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For Better or Worse

Page 6

by Delaney Diamond

Nowadays Cesar showed off his musical talent, playing in a rock band with other former athletes. They performed at venues around the city and toured in nearby states. Lupe had recently started a jewelry line. Since she loved to entertain, she’d invited everyone to see the first pieces of the collection, eat, and listen to music by her husband’s band.

  Lorena was in the kitchen chopping cilantro to garnish the shrimp ceviche appetizers when Cassidy entered with Lupe. The housekeeper worked beside her, adding finishing touches on the dishes, which would be served outdoors under the covered patio. A male servant was in the process of loading a rolling cart with beverages to take outside.

  “Oh good, more help!” Lorena said with relief, as if she had been forced to cater the party herself.

  Most of the time when the Vegas entertained, they hired outside caterers, but this affair was small enough for Lupe to manage with the household staff and family members as volunteers. Cassidy washed her hands and jumped right in.

  As the four women worked side by side, more guests arrived. Among them was Roarke, Cassidy’s older brother, who showed up alone, having left his wife and the new baby at home. Derrick and his wife, Eva, arrived with their daughter, Violet, who would be a year in the fall.

  “Oh, let me see the baby. Look at those fat cheeks.” Lupe relieved Eva of her daughter. She cooed and kissed the baby’s cheeks, making Violet’s light brown face light up with giggles. Her complexion was a blend of her mother’s dark skin and her father’s lighter tone. “She’s so big.”

  “The doctor said she’s coming along fine,” Eva said. Violet had been delivered a couple of months early by emergency Cesarean because of complications during Eva’s pregnancy.

  Lupe said a few words to Lorena in Spanish, and Cassidy caught the word nietos.

  “I’m not married yet, but Antonio is. His wife is right there. Talk to her about grandchildren.”

  Lupe turned her attention to Cassidy, and behind her mother’s back, Lorena made an apologetic face. “Maybe next year?” the older woman asked hopefully.

  “Probably not,” Cassidy replied, wanting to kick her friend. Lupe wanted grandchildren, and everyone knew it. “We want to wait a couple more years before we start a family.”

  Lupe tutted her disapproval, rocking Violet in her arms. “Young people nowadays take too long to have babies. That is why I have a jewelry line—to keep me busy, because I have no grandbabies. I’d much rather have a bunch of nietos to spoil and keep me busy.” She murmured unhappily in Spanish as she handed off Violet to Eva.

  “Don’t start, Mama,” Lorena said.

  “Do you need any help in here?” Eva asked.

  Lupe nodded. “Derrick, Roarke, shoo. All the men out. We will take care of everything.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Derrick said, lifting Violet into his arms. “Is your husband outside?”

  “Derrick, do not give him any of your nasty cigars.” The few times he’d come over, the two men always smoked cigars together. Derrick only grinned before following his brother out.

  With Lupe directing, the women worked together well, laughing and talking as they made the last-minute preparations. At one point, Cesar appeared and tried to sneak a couple of chicken tenders from one of the serving trays, and Lupe saw him and scolded him. Then he pulled her into his arms and complained that the food smelled so good he couldn’t resist. To pacify him, she hurried him out the door with a small plate in his hand.

  The comical scene played out every time they threw a party. Their behavior typified the laughter and energy prevalent in the house. The strained silences Cassidy remembered between her parents didn’t exist here. The Vegas had the kind of marriage she wished her parents had when she was growing up.

  Hours later, Violet had been put down to sleep in a downstairs bedroom. More than forty guests milled around or sat in front of the eight-member band, listening to them rock out to a Bruce Springsteen tune. Cesar played the electric guitar, and another band member sang lead. Cassidy had to admit they were a good-looking group of older men.

  Roarke settled onto the cushioned wicker love seat beside her with a plate of food in his hand. “Where’s that husband of yours?”

  “Working. He should be here soon.”

  “It’s Saturday. Even God rested on the seventh day.”

  She knew that, but apparently Antonio didn’t.

