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The Warrior and the Wandering Wizard (The Way of the Wandering Wizard Series Book 2)

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by Michael Novak

  “You know what that is, don’t you? Alas, he does not have much time. How unfortunate for him. Only a master healer from one of the temples would have a chance to cure that poison. You know what you must do. That arm has to come off, and soon.” Aden crosses his arms and shakes his head from side to side. “See, I told you so. You should've left him. He's far more trouble than he's worth.”

  Mikal stands. “I know what I must do, but I am not exactly sure how to do it.”

  The Red Wizard sighs. “I will see what the innkeeper has that may be of use.”

  Long minutes pass, ticking off the dwarf’s life. Aden enters the room followed by a strapping man carrying a double bladed ax.

  “This woodsman was having breakfast before setting out for the day. I persuaded him, with some of your coin, to do the deed. You are fortunate that I have seen this done a time or two.”

  They lay the dwarf on the floor. “He is still groggy. I gave him something to numb the pain,” Mikal explains.

  They place a block of wood under the left shoulder of the unconscious dwarf. “Woodsman, hold your ax steady, if you can.”

  The Red Wizard places his iron staff next to the metal axe head. A red flame appears and starts to heat the metal. Shortly, the double-bladed iron is glowing red.

  “This should seal the wound instantly, I would think. Now strike!”

  Without hesitation, the woodsman swings his axe above his head, staring upon the spot to strike, and brings it down and severs the dwarf’s left arm just below the shoulder. After cleaning up the blood, the man receives his payment and hurriedly leaves. Mikal wraps the severed limb in a large rag that quickly is stained with blood and hands it to Aden.

  “Please, get rid of this now.”

  The Red Wizard gives a slight bow and says unconvincingly, “I am at your service, Master.”

  Within the hour, Mikal is surprised at the dwarf’s progress. Except for the missing arm, the dwarf is healing well. Aden returns, wiping his hands with a cloth, and Mikal tells him that the dwarf will live, only to hear a scoff from Aden.

  “Well, aren’t we the lucky ones? We best be off to the city of Stonegrove.”

  Chapter 12

  “AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEAH! M’arm! M’arm! Ewe bass turds! Wa tave ewe dun tomb ee? Wym eye bound? Mine ite mare izreel! Ewe welp ay fourth hiss!”

  The two wizards abruptly stop. Aden turns toward the dwarf with his cloak flying in the wind.

  “Are you addressing us, malodorous one? I can barely understand your ranting. I presume you are inquiring about the whereabouts of your left arm and why you are restrained, no? You were unconscious; the ropes are there so you would not fall from the saddle. Your arm was filled with poison, so we severed it for your own health. You’re welcome.”

  “You bass turd! Ewe had know rite!” protests the dwarf, “’twas m’arm!”

  The Red Wizard shakes his head. “Now listen, little man. That wizard and his cat found you off the road. You were more dead than alive. Your body was broken and he healed you. Do you understand? He gave you back your pathetic life. When I first saw you I thought you were dead and there was no way anyone would waste time trying to heal a dwarf. You should thank him. He's very talented and the only reason you are here now, you ungrateful, smelly, little-” Aden trails off.

  The dwarf murmurs under his breath, “If fee wuzzo talon ted, eye wooden’t lost m’arm.”

  “I told you they are stubborn and ungrateful, not to mention stupid. He doesn’t even know how to talk. Most of it is just gibberish,” Aden states.

  “That is not so. I have studied their language. It was necessary to read the words out loud at first to understand what was being said, but it is not gibberish. It takes practice and patience to grasp what is being written or spoken, is all.”

  Mikal looks to the dwarf. “I am sorry about your arm. I did all that I could to save it. My name is Melchior Brightstar, this is my cat Majam, and he is my temporary servant, Aden Ferrum.”

  “Yore rise look stew pit end ugh lee. Aroo wa blind whiz herd, whiz herd?” asks the dwarf.

  Mikal chuckles. “Yes, you can say I am blind. But my cat helps guide me.”

  “Eye never knead did a pet.” Mikal looks to Aden.

  The dwarf asks, “Wear em eye, end wear em eye bee in tay ken?”

