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The Warrior and the Wandering Wizard (The Way of the Wandering Wizard Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Michael Novak

  There are two school guards lightly armed, but watchful. Talon explains that he is on an urgent mission and must see the headmaster. Both sentries are leery.

  “Mikal Novastar has sent me. He is a former, well-respected teacher. I must see headmaster Aaron Cuprum. See? I have a letter.”

  After a brief discussion, the two guards let him pass. The half-elf asks, “Is there a stable nearby? My mount needs much care.”

  “We have one on school grounds,” explains a tall soldier. Talon, not knowing what the proper amount should be, offers a number of silver coins if the guard would escort his horse to the school’s stable. The guard does not hesitate and takes the money and the horse. The half-elf is escorted to the headmaster's office.

  Talon, with his cat, enters a spacious waiting room filled with soft leather chairs. There is a table in front of a large, unlit fireplace and upon it rests an elaborate chess set made of ebony and ivory. A guard takes Talon's letter and tells him to wait. He exits through an intricately carved wooden door. Moments later, Talon, with his eleven ear, can overhear a conversation in the next room.

  (Interesting. Bring the girl here to my office, but through the back halls.)

  A kindly looking, older man enters, carrying Talon’s letter.

  “Good day. My name is Aaron Cuprum, headmaster of the School of the Three Moons. Please sit.”

  Tamarix jumps on the table that is between the two occupants. The feline stares at the older gentleman. The headmaster comments, “That is an exceptional color for a cat.”

  Talon nods. “Yes, it is. His name is Tamarix.”

  “And an interesting name it is.” Cuprum sets himself in an impressive chestnut brown, leather chair that somewhat resembles a throne. “But now, the matter at hand. This is a compelling letter. It appears to have been written in haste though.”

  “Yes, it was,” Talon explains. “By accident, it was uncovered that Mikal Novastar has a daughter. We fear that this knowledge is spreading and making its way here.”

  Aaron nods his head. “I see where that would be worrisome. But you must understand you are asking me to release from my charge someone that I have been protecting and firmly believe this is the safest place for her.”

  The half-elf looks hard at the headmaster. “Must I remind you, I am not asking, but her father is?”

  Master Cuprum pauses and folds his hands. “Tell me, Talon, about your time with Mikal.”

  The half-elf looks to his cat and gently starts to pet him. “He saved my life, when I thought I did not want to be saved. I was there when he summoned his cat Majam. We traveled together, we met and had dealings with the Dragon Em-Le. I was near when he let loose much of his might and magic and greatly reduced the power of the Dark Robes. His abilities are growing, but they are attracting dangerous things. Know most of all, Mikal Novastar is a good and honest man and my friend.”

  The headmaster nods. “Of all the things you said, the last shows that you do know him. But…”

  A knock on the door interrupts and a school guard enters. Master Cuprum stands, excuses himself, and passes through the intricately carved wooden doorway. Again, Talon can overhear the conversation.

  (I'm sorry, sir, the girl is not in the school.)

  [What do you mean by this?]

  (Apparently she's on a field trip.)

  [She was not supposed to leave the grounds.]

  (I know, but supposedly she used a false name and went out with a small group gathering food for the cook.)

  [Well, go get her.]

  (We would, but there are two groups and we do not know which one she is with. One is southeast of here looking for special mushrooms, the other northwest to an apple orchard.)

  [Have you considered sending guards to both sites?]


  [Send guards to both sites.]

  Aaron Cuprum enters the waiting room, but to his surprise the half-elf and his cat are gone.


  Talon, having memorized the route to the headmaster's office, quickly retraces his steps and exits the main door of the School of the Three Moons.

  “Sir,” he says, addressing one of the school guards, “there is supposed to be a field not far from here where one could find some tasty mushrooms. May I have directions, please?”

  “Certainly. That would be Solver Field, just over a quarter mile away.” He points. “Once you get close, you will see three large trees. The center one is dead or dying, people can't tell. Shall I get your horse?”

