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[Made Men 6] The Root of All Evil

Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Her eyes widened.

  “No, I didn’t think so, and I’m sure you know who owns that place and his connections to Calvarro and his cousins,” Dominick said.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. “They said things to me.” She thought about how maybe Dominick, Andreas, and Giuseppe were telling the truth about people lying to put a wedge between them, how Julia had said the things she did, and then how Alajandro and Toro had said what they had about men thinking of her as a whore now that she’d screwed three men. She covered her belly with her hand.

  “What did they say to you?” Dominick demanded to know.

  She turned to look at them. “That now that I was with the three of you, had sex with three men, no other man will think of me as anything but a whore.”

  “I’m going to kill them,” Andreas stated.

  “No. There’s more to this—a setup, something to make us take the bait and go after them. You saw Calvarro in the meeting. He wasn’t really accepting the partnership, but it was like he was appeasing us for now, like he was going to get the last laugh,” Dominick said.

  “It could be anything, Dominick. We have enemies, people who would love to see us go under,” Giuseppe stated.

  “Or it could be just Calvarro wanting to cause trouble and give a fighting shot at surviving among the fittest,” Dominick said and then stared at Giada.

  “You need to accept our commands, our authority, and know that we love you and do what we do to protect you from men like this and women like Julia, who more than likely has been used. We’ll prove that to you shortly. Now come here,” he ordered.

  She swallowed hard. She felt so confused, yet what they said made perfects sense. Her own mind whirled with investigating and finding out the truth. She would find out. She would get it from Julia, and she would handle it accordingly. She walked slowly toward Dominick.

  He reached out, cupped her cheek, and brushed his thumb along her lips. “You’re swollen here.”

  She didn’t tell him it was because of the forceful way Toro had kissed her.

  He took her hand and looked at the swelling. “We’ll ice it more but know how proud I am of you defending yourself and using the tools you know to take back control. However, you never should have been there. Brew and Train should have called me or taken it upon themselves to order you not to go. They’ll be dealt with accordingly.”

  “No, Dominick. It wasn’t their fault. It was simply going to be a meeting to sign the contracts and then have a drink and leave, so it was all business. None of us knew it was a trap. Don’t get angry with Brew and Train. They were there for me and got to me so quickly. They were very upset. Please, Dominick.” She placed her palm against his chest.

  He hoisted her closer and narrowed his eyes down at her. “You’ll take their punishment for them?”

  She felt aroused, needy. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Hmm, well, we need to join the others back downstairs. That punishment will come later tonight when you’re at the penthouse.”

  “Oh, I didn’t go by the apartment and get any clothes,” she said, and then Giuseppe’s hands landed on her shoulders. She glanced up at him.

  “You won’t be needing any,” he said, and then Dominick pressed closer and kissed her.

  She hugged him, and when he released her lips, she pressed close and squeezed him tight. His hand slid along her ass and squeezed.

  “You’re going to have a very sore ass by the time we’re done spanking you.”

  She pulled back. “A spanking?” she asked, feeling both shocked and aroused.

  “Among other things.” Giuseppe pulled her closer to him and kissed her.

  He, too, ran his palm along her ass and then up her back to her hair. She tilted her chin up toward him.

  “No using your martial arts on us, though. You accept your punishments, and we guarantee pleasure,” Giuseppe stated and kissed her again.

  Andreas pulled her by her hand over to the couch. He lifted her up and then placed her over his lap. “You two can wait until later. I’m going to give her a small sample of what’s to come since it was me she thought was a male whore and used this room to fuck women.”

  “Andreas!” she screamed out just as his hand landed on her ass, hard.

  He spanked her several times as his brothers laughed, and then he lifted her up into a cradle position on his lap, cupped her cheeks, and stared down into her eyes.

  “I love you, woman. Never said those words to any other woman ever. Not even to get her to spread her thighs.” He winked.

  She gave his shoulder a smack. “That kind of teasing is going to cost you, Andreas.”

