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The Stubborn Suitor: Book 1 (The Stubborn Suitor #1)

Page 8

by Alexa Wilder

  “You do not know that.”

  “Yes, I do.”


  Maggie bit her lip and looked away, as if she was debating whether or not to divulge another secret.

  “Spill!” Cami demanded.

  “He totally told Grant,” Maggie said excitedly. “Grant called me to say that Drew confessed to him that he was practically obsessed with you. He asked Grant for your number last night and everything.”

  Cami paused for a second, trying to let Maggie’s excited rambling sink in. It all sounded like hearsay to her. But there was a part of her that wanted to believe…that wanted to know that Drew was as fixated on her as she was on him. Yet she just couldn’t. He’d been too weird, too standoffish.

  “Grant did not say that!” she replied eventually. “There’s no way Drew is obsessed with me. I promise.”

  “Grant never exaggerates,” Maggie said. “Come on Cami, you know my brother—ever the pragmatist. If that’s what he told me, then that’s what Drew told him.”

  Cami didn’t reply; she simply took the information in. It was a lot to go over—a lot to process. Drew did like her? How did that change things? Did it explain his actions over the weekend? Not really. Though it did make a little sense if he was trying to impress some business bigwig—even if it was still a bit of a douchey move.

  “Earth to Cami,” Maggie said, snapping her fingers in Cami’s face. Cami sat up immediately. “Wipe that goofy smile off your face.”

  “I don’t have a goofy smile on my face,” Cami replied, though she went out of her way to make sure she was scowling.

  “It’s okay,” Maggie said with a pleased smile. “I knew you two would be perfect for each other!”

  “And how did you know that?”

  “You are just like his sister Elsie in so many ways,” Maggie said.

  Cami’s mind swept back to the altercation she’d over heard on Saturday. She really did have a lot in common with Drew’s sister. Eventually, her mind registered that Maggie was still speaking.

  “...and they are super close. So I knew that he’d love you.”

  “Wait, what?” Cami asked.

  “Since Drew is so close to his sister, and you’re so like his sister, I knew that he’d be into you.”

  Cami thought about that statement for a minute before she replied. “Isn’t that a little gross?”

  “No!” Maggie responded, taken aback. “That’s disgusting. I just meant…” Maggie tilted her head to the side, deep in thought, before making a disgusted face. “Now that you put it like that it does seem totally weird.”


  “But that doesn’t change that you guys really were perfect for each other and really hit it off, and I was right.” She said every work quickly, full of self-satisfaction.

  Cami just shook her head, still trying to wrap her mind around all the new information.

  “But we’re good now, right?” Maggie asked after a moment. “You’re not mad about the set-up?”

  “No,” Cami replied. “But no more blind dates, whether I know about it or not! Promise?”

  “There’s no need to worry about that,” Maggie said with a smirk. “You’re with Drew now. You won’t need to be set up.”

  “I am not with Drew. Trust me. He isn’t going to call.”



  Cami was actually proven wrong on Thursday evening, when she was driving home and her phone rang with a strange number. She answered immediately, thinking that it may be someone from the law firm.

  “Hello,” she said as soon as the Bluetooth in her car picked up.

  “Hey Cami, it’s Drew. Drew Sloane—from the beach party this weekend.”

  “Yes…I remember who you are. That was less than a week ago and we nearly had sex… I don’t think your introduction requires quite so many identifiers.”

  Cami winced. She didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but she’d been thinking about Drew constantly for the last few days and she still couldn’t decide if she was mad at him or not—and, more importantly, whether she liked him or not.

  Plus, her meeting with Ken and the lawyers was tomorrow, which had her on edge. She was probably taking out her frustration on him more than she realized.

  “Well, okay,” Drew replied, trying to sound upbeat though she could tell he was growing more nervous. “I just called to see if there was any chance you were free tonight. But now that I’m saying it out loud, it seems silly. Of course you’re not free this late. I’m sure you have plans.”

  Cami bit her lip, but didn’t reply right away. On one hand, she really didn’t want to seem desperate—and even Drew himself was admitting that accepting a date so late in the evening was a desperate move. But then again, who was she kidding? She really was longing for a company, to distract her from her dreadful thoughts.

  Since her meeting was so early in the morning, her mother and she had decided that it was probably for the best that Madison just stayed over there for the night. That way, Madison wouldn’t have to be woken up to be shipped off to Nana’s super early. Instead, it was a fun over-night with the Nana.

  But that left Cami home alone, stressing herself out about the next day’s meeting. Maggie wasn’t available, and Cami really didn’t have any other friends she could call up last minute. And she definitely didn’t want to sit around all night, worrying.

  The idea of getting all dolled up and going out on the town actually sounded nice to Cami. And the idea of getting all dolled up and going out on the town with Drew sounded even better. So, as much as she wanted to say no, she resisted.

  “Actually,” Cami said quickly, before she could lose her nerve, “I am free tonight.”

  “Really?” Drew asked, as if he didn’t really believe it.

  “Yeah, really,” Cami replied, a smile spreading across her lips. “I’m free and I wouldn’t mind getting out of the house for a little while. Plus, I could really use a drink.”

