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The Marriage Bargain

Page 29

by Blaise Kilgallen

  Inhaling, he again kissed a bare thigh.

  Goosebumps shivered across Emily’s sensitive skin, awakening desires so potent her fingers twitched. She wanted to touch the earl, discover how he and his warm skin felt against her fingers. She wavered, nervously awaiting Leathem’s next move; her thoughts matched the thunderous beating of her heart. Emily quivered with unfettered anticipation.

  She prayed silently that Leathem felt more than a rake’s desire for her. For days, she had dithered about her decision. Maybe she shouldn’t have worried, although she must tell him soon. It would take courage to be a countess, but her best friend was a viscountess. So it couldn’t be that difficult, could it? After all, her mother taught her how to behave as a lady instead like a country bumpkin. She even learned how to curtsy properly when she had been expected to be presented at court. Her parents planned a come out for her the same time as Wilma’s. Unfortunately, she never had that season. Instead, her parents were killed. Emily spoke without a countrified accent, and learned ladylike accomplishments like silk embroidery and needlepoint. Grace, her mother, who was an exceptional needlewoman, added to their income when John Dancy, could no longer continue to work at his trade.

  Emily hated those ladylike lessons but she endured. She thought them as boring as dusting tabletops. She would rather be outside, tramping the fields alone or exploring with Wilma. Emily had been the adventurous one of the two friends when growing up. She remembered Wilma confessing her new feelings during one of their cozy chats. Wilma had advocated that females should not be so inhibited, but bold about what they said or did. “I captured the love of the man I wanted while making love in our marital bed,” she said to Emily and blushed. Emily knew the answer to that puzzle when she watched Lord Harry’s gaze doted on Wilma.

  Well, she was in bed with Leathem now. If that was what it took, perhaps she should risk it and let him make love to her. If she gave into him, she would have to marry him; but then perhaps, he would fall head over tails in love with her—like Harry did with Wilma.

  Unfortunately, Emily’s early upbringing warred with Wilma’s modern ideas about lack of carnal inhibitions. She liked the excitement, though. The way Leathem made her feel. Was it terribly naughty to be so free with her body? Leathem’s kisses, his ardent coaxing words and touches, his pleasurable caresses, were never what she aspired to when she first met him. He may not love her, but he’d been wonderful and kind after she got to know him. She thought about her current life and decided the earl could teach her what she wanted. So, she stretched her inhibitions, and became wanton and wicked, just like Wilma.

  * * * *

  Gavin’s whiskered cheek rested on one of Emily’s bare thighs. She pulled gently at his short, ebony curls and coaxed him farther up onto her torso. Her stomach muscles quivered when his palms slid over them.

  “I like it whenever you touch me,” he said, his voice husky.

  Emily bit down hard on her bottom lip, her tone wavering. “Show me more…Leathem.”

  Gavin’s jaw all but dropped open. Within seconds, the lush weight of both her breasts nestled in his hands. “God help me, Emily, I thought you would never ask.” He fondled the squeezable mounds of warm, female flesh the maker had created for men to enjoy, taste and savor. A prominent nipple pricked his palm. He squeezed gently. Her chemise was sheer, and Gavin thumbed across the fabric, watching Emily’s face for a reaction. She jerked, so he rubbed her more avidly until a pleased gasp escaped her.

  “Ooh, umm…”

  Gavin slowly lowered the chemise’s neckline, exposing the creamy skin of Emily’s breasts. Her areolas were a pretty, deep pink, her nipples large and as ripe as freshly plucked strawberries. He leaned down to lave one with the tip of his tongue, circling around the ruched skin. Then he rubbed his cheek across her satiny flesh. His groin tightened more as he breathed in her scent; a feral groan slid from between his lips. He teased an aroused nipple again before drawing it into his mouth to suckle.

  Emily’s eager response energized him, and he pulled on the nipple with more force. Shifting atop of her, he buried his nose between the plush mounds of pliant flesh, laving the valley between them while blowing on the damp skin. Taking a forgotten nipple in his mouth, he pulled on it fiercely until Emily was whimpering with pleasure. Her untutored moans heated his lust to a fever pitch as he strained to contain his own needs and desires. Heat burned in his testicles. With a remarkable surge of lust, his thick, hard, and elongated cock was demanding release—pulsing against the fall of his doeskin breeches.