  “Oh really?” he asked and then began tickling her.

  She held her swollen hand out of the way and laughed as he pulled her close and hugged her tight.

  “Any time you want me to fuck you up here in this room I’ll make an exception,” he said, continuing to tease her.

  “I don’t think so, Andreas,” she said to him, and he stood with her in his arms and placed her feet on the floor. She fixed her dress, and Giuseppe looked at her hand.

  “We’re icing this the second we get downstairs,” he told her and kissed the top of her head.

  “Okay, but shots help to ease the ache better,” she said, walking into the hallway.

  Brew, Train, and Logic were waiting there, and something told her they’d overheard the conversation in the room.

  “I think you need to slow down on the shots. You get a little mouthy, Giada,” Andreas said to her as they all got into the elevator.

  “I guess that’s why they call it liquid courage.”

  “Who needs that when you have a right hook like you do?” Brew said to her.

  She chuckled.

  “I’d rather not think about our woman having to use her fists and fight for herself when we should have been there to protect her, as should have our security,” Dominick said very seriously.

  She noticed that Brew and Train looked upset. “Sometimes it takes a woman decking a man and putting him in his place to make him see that not all women are weak, but can be capable. I don’t think Brew decking Toro would have had the same effect that me doing it did. At least the crowd seemed to find it very amusing.”

  “There was a crowd watching and cheering after she decked him?” Logic asked, smiling.

  “Oh, she made a hell of a scene. Probably would be there still and doing shots with her new fans if I didn’t drag her out of there,” Brew teased.

  They laughed as the elevator doors opened.

  “Never underestimate a woman and definitely not the sweet, quiet, petite ones,” Logic said.

  They all headed into the crowd and back over to their friends. A hand on her ass and one on her hip and she knew these men were going to give her reminders all night about what was to come once they had her alone and naked. Boy, was she looking forward to her first spanking ever by all her men.

  She leaned into Dominick and pressed her face against his chest as they joined their friends, and as the night went on and his hand stilled at her waist, she eased it to her rear and looked up at him. Their gazes locked.

  “I love you, Dominick. I’m sorry I thought the worse.”

  “I love you, too,” he said and gave her rear a squeeze.

  His hand remained on her for quite some time, and she didn’t care one bit.

  Chapter 11

  “Dominick! Oh God!” She cried out as he thrust into her ass and smacked it at the same time. She couldn’t take it any longer. Her ass cheeks burned from their first round of spankings, and now Andreas was deep inside of her cunt and Dominick was thrusting into her ass, spanking her some more. She was exhausted yet aroused for the fourth time already. Were they going to screw her all night long?

  “Ready, baby?” Giuseppe said, gripping her hair and bringing her mouth to his cock.

  He’d just gotten washed up after bending her over the couch in the living room and screwing her over the couch for the
second time.

  She licked her lips and accepted his cock as he leaned closer toward her mouth. She began to suck on it, and she convulsed from another orgasm. She was losing her ability to remain upright, and then she heard Dominick roar his release. He slowly pulled from her ass, and then Andreas was next.

  “Fuck. I need more,” Giuseppe stated and pulled her from his cock. He lifted her off Andreas and brought her to the edge of the bed. He placed her feet on the floor and got right in behind her to thrust into her pussy from behind.

  “Oh, Giuseppe. I can’t. I can hardly stand, and I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

  “Good!” all three men said at once and snickered.



  “Oh!” she cried out, and her pussy leaked more cream.

  Giuseppe set a wild, fast pace as Andreas and Dominick got cleaned up. Her legs were shaking so much. She couldn’t believe this. Their punishment was to make love to her so many times that she’d pass out? Her eyes glazed over. She was losing focus when she came again, and then Giuseppe followed, calling out her name and spanking her several more times. She fell to the bed. And he massaged her shoulders, her back, and then her ass. It stung. He kissed along her skin where his hands had gone, and when he got to her ass, he looked at it.