  “We are just a short distance from the city of Stonegrove. I hope to be crossing the River Phalanges and entering the city within the hour. Is this acceptable to you?”

  The dwarf leans back in Aden’s saddle and does not reply.

  Mikal asks, “What is your name, sir?”

  The dwarf hesitates. “If few must no, mine aim iz Kairn Lanthanide Kavon.

  “His name’s bigger that he is.” Aden smirks.

  Kairn adds absently, “Stonegrove wuz smaid bie dwarves.”

  Mikal challenges the statement. “Dwarves may have designed the city, but giants built it.”

  Kairn responds defensively, “Know, knot sew. The gy rants whirr own lee annex ten shun of the dee zine ers. Weeb illtit.”

  They continue walking toward their destination.

  “Wuddu upe plant two due tomb ee?”

  Mikal hesitates, “We plan to take you to Stonegrove. Then you may go where you wish.”

  The dwarf nods his head and looks down at his torn and filthy rags he is wearing.

  “Isle knead knew cloze.”

  Aden looks to Mikal. “They are greedy, also.”

  Mikal responds, “Yes, I know you do. I am sorry I could not purchase any at our last location. But I am sure we shall find something in the city.”

  Eventually, the two wizards, the dwarf, and the cat cross one of the drawbridges that protect the city and now they stand before two sentries who guard the gate.

  The Red Wizard steps forward.

  “I am Aden Ferrum and this is Melchior Brightstar from the city of Addis.”

  A stout guard holding a wooden club in his left hand gives them a cursory glance.

  “And what about that one-arm dwarf?”

  Mikal turns toward the guard. “He has had an unfortunate accident and he is temporarily in my care. I will vouch for him.”

  “What is your interest in entering my city?” the sentry asks.

  “We have business at the Yellow Toad Inn,” Mikal answers.

  A line of people is starting to gather on the drawbridge. The guards nod and let Mikal’s group pass.

  Kairn questions Mikal, “Use ay this manniz yore sir vent? If that’s strew, wide uzzee an ounce hiz naim firsten then hiz mass ter’z?”

  The White Wizard looks to Aden. “He is correct. We are going to have to work at that.”

  The last time Mikal visited Stonegrove was during Festival. The streets were crowded and colorful. Now the avenues are filled with locals going about their business. The two wizards direct Aden's horse past a myriad of shops. Mikal's group is held up by a slow moving litter carries an old, obese merchant.

  Kairn ask, “That bill ding to the rye tuv vus. Wha tiz zit?”

  The White Wizard turns and is surprised by the question. “That is the library. It houses many books and old tomes.”

  “Eye wood like two vew it wye lime hear.”

  Aden laughs. “You have to be able to read, oh crippled, witless one. Most of the books do not have pretty pictures.”

  Kairn snaps back, “Ike an reeden rite. Mine aim iz Kairn; K-a-i-r-n.”

  Again the Red Wizard laughs. “I'm impressed that you parrot some letters but that's not reading.”

  The dwarf falls silent. Mikal interjects, “One needs a pass, or to know someone special, to gain entry to the library. If we have time, I will see what I can do.”

  As they approach the Yellow Toad Inn, Aden expounds, “I believe many of the residents are staring at us. Now I can understand them giving long looks to the one-armed dwarf out of pure curiosity and to me out of fear of the Red Robes, but many are spending their time looking and whispering about you, Melchior Brightstar. And
why is that, do you suppose?”

  Mikal responds, “I was here not long ago and there was an incident. I was involved. As luck would have it, everything worked out well. I did not think they would recognize me, though, since I appeared quite different then.”

  The Red Wizard responds, “Oh, really. Please tell me about this …incident.”

  They stop in front of the Yellow Toad Inn. The White Wizard asks, “Aden, please take your horse to the stable and I will escort Kairn to the innkeeper and secure us a room. Thank you.”

  Surprisingly, the dwarf needs only a little help dismounting from Aden's horse. The two and Majam enter the inn. Instantly, the old innkeeper welcomes Mikal and instructs his plump wife to fetch a saucer of milk for the cat. He only glances at the dwarf.

  “Where's Talon?” he asks eagerly.

