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[Made Men 6] The Root of All Evil

Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She exhaled, the ache in her heart still pretty tender after losing him two years ago. Then she thought about Andreas again and about the fact that he was Special Forces, just like Jimmy had been. Andreas had that look in his eyes. Everyone was guilty, up to something, and he was distrustful to boot. He was very attractive, had all those muscles, and wore those suits that made him look more like a secret agent than a made man. Some of his employees worked out at the same dojo she did. She’d heard them talk about him as though he was a god—how many medals he had for being a war hero, how quick and capable he was, and, mostly what stood out to her, how they feared him, saying he wasn’t a man to piss off and was a man you wanted by your side in a dangerous situation.

  She swallowed hard. At Jimmy’s funeral she’d met several of his friends from his troop who had survived. They’d said similar things, and she felt proud to have known him, but after everyone left and went about their lives, she had difficulty moving on with her life without him and had wondered why other soldiers lived and why her soldier had died.

  Her eyes welled up with tears, and she pushed thoughts of Jimmy away. She’d trusted him with her body, with being loving and caring with her. Soldiers were special people, but she was different now after losing him. Danger was something she wanted nothing to do with. Made men were dangerous.

  The Coglonie men had reputations as powerful, wealthy made men who ran various businesses and were involved with criminal activity. They owned several clubs, bars, and lounges—though she only knew Club X—and supposedly organized meetings for negotiations between bosses in the organized-crime syndicate. Danger, danger, and more danger.

  It had been enough nearly being abducted and then nearly killed in her hospital room, all because some psycho was after Rayanna and they were good friends. She still couldn’t get over that incident. Nor could she get over how unaffected Andreas was, shooting that man, comforting her, and then walking away. These men were killers, criminals desensitized to violence, which was obvious by their ways of life. She hated violence.

  She’d lost her one true love to war, and it had broken her heart. Even knowing that Andreas was Special Forces just like Jimmy shouldn’t make her think they were the same or that he was a replacement. There were no replacements. That hit too close to home. It made her think of Jimmy and what they could have had. She couldn’t go through that type of heartache again—the worrying, the fears of something bad happening to someone she cared about. Times that by three and Giada would go insane. She needed to focus on her profession and staying single, or at least staying away from made men.

  Plus Uncle Les. She really needed to stay clear of him, too. He was always getting into trouble and calling her to help. The other night had been so strange, and when she’d left the cab, she’d felt as if someone was watching her. She’d even had that feeling at the bar, too, as they waited for the cab. It was probably because it was nearly three o’clock in the morning, but it still bothered her.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. The time they shared together with them acting as her bodyguards had caused a lot of problems. Uncle Les was more involved in her life than ever before, and he seemed awfully interested in her profession, too. She didn’t trust him, but she kind of used his hatred for the Coglonie men as a means to keep them away from her.

  It confirmed the dangers their professions and their family business surrounded them in, and she wasn’t interested or willing to go through such fear and pain again. She’d declined offers of dates since Jimmy passed, and even by friends and other guys in the military. Lots of men flirted with her at the gym and asked her out. Losing Jimmy was enough to have gone through. She’d wanted to die. She didn’t think she could go on living, but thanks to her friends’ support and what Jimmy stood for being a Special Forces soldier and dying in combat, she knew she needed to be strong and make him proud of her. She continued the martial arts classes and even instructed young girls so they, too, would learn self-defense and self-confidence. In fact, she really needed to be sure she didn’t drink too much or hang out too late tomorrow night. The first martial arts class she had to teach was at 9 a.m.

  She logged off the computer and cleaned up her desk, being sure it was tidy and neat, the way she liked it, before she ran to the ladies’ room. She had fifteen minutes, and then it was time to lay on the charm and snag some new big-shot clients. She hoped it was a success.

  Chapter 1

  “There’s money to be made. We know that, but it’s dirty business,” Sunny said to Mateus and Major.

