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The Warrior and the Wandering Wizard (The Way of the Wandering Wizard Series Book 2)

Page 25

by Michael Novak

  Sister Aurum interrupts, “You are fortunate, Sir Rusel. Now let me see about this ear.”

  The horse lowers her head for the young, healing witch who recites a prayer and places a soft kiss on the injury. Within moments, the wound improves. The White Wizard holds his staff of light in front of the bloody chest. He mutters inaudible words as his staff glows gently and this wound is healed. He repeats the process over the shin contusion. The three Witches arrive, carrying water and brushes, and start to wash and clean the horse.

  “Now, Rusel, let us go up the path so you can get some rest.” Mikal asks Sister Aurum, “Do you have a forge somewhere in your network of caves?”

  The young witch nods. “Yes, we do. I am told that it is well built.”

  Mikal turns to Sir Rusel. “Please, tell me that you have the broken tip to your sword.”

  The Paladin removes a leather strap from around his neck, the tip tied to it. “I have carried this with me for so long.”

  “Well, with the craftsmanship of the dwarf and the fire of the Red Wizard, we should be able to repair your sword within an hour.”

  Sir Rusel bows his head and softly says, “I thank you and am forever in your debt.” The three enter the common room. The White Wizard directs Sir Rusel. “Please, give your sword and tip to Kairn. Aden, will you supply the flame necessary to repair this weapon?”

  The Red Wizard stands. “I look forward to it.”

  “Sister Aurum, would you get someone to show them to the forge?”

  “Yes, Sister Argentum will escort them. Good luck, gentlemen.”

  “I shall join you shortly to assess your progress,” Mikal adds.

  The White Wizard now looks to Ebon Usher. “Good Sir, our Paladin’s shield is fractured. Can you repair it somehow?”

  The Stone Mage inspects the convex piece of armor. “Yes, I believe I can. There has been something I have wanted to try for some time. I will need to go to the room with the forge.” He leaves with a deep, throaty vibrations sound as he rubs his stone hand across the metal shield.

  Sister Aurum addresses Mikal. “In three hours, dusk will be upon us.”


  The Stone Mage enters a large, carved out room with a high ceiling. He witnesses the dwarf closely inspecting the broken sword and tip. A servant is working the bellows that stokes the fire.

  Kairn looks to Aden. “This izza fine lee kraf tid ain chent sord. Sum uv the mett tills that ar blendid ar diffy cult two eye denty fie. The blade haz deaffen knit lee ben made buy dwarves.”

  The Red Wizard shakes his head. “I am not interested in your sword lore. Let me fire the blade and tip and be done with it.”

  Kairn yells, “Not sew fast. This must bee dun with skillin pre sij un.”

  Aden laughs. “Are you sure the White Wizard chose you for your skill and precision?”

  The dwarf growls and stares hard at the Red Wizard. Kairn takes a deep breath and focuses on the task at hand. He lowers the sword into the flame, slowly turning the blade. He then takes a heavy iron tong, grabs the tip, and places that also in the blazing inferno and waits.

  “Yew their, stow ker, the fur niss sizs hottie nuff. When eye die rect ewe, grab the sordin play sit on thee anne vill.”

  Kairn nods and the servant takes the weapon and hurriedly complies. The dwarf, with hammer in hand, starts to rhythmically pound the metal blade. He stops for a moment, and then continues.

  Aden observes, “It is not hot enough.”

  Kairn nods in agreement. “Back away,” directs the Red Wizard and points his iron staff directly at the sword. It flares, and engulfs the Paladin’s blade. He maintains his red-hot fire for some time. Abruptly, he shuts down his flame and pulls his staff away.

  “Now strike, dwarf!”

  Kairn steps in closer, the forge radiating heat. The dwarf resumes his rhythmic pounding. He directs the servant to turn the blade over. Again and again the heavy hammer slams into the ancient weapon. Kairn stops and inspects the Paladin’s sword. He looks toward the Red Wizard. “The blayd diz stilt two hard two werk. Yore flay miz knot hottie nuff.”

  Aden Ferrum steps close and confronts the dwarf. “It cannot be my flame; it must be your inferior Dwarven skill.”