  “I took a look at the jewelry and thought about buying one of the bracelets for Celeste, but they’re out of my price range.”

  A glass case nearby displayed Lupe’s debut pieces—platinum rings and bracelets filled with diamonds and other precious gemstones in custom-designed settings.

  “She might give you a deal because you’re family.” Roarke held out his plate to her, and she took a chicken tender and bit into it.

  “I still couldn’t afford it—not on a professor’s salary.” Roarke put a forkful of ceviche in his mouth. “Everything okay?”

  Behind the smile in his brown eyes, she saw concern. All her brothers were protective of her, especially Roarke. From the age of eight, he’d been her legal guardian, and the temptation to confide in him was great. But she couldn’t run to Roarke to fix her problems anymore, even though she knew he’d try to.

  “Of course. I’m having a good time,” she said lightly. She popped the last bit of chicken in her mouth.

  “Good.” Roarke chewed slowly. “I just noticed you keep looking at your watch.”

  “Oh.” Cassidy laughed. “I’m checking the time, that’s all.”

  His perceptive gaze slid from her face to the performers, who’d segued to Bon Jovi. If she wanted to talk, he’d listen, but he wouldn’t push. She fought the urge to look at her watch again, wondering where Antonio could be while she and his family were all together. He should’ve been there already. Normally he’d call or text to let her know he’d be running late, but she hadn’t heard from him.

  Except for her and Roarke, all the other guests were there with a significant other. Eva and Derrick sat together, with her head rested on his shoulder and his arm around her. Lorena and Matthew stood in a group of six, talking with two other couples. More often than not lately, she didn’t feel like part of couple since she seldom saw her husband. She’d been at his parents’ house for hours, and he hadn’t made an appearance yet.

  “There’s Antonio,” Roarke said.

  Her heart leaped when she saw him walk out to the patio, smiling slightly when he ducked as his mother reached for his head and said something to him. By the expression on her face, she was probably complaining about the length of his hair. He countered by dipping her in a bear hug that resulted in her laughing and patting his cheek.

  He greeted family members and friends before making his way over to them. He obviously hadn’t had time to go home to change because he still wore his suit and tie.

  After a brief greeting between him and Roarke, her brother left them alone.

  Antonio slipped off his jacket and tie and hung them over the back of the chair. Looking at her, he said, “I know you’re upset I’m late, but I don’t want to argue. Let’s enjoy ourselves tonight.”


  He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “I’m hungry. I’m going to get something to eat.”

  “Let me get your plate. You’ve been working all day.”

  Cassidy’s spirits picked up now that Antonio had arrived. He no longer appeared to be upset with her, which made her happy. When they weren’t fighting, being in his company always made her feel better, and she longed for the days when they spent more time together. He concentrated on work so much, and complaining didn’t improve the situation.

  She piled the dish full of ceviche, fish in coconut sauce, rice, beans, and mofongo—a tasty Puerto Rican staple of mashed green plantains stuffed with spices and shrimp. In no time at all, he ate the entire meal and washed it down with a beer.

  The band whittled down to four and switched the instruments to maracas, a drum
, and two cuatros for a jam session of jíbaro songs. The traditional folk music of Puerto Rico represented cultural pride, and all the Puerto Ricans in attendance whooped and hollered when Cesar strummed his cuatro and the rest of the band joined in as he sung in an earthy bass.

  “¡Viva Puerto Rico!” someone yelled.

  They went through several more songs, and at the end of each, the guests cheered and clapped. The last was by Ecos De Borinquen, named “A Mi Dulce Amada”—“To My Sweet Beloved.”

  Lupe moved to sit beside her husband and participated by shaking the maracas and dancing in her seat. Midway through the song, she added her voice to the melody. A respectful hush fell over the group as their voices lifted upward to the starry sky. They serenaded each other, their genuine love obvious in the way they gazed into each other’s eyes as if they were the only ones present.

  Cassidy watched them with envy. Thirty years from now, she hoped to be like them, staring into Antonio’s eyes and blocking out the rest of the world.

