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The Cowboy's Secret (Cowboys After Dark: Book 3)

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

“Guilty,” he grinned. “I’ve been thinkin’ about that home-cooked meal, and a few other things,” he winked.

  “Me too,” she winked back, then feeling the flush move across her face she turned away to open the back door to retrieve the groceries and her bag

  “Here, I’ll do that,” he insisted moving past her. “I know you’re little Miss Independent, but I’m here now and I do the heavy liftin’.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, saluting him.

  He gave her a warning look but it was coupled with a grin.

  “Come on, young lady, before you get yourself in trouble.”

  “Me? Trouble?” she laughed following him in to the house.

  With Clint leading the way they moved through to the kitchen, and depositing the grocery bag on the center island he turned and smiled at her.

  “You wanna see your surprise?” he asked.

  “Of course!” she exclaimed. “What is it?”

  “Go look out the window.”

  Puzzled, she moved quickly to the large bay window and stared down at the barn below.

  “Holy crap! You’re kidding me. That’s fantastic!”

  The riding ring had four jumps set up; three with poles, and a block wall.

  “They arrived this morning. There’s a place sells this stuff just about an hour away, and I figured it’d be good to have them regardless.”

  “You did this for me,” she sighed, turning to face him.

  “Well, you and Jiminy. I figure he’ll get bored just trottin’ around.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she breathed walking over to him. “I’m speechless. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he smiled, his heart touched by her gratitude and excitement. “I can’t wait to see you jump him.”

  “Come here, big guy,” she murmured placing her arms around his neck.

  His cock stirred to life as she planted her lips against his. Dancing her tongue between his teeth and pressing her body against his, she kissed him with an urgent neediness that had been with her since leaving him the afternoon before.

  “Damn, woman,” he groaned as they broke apart.

  “You said that yesterday,” she muttered.

  “I meant it then too,” he frowned. “Do you have any idea the things I wanna do to you?” Did I just say that?

  “No, but I can’t wait to find out,” she mumbled, feeling a deep, hungry churning in her stomach.

  “Come on, let’s get your butt in that saddle before I decide to do somethin’ else to it.”

  “You say the most romantic things,” she teased.

  Grinning, he spun her around and slapped her backside with a single, hard swat.

  “OW! What was that for?” she protested.

  “You know darn well. Go on, after you sweet cheeks.”

  “We have to put away the groceries,” she argued.

  “Anythin’ that needs the refrigerator?” he asked, peering into the bags.

  “Just the chicken,” she replied.

  Rifling through the various items he found the cold package and quickly threw it in the stainless steel refrigerator.

  “Done! Now let’s go,” he ordered, hustling her outside.

  “What’s your hurry?” she asked as they climbed into the golf cart.

  “Simple, the sooner we leave, the sooner we get back,” he winked.


  Jiminy did everything Amelia expected, and more. Being cautious she had started with a simple cross-rail which the horse literally stepped over.

  “He was insulted,” she laughed as Clint raised the bar to a low vertical.

  After just a few minutes she was cantering around the ring, jumping fence after fence, until they were up high enough that Jiminy was tucking his knees and performing like a champion.

  “He is so easy to ride, I felt like a passenger,” she beamed as she trotted over to Clint and slid off his back. “Some people get intimidated by a big horse. Maybe was the problem for the girl who had her, because honestly, he’s a dream.”

  “That’s sure how it looked,” Clint nodded. “You two seem like a real match.”

  “We are. Wow, that was amazing. Thank you so much for bringing in those jumps. I thought my show days were over, but with this guy I’d be happy to put my hunt coat back on.”

  “Step at a time,” Clint warned. “Give it a couple of weeks and I’ll call my buddy and see if he’s interested in sellin’.”

  “I’m determined to own him,” Amelia said seriously, and Jiminy, standing at her side, as if understanding the conversation nudged her. “See,” she laughed, leaning against his neck. “He wants it too!”

