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Haunted Passion

Page 2

by May Gordon

  She nods, agreeing with me, then continues, telling me. “I left something out last night.”


  “A necklace extremely valuable to me that’s been in my family for generations. I need it back.” When I ask if it’s magic, she nods, letting me know, “It allows me to use mine without relying on the nature around me. It also protects me.” I promise her we’ll find it, easily seeing how much it means to her. Plus, I like knowing it defends her, even though I intend to always be by her side.

  “I want to take you somewhere when we’re done.” She’s curious now. “I own a bar in town and became the unspoken leader for those like us. They’ll make you feel at home.” After polishing off our food, we quickly clean up and Willow puts on some of the clothes Elvira still had her. Since it’s Halloween, the two is still buzzing with festivities as I show her around, introducing her to those we come across including other witches like myself, and take part in a few of the activities. While we bake various things with leftover pumpkins as well as smashing some, I tell her all about my family and our time in Prague. I guess her life was pretty sheltered as she seems so amazed by mine.

  Reaching The Old Haunt, she spins in a circle once we’re inside, saying, “I can’t believe you own this! A grin almost splits my face in two, her joy in everything bringing such happiness to my soul. Setting down the glass I’d started washing in preparation for opening, I walk up and draw her close. “I take it you like it here?” I ask, stating the obvious.

  “No, I love it here,” she corrects me as she wraps her hands around my neck.

  Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, unable to stop the words, I let her know how beautiful she is then cover her mouth with mine. She eagerly returns the kiss, and the magic that flows from our contact still surprises me. I’m tempted to push her against the bar and take her, but my phone interrupts us before I can act it. Pulling slightly back, Willow mentions it, but all I say is, “Let it be. They can wait,” and resume our kissing. Unfortunately, whoever is calling doesn’t feel the same and I groan in frustration. “What?” I snap after digging it out of my pocket.

  “What’s your problem?” Alaric asks, then continues without waiting for an answer. “You need to come down to the docks.” Informing him I’ll be right there; I hang up and Willow instantly asks where we’re going.

  “You're staying here,” I demand. “Alaric has something he wants to show me.”

  She just grins, her hands cupping my face, and stubbornly says, “You’re not leaving me behind. I agreed to you protecting me, but I never said anything about letting you do it by yourself.” Willow may be soft and sweet, but she’s definitely not a pushover.

  “Fine, but don’t leave my side,” I concede with a stern look. Giving me a quick peck, she promises she won’t, yet I feel uneasy taking her with me. However, I can’t deny that she has a right to know what’s going on, not that I think I’ll ever be able to tell her no anyway.

  Chapter 4


  Once more walking through town, this time heading toward the docks, I take the opportunity to share more about area with her. When we pass through the park on our way, Willow suddenly stops. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “I want to show you something,” she explains, then moves closer to the trees, hands raised at her sides, eyes closed. As I watch, her fingers start to glow and the wind picks up, causing the fallen autumn leaves to swirl around her. But she’s not done. Shocking me, proof of the incredible magic she carries, those same leaves begin changing color, from red to orange to bright green, as if she’s turned back time.

  “You're amazing,” I marvel. “Your power is so different from mine.”

  “Witches have spells, Vetters use nature.”

  Curious about her, we continue our journey and I ask, “What do you usually do with yours?”

  “We’ve always lived off the land, so we use it to maintain our gardens and farmlands, but they can also protect us.”

  “And we learn to use ours for just about anything and everything.”

  She giggles, confessing, “My grandparents referred to it as lazy magic because you used it to make life easier for you.”

  Not at all offended, I admit, “They weren’t wrong. It does come in handy, too.” To prove my point, I touch her cheek where the cuts and bruises were prior to my healing them.

  “Do you use yours a lot?” She asks.

  “Not for everyday life. It’s mostly when I’m helping the younger witches train.” Wanting to test my theory, and loving the feel of her in my arms, her mouth on mine, I pull her against me and kiss her. The contact is powerful, as usual, but here, in nature where she’s strongest, it’s even more so. It’s like a fire burning strong enough to burn us alive, the pureness of it energizing me like nothing I’ve ever felt, and the experience haunts me long after we’ve stopped.