  The White Wizard responds, “He is not with me currently but I hope to see him soon.”

  “Is everything alright? Your eyes and that white streak in your hair…” the innkeeper asks. He lowers his eyes. “Forgive me, it is not my business.”

  Mikal waves his hand. “No, no, it is perfectly acceptable to ask. Everything is... fine. I am wondering if we could rent a room.”

  The proprietor nods his head. “But, of course. How about the same one you had before?”

  The White Wizard responds, “That would do nicely.”

  The Red Wizard joins the two and Mikal says, “Let me introduce you to Aden Ferrum, currently my servant. And this is Kairn, who has had a serious accident. He is temporarily in my charge. And, of course, you know my cat Majam.”

  “And a beautiful creature she is,” responds the innkeeper's wife.

  Soon the three are unpacked, and divide their room into individual sections.

  Aden asks, “So what is the plan now, oh wise one?”

  “We go to the main room and order some food. You keep your eyes and ears open. I want to see if we can get a sense of what is happening here.”

  The Red Wizard inquires, “What do you think is happening?”

  Mikal shakes his head. “I do not yet know.”

  Shortly, the two wizards order light repasts. The dwarf orders enough food for three and proceeds to devour it at an unbelievable rate.

  Aden simply states, “Add gluttony to the list.”

  Mikal ignores him, and is aware of people staring and whispering about them. After dining, the three return to the room. Aden enters first and is surprised to see a woman dressed in a soft and supple black leather suit. He slips his hand around his concealed red-bladed dagger. Fortunately, Majam enters and meows pleasantly.

  Mikal softly chuckles. “I am not surprised see you here, Marian Vetta.”

  She stands. “Do you always travel with such strange company: a one-armed dwarf and a dangerous looking man that does not belong here? Also, where is the half-elf? And what is the latest news about our thief?”

  “Talon, as you can see, is not here, but I hope he will reach us soon. I am sorry, but I have no current news on our thief. If I may, this is Aden Ferrum, temporarily my servant, and this is Kairn, also temporarily under my care. Tell me, Marian, what news have you?”

  The dark-clad figure shakes her head. “No news that I can share. I can only warn you to tread cautiously while you are here.” Her eyes look first to the one-armed dwarf then rest on Mikal's “servant”, “Strange things are about.”

  Mikal ponders her words. “Thank you for your words of caution. Tell me, can you give me directions to the Baron Stannum residence?”

  “I can, but it may be better that you receive them from the innkeeper. Trust me. He may have someone that will escort you there.”

  Marian bends one knee and strokes the large, white cat. “I shall take my leave. Again, be careful.”

  The door closes. “Well, that was certainly cryptic,” says Aden. “Now tell me about the last time you were here. You seem to have made quite an impression.”

  Mikal picks up his staff. “I have no time for that now.” He leads the group out of the room and asks directions to the Baron’s abode. As Marian foretold, the innkeeper offers a young boy to show them the way.

  It is mid-afternoon once they step onto the streets of the city. They walk by the library. “Eye hav know inn trestin me ting sum know bells. Kan use ee if few can gain en tree form ee at the lie berry?” asks the dwarf.

  Mikal bows his head slightly. “Yes, I think this would be a good thing for you.” They walk up the steps and a sentry bars their path. The White Wizard stands tall. “Please tell the head librarian that Mikal Novastar is here to see him.” The guard stares at the White Wizard for a moment then quickly turns and enters the library.

  “How menny naims dew yew hav?” asks Kairn.

  Shortly, one of the two large, wooden doors opens. Out walks an eager Derek Foxhill. “Welcome, Mikal Novastar and your beautiful, white cat. Where is my friend Talon?”

  “It is good to see you,” the White Wizard responds. “Talon is not currently with us but I hope to see him soon. I know he would appreciate spending time with you.”

  “Did he find what he was seeking?”

  “Yes, he did,” responds Mikal.

  “Oh my, I hope he will tell me all about it.”

  “I'm sure he will,” reassures Mikal. “Now for the matter at hand. I've come to ask you a favor.”

  “Anything for you,” the head librarian replies.

  “This is Aden Ferrum, my servant.” Derek nods. “And this is Kairn Lanthanide Kovan. He has recently been in a serious accident, but he wishes to see your library. I do not believe he has been in one before.”

