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[Made Men 6] The Root of All Evil

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We ordered food. It will be here shortly,” Brew said.

  “Thanks.” He headed back to the penthouse with her bag and cell phone.

  * * * *

  Giada put on one of the guys’ dress shirts. She rolled up the sleeves and was going to put on her pants when Andreas entered the bedroom. He looked pissed off as he tossed her purse onto the bed and held her phone.

  “How intimate did you get with Toro and Alajandro?” he questioned her, shocking her.

  He was angry, and with one look at her phone, she realized that something had set him off. “What do you mean?”

  “Goddamn it, Giada. It’s a simple fucking question. I realize you didn’t fuck them, but how much did you fool around with them? Did you let them kiss you? Touch you? Pleasure you?” he demanded.

  Then Dominick and Giuseppe came out wearing pants and dress shirts.

  “What’s going on?” Dominick asked.

  She felt the tears hit her eyes.

  “Read these fucking texts, ones from Toro and Alajandro wanting to see her again, kiss her, spend time with her.”

  Dominick took the phone.

  “I didn’t let them touch me or pleasure me,” she said to him.

  “They kissed you? Felt you up?” he demanded, stepping closer.

  She didn’t move, couldn’t move. “I was unaware of who they were then. I was trying to—”

  “Push us away and deny your feelings so you allowed them to touch you and kiss you?” Giuseppe demanded to know now, too.

  She couldn’t lie to them. Plus, it had been before them, before she knew who Toro and Alajandro were. “We kissed, it got a little heavy, and I stopped them from coming into my apartment. Nothing else happened.”

  Andreas growled and clenched his fists by his side. She went to move toward him, and Giuseppe stopped her and shook his head.

  She was scared. In that moment, she realized that Andreas had a side to him that she didn’t want to know about. She also wasn’t about to be controlled or accused of doing something she didn’t do. They hadn’t been together then. What about women they had been with and screwed? Was she supposed to bring them up now and be angry about them?

  She slid Dominick’s hand away and raised her voice to Andreas. “What about you? The three of you? And all the women you’ve fooled around with, kissed, seduced into bed, and fucked? Am I supposed to bring them up now and question you about them? Be jealous of those who were before me and what we shared today?”

  Andreas was in a dead stare with her. Dominick placed his hands on his hips.

  “We didn’t seduce you and just fuck you.” Dominick was now pissed off.

  “Hmm.” She went to walk away, but Andreas grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms. He lifted her and then lowered her onto the bed. He stared into her eyes, and she gulped.

  “I know they want you. I care about you so much, need you so much that I feel possessive and protective of you. So when I see text messages from men who want to fuck my woman, I see red, Giada, fucking red,” he said through clenched teeth.

  She stared into his dark eyes, and she nodded her head. “I understand. That’s something you’ll need to work on so we don’t fight for no reason.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “What?”

  She had only gotten to button two buttons on the dress shirt when Andreas came storming into the room. She undid the buttons while holding his gaze. She pushed the material apart. “I belong to you, Giuseppe, and Dominick. No one else. This body is yours, Andreas. Now kiss me because, for some crazy reason, your barbaric, controlling temper is turning me on, and I need you.”

  “Jesus,” Giuseppe exclaimed.

  “Fucking insane,” Dominick said as Andreas loomed over her, used one hand to cup her breast, and eased his hand up her neck and under her hair while he lowered down and kissed her. In a flash that kiss grew wild, and seconds later, after some maneuvering and moaning, his pants were down and off of him, his cock was fisted in his hand, and he held her gaze.

  “Damn straight this body is ours. No other men ever again, or I’ll kill them.”

  Andreas thrust into her pussy, making her moan aloud and grip onto his shoulders. He wrapped her up, pulled her to the edge of the bed, and thrust into her fast and repeatedly while his cousins left the room, giving them the time they needed to resolve this issue.

