers had crashed on the floor. And although the music is much lower than it was earlier, there are still a few people dancing.

  Sundance and I didn’t linger; we went straight to our room where Layla has fallen asleep.

  ‘She’s a lot like Emmi.’

  ‘Is she.’


  I give Layla’s shoulder a slight shake and her young body stretches as she blinks up at me.

  ‘Thanks, Layla – We can take it from here.’

  ‘Sure – I’ll see you in the morning.

  As I close the door on Layla, I turn to find Sundance lying on the bed. His boots are scattered on the floor, and his socks lay on the same chair his cut is flung over.



  ‘I don’t want to talk about Emmi tonight.’

  ‘Me neither.’

  I lick my lips, and the pulse in my clit, which has been a steady throb, begins to beat wildly, and my tits grow heavy. Sundance has one leg stretched out, while the other is bent. His flat stomach gently rising and dropping.

  It’s not that long since we’ve fucked, and already his cock is hard. Pre-cum leaks from the tip as his fingers trace the ridges of his veins.

  ‘Strip for me Sugar.’

  His heavy gaze watches me as I lean against the door, and my throat tightens as I swallow back my saliva.


  ‘Don’t you need to sleep.’

  ‘Later – Now I want to fuck.’

  I find my phone and scan through the icons for the media player, scrolling through the list of music until I find just the song I want, and it isn’t long before the room is filled with the sound of Bruno Mars.

  As the music wraps around me, my eyes close and my body sways. The gyration of my hips are slow to start with. As I fall deeper under the spell of the beat, I open my eyes to stare at Sundance. He returns my gaze, his eyes never leaving mine as I slowly pull the zipper of my jeans down. My hips shimmy as I push the denim over my hips, down my thighs. When I’m free of my jeans, I twirl, giving Sundance a view of my ass while I remove my top.

  ‘Turn around.’

  Obediently I face Sundance, and my gaze goes to his lips. ‘Now the bra.’

  The bra drops to the floor.

p; ‘Now the panties.’

  My panties drop to the floor.

  ‘Dance Sugar Jay.’

  I dance. My hands sliding over my body, through my hair. A groan mixes in with the music, and when I glance at Sundance, his hand is sliding over his cock, his grip firm as he pumps the pulsing shaft. My thighs dampen from the heat building in my pussy. I’m slick and ready for my biker.

  ‘No. Stay where you are.’

  About to join him, I stumble, then I continue to dance. My body is burning. The pulse in my clit beats violently and I crave his touch. To have his cock thrusting in me.

  ‘Sundance, I need you.’

  ‘Soon – Play with your titties.’

  My tits are heavy as I cup them to tug on the protruding nipples.

  ‘Harder Sugar. Pull on those babies harder.’

  Fuck, my knees are wobbling, and as much as I crave Sundance in me. I do his bidding. I pull and tug on my nubs. The blood pounds through my body, gathering at the tips. The pleasure pain when I squeeze my tits has me arching my neck back as a moan escapes me.

  ‘Good girl. Now come here.’

  Sundance is sat on the edge of the bed. His legs spread wide, and I saunter over, swaying my hips on purpose. When I reach him, I grab the hand he is holding out to me. With a swift tug of my hand, and a ‘Kneel Sugar.’ I find myself falling to me knees.

  ‘You’re beautiful Sugar.’ As he speaks, Sundance releases the last few bobby pins from my hair. The tip of his finger strokes my jaw before he cups my chin. His thumb slips into my mouth, and as he presses down on my tongue, I begin to suck his flesh. His smile has my pussy throbbing. Fuck I want Sundance so badly, my body aches to have him inside. Yet he continues to deny me the one thing I crave.

  ‘Your mouth is fucking gorgeous Sugar – You know what I want.’

  My gaze drops to the hand cupping his dick, and I nod, placing my hands on his thighs as I lean forward.

  ‘Hands behind your back, Sugar.’

  A thrill runs down my spine, and I shiver.

  ‘Good girl – Now lean forward and open your mouth.’

  Saliva gathers at the back of my throat and I swallow it before obeying Sundance. He doesn’t place his cock in my mouth straight away. Instead he coats my lips with his pre-cum. My tongue is eager to come out and lick the taste, and as I whimper at being denied his cock. Sundance’s hand grips my hair, dragging my head back.


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