Shadow Warrior
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2. Richard Helms, with William Hood, A Look over My Shoulder: A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency (New York: 2003), 380.
3. Quoted in William Colby and Peter Forbath, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York: 1978), 242; John Prados, Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby (New York: 2003), 192.
4. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 242.
5. Quoted in Robert M. Hathaway and Russell Jack Smith, Richard Helms as Director of the CIA (Washington, DC: 2006), 101.
6. Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton. The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter (New York: 1991), 154, 156–157.
7. Ibid., 56–57.
8. Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 103; David Robarge, “Moles, Defectors and Deceptions: James Angleton and CIA Counterintelligence,” Journal of Intelligence History 3, no. 2 (2003): 35.
9. Quoted in Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 104.
10. “New Information on President Kennedy’s Assassination,” Intelligence Digest, April 1, 1975, 20; Robarge, “Moles, Defectors,” 37–38; Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 104–106.
11. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 245. A subsequent investigation determined that both Golitsin and Nosenko had been authentic defectors. The investigation provided information on Soviet operations showing that both had been targeted for assassination by the KGB. Robarge, “Moles, Defectors,” 39. David Blee, a later chief of central intelligence, believed that Angleton’s unfounded suspicions cost some Soviet defectors their lives. Harold Ford, William E. Colby as Director of Central Intelligence, 1973–1976 (Washington, DC: 1993), 87, released under Freedom of Information Act, Aug. 11, 2011.
12. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 246.
13. Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 335.
14. Author interview with Sally Shelton-Colby, Jan. 8, 2007.
15. Author interview with Paul Colby, June 10, 2007; author interview with Stan Temko, Jan. 6, 2007; author interview with Christine Colby Giraudo, June 5, 2010.
16. Author interview with Susan Colby, June 5, 2010.
17. Author interview with Barbara Colby, Jan. 5, 2007.
18. William Colby, Lost Victory: A Firsthand Account of America’s Sixteen-Year Involvement in Vietnam (Chicago: 1989), 233.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid., 227.
21. Quoted in Thomas L. Ahern Jr., CIA and the Generals: Covert Support to Military Government in South Vietnam, Center for the Study of Intelligence, October 1998, available at National Security Archive,, 74.
22. Lewis Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles: The Abrams Tapes, 1968–1972 (Lubbock, TX: 2004), 13, 110.
23. Quoted in Randall Bennett Woods, Quest for Identity: America Since 1945 (New York: 2005), 268.
24. Colby, Lost Victory, 233.
25. Thomas W. Scoville, Reorganizing for Pacification Support (Washington, DC: 1982), 67.
26. Author interview with Mike Hacker, Oct. 23, 2007; author interview with Louis Jankowski, Nov. 7, 2007; author interview with Bruce Kinsey, Sept. 20, 2007.
27. Thomas L. Ahern Jr., CIA and Rural Pacification in South Vietnam, Center for the Study of Intelligence, August 2001, available at National Security Archive,, 253, 257, 262; author interview with Frank Scotton, Oct. 12–14, 2007.
28. Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 279.
29. Ibid., 284–285.
30. Ibid., 287; quoted in Thomas K. Adams, US Special Operations Forces in Action: The Challenge of Unconventional Warfare (London: 1998), 133.
31. Author interview with Tom Martin, Oct. 1, 2007; Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 301, 303.
32. Quoted in Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 297.
33. Colby, Lost Victory, 234.
34. Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 313, 329; Colby, Lost Victory, 235.
35. Colby, Lost Victory, 238.
36. Sheehan interview with Colonel Carl Bernard, n.d., Box 120, F-Bernard, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
37. Carl Bernard to Eric Bergerud, March 20, 1991, Box 22, Colby Papers, Texas Tech University; Sheehan interview with Colonel Carl Bernard, n.d., Box 120, F-Bernard, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
38. Neil Sheehan, Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (New York: 1988), 700–701.
39. Daniel Ellsberg, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (New York: 2002), 117, 121–123.
40. Sheehan interview with Colonel Carl Bernard, n.d., Box 120, F-Bernard, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress; author interview with Sally Shelton-Colby, Jan. 8, 2007.