  She ran her fingers through his hair as he nipped her neck and sucked hard on her collarbone. “I love you, Andreas. I don’t know if you realize that if you heard me earlier today.”

  He stroked faster. He kissed her lips, her cheek, and her neck. His mouth was next to her ear. “I heard everything, Giada, everything. I love you, too, and I promise this won’t be the last time I get jealous or need to make love to you and ensure this is real and you are mine.”

  “I’m sure it won’t be, but remember, Andreas, you belong to only me, too. You won’t want to see a jealous side of me, not ever.”

  He chuckled. She felt his cock harden.

  “You just threaten a made man, a soldier?”

  “Not a threat, lover, a promise. Now make me come, Andreas. Make me beg for mercy.”

  “Holy fuck.” He lifted and pulled her lower so her ass was off the edge of the bed and her shoulders were the only part of her on the mattress. He pounded into her, watching her breasts bounce, and she watched his eyes close as she shook and came and he followed.

  “Mine always, Giada. Always.”

  She smiled as he lowered and hugged her tight, and they remained that way until her belly rumbled and he laughed against her chest.

  “Let’s eat then head back to bed for the night. I think it’s going to take several times making love to you to stop the jealous thoughts running through my head,” he said, stroking the hair from her cheek and staring down into her eyes.

  “Okay, Andreas. Perhaps if all three of you take me together it may help.” She winked.

  He snickered. “Oh really? Someone likes a cock in every hole, does she?” he teased and tickled her as he rose.

  “I like all three of my men inside of me, making love to me. It was amazing, Andreas. I can’t believe I let you do that.”

  He stroked her jaw. “Believe it. We’re one now. We will protect you and teach you what it’s going to be like to be the woman of made men. Something tells me you’ll be just fine.”

  He lifted and offered her his hand. She got up and ran her fingers through her damp tendrils. “I need to wash up.”

  “Okay. I’ll wait with Giuseppe and Dominick. You may want to get dressed in case the others join us. I don’t want them seeing my woman’s body.”

  She nodded. “Glad you told me. I was thinking of coming out naked,” she teased.

  “Sure you were. You talk a big talk, but we know how shy and reserved you are. It’s part of your appeal. Sweet, feminine, and precious.” He gave her ass a tap. “Go wash up.”

  She smiled and headed into the bathroom, her heart full of love and happiness as she freshened up.

  This could really work.

  Chapter 9

  Sunny looked at Roman, one of Fedarro’s guards.

  “I don’t know why, but that seemed too easy,” Sunny said to him as they drove through the dark streets after hitting one of Calvarro’s warehouses. There had been only three guards on duty. It was a small place, but it did hold a good amount of merchandise belonging to Calvarro. It was now up in flames. See how he liked losing a hundred grand in merchandise.

  “I know. I get that same feeling, and I don’t like it,” Roman said.

  “Everyone got out, though. All our guys, and we cleared them all,” Sunny said.

  “What the hell is that?” Roman asked as they headed along the street when they both noticed something in the middle of the road. He slowed down.

  “Be careful. It might be a trap or some shit,” Sunny said.

  As Roman got closer, he saw it was a body. Then it moved. “Shit, that’s Felix. He’s one of our informa
nts who helped with this operation tonight.” Roman stopped the SUV. He got out, gun drawn, and looked around them.

  Sunny did the same thing. “Is he alive?”

  “He’s been shot. It looks bad.”

  “Let’s get him into the back and get him help,” Sunny said, and they quickly loaded him into the back of the SUV. “Who did this to you?” Sunny asked him.

  “I didn’t see his face.” He moaned, and Sunny looked at Roman.

  “Was it one of Calvarro’s guys?” Roman asked.

  “I don’t think so.” He moaned again.

  “Okay, just relax, Felix. We’re going to get you help,” Roman said, and then, as they got him comfortable in the back of the SUV, shots were fired at them.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Get in,” Roman yelled at Sunny, who jumped into the back with Felix as Roman ran around the other side, got in on the passenger side, slid over the seat, and took off driving.