  Kairn drops his hammer and slams his fist into Aden Ferrum's jaw, knocking him down. “Let me speek slow lee two yew so that ewe will under stand. Yew may shamy and riddie cule me, but knot my Dwarven hair a tidge.”

  Aden, sitting on the ground, shakes off the punch. “My, my. That was an almost human response about time, for a one-armed dwarf.”

  The White Wizard appears with his cat. “What has happened here?”

  Ebon Usher explains the situation. Mikal steps close to the radiating heat of the forge. He stares at the sword and its broken tip. People speak, but he does not hear. His staff of light whispers to his mind. He stares at the glowing, metal blade, and the white of his eyes start to swirl. He lowers his staff and murmurs ancient Dwarven words. The staff flares to life. First a red flame, then a blue. The White Wizard continues to concentrate as the flame erupts to pure white. All back away, save the White Wizard, because of the waves of oppressive heat. The blade and the tip of the sword start to produce their own dazzling light. Mikal does not stop, but recites another ancient spell as he deliberately moves his flaming staff up and down the fragmented steel. The heat continues to rise. He repeats the words and procedure again and again, louder each time. Majam screams alarmingly as Sister Aurum bursts into the heated room.

  The young witch shouts, “Do something! He is losing himself in a dangerous spell.”

  Aden Ferrum runs through the searing heat and knocks the White Wizard down, breaking the enchantment. Kairn grabs his hammer and seizes the moment. He starts to pound on the now malleable metal. With sweat pouring forth, he maneuvers the tip onto the blade and they instantly fuse together. He grabs the sword’s heated handle and douses it in water from a nearby barrel. Steam and an impossibly loud hiss fill the room. Moments later, Kairn grabs and raises the weapon high.

  “Now, this iz a sord that ken kill thee Ebon knee Nite!”

  Sister Aurum runs to Mikal. “Are you hurt?”

  Aden helps the White Wizard to his feet. Mikal’s face and hands look as if they are badly sunburned. “I do not believe I am. After I saw the blade was hot enough to work, another spell entered my mind and I placed it into the sword. I will explain the enchantment to Sir Rusel when it is time.”

  A rhythmic, deep vibration fills the room. The Stone Mage stuns everyone by walking up to the heated forge and placing his stone arm into the glowing embers. He continues his resonant vibrations and scoops up some molten rocks and places them on the Paladin’s splintered shield. They cool and form a stony, pitted covering over the metal.

  Ebon Usher smiles. “It is harder than the day it was made. I do not think that Shadowy Knight will like the feel of his weapon ricocheting against it.”

  Mikal, in a soft voice, says, “Let us present these enchanted items to Sir Rusel.” They find the ancient Paladin in the main common room. He is attended to by two alluring witches, though he does not seem to have any interest in their impressive charms. They have just finished outfitting Sir Rusel’s newly polished armor.

  Sister Aurum gains the warrior’s attention. “Your time draws near. I present to you your shield, restored by Ebon Usher.”

  The Stone Mage steps forward. “Your shield is now a combination of metal and stone. May it protect you from all harm.”

  Kairn proudly steps to the fore. “Hear iz your sord, fourged and reap aired buy Dwarven skill. It is the fine nest blayd eye have ever scene.”

  The dwarf bows and presents the sword to the ancient Paladin. The White Wizard speaks and all listen. “I have placed an enchantment on that blade. Every time you strike your opponent’s armor, it will heat up. But I must caution you, if the blade gets too hot you will also feel it through your gauntlet.”

  “I will refuse to feel it,” Sir Rusel responds.
  Chapter 44

  Mikal Novastar and Sister Aurum lead a long procession from the cave, which includes everyone, save the Stone Mage and Kairn. Before them stands Snow, saddle and bridal looking very much like her name.

  The ageless Paladin thanks the sisters. “You have done a most wonderful job. She looks beautiful.” He lovingly strokes Snow’s long neck.

  Sister Aurum steps forward. “Sir Rusel, you are to champion the colors of Lady Evalon.” She ties a multicolored ribbon around his right arm. She rises on her tip-toes. “A kiss for luck, my gallant warrior.”

  The Paladin blushes ever so slightly. “Mikal Novastar from the great City of Addis, I need words with you.”

  The White Wizard steps close to Sir Rusel. The Paladin whispers for some time in Mikal’s ear as the White Wizard nods.