  They headed back to the barn and Amelia placed him the cross-ties.

  “We can’t do anything about makin’ that paddock secure for him,” Clint remarked as he pulled off the saddle, “but when I was talkin’ to Sam last night, he suggested we get some pipe and extend the corral. We could add another thirty-six feet.’

  “What a good idea,” she replied. “You and Sam seem more like friends than boss and employee.”

  “Yep, you’re right. He is a good friend,” Clint agreed. “We’ve been through some interestin’ times together.”

  “I’d love to hear about them,” she said lightly.

  “Maybe one of these days,” he frowned. “Meantime, let’s get this boy cleaned up.”

  Looking at his face she could tell he had no intention of telling her anything, and as she continued to groom the big horse her curiosity ballooned.

  What’s the big secret? Why won’t you share stuff with me, and how can you be MIA on the internet? That’s impossible!

  She put Jiminy in his corral and threw him some hay while Clint carried her tack into the barn, and they headed back up to the house in the golf cart.

  “You can use one of the guest rooms,” he said as they walked into the house.

  “Great, thanks,” she smiled

  Stopping through the kitchen and grabbing her bag, she followed him down a wide hallway into a beautifully decorated bedroom. It boasted a wrought iron bed with a soft green and white bedspread, and offered sliding glass doors that led out to a private balcony overlooking the ranch below.

  “What a lovely room,” she declared. “Mind if I copy it.”

  “Of course not,” he grinned.

  “The thought of redoing that house becomes more daunting every day. After all the homes I’ve done to sell, I thought fixing up my own would be fun but it’s not. It’s weird.”

  “Maybe you’re just tired of doin’ it,” Clint suggested. “Let me ask you somethin’, if you could move into a ranch where you didn’t have to do a thing, would that appeal to you?”

  She paused and looked at him.


  “What,” he chuckled.

  “That thought never even crossed my mind, but the answer is, in a heartbeat. That’s exactly what I should’ve done. Dammit.”

  “It’s not too late. You could put that property back on the market, move your horses here, like we talked about, and start lookin’ for somethin’ else.”

  “I’m definitely going to give that some serious thought,” she nodded. “So strange, the idea of doing some cosmetic stuff to that house and flipping it totally appeals to me. I can do that in a few weeks. How weird is that? Fixing it and selling it is motivating me, but renovating it for myself, like I thought I wanted to, doesn’t appeal to me all.”

  “Sometimes you gotta look at things from a different angle,” he smiled. “Towels, soap, all that stuff is in the bathroom. I’m gonna jump in the shower myself. See you in the livin’ room.”

  “Yes, you will,” she smiled. “I’d hug you but I’d rather wait until I’m not all dusty and dirty.”

  “Hey, you can hug me any time,” he said quietly, moving over to her, “dusty and dirty works just fine.”

  Pulling her against him, he held her tightly, relishing the feel of her breasts against his chest, and her soft yieldin
g as she leaned into him, then planting a light kiss upon her lips, he gave her a wink and left the room.

  Sighing happily Amelia ambled across to the windows and gazed down at the scene below. Clint had sectioned out the paddocks for maximum usage, giving each a slight hill for the horses to roam up and down, building their muscles. The shelters were close to the gates for ease of feeding, and she could see how the positioning maximized the shade. There were huge troughs for water that had automatic valves keeping them full, and the round pens, barn and riding arena were ideally located.

  You really know what you’re doin’ Clint Hogan, and you have gorgeous animals here. You didn’t just start up when you arrived in this town, you’ve been doing this a long time. How have you erased your past? I have to know where you came from.

  Moving into the bathroom she stripped off and turned on the shower. The counter was pale green granite, and one large mirror covered the wall behind it.

  This house cost you. Everything is up-market and high quality. You really are an enigma.