  Gavin held back, knowing what their marriage would be like if she agreed. But for her willing compliance, he needed her to trust him implicitly, surrender to him totally, and give herself to him without reservation. Another jolt of lust knifed his balls; his honorable intentions were now in dire trouble. He vowed not to penetrate her maidenhead until she agreed to his terms. However, unrelenting, male need reared its ugly head, demanding immediate consummation.

  Emily twined caressing fingers through his ebony curls.

  He drew in a ragged breath.

  God, Emily, you had better stop me…

  She dragged him up to meet her lips, planting a long, ardent kiss on his mouth. Did she realize how powerful her untutored kisses would bedazzle a man his age with his ego?



  And sublimely perfect.

  Tiny nips and damp caresses ran the gamut as she teased across the full width of his mouth. By now Emily had stopped thinking. She trembled every time he touched her. She surrendered her body and mind to every new sensation as they ripped along her nerve endings.

  Leathem groaned loudly, his voice raw. “Emily…God…Emily…”

  Whether she knew it or not, she tore him up inside. Her untutored kisses were so dammed erotic in their honesty, so much more exciting than any he ever felt from his former mistresses. Emily responded to him with a wild, childlike, nubile generosity. He wanted to do more wicked things to her, to pleasure her, but he might frighten her if he went ahead now. It was best that he teach her more after they were wed.

  Meanwhile, he devoured the sweetness of her mouth.

  Emily couldn’t talk, scarcely could breathe. She dragged her hands off of his shoulders, grabbing her chemise’s neckline to cover her bare breasts. She gave him permission to make love to her when they were wed, but this was more than she expected. She never dreamt she’d topple into a series of devastatingly wild emotions as soon as he touched her.

  “My lord!” Her muffled cry had turned into a sharp yelp. “Stop! You must stop! Please!”

  Abruptly, Gavin left off what he was doing. Her urgent demand left him floundering, but he stopped and helped her rearrange her disheveled clothing.

  Now completely flustered, Emily picked up the few hairpins she found on the bed pillow and awkwardly pinned her hair back.

  Gavin hopped out of the bed lithely, emitting a rough masculine grunt. “Damnation, Emily, I’m only mortal, not a saint.” With that, he stalked to the door of her room. Yanking, he wrenched it open, speaking over his shoulder to her. “I’ll have supper sent up to you. We leave after sunrise tomorrow morning. Get a good night’s rest, Emily. We still face a long journey to my aunt’s in Oxfordshire.”

  He slipped into the hall, snapping the latch closed behind him.

  * * * *

  The innkeeper’s daughter awakened Emily early the next morning. She dressed quickly. A quarter hour later, Gavin tapped on her door. “I hope you slept well,” he said, gruffly when she opened it.

  “Very well, thank you. And you?”

  Gavin nodded. He hardly slept at all. However, he did not mention why he couldn’t sleep. What he did instead was lie awake musing on his feelings for Lilianne’s governess. Yes, he offered her marriage. But there were other things to consider after what happened in the next room. He had been as horny as a hound. Months passed, and now he needed a fuck. Lust hid beneath his
breeches’ flap where his cock pulsed, long and hard as granite. Dammit! Was he in love? Or in lust?

  Again skipping his normal morning ritual, Gavin rose before dawn and awakened his driver to ready the carriage as soon as the day grew light. He ordered a pot of hot tea and a bowl of porridge sent to Emily’s room, then ate a more hearty meal himself, wolfing it down.

  He hoped to reach Oxfordshire without staying away another night at an inn. They would remain for a few days at Lydia’s manse where Emily could become better acquainted with his aunt.

  The morning sun warmed the fields of Berkshire as the carriage turned onto roads leading to Oxfordshire. Emily again rode inside while Gavin trotted alongside the carriage on Pegasus.

  Chapter 25

  LYDIA, Lilianne, and Penny, sat in Lady Parcells’ back parlor. They were waiting for a tray with a pot of fragrant tea, cups and saucers, and a plate of sweet biscuits to be delivered from the kitchen. Earlier that evening, Lydia had demonstrated proper use of various eating utensils for Lilianne when she came out and would be attending formal suppers.

