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The Cowboy's Secret (Cowboys After Dark: Book 3)

Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  “You thought snooping around my office might answer some questions,” he interrupted.

  “Uh-huh,” she managed, trying to quiet her hammering heart.

  “The curious cat again, come out to play,” he remarked shaking his head. “Why are there two bottles of water on the floor?”

  “Uh, I put them there so I wouldn’t leave a mark on your desk,” she muttered, “and so they wouldn’t fall off and wake you.”

  “Hmmm, well at least you’re an honest snooper.”

  “I’m sorry, Clint,” she mumbled.

  “Make that, you were an honest snooper,” he quipped.

  “I am, sorry…kind of,” she protested.

  “Come on back to bed,” he ordered, an edge to his voice.

  Turning off the lamp, she was grateful for the cloaking darkness; her face was blushing furiously, and she didn’t want him to see the guilty look in her eyes.

  “Don’t forget the water,” he reminded her.

  She stooped down and picked up the bottles, and as she walked past him into the hallway he swatted her, hard.

  “Ouch,” she exclaimed. “I suppose you’re going to spank me now.”

  “Nope, right now we’re both goin’ back to bed. I’m gonna sleep on this. There’s more than one way to punish a bad girl.”

  “If you’d told me-”

  “Hey, don’t even go there,” he growled, stopping as they entered the bedroom. “You’re in enough trouble.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she muttered, then frowned, surprised at how the response had automatically fallen from her lips.

  “That’s better, now get yourself into that bed,” he said firmly.

  “You want a water?” she said lightly, offering him a bottle.

  “You’re treadin’ on thin ice, girl,” he threatened.

  “Okay, jeez, I’m going,” she said hastily darting across the room to the bed, and placing both bottles on her nightstand she slid under the covers.

  I told you not to do it.

  Yeah well, that’s not helping me right now.

  I don’t think anything’s going to help you.

  Shit, you’re probably right.

  Clint slipped in beside her, turned off his bedside lamp, and turning to face her he propped himself up on an elbow. The fire was still burning but the flames were low, making his face barely discernible.

  “Why are you still wearin’ that sweatshirt?” he asked softly.

  “I, uh, just didn’t take it off,” she mumbled.

  “Rule number one, when you’re in bed with me you’re naked.”

  “Oh, right,” she said hurriedly, and sitting up she pulled it over her head, throwing it on the floor. “Better?”

  “Much. Rule number two, no more snoopin’. If you wanna know somethin’, ask me. If I wanna tell you, I will, if I don’t, that’s an end to it. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now go back to sleep,” he directed, and pulling her against his chest he hugged her tightly.

  “You’re not mad?” she murmured.

  “Of course I’m mad, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still, uh, wanna hold you,” and it doesn’t mean I’m still not crazy about you either, dammit.

  Sighing deeply she sank into him, nuzzling her cheek against the soft bristles of his chest.

  “I just want to know about you. Is that so terrible?”

  “It’s not terrible, but,” he paused, taking a deep breath, “I’ll tell you things as we get to know each other. Don’t be impatient. When you’re gallopin’ up to a jump it’s all about timin’, you wait to see your take off point; this is the same, you’ll know more when the time’s right, I promise you.”

  “Okay, but I can’t stop being curious, it’s just in my nature,” she muttered.

  “Really?” he quipped. “There’s a news flash!”

  “Are you going to-”

  “Shush, enough, go back to sleep.”

  “But I have to know, are you-”

  “Dammit, Amelia, we’ll talk about all this in the mornin’.”

  “I can’t wait until-”

  “If you don’t stop talkin’ and go to sleep right now,” he interrupted, “I’ll turn on the light and spank your ass bright red. I’m warnin’ you, just one more word, and I mean just one.”

  “Don’t be such a-”

  Bolting upright he switched on the beside lamp, jerked her across his lap, and began spanking her with rapid-fire slaps.

  “Damn, woman, when are you gonna get it through that gorgeous head of yours that I mean what I say?”