  “No, no,” responds the half-elf. Talon and his cat set a brisk pace and within a few minutes are standing among the large trees. It takes only a moment to notice a small group of students probing the ground, searching for what only could be the best mushrooms. Cautiously, Talon approaches. He is aware of only one teacher among them. Then he spies a tall, redheaded girl that he knows is Mikal’s daughter. He sends his cat to catch her attention.

  “Oh my, you are a beautiful tom.”

  She gently holds out her hand and the large cat gingerly sniffs it once and then again. He moves closer. She tenderly starts to pet the Elven cat. She looks up and asks, “What is your name?”

  “Tamarix,” responds Talon, causing Mairin to start. The half-elf bends down and talks softly, “Mairin, your father has sent me. Something disturbing has happened.”

  “Tell me my father is safe.”

  “Yes, but it is not safe for you to be here. Please believe me. He fears for your life. We must leave this place.”

  She stands with a freshly picked mushroom in her hand. “I don't know what to say or do.”

  “I understand,” Talon responds. “Your father saved my life and the least I can do is to help his daughter. My name is Talon. I was with him when he summoned his beautiful cat Majam.”

  “Oh, Talon! I’ve so wished to finally meet and thank you for the faithfulness and friendship you’ve shown my father.”

  The teacher of the group approaches Mairin and Talon. “Alison, is there a problem? And excuse me, sir, what is your name and the nature of your business here?” Talon bows slightly. “Sir, my name is Talon of the Deep Woods. I have been sent by this girl’s father to see her to safety.”

  Before the teacher can respond, Tamarix meows menacingly. The half-elf looks over his shoulder and sees two men dressed as school guards marching toward them. Mairin whispers, “I don't recognize those two.”

  The clothes do not fit the men well, especially the shorter one. His boots look two sizes too big for him and his tunic reaches his knees. Without hesitation, Talon moves toward the guards and delivers a swift kick to the chest of the short one who falls heavily to the ground. The other begins to draw his sword but Talon slides and takes out his legs from under him and he also falls. Before the shocked sentry knows what is happening, Talon’s fist hits him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

  “Mairin, come with me.” Talon holds out his hand. She hesitates but for a moment, and then grasps it as they run. Surprising the half-elf, Mikal's daughter easily maintains the hurried pace that he sets.

  As they enter a busy part of the city, Mairin looks over her shoulder and states, “I do not believe anyone has followed us.”

  Talon nods in agreement, but sets a hurried pace none-the-less. “So, Talon of the Deep Woods and his cat Tamarix, where are you taking me?”

  “Not far,” Talon responds. “Show me to the west gate. I have memorized the rest of the way from there. Your headmaster has your father’s letter and map.”

  With little incident, the two and the cat make their way to the city's gate, stopping along the way to buy some food. They notice many of the city’s militia are very active, looking and searching for something or someone. Mairin places her hood over her head, concealing her tell-tale red hair. As they approached the city's gate, a flock of birds also seem to be in a hurry to leave the city. The distracted guards do not notice a half-elf, a human girl, and a Elven cat leave.

  The sky is dotted with dark clouds th
at partially obscure the setting sun. The two maintain their pace and talk about the one thing they have in common; Mikal Novastar.

  “How much further?” Mairin asks, now cradling the cat in her arms.

  “Soon. The man we seek is Amadeus Whitestone. He owns a farm just up the road. Your father believes he can protect you better than anyone else.”

  They round a bend in the road, and they see an alarming sight: a farmhouse and barn set ablaze. They stared transfixed by the glowing, pulsating inferno. The barn and then the house collapse on itself. The young people see no sign of any living thing.

  Talon is reminded of a Red Wizard’s flame.

  Mairin asks, “What should we do now?”

  Chapter 19

  I feel like I am compelled to do the things I do.

  A risen man sits on a snorting, black stallion. He is dressed in heavy, devoid-of-light armor. He looks down into the Valley of Endorr and waits. Soon, a significant number of shadowy birds descend around him. He raises his iron gauntlet and points to the settlement below.

  “Retribution will be mine tonight.”