  “It never hurts, my dears, to repeat one’s lessons.” Lydia wiggled a gnarled finger adorned with a large emerald and gold ring. “Lili, you say you are not ready to come out, but I must drill into you what must be taught when you do make your debut. I expect that should be next spring. And I plan be in London to launch you at that time.”

  “Oh, Aunt,” Lilianne grumped. “I memorized everything you showed me, truly I have. Can we instead play a hand of cards so you can show me how to win?”

  “Harumph! Cards, is it? Looking to gamble, eh what?”

  Lilianne giggled. “If one is to play cards at all, Aunt, one may as well play to win. Isn’t that so?”

  “Dear girl, I hear you. But remember, you must never cheat in order to win. Never. In anything you do. Do you understand?”

  “Of course, Aunt. I was simply teasing you—”

  Just then a footman stationed at the parlor’s door was handed a message by another servant.

  “What is it, Becker?” Lydia inquired after the other footman left.

  “My lady, it seems a carriage has pulled up to the manse’s front entrance.”

  Abruptly, Lydia’s eyes opened wide, the pasteboards fluttering from her fingers as she dropped them on to the card table. “Oh! It must be my nephew. Leathem has returned!”

  “It may be so, m’lady, but he also has a lady with him.”

  “Well, then, why are you standing here like a dolt, Becker? Tell a footman to usher them inside. And be quick about it!”

  Both Lilianne and Penny stood up quickly. Becker hurried to spin Lydia’s chair round so she could face the doorway to greet her nephew.

  The earl had escorted Emily inside his aunt’s home. Voices and footsteps from the foyer soon approached the parlor’s door and halted in the doorway. A footman had pulled open the door for Leathem and Emily. “Greetings, Aunt Lydia. Look what I’ve brought you! A surprise. Meet my fiancée, Miss Emily Dancy.”

  Lilianne squealed like a stuck pig. And without thinking, she rushed toward Emily who stepped forward at the same time and held out her arms to hug the girl.

  “I can’t believe this,” Lilianne babbled, her eyes sparkling with excitement and curiosity. “H-how did this happen—?”

  Gavin interrupted the girls’ brief reunion. “Lilianne, be quiet. I want Emily to meet my aunt. Excuse us, please, if you will.”

  Abashed by Leathem’s curt admonishment, Lilianne quickly stepped back. She dodged the earl whenever she was at Fielding House, but with the joy and excitement at seeing her friend again she had forgotten any manners drilled into her by Lady Parcells.

  Emily smiled and patted the girl’s arm. “Not to worry, Lili, I’ll explain everything later.” Nudged forward by the earl, Emily, still smiling, forged ahead to meet Gavin’s formidable aunt.

  Lydia’s eyebrows almost met the edge of her lace cap when she heard her nephew’s news. Her eyes now gleamed with curiosity much like Lilianne’s although she managed to maintain her aristocratic composure.

  “Leathem!” Her smile was warm and welcoming. “My, my, dear boy, you never cease to amaze me!” She shifted her gaze to Emily. “Come closer, gel. Let me get a good look at you.”

  Emily glanced sidewise at Gavin and saw him smiling; his even white teeth were spread in a wide grin. She bobbed a quickly executed curtsy. “I’m honored to make your acquaintance, Lady Parcells. Gavin spoke about you often.”

  Lydia eyed her nephew somewhat suspiciously, a tiny frown flitting across her brow. “Harumph…is that so?” But even so her blue eyes twinkled. “Well, that may change your mind about me.” Lydia chuckled.

  Emily saw Lydia’s mischievous smile, but she thought it best not to comment on the earl’s aunt’s odd remark. Instead, she went on, “I was sorry to hear you suffered a painful injury recently. I hope you are on the mend, my lady. As a young girl, I broke a bone. A collarbone. I somehow managed with it, but it wasn’t easy dressing or doing things with an arm strapped to my chest. I’m sure getting around on one foot would be difficult for you as well."

  Gavin stepped in to inquire of his aunt’s health at that point.

  “Aunt,” he began, “how are you doing? I hope you are feeling much better.”

  “No worse than I was when you rode off, Leathem. But never mind that. Now tell me where you discovered this winsome creature. Better yet, tell me when and why she has accepted your proposal.” Lydia smiled, her faded blue eyes crinkling with wide-eyed happiness.