41. Quoted in Randall B. Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition (New York: 2006), 637.
42. Quoted in Woods, Quest for Identity, 271.
43. Quoted in Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 75.
44. Colby, Lost Victory, 239.
45. Ibid., 240.
46. Quoted in Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 307.
47. Ibid., 307, 333.
48. Prados, Lost Crusader, 203; Colby, Lost Victory, 242–243.
49. Colby, Lost Victory, 254.
50. Quoted in Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 17, 26, 40, 44.
51. Colby, Lost Victory, 254; Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 50.
52. Colby, Lost Victory, 258–259; quoted in Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 288 n. 28.
53. Quoted in ibid., 331.
54. Ellsworth Bunker to Walter Rostow, Oct. 9, 1968, NSF Memos to President, Rostow, Box 40, LBJ Library.
55. Colby, Lost Victory, 265; see also J. P. Vann, “Thoughts on GVN/VC Control,” Nov. 1968, Box 64, F15, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
56. Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 105; Ellsworth Bunker to Lyndon B. Johnson, Dec. 19, 1968, NSF Memos to President, Rostow, Box 39, LBJ Library; “Colby Memo on 1969 AAPC,” June 28, 1969, RG 472, MACV-CORDS, Files of Harry Lee Braddock, Box 7, F Colby, National Archives II.
57. Author interview with Mike Hacker, Oct. 23, 2007.
58. Ibid.
59. Ibid.
60. Ibid.
61. Author interview with Bruce Kinsey, Sept. 20, 2007.
62. Ibid.
63. Sheehan interview with Lieutenant Colonel William Taylor, Nov. 11, 1975, Box 66, F4, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
64. Author interview with Frank Scotton, Oct. 12–14, 2007; Sheehan interview with Colonel David Farham, Oct. 15, 1975, Box 22, F4, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress; Julian Ewell Obituary, Washington Post, Aug. 5, 2009.
65. William E. Colby to Major Thomas K. Adams, Dec. 29, 1988, Box 6, F19, Colby Papers, Texas Tech University.
66. Author interview with Bruce Kinsey, Sept. 20, 2007.
1. See Jeffrey Kimball, Nixon’s Vietnam War (Lawrence, KS: 1998), 87–104; Henry Kissinger, White House Years (Boston: 1979), 272.
2. Quoted in Thomas L. Ahern Jr., CIA and Rural Pacification in South Vietnam, Center for the Study of Intelligence, August 2001, available at National Security Archive,, 336.
3. “Memo of Laird-Ky Conversation,” April 4, 1969, Box C 31, Papers of Melvin Laird, Gerald Ford Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan; quoted in Randall Bennett Woods, Quest for Identity: America Since 1945 (New York: 2005), 292.
4. Ahern, CIA and Rural Pacification, 337–338.
5. Lewis Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles: The Abrams Tapes, 1968–1972 (Lubbock, TX: 2004), 55, 61, 64; author interview with Gage McAfee, Aug. 8, 2007.
6. John Prados, Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby (New York: 2003), 214–215; Victor Marchetti, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (New York: 1974), 246–247.
7. Thomas K. Adams, US Special Operations Forces in Action: The Challenge of Unconventional Warfare (London: 1998), 137, 139; William Colby, Lost Victory: A Firsthand Account of America’s Sixteen-Year Involvement in Vietnam (Chicago: 1989), 281.
8. Author interview with Gage McAfee, Aug. 8, 2007; author in
terview with Frank Snepp, May 21, 2008.
9. Quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 219.
10. Ibid., 216.
11. Ibid., 218.
12. Author interview with Gage McAfee, Aug. 8, 2007; author interview with Frank Snepp, May 21, 2008.
13. Prados, Lost Crusader, 216, 225.
14. Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 220; author interview with Gage McAfee, Aug. 8, 2007; USMACV to Phoenix Directorate, n.d., Box 22, Colby Papers, Texas Tech University.
15. Prados, Lost Crusader, 220; Zalin Grant, Facing the Phoenix: The CIA and the Political Defeat of the United States in Vietnam (New York: 1991), 32–33.
16. Quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 221.
17. Quoted in ibid., 225.
18. Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 389.
19. “President Thieu’s Concern,” CIA Information Cable, March 18, 1968, NSF Memos to President, Rostow, Box 31, LBJ Library; see Ellsworth Bunker to Lyndon B. Johnson, Dec. 19, 1968, NSF Memos to President, Box 43, Rostow, LBJ Library.