  “Ooowww,” she wailed, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, stop, I’ll go to sleep, I swear.”

  “You just had to keep pushin’ the envelope, test and test and test,” he scolded, his hand landing smack after smack, “and I guess your bottom is just gonna have to walk itself around red and stingin’ until you get it.”

  “I get it, I swear, ow, ow, ow, stop, please.”

  He paused, running his hand over the scorched skin.

  “Amelia, I know you’re smart as a whip, so you can’t be playin’ dumb with me. You touched the stove, and now you’re gettin’ burned.”

  “What do you mean, touched the stove,” she whimpered.

  “You’re like a little kid; don’t touch the stove, it’ll burn you, but the curious kid doesn’t listen and touches the stove.”

  “Oh,” she muttered.

  “A few more for good measure, then you go to sleep, you hear?”

  “Ooooh, yes, Sir,” she grumbled, wriggling at the thought of it.

  Ignoring her kicking legs and high-pitched squeals, he delivered several more slow, hard slaps to her hot, stinging behind.

  “That’s it. Crawl off my lap, lay down, and go to sleep, and not another word.”

  As she sidled off his thighs, she paused, kissed him on the cheek, looked at him longingly, then slipped between the sheets.

  Ouch, ouch, that hurt. I bet he keeps all his promises.

  Why did you test him?

  Couldn’t help myself. Weird though, I’m really glad I did, and as she closed her eyes, a slight, satisfied smiled crossed her lips.

  Clint rolled close to her, draping an arm across her body. He’d spanked her hard because he’d had to. He wasn’t even sure why he’d felt he needed to land his hard so smartly, he just did; it was instinct, and his instinct was never wrong.

  You’re adorable, and naughty, and defiant, and you’ve needed someone like me for a long time. No wonder you’re still single. I’ll bet a lot of men have disappointed you. Don’t worry, sunshine, I’m not like them, I won’t let you down.


  Though they’d overslept, Clint couldn’t resist dropping his fingers between her legs and teasing her out of sleep.

  “Mmm, aren’t you just so wet and open?” he murmured in her ear, that spankin’ no doubt.

  She moaned, thrusting her bottom back at him, wincing and uttering a small hissing sound of pain as she did.

  “Serves you right,” he mumbled, and pressing his ready cock at her entrance he plunged home.

  Clutching her hips he thrust forcefully, knowing his pelvis was stinging her backside as he did; not only was it a reminder of his resolve, it was fueling her fire. Purposefully he stroked without pause until their morning glory enveloped them, and they shuddered into their orgasms.

  “What a wonderful way to wake up,” she sighed, “except my butt hurts.”

  “As it should,” he muttered, kissing her neck as he cuddled her. “It’s late, I’m gettin’ up.”

  “No, I don’t want you to,” she protested. “Don’t go, let’s just stay here all morning.”

  “One of these days we might do that, but not today. I’m jumpin’ in the shower, then I’ll go and fix us some breakfast. You go use the guest room.”

  “You don’t want me to shower with you?” she asked, snuggling closer.

  “No, because then it won’t be five minutes,” he replied firm
ly, and kissing her shoulder he tumbled out of bed.

  “You’re no fun,” she grumbled.

  He paused, turned, and grinned.

  “You have no idea how wrong you are, but you’ll find out.” Not knowing how to respond, she just stared back at him. “Heavens, the curious cat has lost her tongue,” he quipped, and disappeared into his bathroom.

  Stretching languidly she slowly moved from the bed and headed down the hallway, and as she thought about his parting comment she felt a sweet stirring in her belly.

  You are so sexy, Clint Hogan. I’ve never met anyone like you, but as she stepped into the shower her focus switched to the day ahead. Now that she knew she wanted to flip the house, she was determined to find a painter, a roofer, and an electrician to make the few necessary repairs; she’d leave the shelters and fencing to the new owner.

  Stepping from the shower and dressing quickly, she felt a new vigor and excitement. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and in spite of her night’s criminal activities, she could sense Clint’s adoration of her growing.