  “No one is saying it isn’t, but you just said it. There’s money to made. With these new connections Adelina has, and that you and Vinny have been making your way into, there’s more to be made. We can tap into a market that isn’t saturated,” Mateus replied.

  Sunny looked at Vinny.

  “It will be profitable, but the risks are higher. You’re talking getting in on the imported merchandise before other organizations that started this can even get it into the US,” Vinny said to them.

  Major nodded. “Exactly. It’s called business and survival of the fittest. You guys have your in, and we have the manpower to give security and ensure that everything is done with protection and success through Bloodline Securities.”

  “You know this is going to probably piss off Calvarro Torres,” Sunny said to them.

  “Fuck him. Calvarro shouldn’t have been so quick to not lend a hand in the search for Rayanna,” Mateus stated firmly.

  “Yeah, or jumped on the bandwagon with the rest of the assholes like Miami Cortez, Bay Bloods gang, Bronnos, and Lupez to screw over Dmitri. That wasn’t a wise fucking move, nor will we or Dmitri forget what those fuckheads failed to do. It put them on the list of people to watch out for. Believe me, Dmitri, as well us, all of us, should keep all those dicks on our radar,” Major said to them.

  “I’m all for expanding to other areas to make a profit, and you’re right—this market is not tapped. The Cubans don’t have the available resources like we have. Plus, with our connections and established routes, we can be smuggling in other things for profit,” Sunny said to them.

  Mateus smirked. “Now you’re thinking like a boss. We can handle this no problem. We need to meet with some people to discuss the arrangements and the cuts. We’ll have Dominick Coglonie set it up at Club X for next week.”

  “Dominick and Giuseppe really deserve a nice piece of this action, too. They also had the connections, and it will be important that we all work together on this and create a monopoly just in case some dicks want to protest our power of operations,” Major added.

  “Agreed. I’ll talk to him about it and their share in this when I set up the meeting,” Mateus said.

  “Great. So how is Rayanna doing? Adelina spoke to her last week but really quick. She said Rayanna is working?” Sunny asked.

  “Giving Dmitri a headache I’m sure. It’s all online, and she’s been keeping in contact with her clients here in New York. I think her plan is to work a few private jobs,” Mateus told him.

  “That could be a security nightmare. She needs around-the-clock protection,” Vinny said.

  “Exactly, which is why Dmitri will more than likely put a stop to it. It’s just too dangerous right now. Dmitri is trying to handle anyone who was willing to take him out or cause his demise when he was searching for Rayanna. He’s going after them all and with a vengeance,” Major said to them.

  “I wouldn’t want that man on my bad side or working against me. Not for nothing, but that’s one badass fucking Russian, the whole group of them,” Vinny said.

  “Indeed, but hey, you got yourselves one badass, resourceful woman. She needs protection nonstop, too,” Mateus stated.

  “Believe me, we know that,” Sunny said and looked at Vinny.

  “We need to head out. We’ll make the arrangements and get things in order for this. You can tell us when you confirm that meeting, and we’ll be there,” Vinny told them.

  They shook hands an
d then headed out. Sunny was feeling a little uneasy. Maybe because he was just learning to trust and expand business with Mateus and Major Fiorre and their cousins and now they were branching out together. The Costanza family was going through some changes all around, but Sunny’s and Vinnie’s top priority was keeping Adelina’s secret and slowly expanding the empire of security around her. She wasn’t liking it one bit.

  * * * *

  Alajandro Frane couldn’t take his eyes off the lovely young woman in front of him, nor could his partner, Toro Miguel. She was gorgeous, from her stunning blue eyes to her long black hair that reached her mid-back. She had a soft smile, full lips, full breasts, and a tiny waist and toned thighs, and, he noticed as she arrived, a nice round ass—petite, feminine, and a completely unexpected bonus to this potential business arrangement. Monterro had been right when he said the woman they would be dealing with was exceptional.