  “Later, Aunt, if I may. We left Reading early today and drove here without stopping. I ordered a basket lunch, but I’m sure Emily is famished by now. I know I am.”

  “Why didn’t you say so?” Lydia quickly waved imperiously to Becker standing at the parlor’s doorway. “Go find Cook immediately, and ask her to prepare something for our hungry travelers. While I think of it, ask that the repast be sent to the breakfast room. We don’t need to sit at a formal dining table.”

  The footman left to carry out Lydia’s wishes. “There will be hot food ready for you in no time. Come, let us go to the morning room right now. I’ll order a new tea tray for us as well.” Lydia turned to Gavin. “Leathem, push the chair for me like a good boy.”

  The others had their tea while Emily and Gavin ate a light supper. “You shall see Miss Emily again in the morning. Time to go to bed now,” Lydia said, sending the girls upstairs. She turned to Emily. “Perhaps, you may wish to retire as well, Miss Dancy. It must have been a tiresome journey from Surrey. Your room is ready. Why not get a good night’s rest? We can talk tomorrow. I wish to get to know you better.”

  “Thank you, Lady Parcells. I think I will accept your suggestion. It has been a long and unusual journey…in many ways.”

  Gavin rose to escort Emily to her room.

  “Leathem?” Lydia called out as the couple started to leave. “Don’t seek your bed just yet. Come back, because I wish to talk with you further, dear boy.”

  Gavin returned to his aunt rather quickly. He knew she wanted an explanation regarding about his sudden engagement.

  “You told me you employed Miss Dancy as Lilianne’s governess only a short time ago, Leathem. Tell me how all this business came about and now she is your fiancée.”

  “Before we left Surrey, I offered her a business proposal.”

  “A business proposal?” Lydia’s eyebrows flexed. “I’m not certain I understand what you mean.”

  “I need a guiding hand during Lilianne’s come out, Aunt, now that you are no longer available. I can’t very well sponsor her myself, which you well know. So, I asked Emily Dancy to sponsor Lilianne, and do so as my countess.”

  “Hmm…what you’re telling me is a bit…odd, at the least. Are you not putting the cart before the horse, Leathem?”

  Gavin coughed behind his hand. “What are you hinting at, Aunt?”

  “When did she accept your bargai
n proposal?”

  “Err…she agreed to it last night.”

  “Aha! You mean to tell me that all this while you two were traveling together unchaperoned from Surrey, eh? And you must also have stayed overnight in Reading. Is that when you compromised the gel so she had to agree?”

  Leathem felt his composure slipping. “Aunt, Emily has agreed. Shall we leave it at that?” Without any further words of explanation, Leathem rose abruptly to end their awkward discussion.

  “Well, then, Leathem, I must tell you something. It may be a bit of a surprise, my boy!” Lydia’s cryptic tone snapped sharply from between her pursed lips, grabbing hold of him before he could leave.

  “You may be an unwilling guardian, Leathem, although I don’t believe you are an unfeeling one. But Lilianne informed me days ago that she does not wish to come out. Nor does she wish to return to London with you.”

  Gavin spun round to face his aunt, his expression showing disbelief.

  “She prefers to stay here with me, you see, Leathem. At least for the time being. She asked for my permission to remain, and I granted it.”

  Lydia’s announcement threw Gavin off stride.

  “What do you have to say to that, Leathem? Mind you, the gel is quite young and possibly just out of the schoolroom. She may not have been educated much at all is my guess. And she is certainly not knowledgeable enough to handle elegance in the higher circles of the haute ton. It is just as well, Leathem, that she should remain here. I expect to be recovered from my fall by next Season,” Lydia continued. “By then, I shall do my best to secure a good future for her.”

  Lydia paused and waited for her nephew’s reaction.

  When her nephew’s response was not forthcoming, Lydia pressed on, her tone coaxing but sincere. “Leave her with me, dear boy. I enjoy her company. I may even be able to tolerate her silly abigail.” Lydia grimaced. “The thing is, Lilianne expressed reasons she felt uncomfortable living in your London house." Lydia’s tone sounded slightly more aggressive. “I believe she will be unhappy there, Leathem, but if you leave her with me…well…she is country bred, and seems comfortable and content here. She and I have come to a meeting of the minds. And I think we’ll do fine together. Besides, you need to accustom yourself to having a wife again.”


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