  The flock circles again and then falls into the dimming light of the Valley. The Ebony Knight follows the winding path to his destination of reckoning. The moon is high in the sky and shadows stretch everywhere.

  The lone rider approaches the many colored tents that house the Witches of Endorr. His presence is sensed before seen. Three trusted guards bar the armored intruder from entry. Surprising all, the menacing warrior pulls up his dangerous steed and dismounts.

  “Your fear feeds me. I have use for the three of you,” he sneers.

  He draws his razor-sharp, enchanted blade from its sheath made of bone and viciously attacks the three frightened sentinels. Within moments, his blade has cut and slashed the three guards severely. The Black Knight inexplicably breaks off the attack and steps back. He raises his cursed weapon and recites wicked words. Immediately, the three sentries fall to their knees and, in unison, scream eerily as their very souls are rent from them.

  This continues until the sword has had its fill.

  The conquering knight holds out his left gauntlet and commands the three to rise. Like puppets on strings they obey. Their eyes are glazed and their expressions are dead to the world.

  “Now you will do my bidding. Go, bring death and woe to this Valley. There will be laughter and joy nevermore, for-ever-more.”

  The horrid one lowers himself to his knees. He bends over and delivers a obscene kiss to the valley floor. A wave of fear emanates from this malevolent mark, radiating discontent and discord that fills the valley.

  “Ah, the panic and screams warn my heart and sooth my ears. This place is cursed now and forever more.”

  Unpleasant laughter echoes through the night.

  Chapter 20

  Aden turns and looks at Mikal. “I wish him luck, but he looks so young.”

  “I can think of no one better for this task,” responds the White Wizard. “I think it is best that we try to get some sleep.”

  The mage, along with his cat, chooses a bed far from the door. The Red Wizard finishes a cup of grog and beds down for the night on an adjoining cot. The dwarf grabs two blankets and lies on the floor blocking the door.

  Aden mutters, “Well, I guess he's good for something…a doorstop.”

  Shortly, the only sound in the room is the labored breathing of the dwarf.

  I hear a deep, rumbling croak… first one, then many. I am floating, no flying, no soaring. There are a number of us, all with a black, bluish green luster of feathers. We dip, we soar in unison. We hear a calling. One starts a circling descent…we follow. Down we go… we see a flock of our brothers. They are feeding in a frenzy. I land but I cannot see food. I look for an opening. One unfolds. I hop in. I see, I smell, a dead carcass. It is stripped of most of its coverings. It has long red hair with a streak of white in it.

  “Wizard, wake up. Are you ill? You were making peculiar sounds in your sleep and you woke me. That must've been some dream.”

  It is early in the morning. Birds chirp their morning songs.

  Aden waits for a response. Mikal sits up and says groggily, “I am fine, I think. I had a very disturbing dream.”

  “You look better now.” Aden excuses himself. “I'll be back soon.”

  Aden rudely opens the door, scattering the surprised dwarf who squeals indignantly. “Humph…you’re not even a good doorstop.”

  In a little while, a gentle knock, and the door opens and reveals the innkeeper's wife carrying breakfast on a wooden tray. She places it on the table, wishes everyone a good morning, gently pets Majam, and turns and leaves. The dwarf closes the door, sits, and starts to gobble up the breakfast. Swiftly, Mikal snatches two biscuits and a cup of water. He brews some tea and leisurely eats the biscuits.

  Majam looks up suddenly and hisses a warning. Mikal grabs his staff as the dwarf places himself in front of the White Wizard. The door slams open and a hooded man hurls a errant knife awkwardly at the dwarf. It is wide of its target and embeds in the back wall. The would-be assailant looks up for just a moment in astonishment, then falls face forward to the ground. A flame, in the shape of a dagger, protrudes from the man's upper back. Aden enters, stepping over the prone body.

  “I saw two suspicious men lurking at the back of the inn. I waited until this one made his move, clumsy and unprofessional as it was.”

  Abruptly, the flame knife extinguishes itself. The Red Wizard searches the attacker‘s body. He discovers a few coins and a nondescript, black-bladed knife.

  “This was probably met for you.”