  Her boss, Monterro Spain, was a good businessman. The services they provided were exactly what they were looking for to hide their money and use the accounts to transfer and deposit funds on a regular basis. After years of proving themselves in the importing and exporting business and cigar industry, they were powerful, successful men, and they had people working for them so they could enjoy the fruits of their labor. He eyed over Giada Slane’s lips and neck. The woman was gorgeous.

  “So our businesses require confidentiality with clients and funds transferred and withdrawn. We don’t want that accessible through anyone working at your company by typing in some password or something,” Toro stated firmly.

  “Of course, Mister Miguel. That’s not how we operate. We have a substantial client list of businessmen like yourselves who want the security of a bank but the privacy of a personal safe. Only you will be aware of the deposits and withdrawals in the account. However, since this is a business, and a means of providing additional protection and security from fraud, theft, and errors, we collect a ten to fifteen percent fee on the total amount in the account annually,” Monterro Spain told them.

  “And if we want several accounts, that is the price for your security and maintenance would be ten to fifteen percent on each account?” Toro asked.

  Monterro nodded. “Usually our clients have two to three accounts and no more, so the fee is standard. The accounts are under a million each. In fact you won’t find another bank and finance firm that offers a better rate.” Monterro Spain looked nervous.

  “Seems pricy to me, Alajandro,” Toro said and looked from Monterro to Giada.

  “I’m certain we can come up with an agreement that you both feel comfortable with. Tell me, how many accounts are you planning to open up with us if you were to choose Saks and Cain?” Giada asked.

  Alajandro stared at her, trying to decide what he liked more about the woman—her eyes, her abundant locks, or that sexy, petite figure? He held firm. “With a fee like that, does it matter?”

  “Well, I believe it does. As Monterro mentioned, most of our clients open one to three accounts. If you were planning on additional accounts, perhaps transferring from another bank and keeping most of your business and personal accounts with us here at Saks and Cain, then I’m certain we could come up with a more reasonable percentage than ten to fifteen percent,” Giada told him.

  Her boss smiled and added, of course, that Giada was right. Then he went on about how secure the corporation was, about how every person had a background check on them, and about he could decide among several employees who had the responsibility of overseeing the totals in each account and then applying the fee. It was at their discretion.

  Alajandro stared at Giada and then took a sip of his glass of wine. “Are you on that list, Miss Slane? Because it seems to me you would be trustworthy.”

  Her eyes widened. “That really isn’t my job,”

  She replied in a soft tone that was sexy, but he was certain she didn’t mean it to be.

  “She can handle that if you feel more comfortable. She is quite trustworthy and can make herself accessible with whatever procedures you find necessary to allow her to monitor the accounts. Our employees get a thorough background check, fingerprinting, and approval through government intelligence, as well.”

  “I’m sure we can come up with ways to make you confident that she’s right for the job and will give that personal touch it sounds like you’re looking for. After all, those fees are once a year, and she can look everything up in your presence so you confirm the numbers are to the penny,” her boss told them.

  “Okay, and would it be all right if our own set of security does a background check, fingerprinting, et cetera?” Toro asked.

  Alajandro didn’t look at him, nor did he smirk. It seemed he liked Miss Slane, as well.

  “Giada?” Monterro looked at her, and she swallowed hard.

  “It’s out of the ordinary, but I suppose if it makes you feel better. How many accounts are you thinking, and approximately how much money if you had to guess a range?” she asked.

  “Ten accounts, each with anywhere from five hundred thousand to over five million,” he said very calmly.

  Her eyes widened, and then she blinked.

  Monterro cleared his throat and then gulped. “We’ll have to get approval to minimize the fee.”

  “I’m certain we can get that approval and come up with something comfortable for Mister Frane and Mister Miguel. I mean, seriously, with both of you putting your trust in Saks and Cain for your banking and security needs, I will negotiate terms on your behalf. Our boss is a reasonable man and surely will be more than willing to lower that percentage. In all honesty, he would be out of his mind.”