  Stepping into the shower she washed off, then languished a few minutes, enjoying the hot water as it splashed across her body. Finally turning off the faucets she toweled off, then standing with her back to the mirror she looked over her shoulder; though fading, marks from her spanking could still be seen. A few butterflies danced happily, and dressing quickly she dabbed on some makeup and headed to the living room.

  “There you are,” he grinned as she walked in. “Don’t mean to sound hokey, but you look pretty as a picture.”

  “Thanks, you clean up good too,” she grinned back.

  Dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt, his tanned skin and hazel eyes jumped out at her. His dark wavy hair still slick from the shower, was combed back off his face accentuating his chiseled good looks.

  Good Lord, you look like you jumped off the cover of a romance novel.

  “Coffee, or something stronger?” he asked.

  “Since I don’t have to drive anywhere, at least for a while,” she added quickly, not wanting him to think she was assuming anything, “why don’t you fix me something. I have a feeling you know how to mix up an excellent drink or two.”

  “So happens that’d be correct,” he nodded as he moved behind the bar. “Ever had a Black Orchid?”

  “No, haven’t even heard of it,” she admitted perching on a bar stool.

  “Then allow me to introduce you to the wonders of this adult beverage,” he grinned, pulling out an aluminum martini shaker.

  “I will allow you to introduce me to anything you’d like,” she winked.

  “Aha, I will hold you to that,” he chuckled, pouring various liquids into the metal container.

  Scooping crushed ice from a bucket in the mini-refrigerator he dropped it into his concoction, and placing the top on the shaker he dramatically twirled it around before straining the drink into two martini glasses.

  “There you are, darlin’, a Black Orchid.”

  “Wow, that was impressive,” she remarked staring at the charcoal grey drink.

  “Say that after you taste it.”

  Lifting the glass she clinked it against his, then took a sip.

  “Whoa, that is fantastic. My gosh, Clint, where did you learn to make this?”

  “Just somethin’ I picked up along the way,” he vaguely replied. “Glad you like it.”

  He moved around the bar, and taking her hand he led her to the large, tufted, brown leather sofa.

  “Tell me how you learned to flip houses,” he said. “Is it something you fell into or did you set out to do it?”

  “My father was in the business and I learned it from him. There’s nothing to it really, you just have to have a good team to work with and know the market. In the city I had that. I feel a bit lost out here. I’m sure I can find a painter and a guy to put in some decent appliances, hopefully a decent roofer. Outside of that, I really don’t want to get carried away with that house. I’m going to do what you suggested. Just the cosmetic stuff and sell it, then find a ranch already put together. What?” she asked.

  He had been staring at her intently as she spoke, and his eyes were full of something she couldn’t quite interpret.

  “Take another sip of that drink,” he said softly.

  “Okay, why?” she asked as she sipped, then sipped again. “It is really good.”

  “I know,” he nodded drinking his own.

  “Was I boring you?” she asked. “I hope not.”

  “Nope, I just wanted you to enjoy it for a minute,” he replied.

  “Why,” she giggled.

  “Because,” he said, placing his glass on the coffee table, “it’s all you can have for a while.”

  “It is?” she frowned.


  Taking the glass from her hand he placed it next to his on the coffee table, then standing up he reached down, grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her to her feet.

  “What are you-?”

  Before she could finish he had lifted her off her feet, and was carrying her down the hallway.

  “I’m not waitin’ another second,” he murmured, kicking open his bedroom door.

  “Thank God,” she muttered.


  He laid her on the bed, closed the shutters that graced his windows, and drew the drapes over the sliding glass doors. Moving back to her he sat on the edge of the mattress and ran his fingers around her face.

  “I meant what I said,” he breathed, “you took my breath away when you walked into the living room.”

  “Me too,” she sighed. “You look so handsome,” in that white shirt with your dark wet hair, and your eyes…there’s so much in them.

  “I do?” he smiled.

  “You do,” she nodded.

  “Have you ever been blindfolded?”

  “Uh, no,” she whispered, a flurry of excitement surging through her.