  This time, Sir Rusel, walking his magnificent mare, leads the procession. As they move to the valley floor, they witness strange sights and sounds. There is a countless number of animals and unearthly creatures moving about.

  Sebastian Wolfram exclaims, “I hear riders advancing.”

  Moments later, the Baron Stannum and his son thunder forth, leading a score of armored knights. They pull up in front of the solemn procession. The Baron bows. “I see I am not too late. We have the finest warriors representing all the noble houses from the City of Stonegrove. We are here to bear witness and to see that the rules of combat are followed.”

  Sister Aurum returns the bow. “You are most welcome.”

  They continue to cross the plain. Untold flocks of birds fill the air. A large black hawk swoops in front of Sir Rusel and his steed. A green-blue light surrounds the bird. It morphs into a beautiful, young lady with impossibly long, black hair.

  “The Lady has sent me. Through my eyes she shall bear witness to this event.”

  Again Sister Aurum bows. “We are honored. Please join us.”


  Ebon Usher places his stone arm on the dwarf’s shoulder. “I need you to do something for me. Get your hammer and fill a bucket with water. I shall return shortly. Hurry.”

  Kairn fulfills the Stone Mage’s request. He is surprised when Ebon Usher returns carrying an ornately carved alabaster statue. “No questions now. Follow me.”

  The two soon overtake the slow march from the cave. Ebon then directs the dwarf to a nearby, secluded area. “Here, I notice, there is sand. Pour the water onto it.”

  The Stone Mage places the statue made of alabaster on the wet sand. “Now, Kairn, strike the statue with your hammer until I tell you to stop.” The dwarf hesitates. “There is no time for questions, please just do it,” Ebon commands.

  As the dwarf pounds the statue, the Stone Mage holds out his arms and again produces a resonant, vibrating sound emanating from deep in his throat. Kairn can tell that an enchantment is being placed on the water, the sand, and the pummeled pieces of alabaster, but he does not know its nature.

  Ebon Usher smiles. “That is enough. We must collect the sodden paste in the bucket. Hurry now.” The bucket is soon filled to the brim. “I am sorry, my friend, but you must either run to catch the procession or find your horse to do so. Mine is near and I must go to the Paladin with all haste. Thank you and good luck.”

  The Stone Mage summons his horse, deftly mounts, and rides to meet his friends. The dwarf drops his hammer, grips his enchanted axe, and starts to run. “Isle ketchem!”

  As Ebon Usher rides, he spies movement across the plain. Animals of all sizes are positioning themselves for the event. He arrives to see a large, black hawk transform itself into a beautiful, young lady. He dismounts, and joins the solemn procession next to the Red Wizard.

  Sebastian Wolfram surveys the area and exclaims, “I am aware of many packs of wolves and there are bears of different types. Some of the larger animals I do not recognize. There is a multitude of rats and, among them, foul wererats. I see at least two giants, and there may be more. Not all of these creatures side with the Dark Knight. Some oppose him. Others are here to simply watch and witness the spectacle.”

  Sister Aurum stops and looks to the Paladin. “Our time draws near.”

  The Stone Mage, carrying the bucket, approaches Sir Rusel and his charger. “The enchantment I placed on your shield was successful, so I enhanced the spell to protect flesh.” With his stone arm, he scoops up some of the enchanted paste and holds at arm’s length. “Explain to your horse that this may feel uncomfortable, but it will not harm her in any way. On the contrary, it will shield her from that shadowy, unearthly creature.”

  Continuing the deep, throaty vibration, he smoothes the sandy, alabaster concoction over Snow’s forelegs, chest, head, and ears, but before he can cover her long neck completely, the glistening, white paste is depleted.

  The Stone Mage steps back and smiles. “The enchantment is temporary, but Snow is protected now as if she were wearing armor.”

  Sir Rusel bows. “My horse and I thank you for this.”

  The Paladin looks around, takes a deep breath, and expertly mounts this magnificent steed. Sister Aurum and Mikal Novastar raise their arms in unison and bestow a blessing upon the warrior and his charger.

  The White Wizard looks long and hard at the age-old Paladin. “You are now prepared. Know this: we are all with you.”

