22. Colby, Lost Victory, 353.
23. Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 212; “Minutes of WSAG Meeting,” April 29, 1975, FRUS, 1969–1976, Vietnam, vol. 10, 934.
24. Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 216; William Colby to Saigon Station, April 29, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
25. Colby, Lost Victory, 343–344, 355.
26. Quoted in Ahern, CIA and the Generals, 161.
27. Author interview with James Nach, Sept. 2, 2008.
28. Jeff Woods interview with Merle Pribenow, Jan. 10, 2007.
1. Quoted in William Colby and Peter Forbath, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York: 1978), 400; John Prados, Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby (New York: 2003), 301–302.
2. Prados, Lost Crusader, 301–302; quoted in Daniel Schorr, “My 17 Months on the CIA Watch,” Rolling Stone, April 8, 1976; Nicholas Horrock, “Files Said to Link Mafia to C.I.A. in Plot on Castro,” New York Times, May 20,1975.
3. Quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 302.
4. Pete Clapper to David Belin, May 29, 1975, Box 5, Files of Richard Cheney, Ford Library; “Conversation Between Ford, Kissinger, and Scowcroft,” June 5, 1975, Box 10, Memos of Conversations, National Security Adviser, Ford Library.
5. Kathryn S. Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government: The Post-Watergate Investigations of the CIA and FBI (Chapel Hill, NC: 1996), 58; “The Cloak Comes Off,” Newsweek, June 23, 1975; quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 303.
6. Alice W. Olson et. al. to William E. Colby, July 17, 1975, CREST, National Archives II; “The Rockefeller Report,” n.d., Box 9, Presidential Handwriting File, Ford Library; William E. Colby to Alice Olson, July 24, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
7. Author interview with Laurence Silberman, June 3, 2010; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 427.
8. “Buchen Notes on Meeting Between Kissinger, Schlesinger, and Colby,” May 13, 1975, Presidential Handwriting File, Box 30, Ford Library.
9. Quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 314.
10. Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 17.
11. Quoted in ibid., 39.
12. Ibid., 56–57; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 408.
13. Quoted in Harold Ford, William E. Colby as Director of Central Intelligence, 1973–1976 (Washington, DC: 1993), 177, released under Freedom of Information Act, Aug. 11, 2011.
14. Quoted in ibid., 3.
15. Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 86.
16. Quoted in Ford, Colby as Director, 156–157.
17. “DCI Appearance Before Murphy Commission,” Nov. 18, 1974, CREST, National Archives II; quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 87.
18. Schorr, “My 17 Months.”
19. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 431–432; quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 120–121; quoted in Prados, Lost Crusader, 319; quoted in Gerald K. Haines, “The Pike Committee Investigation and the CIA,” Sept. 21, 1977, Center for Study of Intelligence, 4; quoted in Ford, Colby as Director, 166.
20. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 432.
21. “The CIA and the White House,” World News Wrap-up, July 9, 1975, CREST, National Archives II; Schorr, “My 17 Months.”
22. “An Interview with Fletcher Prouty,” July 11, 1975, CBS Morning News, CREST, National Archives II.
23. Quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 119.
24. Quoted in Haines, “The Pike Committee Investigation,” 7; quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 121.
25. See “WEC Press Conference,” Sept. 24, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
26. Ibid.
27. Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 122; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 435.
28. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 435, 437; quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 92.
29. Quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 123–124.
30. Henry A. Kissinger to John Marsh, Sept. 23, Box 13, Congressional Relations Office, Leon Leppert Files, Ford Library; Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 124.
31. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 432; Michael J. Malenick to Deputy Director for Administration, Sept. 24, 1975, CREST, Archives II; “Dan Schorr Gave This to Me[,] . . . “ Sept. 30, 1975, CREST, Archives II.
32. Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 126.
33. Quoted in ibid., 127.
34. “Conversation Between Ford, Kissinger, and Scowcroft,” Oct. 31, 1975, Box 16, Memos of Conversations, National Security Adviser, Ford Library; William E. Colby to Otis Pike, Sept. 30, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
35. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 440.
36. “CIA Tells of Exotic Weapons,” Washington Post, Sept. 17, 1975; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 442; quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 93.
37. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 444–445; quoted in “Rockefeller and Kissinger Said to Seek Colby’s Ouster,” New York Times, June 21, 1975; Schorr, “My 17 Months.”
