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Succubus 2

Page 5

by A. J. Markam

  And then her face turned into an expression of unbridled fury.

  She reached down, grabbed Tarka’s hair tightly in her fingers, and forced Tarka’s head up into her crotch as hard as she could, clamping the pirate’s face between her thighs.

  Tarka probably still thought this was some sort of sex game – and then realized as her oxygen was cut off that things were going terribly, horribly wrong.

  “Mmff! MMPFF!” Tarka screamed, her voice muffled.

  “How do you like that, bitch?” Alaria snarled, pressing Tarka’s face even harder into her crotch.

  The ‘Breath’ counter above Tarka’s head began to deplete, same as if she was underwater.

  Drowning in water, or drowning in va-jay-jay – either way, she couldn’t breathe.

  “What the hell are you doing?!” I gasped.

  “Killing ex-master number three, of course.”

  “By suffocating her?!”

  Alaria shrugged. “I swore by the Seven Hells I wouldn’t use my powers, so… make do with what you’ve got, right?”

  Holy shit.

  If I wasn’t so turned on at the moment, I would’ve been utterly terrified.

  I was in love with one bad-ass bitch.

  Tarka was kicking and thrashing now, trying to get a hold on Alaria – but she was at the worst possible angle. She tried to kick her legs up and get them around Alaria’s neck to pry her off, but Alaria just extended both her wings slightly, forming a kind of shield.

  You would think Tarka would cast a spell – although maybe she couldn’t. I don’t know, I’ve never tried spellcasting while being suffocated by a hoo-hah.

  What a way to go, though.

  Tarka was whaling away on Alaria, alternately beating on her with her fists and trying to gouge at her with her fingernails – but nothing was working.

  As soon as her breath counter reached zero, her hit points began dropping precipitously. It didn’t matter how powerful you were in the game – once you started dying from suffocation, you went down quick. Everybody has to breathe.

  50K – 48K – 46K –

  As Tarka’s health plummeted, my mind raced ahead to what would happen when she died, and all the events that would be set in motion.

  She’ll croak – then her crew will –

  “Stop!” I screamed.

  Alaria looked over at me like I was insane. “Why?”

  “If you kill her, all her demons go back to wherever they came from!”

  32K – 30K – 28K –

  Alaria shrugged. “So? You freed thousands in Abaddon – we don’t need to free every single one we run across.”

  “There won’t be anybody left who knows how to fly the ship! We’ll crash!”

  “I’ll just glide us to safety.”

  “In the middle of the ocean?! Are you going to glide us a hundred miles to the nearest island?!”

  20K – 18K – 16K –

  Alaria’s eyes widened – and then they narrowed in anger. “You’re ruining my fun – you know that, don’t you?”

  “I’d rather ruin your fun and live instead of you having your fun and we all die!”

  Alaria sighed.

  2000 – 1000 – 500 – 100 –

  Tarka stopped kicking and flailing. She basically just wilted, and all of her limbs fell lifelessly onto the bed.

  “Get off her, QUICK!” I yelled.

  Alaria let go of Tarka’s hair and lifted herself up onto her knees.

  What followed was the most beautiful sound I had heard the last half-hour, even more than all the orgasmic female moaning:

  The sound of Tarka taking a breath.

  She lay there passed out on the bed. Her hit points were a barely visible speck of red on her life bar… but she was alive.

  Alaria looked down at Tarka grumpily, then looked over at me.

  Then her eyes lowered down to my lap.

  Which had something very hard pointing straight up into the air.

  “You know,” Alaria smiled as she raised one eyebrow, “we have a little time before she wakes up…”

  “Good – get me out of the stocks.”

  Alaria stepped off the bed and strolled over in front of me, parted my legs, and knelt down between my knees. I swallowed hard as I felt her warm, soft skin rub up against mine, felt her heavy breasts brush across my thighs.

  “We can’t do this right now,” I grumbled, cursing myself for being the responsible one. “What if the crew comes down here and attacks us?”