  The one-armed dwarf simply states, “Eye knead nu close.”

  Master Foxhill looks to Kairn. “That you do. I will contact my tailor immediately. I see you speak dwarfish, can you read it as well?”

  The dwarf answers, “Uv core syke an. Uv core syke an.”

  “Very good. I can't believe my good fortune. I've been going over some old dwarfish text and hopefully you can help with some of the translation.”

  A smug laugh escapes Aden. Mikal interjects hurriedly, “Thank you very much. We may not be back until late.”

  “That is no problem,” Master Foxhill responds. “He is welcome to stay the night if necessary. As long as he promises to tell me about his travels…and what became of his arm.”

  The one-armed dwarf nods in agreement. “Mel key or or My kell lore watt tever yore naim iz, dew knot four git abowt mee.”

  The two enter the library and the door closes. The Red Wizard smiles. “Well done. We are rid of him now.”

  Mikal shakes his head. “I intend to return for him.”

  “Then you are a foolish man, Mikal Novastar of the City of Addis.”

  Chapter 13

  With the young boy to guide them, they soon enter the Village on the Hill where the well-to-do live. All the buildings are expensively built with wood and stone. It is late afternoon when the boy turns left on a short, cobblestone path. He gives a slight bow and points to the large double doors.

  “This is the House of Stannum.”

  Mikal places a coin in the lad’s hand and thanks him. The youth skips down the cobblestone lane whistling a merry tune. Aden knocks on the large doors. One opens and a nattily attired servant appears.

  Aden steps forward. “My good man, this is Mikal Novastar from the City of Addis. Tell your master he wishes an audience.”

  Mikal quickly adds, “Tell him we apologize for the inconvenient hour.”

  It is some time later that the servant reappears and tells them to follow him. They enter the estate and turn right down a hallway that leads them to a large, well-furnished sitting room. A handsome man, who fills out his tailored clothes well and has a touch of gray in his hair, stands before them. Seated next to him in a posh, red velvet chair is a well-groomed, elegant, flaxen-haired woman.

  A man servant steps forward and, in a deep voice, announces, “I present Baron Reilly Stannum and the Baroness Elizabet
h Stannum.”

  The two wizards bow formally. “Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice. I am Mikal Novastar and this is my servant Aden Ferrum.”

  The Baron nods, signaling the servants to take their leave. The one with the deep voice hesitates, clears his throat, and looks to Aden.

  Mikal smiles. “You are dismissed. Wait for me in the lobby.”

  Aden scowls at Mikal for a moment, bows theatrically, and follows the servant. The Baron looks to Mikal. “Your presence here would indicate that you have received the letter from Madam Burnshire. We did not dare hope that you would arrive so soon. To be honest, we were also expecting the talented half-elf.”

  Mikal nods. “I was fortunate. I was nearby when your Courier found me. I expect that Talon will arrive soon.”

  The Baroness speaks up, “We are about to have dinner and, of course, you are invited.”

  Mikal apologizes, “I doubt if I shall make a good dinner guest. I had a late lunch.”

  The Baroness smiles. “Your presence, your wisdom, and your cat we seek, not your appetite. Madame Burnshire did mention that you are a connoisseur of teas. I have a dinner blend that you may find interesting.”

  Mikal responds, “Well, I do not know about the wisdom but I'm more than willing to try your tea.”

  The Baron moves close and in a soft voice whispers, “The moment you entered this house we sent a runner. If the Madam is free, she will meet us here later this evening. At least, that is our hope.”

  Mikal acknowledges with a nod.

  The three exit the sitting room, walk down a different hallway, and enter the dining area. Three teenaged children stand waiting behind their dinner chairs. The proud Baroness waves her arm. “Let me introduce my children. This is my eldest daughter RaeAnne. You can see by her attire that she wears a unique style. Not only is she fashionable, she is a very skilled archer and athlete as well. I wish Talon could see her shoot.” She turns to the lad. “This is my eldest son Robert Craig. He is a fine swordsman. Just ask him.”

  The Baron steps forward and interjects, “He fancies himself an officer already. He is not.”


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