  Bullets hit the windows, breaking the glass, and tires squealed as they got the hell out of there.

  “What the fuck? They tried to kill us,” Roman yelled out.

  “They let us escape,” Sunny said, pulled out his cell phone, and called Fedarro. He wasn’t sure who’d come after them, but he would find out, and when he did, they were dead.

  * * * *

  After they ate dinner along with their men, Giada walked over and looked at her cell phone.

  “What did they say in the texts?” Giuseppe asked.

  Dominick was concerned and jealous, too. She was their woman.

  “Well, they want to schedule another meeting. Dinner or lunch at Rinaldi’s.”

  “Dicks,” Royce said, and she looked at him.


  “Rinaldi’s is where men take a woman on a date to impress her and then expect her to put out,” he said to her.

  “We went there for a business meeting,” she said to him.

  He raised his hands up as if saying that didn’t matter.

  “Well, they didn’t succeed in landing her. What else does it say?” Giuseppe asked.

  She swallowed hard. “Just small talk.” She lowered the phone.

  “I’ll have to figure out a way to make the meeting take place at the office so it’s more official,” she said.

  Giuseppe took her hand and the phone. “Small talk? Just read it, or I will. Remember we gave you the opportunity to look at the texts and read them to us. We didn’t have to,” he scolded.

  She looked intimidated. She worried her bottom lip. “They probably said these things thinking you were going to see them.”

  “Read them,” Andreas ordered.

  She looked at the cell phone. “‘Maybe we can go dancing again. I dream about the feel of your hips under my hands…’ I don’t need to read this.”

  “Give me that.” Giuseppe pulled the phone from her hand and stood up. “Fucking scumbag.” He scrolled down. “No private meetings. We’ll make the call and let them know they see her for business with one of us present or not at all,” Giuseppe said firmly.

  “That bad?” Brew asked.

  He handed him her cell phone.

  “Why does it matter what they say? They know I’m with the three of you. What am I going to do about work? I can’t back out or try to tell my boss that I can’t fulfill a contract because my boyfriends are jealous.”

  “It’s not just being jealous. It’s knowing that they want you. They want to play fucking games with us,” Giuseppe stated.

  Dominick’s cell phone rang, and so did Royce’s. They both walked to the side. Dominick answered. It was Fedarro.

  “We got a problem, and another possible person pissed with our new business venture.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Someone tried to kill Sunny, Roman, and Felix.”

  “What?” He raised his voice, and all commotion over the texts stopped, and he looked at Royce.

  “I’m on with Roman.” Royce walked from the room.

  “What’s going on?” Andreas asked.

  Dominick held up his hand as Fedarro explained. “No idea who then?”

  “None, Dominick,” Fedarro stated.

  “What do you think you want to do?”

  “Contact Calvarro and set up that meeting. He needs to know where we stand and what his choices are—realistically.”

  “Understood. Want me to make the call?”

  “No. Considering that you’re with Giada right now and have been all day, I think it wiser that I make the arrangements.”

  “Okay. Keep us posted. Will Felix be okay?”


  “And Sunny?”

  “Fine, just pissed off like Roman is. I know Roman is speaking with Royce. They’ll get organized and have you covered as necessary.”

  “Thanks. We’ll take the necessary precautions. Let me know what else you need. We have to identify the ones responsible before we threaten to take them out.”

  “That is what we need to work on. I’ll be in touch,” Fedarro said, and Dominick disconnected the call.

  Everyone was quiet, and Dominick looked at Brew.

  “Brew, stay here with Giada while we take care of something down the hall.” Brew nodded.

  “What’s going on?” Giada asked.

  Giuseppe stood up. “No questions,” he said firmly.

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. They all left the kitchen and penthouse.

  Dominick started to explain the situation to Andreas and Giuseppe.

  “They’re okay, though?” Giuseppe asked.