  Resting my head on hers, basking in the hangover, for lack of a better word, from her abilities, Willow puts my thought into words, “My magic has never reacted this way.”

  “Because we’re mates, fated to be together.” With that truth, nothing else really needs to be said, and we finish our walk in silence. During the day, the dock is teeming with everything you can imagine from fisherman, workers, shippers, and numerous others. It’s like its own market, especially in the early mornings, with all it has to offer. Spotting Alaric talking to some locals, I wave to let him know I’m there, and he joins us near one of the warehouses after finishing his conversation. He looks exactly like what he is, a cop, meaning he’s large and intimidating man, so I whisper in Willow’s ear before he reaches us. “Don’t worry. He seems scary, but he’s on our side.” When she instantly replies that she trusts me, warmth travels from my heart to every crevice of my body, and I give her a quick kiss, unable to say anything following her admission.

  “Edgar,” Alaric greets me.

  “Alaric, this is Willow,” I introduce her, then do the reverse.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he tells her, holding out his hand which she shyly shakes. “Guess I’m no longer the rarest species here,” Alaric states, adding, “well, me and Hades.” That causes Willow to look at me in confusion.

  “Our resident hermit,” I inform her. “We’re not sure what he is.” Edgar explains.

  “And what are you, sir?” She asks Alaric, her surprise apparent when he answers with a grin. “Warlock?” she looks surprised. “Isn’t that the same as a witch?”

  Alaric cringes, letting her know, “We use our magic differently, so no we aren’t.” Then he proceeds to give her an example, “Imagine a wolf and a dog.”

  “Edgar’s the wolf?” Willow asks, earning a laugh from me and a roll of the eyes from Alaric.

  “No, I am,” he corrects her with a smile. “My kind is naturally stronger, older, and live longer. Also, witches must practice their spells and enchantments, and we have to learn to control our power, so it doesn’t consume us.”

  “One trains to build theirs, while the other has to be taught to control them out of necessity?”

  “Exactly,” Alaric agrees after she summarizes what he said.

  “The specifics for those not like us has always been limited in my village. Thank you for explaining it to me.”

  Alaric nods, then says, “Well, you’ll find a variety of species here to learn about.” Willow is thrilled by that news, her excited smile evidence of just how much. Figuring we should discuss why we’re here; I ask Alaric what he has for me. “Some dockworkers said warehouse fifteen was rented out six months ago, but remained completely empty until the last two months when they started seeing people and trucks going in. Not a big deal, really, except none of it takes place during the day.” The pieces begin clicking and I question him on when the first woman went missing, to which he confirms at the same time the activity began.

  “Let’s check it out.” Alaric uses his power to unlock the door and we enter, seeing tables lining the wall, a few things on top of them, b
ut we don’t find any people inside. Willow picks up one of the items and informs us she feels magic within it. When I join her and look at what she has, I instantly recognize it. “It’s a grimoire.” When she wants to know what that is, I say, almost reverently, “A spell book for witches, they’re passed down through the generations, only staying in their respective family. They’re also very rare.” Glancing at the rest, it doesn’t take long to realize they’re also magical, and more than likely stolen. When Alaric calls us to where he is, I gather the stuff, stopping short at the sight in front of me just as Willow grabs my arm and gasps.

  “This is where I was kept,” she tells us, anger like I’ve never felt before coursing through me as I take in the cages large enough to hold people.

  Pulling her against me, I vow, “They won't ever touch you again.” Stepping toward what appears to be an office, we discover papers scattered on the desk.

  “Someone is coming, they’re magical,” Alaric warns us.