38. Ford, Colby as Director, 109, 111.
39. Sheehan interview with Mitchell Rogovin Aug. 1, 1975, Box 70, F-Kissinger, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
40. Bernard Knox, Eulogy for William Colby, Courtesy of Paul Colby.
41. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 445.
42. Author interview with Barbara Colby, Jan. 5, 2007; author interview with Christine Colby Giraudo, June 5, 2010.
43. Schorr, “My 17 Months”; quoted in Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 445.
44. Norman Kempster, “Senators Flay Colby Firing as Part of ‘New Cover-up,’” Washington Post, Nov. 3, 1975; “White House News Conference No. 370,” Nov. 12, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
45. Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 446–447; “White House News Conference No. 370,” Nov. 12, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
46. William E. Colby to Gerald Ford, Oct. 20, 1975, Box 1, Papers of Richard Cheney, Ford Library; Prados, Lost Crusader, 327.
47. Schorr, “My 17 Months”; Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 106.
48. “Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: An Interim Report,” Nov. 20, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
49. Richard Helms, with William Hood, A Look over My Shoulder: A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency (New York: 2003), 171; CIA Operations Center–News Service, May 24,1974, CREST, National Archives II.
50. Quoted in Richard Beeston, “CIA Lose [sic] Allies ‘Because of Congress Inquiries,’” London Daily Telegraph, Oct. 22, 1975.
51. Prados, Lost Crusader, 328; Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 141.
52. Quoted in Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (New York: 2007), 334.
53. Laurence Stern, “CIA Agent’s Murder Spurs Accusations,” Washington Post, Dec. 25,1975; “On the Assassination of a CIA Station Chief in Athens,” Jan. 7, 1976, CREST, National Archives II.
54. Stern, “CIA Agent’s Murder Spurs Accusations”; CBS Nightly News, Dec. 26, 1975, CREST, National Archives II.
55. Gerald Ford to Otis Pike, Jan. 15, 1976, Box 1, F–Pike Com., Srodes Papers, Marshall Library, Virginia Military Institute; Colby and Forbath, Honorable Men, 439.
56. Quoted in Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government, 142.
57. Quoted in Ford, Colby as Director, 125.
58. Walter Pincus, “Covering Intelligence,” The New Republic, Feb. 1, 1975; “Ford-Luce Conversation,” Feb. 25, 1976, Memoranda of Conversations, Box 18, National Security Adviser, Ford Library.
59. William E. Colby to George Bush, n.d., CREST, National Archives II; George Bush to William E. Colby, n.d., CREST, National Archives II; George Bush to Gerald Ford, Jan. 3, 1976, CREST, National Archives II.
60. Quoted in Ford, Colby as Director, 193.
61. “Sheehan Notes on Luncheon Conversation with Dave Farnham,” May 7, 1976, Box 62, F Colby, Sheehan Papers, Library of Congress.
1. “23 Soviets Tabbed as Spies,” Washington Star, March 15, 1976.
2. Aaron Latham, Orchids for Mother (New York: 1977); Edward J. Epstein, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (New York: 1978); Aaron Latham, “Under Several Hats,” Nation, April 29, 1978.
3. “J. Edgar Hoover Was Feeding . . . “ n.d., CREST, National Archives II; Latham, “Under Several Hats.”
4. Latham, “Under Several Hats.”
5. Thomas Powers, “Looking for Moles,” Commonweal 106, no. 4 (1979); Thomas Powers, Intelligence Wars: American Secret History from Hitler to Al-Qaeda, rev. ed. (New York: 2004), 280; see also Charles Osolin, “Spying on the Spies,” Atlanta Constitution, May 28, 1978.
6. Jeff Stein, “Poisoning SALT,” Inquiry, May 1, 1979; Joe Trento and Dave Roman, “KGB in New York,” Penthouse, August 1978.
7. See Tad Szulc, “The Missing C.I.A. Man,” New York Times Magazine, Jan. 7, 1979; see also Powers, “Looking for Moles”; William Safire, “Slithy Toves of C.I.A.,” New York Times, Jan. 22, 1979.
8. Quoted in “Ex-Director of CIA Says Senate Must Ratify the SALT II Treaty,” Indianapolis Star, June 29, 1979; William E. Colby, “Verifying SALT,” Worldview, April 1979; Stansfield Turner to William E. Colby, May 2, 1979, CREST, National Archives II.
9. Quoted in Joe Trento, “CIA Mole Probe Focuses on Ex-Counterspy Chief,” Wilmington News Journal, May 5, 1979; David Ignatius, “James Angleton: Superspook or Tragic Hero?” Wall Street Journal, April 23, 1980.