  “What do you two think, pink enough?” he asked them.

  Dominick and Andreas moved closer and ran their palms along the cheeks. She tightened up.

  “No more, please. It’s sensitive.”

  “Hey, don’t forget that you’re the one who kept asking for more, hell, begging to be spanked harder.” Andreas leaned down to kiss her shoulder.

  She turned to look at him, her cheeks warm. “Well, I liked it, but I think I asked for too much.”

  “It will be fine. Something tells me this won’t be the last time we spank this ass,”’ Andreas said and then gave it a tap.

  “Oh.” She exhaled and lifted.

  “Shower, then bed,” Dominick ordered.

  She looked at the clock as Dominick lifted her up into his arms and carried her from their bedroom to the bathroom. It was after 3 a.m. “Oh God, I’m not going to be able to get up for work.”

  “You aren’t going tomorrow. Work from here, and then we’ll grab your clothes from your apartment. We need to talk about you moving in here with us.”

  “What?” she said to Dominick.

  “We want you here with us every day and every night, Giada,” Dominick told her.

  Tears filled her eyes. “So soon? Are you sure?”

  “Honey, we are not about to start doing the whole sleep-at-your-place-then-at-our-place thing. It makes no sense when we want you to be between us when we go to sleep at night and when we wake up in the morning.”

  She smiled at Giuseppe’s words. “Really?”

  “Yes. Now shower, then bed,” Dominick said to her.

  “Yes, sir, boss man.”

  He set her down in the shower.



  He narrowed his eyes in warning. “Watch it, wiseass, or you’ll be doing a hell of a lot more standing than sitting.”

  Her cheeks blushed, but she heard Andreas and Giuseppe chuckle. She stepped under the hot water and moaned softly. Oh yeah, she was definitely going to be spanked a lot by these men, especially by Dominick.

  * * * *

  Dominick heard his phone ringing, saw that it was Mateus and answered it.

  “What did you find out?” Dominick asked Mateus.

  “This Julia woman was with that Leslie chick who came onto Andreas that night out of nowhere. They were hanging out having drinks with Apponte last night,” Mateus told him.

  “Calvarro’s other guard. Fuck.”

  “I know. They were or are planning something. What is Giada going to do about work?” Mateus asked.

  “She isn’t going in today. We took care of that all night.”

  Mateus chuckled. “Good. You let me know the plan of action. I think you’re right, though. Calvarro is up to something, and we need to be ready.”

  “Yes we do. I’m going to put some men on that. Giada will remain here, and we’ll work out the job situation.”

  “What do you have in mind? I mean it’s probably not safe there, but if she’s aware of the danger and knows not to trust anyone, she could continue to work.”

  “I’m not feeling comfortable with that idea and with Giada returning to the job, not while that woman Julia is there and could be helping Calvarro and his cousins with whatever.”

  “I don’t blame you. Just keep in mind how hard she has worked to achieve that job, that position.”

  “Understood. I’ll keep you posted.” Dominick eased back in the chair and rubbed his chin. What the hell was Calvarro planning?


  He looked up and saw Giada standing there just wearing one of his dress shirts. She swallowed hard and looked upset. He knew she’d heard the phone call. “Morning, doll. Are you hungry?” he asked her and looked toward the kitchen where Giuseppe was making breakfast.

  She slid her hands down the shirt over her thighs. “Who was that on the phone? What did you mean about me not returning to my job and about Julia?”

  “Eavesdropping, Giada?” He put down the paper and sat forward in his seat.

  She worried her bottom lip, and he took in the sight of her. She looked sexy, gorgeous, and so young. God, she was youthful, and after a night of sex with three men, she had a glow about her. They had done that to her by loving her. He had to do whatever was necessary to protect her.

  “Come here.”

  She slowly walked closer to him. When she stood between his legs, he placed his hands on the sides of her knees and eased his palms up and down her legs and under the white dress shirt. She placed her hands on his shoulders when he pulled her closer and eased his palms all the way to her hips. She was naked underneath, and his cock hardened once again.