  “Would you like to try it?”

  “Very much,” she gulped.

  “Close your eyes,” he said kissing her softly. “I’ll be right back.”

  Nervously she did as he said; it was happening, he was going to make love to her, and the thought alone was enough to send goosebumps to life.

  His footfalls signaled his return, and she held her breath as he placed a mask across her eyes. She could feel his fingers deftly unbutton her shirt, a moment later pulling it from the waist of her jeans, and when he opened her blouse she uttered a small cry.

  “You okay, darlin’?”

  “Uh-huh,” she managed.

  She felt him unbutton then unzip her jeans, and heard him move to the foot of the bed where pulled off her ankle boots and socks. Holding her breath she lifted her pelvis as he wriggled her pants past her hips and slid them off her legs. Listening to the rustling sound of him undressing, she wriggled on the bed, anxiously waiting for him to join her.

  Gettin’ impatient? he thought, smiling down at her. You’ve got a lot to learn.

  Stretching out alongside her he kissed her ear, her neck, then traveled his lips across her clavicle down to her breasts, trailing his tongue around the lace of the bra cups, and when his steel cock accidentally rubbed against her thigh he caught his breath.

  Damn, it’s been so fuckin’ long. How have I managed to not do this?

  You just haven’t met anyone, least, anyone that made you want to.

  Clutching the shoulders of her shirt he yanked the sleeves down to her elbows, pinning her arms in place, then flipped back the cups of her bra, exposing her full breasts and luscious, strawberry nipples.

  “Ooooh, Clint,” she gasped, luxuriating in the light bondage and feeling the exposure. “You’re making me feel…so…much…”

  “Mmmm, and you’re about to feel a lot more,” he crooned, tweaking a nipple, making her yelp.

  Dropping his mouth to her cherry tips he sucked hungrily, inwardly groaning at the enormous joy he’d been denying himself. Getting lost in the moment he closed his eyes as
he devoured her breasts, drawing each into his mouth with a ravenous longing. She was lifting her chest, utterly caught up in his eager energy, but when she tried to move her arms to clutch him the shirt stopped her, inciting her to cry out in frustration.

  Her short, sharp squeal grabbed him, and raising his head he moved his lips to hers, kissing her languidly before taking his fingers to the gusset of her panties.

  “Hmmm, I can feel your dampness,” he purred.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please? What are you askin’ for?”

  “Please take off my shirt…let me be naked with you.”

  “I could oblige you, but you have to ask again, the right way,” he murmured in her ear.

  “The right way? I don’t understand? Help me, please, I can’t think,” she muttered.

  “You said it yesterday, real natural, just came right outta you,” he reminded her.

  “Oooh, please, Sir,” she blurted.

  “There you go, darlin’,” he crooned, and kissing his way down her body he looped his fingers through the sides of her knickers, pulled them down her legs and tossed them aside.

  His cock was beside itself, urging him to allow it inside the golden palace of her pussy, and it was becoming almost impossible to ignore the demand. Sighing deeply he returned to her side, and raising her up, pulled off her shirt and unsnapped her bra.

  “Thank you,” she breathed, and engulfing him in her arms she clutched him tightly, bringing him with her as she laid back down. “You feel so amazing,” she mewed.

  Laying on top of her he rested his weight, delighting in the sweetness of her skin against his, the pressure of her body rubbing his cock, and the tantalizing tickle of her fingertips as they moved down his back. Unable to put it off another second he raised himself up and grabbed the condom he’d placed in the drawer of his nightstand. So long, so fuckin’ long, he silently groaned as he slid the sheath in place.

  The blindfold had thrilled her, the shirt pinning her arms had caused an intense adrenalin rush, his fervent attention to her breasts had sent a rush of wetness between her legs, and when his fingers had fluttered across the crotch of her panties she could barely stand it; she wanted him, she wanted to feel his control and his power; she wanted to be taken.


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