10. See Robert Moss, “The Intelligence War: Putting the Muscle in the CIA,” London Daily Telegraph, Dec. 20, 1980.
11. “Ex-CIA Chief Favors Nuclear Arms Freeze,” Baltimore Sun, June 27, 1982; quoted in United Press International, Aug. 10, 1983, CREST, National Archives II; Paul Gailey, “Ex-C.I.A. Head Now Works for a Nuclear Freeze,” New York Times, June 14, 1983.
12. David Wise, “The Once and Future CIA,” Los Angeles Times, Feb. 15, 1983; William E. Colby, “An Elite Fighting Force—At the Ready,” Washington Post, Feb. 10, 1981.
13. “Memo of Conversation Between Kissinger, Schlesinger, Scowcroft, and Wickham,” Sept. 5, 1973, Memoranda of Conversations, National Security Adviser, Box 2, Ford Library.
14. James A. Nathan, “Dateline Australia: America’s Foreign Watergate?” Foreign Policy, Winter 1982–1983, 168–175.
15. See Nathan, “Dateline Australia: America’s Foreign Watergate?” 171; Alan Berger, “Heroin, Banking, and the CIA,” Boston Globe, Sept. 7, 1980; James Dooley, “Australian Banker’s Death Sparks Saga . . . “ Honolulu Advertiser, Nov. 2, 1980; A. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (New York: 1991).
16. Author interview with Sally Shelton-Colby, Jan. 8, 2007; author interview with Jenonne Walker, June 16, 2010.
17. Author interview with Paul Colby, Jan. 8, 2007.
18. Author interview with Christine Colby Giraudo, June 5, 2010; author interview with Susan Colby, June 5, 2010.
19. Author interview with Sally Shelton-Colby, Jan. 8, 2007; author interview with Jenonne Walker, June 16, 2010.
20. Author interview with Sally Shelton-Colby, Jan. 8, 2007.
21. Ibid.
22. Thomas Powers to William E. Colby, Dec. 8, 1989, and William E. Colby to Thomas Powers, Dec. 26, 1989, Box 6, F34, Colby Papers, Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University.
23. Author interview with John Colby, Jan. 2, 2007.
ABC News, 446
Abourezk, James, 395
Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 25, 26
Abrams, Creighton, 48, 49, 258, 267–268, 271, 282, 297–298, 299, 302, 304, 305, 309, 310, 315, 317, 325, 326, 327–328, 345
Abramson, Harold, 439
Abwehr, 42
Abzug, Bella, 442–443
Accelerated Pacification Campaign (APC), 297, 298, 299–300
Acheson, Dean, 27, 294
Adams, Sam, 328–329
Adams, Thomas K., 143
Advanced Pacification Program, 248, 249
Advanced Political Action (APA) Teams, 248, 249
Afghanistan, 471
AFL-CIO, 273
Africa, 472
Agee, Philip, 345, 371, 378, 460
Agroville Program, 130, 133, 134–135, 164, 168
Ahern, Thomas L., Jr., 191, 288
Air America, 147, 220, 231, 269, 286
Akers, Kevin, 2, 3, 4
Albert, Carl, 442
Alessandri Rodriguez, Jorge, 336
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 344–345
Algeria, 150, 151
Allen, Ethan, 19
Allen, George, 204
Allende Gossens, Salvador, 6, 335, 336–337, 338, 367–368, 377, 392, 393, 394, 397, 406, 410, 451, 453, 458
Alliance for Progress, 199
Allied Double Cross, 104
Allied forces, 33, 82, 95
Alsop, Joe, 345
Alsop, Stewart, 36
America First Committee, 27
American Civil Liberties Union, 82
American Community School, 124–125
American Historical Association Conference, 370
American Legion, 75
American Newspaper Guild, 273
American Red Cross, 12
American Revolution, 69, 151, 259
American Veterans Committee (AVC), 75–76
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 75
Amin, Idi, 458
An, Pham Xuan, 149
Anaconda Copper, 336, 367
Anderson, Jack, 273, 338, 388–389, 402, 410
Angleton, James Hugh, 103