  I know it’s not my imagination. He’s feeling what I’m feeling, and it’s all thanks to Jiminy jumping over that fence. So strange how life creates these fleeting moments that change our lives.

  Wandering into the kitchen she found Clint whisking some eggs in a bowl, and he pointed to a yellow sheet of paper sitting on the table.

  “That’s a list of contractors, some I used for this place,” Clint remarked as he poured the eggs into a skillet. “I think you’ll find everyone you’ll need.”

  “Clint, thanks so much. This is incredibly helpful,” she said, pouring herself some coffee. “Man, I’m starving.”

  “The toast is about to pop up, would you mind? The butter is on the counter there.”

  They puttered around, making their breakfast, and again Amelia felt as if she was home, as if she belonged at his side and in his house. As she gingerly sat down at the table, she saw Clint watching her, grinning broadly.

  “Must you?” she quipped.

  “Absolutely,” he replied.

  “Am I allowed to come back today and ride Jiminy?”

  “Yep, I would like you to come back today and ride Jiminy,” he repeated, “and by that time I’ll have figured out what to do with you.”

  “What to do with me?” she frowned.

  “You don’t seriously think I’m going to let you off do you? You think you can go poking around my office in the middle of the night and not answer for it?”

  “You spanked me already,” she argued.

  “You know what that was for,” he replied, a look of incredulity on his face. “Damn, girl, you really like pressin’ your luck.”

  “I do?” she said innocently.

  “Just make sure you’re back here by two,” he replied.

  “I’m always here by two,” she retorted.

  “Or earlier,” he countered.

  “These eggs are delicious,” she remarked, thinking it might be wise to change the subject.

  “Glad you approve,” he smiled, “and if you want to stay over for dinner, you’ll be welcome.” She would? Two nights in a row? Hell yeah! Think about it.

  “Really? I would, thanks so much.” Wow, two nights in a row. Awesome.

  A short time later, as he walked her to her car, she glanced down at Jiminy in his corral.

  “His blanket’s off. I was going to do that before I left,” she remarked.

  “Check your watch. It’s not exactly first thing in the morning,” he replied.

  “Wow, he’s amazing,” she declared, pointing at the riding ring where one of the cowboys was barrel racing.

  “That’s we do here,” he smiled, “and I have to get to work.”

  “Thanks, Clint,” she smiled up at him, “for everything.”

  “Even your sore butt?” he winked.

  “Yes, even that,” especially that.

  He watched her drive away, then moved quickly back to his office and sat behind the desk. Staring at the envelopes and papers there wasn’t anything that might have given away the secrets of his past. He’d already known that of course; his checkered history was well hidden, and she could have poked around his office for an hour and not found anything. Hearing the kitchen door he headed out, and found Sam pouring himself some coffee.

  “I saw her leave, figured it was safe,” Sam declared.

  “I’m glad to see you. I need an ear,” Clint frowned.

  “I figured,” Sam grinned.

  “Caught her at my desk in the middle of the night,” Clint grimaced.

  “No shit? Can’t really blame her? She’s obviously crazy about you, and you won’t tell her anythin’. What’s she supposed to do?”

  “That’s what she said,” Clint nodded.

  “All those dinners you had at Tom’s, what did you talk about?”

  “Her, and what we do with the horses here, but mostly her,” Clint admitted.

  “So she spilled her guts, and you shared bugger all, right?” Sam asked pointedly.

  “That’d be right,” Clint sighed.

  “If you wanna keep her around you gotta give her somethin’. At some point she’ll get fed up and think you’re hidin’ somethin’ really bad, like, criminal.”

  “Yep, I know,” Clint admitted.

  “You’re feelin’ things for this woman, and it’s been a long time comin’.”

  “Yep, it has, I just don’t wanna jump the gun,” Clint frowned.

  “I think you’ve already done that,” Sam chuckled, “and I’m glad. You’ve been alone too damn long.”

  “Yeah, I guess I have,” Clint agreed. “Happened fast though.”