  Turning to Willow, I indicate for her to hide under the desk and state, “Stay there while Alaric and I deal with this.” She starts to argue, but I silence her with a hard kiss, relieved when she does as I asked. Alaric is standing at the ready when I shift back to face the door and we hear two men talking about how the boss needs a new woman for the market as they approach, that he’s pissed the Vetter escaped. Knowing they’re talking about my woman, having to hear all the vulgar things they say about her, I chant a spell and blast one of them the second he enters. I haven’t used my fighting spells since the battle with our ex-council leader with Elvira and Bram when they first got together, so they’re admittedly rusty, but he still flies backward. Alaric, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have the same problem. However, they’re quick to defend themselves, both witches, one a pure-blood and therefore stronger, and a battle ensues. Luckily, Alaric picks up my slack and finishes them both off, but not before a spell is sent into the air, hitting Willow as she emerges from the office. “No!” I roar in concern as I run to her. Thankfully, it was meant to hurt not kill and only hit her in the shoulder.

  “Oh god! It hurts,” she whimpers, her fingers digging into my skin.

  “It’ll pass, love, I promise. Breathe through the pain and it’ll start to feel better.”

  “Take her home,” Alaric tells me. “I’ll gather the paperwork, and do some digging after I take them in.” Gathering Willow in my arms, my teeth clenching as I feel her shiver in pain, I suggest he grabs the other stuff, too, and let him know I’ll call him later. “Sounds like a plan. Will she be okay?” I’m annoyed she was injured yet again, but nod.

  I have no idea what we stumbled upon, but I will get to the bottom of it, all while making sure Willow is protected and never put in a cage again.

  Chapter 5


  She’s already feeling better as we get home, but I’m still shaken from what could’ve happened to her. We’re lucky the effects were only temporary. “I told you to hide,” I snap as the what ifs run through my mind.

  “It sounded like you were in trouble,” she explains.

  “Willow, it doesn’t matter,” I inform her, turning to look at her and see the burned spot on her shit, the skin now exposed. “I had my reasons.” My feelings are all over the place, the thought of her in a cage, hurt, and about to be sold off has my magic swirling around me.

  “I won’t always listen to you, Edgar, especially if your life is in danger! I’ll do everything in my power to save you, and I won’t apologize for that.”

  “But you can’t use all of them right now!” I yell at her.

  “Only because I don’t have my pendant,” she mutters, crossing her arms, sadness on her face at the reminder. Regret hits instantly at how tough I’m being on her. Beckoning her forward, I pull her into my arms and wrap them around her.

  “The thought of anything happening to you drives me insane,” I confess.

  “I feel the same about you,” she states, snuggling closer. Well, when she puts it that way… Cupping her face, I kiss her, relieved when she eagerly returns it, our tongues dueling with each other and stealing my control. I’m done fighting it, my intention to give her time fading with the evidence she wants this, too. Not fully claiming her yet has been painful.

  “I need to have you.” When she nods, eyes shining with acceptance, I pick her up, not setting her down until I’m beside the bed. We both remove the other’s clothes, magic and passion sparking between us in equal measures, our connection never stronger than it is in this moment. My hands and eyes roam her, taking in her creamy skin as I touch it, my cock growing harder than steel at the contact. Kissing the column of her neck, I work my way down and suck a nipple into my mouth seconds after giving both a slight pinch. Willow moans, her fingers threading through my hair and pulling me closer as I move her backward until we topple onto the mattress.

  She lets out the most infectious laugh and my heart soars at the sound. “I’m in yours,” she tells me, stroking my jaw.

  “And you always will be, just as I’m yours.” Then I explore, taking my time to kiss and nip every sensitive spot I come across, the noises I draw from her making cum leak from my tip, as do her soft hands touching me in places no one else ever has. The vision of my woman under me, waiting for me to make us one, has me ready to blow, and I know I can’t wait any longer.

  “Please,” she softly pleads. Spreading her knees, her pussy wet and ready for me, I guide my cock inside, doing so gently as to not hurt her. Growling when I feel her tight pussy begin to stretch around me, proof of her virginity, though expected, stops me for a second. Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, I plunged forward and break through it, our powers flowing through us, as the bond of us being fated mates solidifies. “My magic is burning.”