  “They won’t attack us unless she forces them to – which she can’t, because she’s unconscious. So why hurry? Especially when something else needs attention first,” she said, then grinned and winked.

  “This really isn’t the time to – ”

  All my objections went out the window as she bent her head down into my lap.

  I couldn’t see because of the goddamn board blocking my view, but I felt her lips envelop my head, soft and warm and wet. Then she slid down my shaft, her tongue caressing my entire length as she took me all the way inside her mouth.

  I gasped and moaned. Imagine going from thirty minutes of extreme sexual frustration to the most sensual sensation imaginable – 0 to 120 in two seconds flat.

  She began to swirl her tongue around my head, caressing that little flap of skin on the underside that was so sensitive.

  I let out a long, sustained moan.

  Then she began to bob her head up and down. At the same time, she used the tips of her long fingernails to gently tickle my balls, oh-so-lightly tracing her way from my sack up to the base of my shaft.

  “Alaria,” I groaned, “as incredible as this is – oh my God – this really isn’t the time. We need to restrain her so she can’t attack us.”

  There was an increased suction on my swollen head, followed by a wet pop – and then nothing at all.

  I wanted to punch myself in the face for having stopped her.

  Alaria’s head rose up from my lap, and she licked her lips and smiled. “You’re right.”

  “…I am?” I said hesitantly, kind of wishing she would overrule me and go back to what she’d been doing.

  “Yes, absolutely. Restrain her… and maybe something else.”


  Five minutes later I still had a raging hard-on, which wasn’t helped by the presence of two hot, naked women in the room. But there wasn’t any time to do anything about it, especially since things had taken a decidedly bizarre turn.

  “This isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I said we should restrain her,” I said.

  “Complain, complain,” Alaria teased.

  We had removed the wooden stocks from around my head, freeing me and restoring my warlock powers – then put the enchanted stocks around Tarka’s neck and wrists while she was still unconscious. Now there was no way she could attack us.

  Alaria had also constructed a makeshift pommel horse by stacking a wooden treasure chest on top of a crate, and covering it all with several layers of blankets. She slung Tarka over it so that the pirate captain was lying on her belly, her ass in the air. Her imprisoned head and hands were on the other side of the pommel horse – not to mention her heavy breasts, which swung tantalizingly in the air.

  Other than the bandanna Tarka wore that covered her left eye, she was completely naked.

  Of course, now the pirate captain was awake and none too pleased about her new situation.

  “You blasted whore!” Tarka roared. “You treacherous strumpet – you villainous harlot – ”

  “Quiet!” Alaria barked, and spanked Tarka hard.


  Tarka’s ass jiggled from the impact, and the pirate’s profane tirade was interrupted by a surprised little “Oh!”

  I stared at the red handprint on Tarka’s lovely rear, then shook myself out of it. “Why are we doing this? Let’s just throw her in the brig, or lock her up in this room, or – ”

  “Have some more fun,” Alaria grinned.


  “What are you going to do with me, you scurrilous wench?” Tarka growled.

  Alaria sauntered around in front of Tarka. The pirate queen was bent over the pommel horse so that she was eye-level with Alaria’s crotch, which she stared at with slack-jawed lust.

  “You wanted to humiliate Ian, didn’t you?” Alaria said.

  “Like shooting fish in a barrel,” Tarka sneered, her one visible eye squinting with hatred. “What a runt – couldn’t find yourself a real man?”

  “Hey!” I snapped.

  “Oh, he’s plenty enough man,” Alaria said sweetly – which made my heart lift, and my boner throb even harder.

  But then she added something that made my stomach drop.

  “Which you’re about to find out,” Alaria added sweetly, stroking Tarka’s face with her fingers.

  “What?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “What?” Tarka asked, her eye widening in fear.

  “You wanted to humiliate him by fucking me in front of him,” Alaria cooed. “So now, before I kill you, I’m going to humiliate you by having him fuck you.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I said, waving my hands in the air frantically.

  “No,” Tarka gasped, a look of panic on her face.

  “Oh yes,” Alaria smiled.