  “Awesome!” Drew responded. “Then drinks it is. I can pick you up in an hour.”

  Cami gave Drew her address and headed home for a quick shower before the date. By the time Drew arrived, Cami was dressed to impress in a low-cut blouse and a high-waisted skirt.

  “You look absolutely lovely,” Drew said, kissing her hand before handing her a bouquet of roses.

  “Look at you, being all old-fashioned,” Cami said, though there was a smile on her lips and no bite in her tone. She ushered Drew into the house while she set the flowers in a vase.

  Drew paused in the living room, staring at the toys sprawled all over the place. Cami winced, regretting having invited him inside.

  “You have a kid?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied hesitantly. “A daughter. She’s three. She’s spending the night with grandma.”

  “You didn’t say anything all weekend.”

  “I know,” Madison said, defeated. She was half expecting Drew to turn and walk back out the door any moment. “I’m sorry. I was just—”

  “No, it’s totally okay. I love kids. I’m just surprised. That’s all. My sister has a son that age and she never shuts up about him—which is understandable. So I’m just surprised you didn’t mention it.”

  “Usually I’m like that too,” Cami said, offering him a relieved smile. “But last weekend was the first time ever where I’ve been around people I don’t know… and who don’t know about Madison. I love being Madison’s mother, but it was nice, just for a few days, to be someone else as well.”

  “I get that,” Drew replied. “Sometimes I wish Elsie—that’s my sister—would try to be someone other than a wife and a mother. Sometimes I wish she’d do something just for herself.”

  “It’s hard. Especially when you’re a single parent.”

  “And sometimes, I wish Elsie was a single parent,” he added with a cheeky smile. “But enough of the deep stuff. Let’s go get drinks.”

  Drew took Cami’s hand and escorted her out to
his waiting BMW. He drove them to a swanky bar that was way above Cami’s pay grade, but it was quiet enough for them to hear each other talk.

  The banter was easy, just like it had been that first night on the beach. They joked with each other and laughed a great deal. Eventually though, the conversation circled back around to Madison—which it often did for Cami.

  “There was another reason I didn’t want to mention her last weekend,” Cami admitted, looking down into her glass.

  “Why is that?” Drew asked.

  “My ex-husband told me recently that he’s going to sue for primary custody. Which is ridiculous, because he can barely be depended upon to maintain the custody he has now—and that’s only every other weekend. But he’s getting married, and I think he’s got it in his head that they need Madison to make them a perfect little family.” It wasn’t until she noticed the tears rolling off her cheeks that Cami realized she was sobbing. It was embarrassing, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. “It was still so new at the time, I knew that I couldn’t talk about her without it coming back up. I mean…” she motioned to her eyes, “…it’s still coming up now.”

  Drew leaned forward in his chair across from her and reached out to take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “It’s going to be alright, Cami,” he said with such confidence that she willed herself to believe him.

  “Oh, God,” she said, swiping away the remainder of her tears. “Sorry about that. I just…our first custody meeting is in the morning. It’s on my mind.”

  “I totally understand,” Drew replied with a sweet smile.” And it’s not a problem. Let’s get you out of here?”

  Cami nodded, though she couldn’t help but feel like Drew was just ready to get rid of her after that emotional display. They were quiet in the car until he parked outside of her house.

  “I’d like to see you again,” Drew said, watching her from the driver’s seat.

  Cami stared back at him, barely believing what she was hearing. She took a deep breath and willed herself to be courageous before she replied.

  “Why don’t you come in,” she said simply.

  “Really?” Drew asked. “Even with your custody thing in the morning?”

  “Especially with my custody thing the morning,” Cami answered. “I need something to take my mind off it.”

  “I think…” Drew sucked in a shaky breath and when he spoke again, his voice was a little rougher. “I think I can give you something to keep your mind off it.”

  They were barely in the house with the door shut behind them before Drew’s mouth was on Cami’s, his tongue hungrily seeking entrance. In a reenactment of her other night—or perhaps just because of their height difference—Drew’s hands found Cami’s buttocks and he hoisted her up until her legs were wrapped around his waist.

  They thrust their tongues into each other’s mouths, both fighting for dominance. Cami couldn’t help but wonder if Drew had been feeling the same pull as she had—the same desire. Had he been thinking about her as much as she had thought about him?

  Eventually, Drew pulled away ever so slightly, pupils blown wide with lust as his amber eyes met Cami’s.

  “Is this still okay?” he asked huskily.

  Cami appreciated his attempts to make sure she was really ready to do this, but more than anything she wanted to get on with it.

  “This is more than okay,” she promised before running her tongue along his bottom lip. “This is perfect.”

  For a split second, they stared at each other, and Cami watched as a predatory look spread across his face. Then he was back on her. Instead of pressing his lips against hers, however, his head moved lower, licking and nipping his way down her neck and shoulder. His hands, meanwhile, slid beneath the fabric of her skirt, stroking her soft thighs lightly.

  Cami was helpless to do anything but lean into the caresses, savoring the feel of his hands and mouth on her body. But all too soon, Drew was pulling away again. He seemed to have realized that between the top tucked into the skirt and the tight belt, he wasn’t going to be able to get her naked without some work.