  She stared at him with those gorgeous blue eyes, and her long onyx hair slid forward, and he inhaled her shampoo.

  “We have things to discuss.” He eased his fingers along the crack of her ass and then toward the front to her cunt. He tapped the inside of her thigh, and she stepped her feet apart, knowing what he wanted without asking. She gripped his shoulders. He stroked her pussy lips while holding her gaze.

  “Do you trust me, Giada?” he asked her.


  His heart leaped with pride and joy. She was wet, ready for him to take her again, for Andreas and Giuseppe to have her, too. She loved when they took her together. They had been so worried about her size in comparison to them and about the possibility of hurting her, but then she’d begged for more and for them to take her harder, deeper.

  “Then you have to accept my orders, my ways of keeping you safe. Andreas, Giuseppe, and I won’t risk you getting hurt by any man, by anyone ever. Last night, with you having to defend yourself, never should have happened.” He stroked a finger up into her channel.

  She gripped his shoulders. “Dominick, please. Oh.”

  She moaned, and he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her. He stroked her cunt as he continued to thrust his finger into her channel. His muscles ached from the movements and position, but he needed her again. He would never get enough of her.

  He placed her onto the lower part of the counter and continued to pump his fingers into her cunt. Then he pulled them out and lowered his mouth to her pussy.

  “Sweet. Giada before breakfast. Great idea, Dom,” Giuseppe said and stood there watching.

  Dominick shoved his pants down and aligned his cock with her pussy. “I need you.”

  “I need you, too. Always,” she said.

  He slid into her cunt as she gripped onto his forearms. Dominick gripped her hips and stroked faster. “Unbutton your top. I want to see those sexy breasts and belly ring.”

  She undid the buttons and let the material part.

Giuseppe reached over and tugged on her nipple.

  “Giuseppe!” she cried out.

  “What is going on in here?” Andreas asked, joining them, all dressed and ready for the day with his hair still wet from his shower.

  Dominick stared at her face and into those gorgeous blue eyes. “You’ll do what I ask, Giada. Whatever I ask you’ll do, yes?”

  Her lips parted, and she cried out as she came.

  “Tell me. Answer me,” he demanded, trying not to come yet.

  “Yes, Dominick. Whatever you ask, I’ll do. Yes.”

  “Mine. Mine.” He grunted and thrust several more times and then came. He felt light-headed, overwhelmed with emotions, and he pulled her up as he slid from her cunt and squeezed her to him.

  “Whatever I ask, you do. It’s the only way we can protect you, the only way.” He kissed her neck.

  She clung to him tight. “I promise, Dominick. I will.”

  He looked at Andreas, who nodded with a very serious facial expression. She was everything to the three of them, everything, and she needed protection.

  Chapter 12

  “Where is she?” Giuseppe asked Train as he got out of the elevator at Club X and met him by the hallway.

  “She’s with Royce.”

  “I can’t believe her fucking boss would fire her. She was the one who was assaulted, sexually harassed,” he exclaimed.

  Train agreed. “We’re working on it now. Brew went to the bar where it all happened to see what he can do. She’s very upset.”

  Giuseppe saw Giada immediately. She was by the bar with Royce and the guys. They were gathered around her, protecting her.


  She turned and looked up with anger, not tears in her eyes. “Do you believe this crap?”

  He looked at the others then at her. “No, I don’t believe it.” He placed his hand on her hip. She immediately hugged him and kissed his chin where she could reach. He looked at Royce and the others, squinting.

  She pulled back. “I am so angry right now. I didn’t even want to come here first. I wanted to go by Carlitto’s. I know a bartender there. He was working the other night when this happened. I know they have surveillance videos and stuff. They probably have it on tape unless Calvarro and his cousins, the slimy snakes, destroyed those tapes. God, I wish I was taller. I could have hit his nose and broken it. Grrr.” She carried on, and he chuckled.


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