  “Maybe, or maybe it’s taken two years,” Sam remarked raising an eyebrow, “and you know it’s like ridin’ a new horse; sometime’s you just click, and there’s no explainin’ it.”

  “I was thinkin’ the exact same thing,” Clint sighed.

  “So, make up your mind. You want this thing to work, tell her about all the crap. If you don’t…” Sam said, shrugging his shoulders.

  “I wouldn’t have slept with her if I didn’t, you know that,” Clint said tersely.

  “Then there’s your answer,” Sam declared.

  “You’re right,” Clint nodded, finding a mug and getting himself some coffee. “I’ve just gotta be sure, and it’s not gonna be easy, tellin’ her the story. Where do I start?”

  “Start with the dungeon,” Sam suggested. “That’s where it all began.”

  “Funny I should end up with a woodshed,” Clint chuckled grimly. “I guess stuff follows you wherever you go.”

  “Hey, we’ve both got a passion for it, and you just turn it into somethin’ more. Like your business. I could start my own trainin’ barn but I’d rather work for you. You’ve got the drive. You take things further. I just don’t want the hassle.”

  “It’d be tough around here without you, Sam,” Clint said somberly. “Don’t know what I would’ve done if you and the boys hadn’t come with me.”

  “Worked for all of us,” Sam replied. “I’m gonna start on that corral after lunch. We can put Jiminy in the big field with some food ’til Amelia shows up to ride.”

  “Yeah, sounds good, but I think she’ll be finding herself doin’ something else this afternoon,” Clint said thoughtfully. “I think not ridin’ is gonna be part of her punishment for snoopin’.”

  “Oh, man, that’ll work. She loves ridin’ that horse,” Sam agreed.

  “Yep, she does. I’ve got a few things in mind for her,” Clint smiled.

  “I’ll just bet you do,” Sam smiled back. “She’s a spitfire that one, but she’s met her match with you!”

  “Kinda goes both ways,” Clint remarked, “and I’m diggin’ it.”


  It was early afternoon, and after a productive day making appointments with the contractors Clint had provided her, Amelia was finally beginning to feel on top of things. Eager to jump on Jimi
ny for her afternoon ride, she was just about to walk out the door when a chime from her phone told her she had a text. Picking it up she saw it was from Clint, asking her to come directly to the house when she arrived; the butterflies immediately sprang to life.

  Shoot. I’ll bet that means he’s got something in store for me. God, I pray it’s not another spanking. My butt is still scratchy.

  She sent back a quick okay, and grabbing her overnight bag she headed for her car.

  It was a fifteen minute drive to his house, and she spent it worrying. Yes, it had been wrong to snoop, and she had no-one but herself to blame if she ended up over his knee again, but as much as she dreaded another hard spanking she couldn’t deny the thought titillated her.

  Turning off the main highway and driving down the narrow road, the familiar white fencing came into view, and stomach churning, she headed up the driveway and stopped in front of his house. Taking a deep breath she climbed from the car, walked nervously across to the front door and rang the bell.

  “Hey there.”

  His voice came from behind her, and turning around she saw him walking towards her.

  “Hi. I’m here,” she smiled.

  “So I see. Go on in, the door’s unlocked.”

  Apprehensively she walked inside, hanging her jacket on the coat rack.

  “Give me that,” he smiled, taking her overnight bag. “Let’s deposit this where it belongs, in my room this time.”

  His words brought a cheer to her heart, but as she followed him down the hallway he paused outside his office.

  “Wait for me in there, darlin’,” he instructed.

  “Your office?” the scene of the crime? Really? Uh-oh.

  “Yep, I’ll be right in.”

  He pecked her lightly on the cheek, and continuing down the hallway into his bedroom he couldn’t help but grin.

  Anticipation, nothin’ like it, he thought, depositing her bag on a chair near the sliding glass doors. Staring down at the barn below he saw the boys starting work on the corral, and scanning his eyes past them he spied Jiminy wandering in the large field, happily munching the hay that had been scattered about. Enjoy your day off, big guy. You deserve it.

  Returning to study, he found Amelia standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.


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