20. Ed Lansdale to Ellsworth Bunker, June 7, 1968, NSF Memos to President, Rostow, Box 35, LBJ Library; author interview with James Nach, Sept. 2, 2008. See also Douglas Blaufarb to William E. Colby, Dec. 1, 1989, Box 6, F20, Colby Papers, Texas Tech University. Blaufarb lamented “the failure of the Thieu government to develop a popular political base, choosing instead to rely on the officer corps as its base. That led to the massive corruption within the military and the assignment and promotion of unqualified leaders. . . . It also led to an immense gap between the provincial and district governments and the peasant population.”
21. William E. Colby to Nguyen Van Thieu, Feb. 2, 1969, Box 2, F Colby/VN Traffic, Srodes Papers, Marshall Library, Virginia Military Institute.
22. “Memorandum by Chief of Far East Division, CIA,” July 25, 1967, FRUS, 1964–1968, Vietnam, vol. 6, 636; William E. Colby to Robert Komer, April 3, 1973, Box 6, Colby Papers, Texas Tech University; author interview with Frank Scotton, April 10–14, 2008.
23. Tran Ngoc Chau, “Hawks, Doves and the Dragon,” unpublished memoir in possession of author, 446–447, 515–520, 460.
24. Thomas L. Ahern Jr., CIA and the Generals: Covert Support to Military Government in South Vietnam, Center for the Study of Intelligence, October 1998, available at National Security Archive,, 94; Chau, “Hawks, Doves and the Dragon,” 492.
25. Chau, “Hawks, Doves and the Dragon,” 496, 499–501.
26. Jeff Woods interview with Jean Sauvageot, Saigon, July 16, 2010.
27. Author interview with Frank Scotton, April 10–14, 2008; author interview with Frank Snepp, May 21, 2008; Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 93. See also Sheehan Interview with Carl Bernard, n.d., Box 120, F Carl Bernard, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
28. Author interview with Frank Scotton, April 10–14, 2008.
29. Quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 223; William E. Colby Oral History, March 1, 1982, Interview II, LBJ Library.
30. Author interview with Tony Cistaro, Jan. 15, 2008; John F. Sullivan, Gatekeeper: Memoirs of a CIA Polygraph Examiner (Washington, DC: 2007), 34–35; author interview with Gage McAfee, Aug. 8, 2007.
31. Author interview with Steve Young, July 7, 2010.
32. Steve Young to William E. Colby, July 15, 1971, Box 6, Colby Papers, Texas Tech University; author interview with Paul Colby, June 1, 2007.
33. Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 420.
34. Colby, Lost Victory, 288, 310; Prados, Lost Crusader, 211.
35. James Nach to author, July 25, 2010, e-mail.
36. Prados, Lost Crusader, 231–233.
37. Colby, Lost Victory, 309–310.
38. Sorley, Vietnam Chronicles, 456.
39. Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 94–95, 97; Prados, Lost Crusader, 230.
40. Quoted in Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 102.
41. Author interview with Frank Snepp, May 21, 2008. They were correct; Colby had not severed his ties with the Agency. In 1971, when Jean Sauvageot, liaison to the prime minister, was being considered for a job with the CIA, Colby advised him against taking it. “Why?” Sauvageot asked. “If you took the job and I asked you to sneak a look at documents on Khiem’s desk or plant listening devices in the Palace, would you?” No, Sauvageot said, that would be a betrayal of trust. “Then don’t take the job,” Colby said. Jeff Woods interview with Jean Sauvageot, Saigon, July 18, 2010.
42. T. E. Lawrence, Arab Bulletin, 1917, for Foreign Service Agents, in Carl Colby film script, The Man Nobody Knew, in possession of author.
43. Author interview with Jenonne Walker, June 6, 2010; author interview with Paul Colby, Jan. 8, 2007.
1. Joseph B. Treaster, “Phoenix Murders,” Penthouse, December 1975.
2. Quoted in John Prados, Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby (New York: 2003), 235.
3. Ibid., 232–233; William Colby, Lost Victory: A Firsthand Account of America’s Sixteen-Year Involvement in Vietnam (Chicago: 1989), 333.