  “Let it,” I implore her, my pace speeding up as I pound into her harder, her legs encircling my waist and allowing me to surge even deeper. When her walls begin clenching around me, I know she’s close and tell her, “Together, Willow.” Just as she clamps down, I release inside her, the pleasure mind-melting, and collapse on top of her.

  “That was incredible,” she sighs in satisfaction, placing kisses on my neck.

  “Did I hurt you?” I mumble, managing the strength to rise up enough to look at her.

  “No,” she quickly says. “My magic feels stronger now,” she adds, shaking her head as if she’s not quite sure how to explain it. I let her know mine does, too, then we both fall silent, basking in what just happened.

  We stay in bed for a long time, eventually leaving it due to hunger, only to spend the rest of the day lazing around the house after I tell my employees to take over for me. I make love to Willow three more times, a wave of male satisfaction roaring through me when I tire her out so much she falls asleep. I almost do the same until my phone starts buzzing. Noticing a text from Alaric, I get dressed and move into the living room. Unfortunately, the men he arrested aren’t talking, but he believes they’re responsible for the missing witches and that they’ve been shipped off to god only knows where. He’s looking into it, of course, and he did get a possible lead, Charles Kent, from the papers we found. That’s the fucker he suspects runs this horrible shit show, which means we can start investigating him. Once I have my hands on him, I intend to deliver a very slow and painful death. He deserves it for what he did to my Willow.

  Chapter 6

  Willow-Two weeks later…

  “Here you go, fresh from the kitchen,” I say as I deliver the food to a table, then head back behind the bar after handing out the plates. The past two weeks have been like a dream. I fit into Edgar's world so seamlessly, which is understandable as it’s where I was meant to be. He and Alaric are still looking into the kidnappings and black-market, and while he hasn’t said much to me about it, I know they’re doing everything they can to solve it.

  “You’re working too hard,” a pregnant Elvira chastises me from the stool she’s camped out on. She and I clicked immediately upon meetin
g and have become best friends. It’s hard to believe I’ve only known Edgar and Elvira a couple weeks considering I can’t imagine not having them in my life now.

  “I enjoy doing it,” I remind her, “though your brother wishes I didn’t.” She smiles, telling me that’s because he doesn’t like me doing what he considers hard labor. “He forgets I lived in a farming village, this is nothing compared to that.”

  “He’ll get over it…eventually,” she states with a laugh. Speaking of, my glance veers toward the booth he and Alaric are currently occupying, and have been for almost an hour. “You coming to the festival market later?” Elvira wants to know, adding, “I’m picking Jack up from school, but I’ll be there after that.”

  “Of course. Thanksgiving is coming up and I’d love to try out some new recipes ahead of time.”

  Bram joins us, sneaking a kiss from his wife before asking, “You two about finished here?” I tell him we’re meeting at the market later, to which he says, “Sounds like a plan,” while helping Elvira to her feet. An arm wraps around me just as I feel Edgar at my side, and we wave as they walk out. When he shifts to look at me, his expression is one of disapproval.


  “You need to take a break more,” he scolds me.

  “I’m used to working hard, remember?” That doesn’t appease him, his only response that I should be doing so much. “I like the job, plus, I get to be close to you,” I explain as I stand on tiptoes to kiss him. He returns it, instantly taking control as passion burns through us, our respective magic surging and seeming to play with the other’s.

  Pulling back, he slides a strand of hair behind my ear and says, “I still have a few things to discuss with Alaric. Why don’t you relax in the office for a bit?”

  “But only for a few minutes,” I concede, “then I’ll come out and help again.” After snagging the lunch one of the cooks prepared for me, I sit on the couch in Edgar’s office and start to read until the sound of the rear door being opened catches my ear. Looking into the hallway, I see a little boy. He’s obviously scared and lost because I know he doesn’t belong to any of the employees. “Hi, sweetie,” I greet him softy as I kneel in front of him.


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