  Alajandro gave her a nod. “We look forward to discussing the terms and coming up with a number. Perhaps we could meet again for dinner this time?” he asked but only looked at Giada.

  “She would be happy to. We’ll talk to our top officials and come up with something reasonable,” her boss said.

  She looked a little annoyed at her boss, and he wondered why. It seemed that she wasn’t just seeing dollar signs as he was. She was impressed and trying to get the best price for them and not be greedy. It was sweet and endearing. The woman was precious.

  Chapter 2

  Celia’s was crowded. Giada and her friends Fina, Alessa, Alda, and Donata went to the bar and ordered their mocha martinis.

  “Damn it’s crowded. I can’t believe how packed it is,” Fina said as they had to squeeze their way next to the bar.

  “This sucks,” Donata stated.

  “Sure does,” Alda said.

  Giada felt the hands on her hips and a man press closer. She turned to look, ready to tell the guy to take a hike, but her eyes locked onto one very attractive older man with a tan complexion and a look of prestige about him. His eyes were dark blue, his hair was black, and he wore a designer dress shirt with a suit jacket and smelled good, really good. He stared down into her eyes.

  “So sorry. It’s very crowded in here. Can I squeeze in to grab a drink?” he asked, his Hispanic accent thick and deep.

  She looked at her friends, who widened their eyes and were totally checking the man out. Fina gave her a nudge, a push to flirt with the good-looking older guy. She shook her head. Giada heard him order a Crown Royal.

  “Are you ladies enjoying yourselves?” he asked and eyed over their drinks.

  “Not really. It’s crowded,” Fina said, and they all agreed.

  He squeezed his way back next to Giada and stared at her a moment as if he were memorizing her face, her eyes, and her lips. “Well, have a good time. Be careful.” He winked at her.

  “You are out of your mind. He was fucking hot, and that accent. Jesus, I think my panties are wet, and he wasn’t even directing all that sexiness toward me,” Donata stated.

  Her friends laughed, but Giada felt her cheeks warm. “I don’t date. You know that.”

  “Who said anything about dating? Why not an incredible night of sex with someone like him? My God, he’s a fantasy guy, and yo
u just blew him off,” Alessa added, looking past Giada as if trying to check out the guy’s ass or watch him through the crowd.

  He was gorgeous and sexy, but she wasn’t interested in dating anyone, never mind having sex just to do it. Two years was a long dry spell but for a good reason. Sex wasn’t something to take lightly. Her friends talked a good game, but none of them were sluts. They wouldn’t just sleep with anyone they’d just met either.

  “She’s crazy and lost her mind. It finally happened,” Alda said and downed the rest of her mocha martini.

  Giada looked around them. The sexy guy was nowhere to be seen. She’d lost her chance, another opportunity, but then again, she didn’t want that. She just wasn’t interested.

  Donata and Fina got bumped. “This sucks,” Fina said in annoyance, wiping the bit of martini from her chin that spilled when she was taking a sip and got bumped into.

  Giada and her friends decided to head a few blocks over to Merchants, an upscale lounge and bar that had a great dance floor and lots of memorabilia around the room. It was crowded, but the setup was different. There were little enclaves and separate areas to stand or even sit. Alda and Donata hurried ahead, spotting some guys leaving a setup of high stools and tables with thick leather-seated stools. There was just enough room for all of them. Just as Giada squeezed by a group of guys asking her if they could buy her a drink, someone placed a hand on her hip. She grabbed it and turned, ready to remove it, when her eyes locked onto Royce, one of the Coglonies’ security guys. She had gotten to know him, Train, Logic, and Brew in the couple of weeks she’d needed security while Puento was being hunted down.

  “Hi, Royce. How are you?” She leaned up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She ignored the guys behind her and saw how Royce practically snarled at them and moved Giada along. He held her close and then guided her to the right and away from the guys now checking her out.


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