  “Not so fast.” Aden Ferrum strides forth. “Do you think I would let you ride into battle without a gift from the Red Wizards? Take a moment and explain to your horse what I am about to do. I shall encompass you in flame. It will neither harm nor warm you but you will be a sight to behold. So, let us see if we could turn the tables and throw some fear into that foul, bastard Knight.”

  The Red Wizard holds up his arm and staff, closes his eyes, and recites a spell. A small amount of flame jumps to the helmet of the warrior Paladin then, like water falling, it engulfs Sir Rusel. The expanding flame continues to cascade across the back of the mare, down her legs, and then reverses and surrounds her head.

  Sir Rusel draws his now flaming sword and rides forth to meet this supreme challenge.

  It is a sight to behold, the flaming horse and rider charging across the plain.

  Chapter 45

  Sir Rusel does not ride far before he encounters the Ebony Knight, who sits on his sable steed holding a barbed-tip sword in his right hand and a double-bladed axe in his left. The Paladin sees that his opponent has also had his armor polished recently.

  In the background, the Knight and horse are supported by many of his minions: two Witch Ravens, each with long, drooling smiles; the undead ever so slowly swaying back and forth; rats by the thousands and other crawling, biting, and stinging creatures scuttle across the rocky ground. There are wererats with glowing, red eyes and slithering tails; dark-feathered and foul birds fill the air above. They seem to all smirk with confidence, but upon the approach of the fiery apparition, they gasp and take steps back, all save the Dark Harold.

  Mikal and Sister Aurum stride forward, leading their group for a better view of the imminent battle. Aden Ferrum surveys their moving procession as creatures increase their number. A large, proud pack of wolves trot alongside them, their mannerism showing no aggressive tendencies…yet. A huge, black bear lumbers along on their opposite flank. A small herd of horses join them. Colorful flocks of birds fly above with their numbers growing as they move closer to the deadly arena. Aden has no idea from whence they came.

  The two mounted warriors take measure of each other. Their focus is so intense that they lose sight of all that is happening around them. Their world exists of two warriors and their steeds alone. Sir Rusel leans forward and whispers into his Snow’s ear, then leans back and sits tall in his saddle.

  He points his flaming sword accusingly toward the Dark Knight and declares, “You have committed murderous and unspeakable deeds against life and the land. This night you will reap what you have sown!”

  He kicks his horse and charges his deadly opponent. The Shadowy Knight shows no fear, but when the blazing Paladin
closes in, the black steed shies away from the fiery sight. For just a moment, the Black Knight loses control of his stallion. Sir Rusel rides by and brings his enchanted blade down upon the dim helm of his opponent. The Dark Harold swings his sword but to no effect, since his opponent is out of reach. Sir Rusel reins in his horse, turns, and charges for a second time. The deadly Knight brings his barbed-tipped sword down on the Paladin’s rock-reinforced shield. Sir Rusel swings his sword low, striking the onyx armor under the arm of the foul Knight. The blow glances off. The Paladin is convinced he saw his weapon flash red.

  The two implacable warriors gather themselves and charge. As their mounts collide, Snow's stony front cuts ever so slightly into the stallion’s muscular chest, but the war horse does not back down. Equine and warrior lock into a deadly, spiral dance. The dark-hued knight slams his sword onto the Paladin’s shield.

  The horses join the lethal drama, biting and gnashing each other. Sir Rusel scores two more hits high on the seemingly impenetrable armor. Because of their positions and close quarters, the Dark Harold cannot use his massive axe effectively, though he continues to pound the Paladin’s defenses with his barbed-tipped sword.

  As they separate, the dual-weaponed warrior slams his double-bladed axe against Sir Rusel’s shield. The spectators cover their ears to protect themselves from the loud, irritating, scraping sound that the weapons produce. The Paladin feels the blow deep in his bones. They separate, and continue in a deliberate, deadly circle, each looking for an opening to strike. A simultaneous charge, and horses and riders collide with a thunderous impact. The horses raise their heads and scream, as the riders twist and turn them into position. As the distance shrinks between them, the Dark Harold swings both his weapons with an indefatigable force. The Paladin’s shield holds, but his arm is bruised and battered as the blows continue to rain down upon him.

  Sir Rusel's blade glows brightly and continuously, and now, when he scores a hit on his opponent’s armor, it leaves a deep singe mark.


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