  “I’m not doing that,” I said.

  Alaria raised an eyebrow. “Oh yes you are.”

  “You vile witch!” Tarka roared. “You vicious little whore!”

  Alaria put her finger to Tarka’s lips. “Shhh. You’re ruining the moment.” Then she looked at me and smiled. “Stick it in.”


  Alaria looked bewildered. “Why not?”

  “This whole revenge thing is to get back at people who did stuff to you without your consent!”

  “Yeah,” Alaria said, like duh. “So I might as well do it to them.”

  “I – ”

  I paused.

  That actually made sense.

  And I knew Alaria well enough to know I wasn’t exactly dealing with a moral exemplar of ‘taking the high road.’

  But the whole time, the chorus of Meatloaf’s I Would Do Anything For Love was playing in the back of my mind.

  “I don’t care, I’m not going to do that!” I sputtered.

  “You liked doing it with me,” Alaria said reproachfully.

  “Yeah, but you wanted it! You were into it! I don’t care what this chick did, I’m not going there!”

  A light bulb went on in Alaria’s eyes. “Ahhhh – so she has to say she wants you to do it, is that it?”


  And then the entire weirdness of the situation crashed down on me.

  I was standing here with the girl of my dreams, who was trying to get me to bang a hot-ass milf right there in front of her while she watched.

  These things only happened in pornos.

  And now videogames, it seemed.

  “Besides, what about us?” I asked.

  “What about us?”

  “You really want me to have sex with another woman in front of you?”

  Alaria licked her lips lasciviously. “Yeah… it would be hot.” Then she glared down Tarka with a malicious smile. “Especially if she’s an evil little bitch just asking for it.”

  “But she’s not asking for it,” I pointed out.

  “She will.”

  “You foul little hell-slut!” Tarka raged. “I’ll never – ”

  Alaria grabbed Tarka’s face and craned it up to look at her. “I don’t think you’re in the position to be telling me anything about what you will or won’t do. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that I’m the master now.”

  Tarka glared up her with a hatred as hot and violent as a thousand suns.

  “I’d rather you just kill me now than have a man defile me,” Tarka hissed.

  Alaria smiled. “Yes – I know.”

  “Still not doing it,” I said.

  “Yes you will.”

  “No I won’t – ”

  “Yes you will, because she’s going to ask you to do it. In fact, she’s going to beg you to do it.”

  I frowned. “No she’s not.”

  “No I’m not,” Tarka snarled at the same time.

  Alaria bent down in front of the pirate and put her head next to Tarka’s.

  “Yes you will,” she whispered softly, her lips brushing Tarka’s ear.

  I knew how seductive that was from personal experience. Even if I hadn’t, I could see Tarka’s reaction by the goosebumps it raised on her flawless olive skin.

  “No I won’t,” Tarka said, although she seemed a little less vehement about it now. “Not even if you torture me.”

  “Oh, I will,” Alaria cooed. “But there are all different types of torture.”

  Alaria’s left hand reached up underneath Tarka’s body and cupped one of her naked, heavy breasts. She began to softly stroke it, caressing it with her fingers.

  “Ask him to put it in you,” Alaria whispered.

  Tarka got a look of slack-jawed lust, but still she refused. “I won’t.”

  “Yes, you will,” Alaria whispered again. Her right hand cupped Tarka’s other breast, and she lightly squeezed the erect nipple.

  An involuntary moan escaped the pirate queen’s throat. “No…”

  “Yes, you will,” Alaria insisted quietly.

  Her tail curled up across Tarka’s back and began to gently caress her skin.

  More goosebumps sprang up all over Tarka’s body.

  “No,” Tarka murmured, her one eye closed, her face lost in a reverie of sensual bliss.

  Alaria stood up. Now Tarka was eye level with Alaria’s neatly trimmed thatch of curly hair, and just inches away from her luscious, bare, still-wet lips. I could even see Alaria’s clit, swollen and aroused beneath the red hood.