4. Prados, Lost Crusader, 237; author interview with Gage McAfee, Aug. 8, 2007.
5. William Colby and Peter Forbath, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York: 1978), 291–293.
6. Quoted in Robert M. Hathaway and Russell Jack Smith, Helms as Director of the CIA (Washington, DC: 2006), 9.
7. Quoted in Richard Helms, with William Hood, A Look over My Shoulder: A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency (New York: 2003), 38; Harold Ford, William E. Colby as Director of Central Intelligence, 1973–1976 (Washington, DC: 1993), 17, released under Freedom of Information Act, Aug. 11, 2011, quoted in Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 10.
8. Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 85.
9. Ibid., 81–86.
10. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 303; quoted in Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 88.
11. “DCI Briefing for Nov. 6 Meeting,” Nov. 5, 1970, Box 32, President’s Handwriting File, Ford Papers, Ford Library; Tim Weiner, “All the President Had to Do Was Ask: The CIA Took Aim at Allende,” New York Times, Sept. 13, 1998.
12. Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 92–94.
13. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 304.
14. Ibid., 305.
15. Ibid., 312.
16. Prados, Lost Crusader, 247.
17. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 314.
18. Ibid., 313.
19. See William E. Colby, “Memo for the Record,” Feb. 15, 1973, F–Mail Intercepts, Box 1, Srodes Papers, Marshall Library, Virginia Military Institute.
20. Quoted in Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (New York: 2007), 287; quoted in Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 280.
21. Quoted in Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 16; quoted in Hugh Wilford, The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America (Cambridge, MA: 2009), 23.
22. Thomas Karamessines to James Angleton, Aug. 15, 1967, Box 6, Richard Cheney Files, Ford Library; Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 280; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 314.
23. Victor Marchetti, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (New York: 1974), 228; Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 16–17; “Memo for Record, Colby, Scowcroft, Kissinger Breakfast,” June 18, 1973, CREST, National Archives II.
24. William E. Colby to Gerald Ford, Dec. 24, 1974, Box 1, Cheney Papers, Ford Library.
25. Ibid.
26. William E. Colby to Nelson Rockefeller, June 26, 1975, CREST, National Archives II; Intelligence Evaluation Committee and Staff, May 14, 1973, Box 2, F–Family Jewels, Srodes Papers, Marshall Library, Virginia Military Institute.
27. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 310.
28. Thomas Powers, The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms and the CIA (New York: 1979).
29. Prados, Lost Crusader, 241–243; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 318.
30. Neil Sheehan, Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (New York: 1988), 786; author interview with Paul Colby, Jan. 8, 2007.r />
31. Quoted in Sheehan, Bright Shining Lie, 21.
32. See Weiner, Legacy of Ashes, 318–319.
33. Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 189.
34. Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 4–5.
35. Marchetti, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, 226; Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 5–6.
36. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 323.
37. Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and His Secrets (New York: 1991), 327, 380, 391–392, 645; Andrew St. George, “The Cold War Comes Home,” Harper’s Magazine, November 1973, 76; Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 269–270.
38. Quoted in Stephen Ambrose, Nixon, vol. 2, The Triumph of a Politician, 1962–1972 (New York: 1991), 567.
39. Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 189.
40. Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 9–10.
41. “Testimony of General Vernon Walters, Senate Watergate Hearings,” Aug. 3, 1973, CREST, Archives II (“Walters Testimony” hereafter); Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 324.
42. “Walters Testimony.”
43. Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 12–13.
44. “Walters Testimony”; Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 191–192.
45. Weiner, Legacy of Ashes, 322; Richard Helms to Deputy Director, June 28, 1972, CREST, National Archives II.
46. Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 410.
47. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 328; Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 208–209; quoted in Helms, A Look over My Shoulder, 410.
48. Quoted in Hathaway and Smith, Helms as Director, 210.
49. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 329.
50. Prados, Lost Crusader, 252; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 331–333.
51. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 296–298.
52. Quoted in ibid., 332.
53. Author interview with Jenonne Walker, June 16, 2010.
54. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 333; Prados, Lost Crusader, 256.
55. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 335.
56. Author interview with Susan Colby, June 5, 2010; author interview with Christine Colby Giraudo, June 5, 2010; Carl Colby film script, The Man Nobody Knew, in possession of author; author interview with John Colby, June 4, 2010.