  He holds out the blade for Mikal. “No, thank you. I already have one.”

  Aden looks questioningly at the White Wizard. “I have seen his type before. They are quite common in the city of Umbra. No doubt this is a dark assassin’s acolyte, trying to make a name for himself.”

  Mikal looks to Aden. “How did you spot him again?”

  “I told you he did not look right for this place. In the city of shadows he might've blended in, but not here. I will search the area for his accomplice, but I fear he will be nowhere to be found.”

  The innkeeper's wife, carrying a saucer of milk for the cat, is startled by the sight of the body and spills the saucer’s contents..

  “Oh, my! What has happened here? Ahh! Icabod!” She turns and skitters away. Majam starts to lap up some of the spilt milk.

  Almost instantly the innkeeper appears, but before he can say anything, Mikal stands and addresses him. “I apologize for this inconvenience. We do not wish to bring these problems to your establishment.”

  The innkeeper is dumbfounded. “A criminal enters the door to your room,” He sees the knife in the wall, “and tries to harm you and you apologize to me? I say to you, sir, you are free to stay here any time you desire. The fault is mine.”

  Soon guards appear and, after an explanation, they removed the body and leave. Aden closes the door. Kairn removes the knife from the wall, checks its balance, and places it in his belt.

  “Mikal Novastar, who are you and what have you done to warrant dark assassins, though acolytes, to leave the city of Umbra and pursue you here? Surely you know there will be more to follow. And what do you mean that you have a black blade already?”

  Mikal hesitates, then slowly reaches into his traveling robe and produces an item wrapped in soft leather. He hands it to the Red Wizard while the dwarf and Majam gaze fascinated at the covered item. Tentatively, Aden unwraps it and for a moment only stares. He closely inspects the metal, drawing his fingers across the blade. The dwarf steps closer, transfixed.

  Aden whispers a simple spell. “There are letters etched on this blade. What do they spell?” He looks hard at the White Wizard. “This is a rare and dangerous weapon that only the Black Robes possess. It is said each one of these is crafted to slay but one person. Only their most trusted and talented assassins are awarded these. Again I ask you, what have you done to warrant their wra
th? Do not misjudge me. I am impressed, but most intrigued.”

  Mikal sits and looks long at the Red Wizard. He leans back in the chair.

  “There was a quest, retrieval, then a return. The quest took us to the city of Umbra, but, as you well know, nothing is ever simple in that city.”

  Aden nods his head.

  The wizard continues, “Many things happened in a short period of time. I got caught up in the intrigues of the City of Shadows. That dark blade gave me entrance to the Black Robes’ concave.”

  “So it was you?” Aden interrupts, aghast, and starts to pace. “Unbelievable! You do not know how many different rumors there are trying to explain what happened that night. It must've been some spell. Could you do that again? Could you even teach me? Oh, your eyes, this explains much. The damage you did to the Black Robes that day was joyous to us. But the things that were set in motion that same day are yet to be realized.”

  Mikal shakes his head. “What happened that night was not joyous. I cannot even explain what occurred. I would never teach that spell to anyone, even if I could, which I cannot. I fear what I have set motion. Are the evil tidings my fault?”

  The dwarf interjects, “Eve ill wil fine da whey. It knee snow prom ting. I thaw twee whirr go een tousee the Wich iz uv End door.”

  The White Wizard stands. “Yes, I think we should be going. Let us gather our belongings.”


  The three, along with Majam, travel through the city. As they near the gate they notice a small assembly waiting for them. Madam Burnshire steps forward and behind her is Marion Vetta along with several others.

  “Again, I find myself thanking you. You are all heroes in my eyes. We are searching for your assailant’s accomplice. We have some good leads and soon we shall apprehend the scoundrel. But, Mikal, it is only a matter of time until they try again. Be ever so careful.” Madam Burnshire looks to the dwarf. “I have something for you.” Marion Vetta steps forward, carrying a long, wrapped item. She hands it to Kairn. He unwraps the gift; it is dwarven weapon. One side holds a bladed axe, the other a smooth hammer head.


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