  “Bedroom,” he grunted, and Cami simply pointed the way as Drew carried her towards the bed, where he dumped her unceremoniously on the comforter.

  He then set about undressing her meticulously, one article of clothing at a time. He removed the belt, then slowly slid the skirt down her body and off her completely.

  Reaching down to the hem of her shirt, Drew easily slid it out from underneath her and over her head. He unfastened her bra with one hand, then slowly pulled her panties down over her hips.

  Cami had never experienced anything like this. It was as if Drew was slowly unwrapping a birthday present, one piece of paper at a time until finally, he was gazing down at her naked flesh. Licking his lips, he leaned towards her full, soft breast. But her hand on his chest stopped him.

  “You too,” she demanded, glaring at his perfectly tailored suit like it had offended her. It was a nice suit and it looked great on him, but it would look even better on the floor. “It’s only fair.”

  Obliging Cami with a cocky smirk, Drew set about undressing himself in the same ridiculously slow manner that he had done with Cami. First, his jacket hit the floor, then his vest and tie.

  Cami’s eyes followed the rise and fall of his toned large muscles as he shifted and stretched to pull off his shirt. She realized she’d never actually seem him without a shirt—despite their weekend on the beach. She reached her hand up to run it across the rippling contour of his abs as he bent down to finally wrap his lips around one of Cami’s areola.

  After circling his tongue around the nipple for a minute, he began sucking and biting marks into the pale skin of her chest. She moaned and arched into his mouth, loving the way he worshiped one breast, than the other. Cami was near-delirious with need by the time Drew moved back to reassert dominance over Cami’s already kiss-swollen lips. He swallowed her cries of pleasure as he ground his hard length against her bare pussy through his pants.

  “Pants. Off. Now,” Cami panted in between bruising kisses.

  “Agreed,” Drew replied, moving away only long enough to step out of his shoes and socks, then pull both his pants and his underwear down in one long motion.

  Cami gasped as his swollen, dripping member was finally exposed. If possible, even more moisture began pooling between her legs at the sight. Her body throbbed with desire. She needed him inside her.

  “Please tell me you have a condom,” she panted as Drew positioned himself between her legs.

  Drew gave her a confident smile before turning around to pull a condom out of his wallet.

  “Were you counting on this?” Cami asked, though she wasn’t exactly upset.

  “No,” he replied as he gave his leaking cock a few strokes before sliding the sheath on. “Not counting on it. Not even really hoping. Just wanted to be prepared. Just in case.”

  With that, the predatory gaze returned to Drew’s eyes, and he crawled onto the bed beside her. He gently pushed Cami’s legs even further apart, and she could feel her own juices trickling down her thighs as he pressed a large finger between the lips of her pussy, finding and then circling her clit.

  Cami closed her eyes, moaning loudly as she allowed the pleasure to wash over her. She’d thought perhaps her mind had exaggerated their first night on the beach, but now she knew it wasn’t so. Drew’s touch was electric. It was like the first moment he’d grabbed her hand at the beach, only a million times stronger. Still though, it wasn’t enough.

  “Please,” she begged. “I need you inside me.”

  Drew growled. The noise was deep and guttural and completely animalistic. It sent a bolt of electricity up Cami’s spine. Suddenly, he grabbed her legs, pulled them up until they settled against his shoulders, then buried himself within her completely—in one fluid thrust.

  Cami could not hold back the scream at the feeling of his thick cock stretching her open. Drew was so much
bigger than Ken, and it had been so long since any man had been inside her, that it felt like she was being split in two. Only, along with the pain there was unbelievable pleasure.

  Drew paused for a moment, giving Cami a chance to adjust to him. After a second, though, his patience began to wane. He slowly pulled out of her again before gently pushing back inside. He continued like this for a few moments, but soon, his thrusts were picking up speed. Before too long, he was pushing into Cami roughly, as he brought her closer and closer to release.

  Cami herself was helpless to do anything but cry and writhe beneath him. She was at the edge when Drew suddenly stilled and let go of her legs. Cami didn’t have any time to complain, however, before she was being flipped over onto her hands and knees. And then, Drew was back inside her, pounding into her hard and fast.

  Cami quickly found that she had more control in this position and could push back against Drew. She began matching pace with him, thrusting herself back onto his ample girth.

  When Drew slid a hand around her, and began to circle her clit in time with each thrust, Cami was tipped over that precipice, moaning and thrashing as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. Drew’s motions became erratic as well as he soon spent himself deep inside her.

  He eventually pulled out and disposed of the condom before collapsing next to Cami. She thought that she should probably get up and get ready for bed. She should probably shower and brush her teeth at the very least. But Drew had rolled to his side and was spooning himself against her back. He felt so warm and relaxing that Cami couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. Instead, she nestled back against him and slowly drifted off to sleep.

  Cami woke early with the alarm, but the spot beside her in bed was already cold. Frowning, she pulled herself out of bed and went looking for Drew.

  When she realized he wasn’t there, she than began looking for a note. She checked the nightstand and the dresser in the living room, the kitchen table, counter and fridge, even the coffee table in the living room.



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