  His fingertips brushed the back of her neck. “What are you thinking?”

  “That I want us to be like them one day,” Cassidy answered honestly.

  “We already are.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “Our relationship will only get stronger.”

  He drew her closer, and Cassidy settled against him. He had no idea how lucky he was to have grown up with such a fine example of a loving marriage. She closed her eyes and pushed back the memories of her parents’ defective relationship.

  At the end of the set, jubilant shouts of “¡Wepa!” went up from the crowd.

  The evening eventually wound down, and people started to trickle out. Antonio told Cassidy to head home and promised to follow after he’d spoken to his father. She fixed a couple of plates to take with her and left for home.


  Cassidy heard Antonio when he arrived about an hour after she did. From the bed, she watched him walk in and set his phone on the nightstand and his briefcase on the floor. Her laptop rested on its tray across her thighs while she conversed in a chat room with other hackers about the upcoming exam.

  “Hey,” he said. Lines of fatigue bracketed his mouth, and his tired appearance tugged at her heart. He started toward the bathroom with a sluggish gait.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To take a shower.”

  “It’s late. Come here.” She patted the empty space beside her.

  “I’ve been in these clothes all day, babe. I stink.”

  “So?” Cassidy logged out of the chat room and set the computer and tray on the floor. She’d been listening for him and didn’t want to spend another minute apart.

  She waited while he stripped down to his boxers, and then she opened her arms. He climbed under the covers and groaned, rubbing her breasts through the orange, skintight tank top. He kissed each breast, and her nipples immediately puckered against the cotton fabric. She felt her body moisten, but his touch was more affectionate than sexual.

  “Best pillows in the house,” he murmured. He rested his head on her chest and wrapped her in his arms so she was drawn close against him. He was definitely no longer upset with her.

  “Were you in the chat room?” he asked.

  “Mhmm. I was talking to people who’d taken the exam already.”

  “The other ethical hackers?” Antonio asked, using one hand to do air quotes.

  “There are no air quotes,” Cassidy scolded him. “We really are ethical hackers. We use our skills for good instead of evil.”

  “I prefer the other term used in your industry. What do they call you guys again?”

  “I’m not saying.”

  “Come on, please. Say it one time for me.”

  Cassidy sighed, pretending to be annoyed. “Penetration testers.”

  “Oh.” Antonio shivered and kissed the side of her breast. “That sounds so nasty. I just got hard. Penetration testers.”

  “You’re sick, you know that? Only you could make computer work into something dirty.” Listening to him chuckle, she rubbed his back. “Tell me about your day.”

  He yawned. “It was crazy for a Saturday, but I signed a new client late this afternoon.”

  “Congratulations. Anything else interesting happen?”

  “Just the usual. Vega PR Group is definitely growing, and a lot of the growth is from referrals.”

  “You need to hire some help.” Her right hand gently rubbed his tight biceps.

  “I know.”

  She ran her fingers through his dark curls, pressing down to massage his scalp. She smiled when he moaned with satisfaction. “I worry about you.”

  “I’ll work on getting someone soon. The business has been growing so fast, I haven’t had time to concentrate on hiring anyone.”

  “You need to make time,” Cassidy scolded.

  “You’re right, and I will.”

  His body relaxed as she continued to stroke him gently. “What’s your day looking like tomorrow?”

  “I have to work. Sorry, babe.” Sleep clouded his speech as it tried to claim him. She didn’t say anything, but she was disappointed. Another weekend when they’d barely see each other. “Don’t forget I’m flying down to Miami on Monday, but I’ll be back by Friday afternoon, and we’re going out Friday night, okay?”


  “I promise. Nothing will keep me from taking my beautiful wife out for a night on the town. It’s long overdue.”

  Cassidy smiled. “I’ll plan everything,” she said, her mind already racing with ideas. They hadn’t gone out in so long, she felt the kind of giddy excitement she’d felt when they first started dating. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I ran into an old . . .” She paused. “Antonio, are you listening?”

  “Mmm?” He probably wouldn’t remember a word she said when he woke up.