Angleton, James Jesus (Jim), 6, 103–105, 106–107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 149, 234–235, 275–277, 278, 279, 280, 339, 340, 343, 344, 348, 355–356, 357–358, 366, 370, 372, 379–381, 382, 389, 400, 401–402, 403, 406, 411, 417, 447, 465, 467, 468, 469, 471, 473
death of, 476
firing of, 6, 402–403, 466
Angola, 458
Ansett, Robert, 50
Antiballistic missile (ABM) system, 335, 354
Anti-Communist Denunciation Campaign, 120–121, 125, 287
Antiwar movement, 266, 271–272, 281, 300, 309, 310, 315, 325, 326, 332, 339, 340–341, 342, 343, 392, 395, 400, 402, 413, 415, 426, 460
Ap Pac battle, 178, 187, 254
Apocalypse Now (film), 224, 228
Arab-Israeli Conflict, 276, 380, 381, 383
Arabs, 40, 330, 400
Arafat, Yasser, 403
Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 365
Armed Forces Strategic Reserve, 216
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 119, 134, 204, 207, 245, 248, 255, 262, 286, 318, 329
Ap Bac battle and, 178, 254
authorized incursions into Laos and Cambodia, 309, 325–326
coup plots and, 139, 183, 186, 193
decimated units of, 210
Easter offensive and, 345
Gulf of Tonkin incident and, 205
MAAG and, 118, 136, 150
MACV and, 179, 256, 260, 299, 309, 325
main problem with, 433, 434
PRUs and, 251, 289, 311
resisting evacuation of US personnel, 429, 430–431, 433
sabotaging pacification efforts, 295–296
series of NVA offensives weakening, 423, 424, 426, 427, 429
Special Forces, 129, 154–155, 157, 173, 184, 187, 191, 193, 194, 241, 287
Tet Offensive and, 284
tribespeople and, 157, 159, 161, 172–173, 179
Viet Cong and, 159, 172, 178, 181, 209, 210
Arritola, Lawrence, 161
Arrogance of Power, The (Fulbright), 316, 442
Asia Society, 273
Assad, Hafez al-, 381
Assassination, 76, 77, 121, 207, 216, 248, 253, 350, 368, 372, 396, 419, 453
attempts/plots, 6, 46, 96, 132, 172, 176, 177, 191, 214, 240, 273, 360, 406, 411, 419–420, 438, 444, 452, 457, 458
Church Committee and, 441, 443, 444, 454, 45
of a CIA station chief, 459–460
CORDS and, 338–339
of Diem, 194, 201, 202, 338, 339, 350, 428
executive order issued on, 458
of JFK, 198, 253, 274, 278, 412, 466
Phoenix program and, 311, 315, 316, 331–332, 365
Rockefeller Commission Report on, 438–439, 457
Association of Retired Intelligence Officers, 418
Atlantic Charter, 28, 33, 63
Atomic bombing, 66
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 176, 354
Atomic spies, 79
Australia, 472
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), 473
Austria, 112
Axis powers, 27, 31, 82, 95
Baden-Powell, Robert, 7, 10–11, 82, 304
Bagley, Jonathan, 20
Bahnar tribe, 162
Baker, Lafayette, 70, 441
Balkan Muslims, 410
Ball, George, 185
Bamboo Curtain, 86, 106
Banh-anh-ninh, 289, 297, 302, 311, 316, 332
See also Viet Cong
Bank, Aaron, 143
Bank of America, 342
Bao Dai, 116, 117, 118
Bardet, Roger, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50
Bar-Lev, Haim, 382
Barnes, Tracy, 366
Barnet, Richard, 395, 396
Bataan Death March, 242
Battle of Britain, 32, 39
Battle of Iwo Jima, 66
Battle of Okinawa, 66
Battle of the Bulge, 53, 154
Bay of Pigs, 145, 158–159, 172, 175, 176, 196, 198, 333, 339, 347, 351, 365, 444
Bazata, Douglas, 36
BBC News, 47, 57
Be, Nguyen, 265, 286, 322
Belgium, 53, 107
Belin, David W., 412, 416, 438
Bentson, Lloyd, 474
Berlin Blockade crisis, 74, 79
Berlin Wall, 240, 477
Bernard, Carl, 292, 293
Bernstein, Carl, 364
Binh Xuyen, 119, 120, 124, 128, 189
Biological/chemical weapons ban, 452
Bird & Sons Airlines, 222, 231
Birkenhead, Lord, 108
Bishop, Maurice, 474
Bissell, Richard, 214
Black Power movement, 341–342, 395
Black Thais, 145–146
Blackburn, Don, 242, 243
Blair, Jane, 187
Blaufarb, Douglas, 236, 238
Shadow Warrior Page 66