  Not only that, I could smell the sweet, cinnamon perfume of her sex. And I knew that if I could detect it at a distance of six feet, Tarka could definitely smell it from just inches away.

  “No,” Tarka moaned, unable to take her eyes off of Alaria’s pussy.

  Alaria begin to brush her fingers softly across Tarka’s face, ears, and shoulders. Her tail switched to playing with Tarka’s breasts, softly gliding between her cavernous cleavage. And Alaria kept swaying her hips forward and backwards like she was slow-dancing, bringing her thighs within an inch of Tarka’s face before pulling away.

  My cock was about to burst just from watching.

  “Yes,” Alaria whispered.

  Tarka was basically drooling now. She strained forward, trembling, wanting so bad to put her mouth on Alaria’s lips.

  Alaria backed up an inch, just out of reach. “No. Only if you let him inside you.”

  I stared at her, incredibly turned on – and totally in awe at the sensual mindfuck taking place in front of me.

  Tarka strained again towards Alaria’s thighs and whimpered, “Please…”

  Alaria moved her fingers down to her own crotch. She began to trace her fingertips lightly through her curls… and then to play with her clit, wetting her fingers with her own juices and circling the little red pearl.

  Alaria moaned seductively. “I want you to lick it so BAD, Tarka…”

  “Please,” Tarka begged, and stuck out her tongue – although Alaria kept just out of reach.

  “Let him inside you,” Alaria whispered.

  “No,” Tarka groaned, nearly crying with frustration.

  Alaria pressed her hips forward, bringing her within millimeters of Tarka’s straining tongue. “Beg him to take you.”

  “No,” Tarka moaned.

  “Beg him to fuck you.”

  “You know I’ve never been with a man,” Tarka whispered.

  “And you’ll never be with me again unless you let him between your legs.”

  “Please, I’m begging you…”

  “No. Beg him.”

  Alaria got just close enough that her soft, curly hair brushed against Tarka’s nose �
�� and then she withdrew.

  Tarka whimpered like an animal…

  And then she finally whispered, “…take me.”

  “What?” I said, absolutely shocked.

  “I said beg him,” Alaria ordered. “Louder.”

  “Take me,” Tarka moaned, and strained closer to Alaria’s sex.

  This was turning me on so bad it wasn’t even funny.

  But it still felt seriously fucked-up.

  “No – I’m not going to – ”

  Alaria grabbed Tarka’s hair and yanked her head back to look her in the eyes. “I said beg, bitch.”

  “Please, I’m begging you, put your cock inside me,” Tarka moaned.

  I still hesitated.

  Alaria made a face at me like a teenage girl trying to get her high school boyfriend to do something she wanted. Just do it.

  “You really want me to do this?” I asked in complete shock.

  “No,” Alaria said sarcastically, “this has all been a big buildup for nothing. Of course I do! And she’s begging you – that’s what you wanted, isn’t it? So do it already!”

  “But she doesn’t really want me to – ”

  “By Chalastia’s tits, just stick it in, you fuckwit!” Tarka roared.

  I looked one last time at Alaria.

  She smiled the tiniest bit, then nodded.

  I shook my head in dismay, then looked down at Tarka’s ass.

  It was incredible, I had to admit that. Full and firm, with her pink, puffy lips sticking out between her cheeks and thighs.

  I grabbed the base of my shaft and lined my swollen head up with Tarka’s slit. As my skin touched her lips, I could tell she was drenched.

  I looked at Alaria one more time. “You’re absolutely sure about – ”

  “JUST STICK IT IN!” both Alaria and Tarka yelled at the same time.

  “OKAY!” I shouted back angrily, then entered Tarka with one long, single thrust.

  Oh my GOD.

  The sensation was totally different from being inside Alaria. Whereas my succubus fit me like a glove, Tarka was supple and yielding, just pliant wet softness that enveloped me completely.

  Even though she’d never been with a guy before, her looseness made sense, seeing how many inches of Alaria’s doubled-up tail she’d just taken.

  I let out an involuntary grown as I sank all the way in, my hips smacking up against her ass.


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