  “Never mind. Get your rest.” His thick, curled lashes rested against his cheeks, and his breathing had slowed. Poor baby, she thought.

  She kissed the top of his head and then reached over and turned off the lamp.

  Chapter Eight

  While Antonio was out of town, Cassidy kept busy with work and planning a memorable Friday night for them. After confirming with her boss that she’d have her usual day off, she made an appointment at the salon for a manicure and pedicure.

  She booked a limo to pick them up and take them to dinner. The restaurant she chose was a seafood restaurant, a favorite of theirs, but a place they hadn’t visited in almost a year. To finish the evening, she’d reserved a table at a popular Latin lounge for drinks and listening to live music afterward.

  She also took her favorite dress to the cleaners. Strapless, short, and black, it was covered in shimmering circular embellishments. On her willowy figure, it highlighted her slender shoulders and long neck. She may not have the curves of some other women, the kind that men worshipped in songs and women went under the knife to artificially create, but she knew how to play up her best attributes.

  The dress dipped and hugged her body, and the short hemline made her legs look long when she added a pair of high heels. It was a powerful weapon. So powerful, in fact, that when she’d worn it to the ESPY Awards last year, they’d barely made it out to the car before Antonio pulled her onto his lap and they were steaming up the windows in the parking lot.

  By the time he came home on Friday afternoon, she was so excited she jumped into his arms at the door and kissed him long and slow.

  “Mmm . . .” he said, smacking his lips as he lifted her onto the kitchen counter. “I need to stay away more often.”

  “No, you don’t,” Cassidy chided him, tearing off his tie. “Missed you.”

  “Missed you, too.”

  He shrugged out of his shirt, and a sensual thrill went through her as she watched him disrobe. He swept her off the counter with ease, back into his arms. With her wrapped around him, he left his clothes, briefcase, and phone behind and climbed the stairs to their bedroom, where she gave him the ful
l benefits of a proper welcome home.


  Cassidy rolled over and watched Antonio rise from the bed.

  “I worked up an appetite,” he said, stepping into his boxers.

  She propped her chin in her hand. “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Other than what I just ate?” he asked with a wicked grin.

  “You’re terrible.” Her cheeks warmed with pleasure. “I have some leftover Chinese food from lunch today, but I don’t want you to eat too much. We’re going somewhere special for dinner, and I don’t want you to spoil your appetite.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m not telling. It’s a surprise.”

  His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Am I going to like it?”

  “Of course.” She sat up, gathering the rumpled sheets against her breasts. “It’s a place we haven’t visited in a long time, but we both love it.”

  Antonio stroked his chin, keeping his eyes on her. “Does this place serve seafood?”

  “You’re spoiling it.” Cassidy crossed her arms and pouted. “I’m not telling you anything else.”

  He laughed at her and leaned close to drop a kiss to her lips. “Okay, I’ll stop guessing.”

  Cassidy stroked his face with the back of her fingers. “We’re going to have so much fun tonight.”

  Antonio gazed into her eyes, sensing how much she anticipated the night’s activities. They needed to do this more often. She’d obviously missed going out more than he realized. “Yes, we’re going to have fun. Thanks for putting everything together. I can’t wait.” He pressed his lips gently to hers.

  Turning toward the door, he asked over his shoulder, “You want anything while I’m downstairs?”

  “No, I’m going to start getting ready.”

  “Good, ’cause you know you can take forever, and we don’t want to keep the limo waiting.”

  “Was that really necessary?” she yelled after him.

  Antonio grinned on his way down the stairs. In the kitchen, he filled a glass with his favorite juice blend, orange and pineapple. He plucked an apple from the overflowing fruit bowl on the counter and sank his teeth into it. Pausing as he put the juice back in the refrigerator, he paid attention to the stocked shelves. Cassidy had been to the grocery store and not only bought the juice he liked, but the soy milk he preferred. Checking the cabinets, he saw there was more coffee, and she’d stocked up on vitamins, his favorite cereals, et cetera.


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