  “No leads. Do they think it was Calvarro?” Andreas asked.

  “No leads, and they don’t think it was him, but someone Calvarro knows because they knew Sunny and Roman and the crew were at the warehouse,” Dominick stated.

  “An inside job? Fuck, I don’t like that,” Andreas stated.

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Dominick said, and they gathered in the small meeting room. “Let’s get organized and keep in contact with Fedarro and Sunny. When they confirm a meeting place, time and location, we have to plan to be on alert and ready for anything—anything.”

  They all agreed. He thought not only about Giada and how he was going to keep her safe but also about how to make her understand that their business was none of her business. The sooner she learned the rules, the better off she would be.

  * * * *

  Giada was sitting in the living room with Brew. The men hadn’t come back in yet. She felt funny, sort of out of place. She looked at her cell phone and at her e-mail account. She exhaled.

  “Problem?” he asked.

  “I should know better than to open up my e-mail on the weekend. Looks like I’ll be swamped at work this week.” She scrolled through the e-mail from her boss about the meeting with another new potential client. She supposed it was probably good to not see an e-mail or a get a phone call that she was fired or in danger of losing the new position because of Alajandro and Toro. Perhaps there was a way to salvage this situation, and maybe when she did speak with them, she would explain that things had happened and she didn’t have feelings for them. She thought about the night both men had kissed her and about how she’d panicked.

  Then she thought about Andreas’s jealousy and about how angry he was. It made her think about their reaction to the phone call from Fedarro and whatever business they were conducting, business she couldn’t know about, yet they planned to know everything about her business. Was this a potentially disastrous situation? Would she have to quit her job? She’d worked so hard for it. She worried her bottom lip when her cell phone rang. She gasped, and Brew narrowed his eyes. “Who is it?”

  “Uncle Les.”

  “Don’t answer it,” he told her and sat forward.

  She squinted at him. “Why?”

  “Just don’t.”

  “He could need me. He was in some sort of trouble a couple of weeks ago.” She answered the call anyw
ay, ignoring Brew’s request, and he didn’t look happy. Was she supposed to obey their guards’ orders, too? “Hello?”

  “Where are you? Tell me you aren’t with the Coglonie men.”

  “Uncle Les, what do you want?”

  “You need to get away from them. They’re trouble, and they mean you harm.”

  She swallowed hard and held her fingers against the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache begin. “They aren’t going to hurt me.”

  “Please, Giada, listen to me. You need to get away from them. Go back to your apartment.”

  “No. I’m with them now. I’m not going to argue about this. It isn’t any of your business.”

  “It is my business. They’ll use you. Put you in danger. Make you quit your job and control your life. Is that what you want?”

  Tears stung her eyes. She looked at Brew.

  “Hang up on him,” he said.

  “Who said that? One of them? See what I mean. Don’t listen to their lies. They’re bad men. They were involved in something tonight. I heard that people were killed in a fire they set and others shot.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Hang up on him now.”

  “I don’t believe you.” She felt the tears hit her eyes, and Brew got up off the couch. “I need to go.” She ended the call, covered her mouth with her hand, and wondered what the hell she was going to do about Uncle Les. Was he drunk, in trouble, or just looking to start an argument with her over the Coglonie men? What?


  She shook her head. “I’m fine.” She tried not to talk. She was emotional. She wanted to be happy right now, overjoyed to be with her three men, and instead, they were out of the room conducting business she wasn’t allowed to know anything about, and she had to sit here and be obedient. Her uncle had called to warn her away from three men she loved already, and now the evening was ruined. Her mind began to process the effects that this type of relationship would bring her—isolation from others, eventually losing her job because, how could she do her job if her men, their guards, would need to be present? Her clients would be alarmed and uncomfortable. Her men wouldn’t allow her to wine and dine potential clients, especially men. Her life would change. She would need to readjust, but they would go on their way. She stood up and paced the room.


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