Page 14
People passed around her as if she were about to attack them personally. She yelled, “You coward. You dirty, rotten person. Come face me and let’s get this cleared up.”
Ted and Paul had both rushed out after her and escorted her into the store. “Get hold of yourself. You’re making a spectacle of yourself. These people passing by don’t know what you’ve been going through. You’re just a deranged woman as far as they’re concerned.” Paul tried to reason with her.
Ted picked her up and carried her into the store. By now she had gotten over the first wave of fear and anger, and just melted against him. Paul put the closed sign on the door and joined them in the office.
“The phone threats, the messages, Arnold’s death, Uncle Ben being shot makes me feel as if I’m in a whirlpool, going round and round with the threat of drowning. My whole life is a whirlpool,” she sobbed.
Liisa jumped fearfully at a huge roaring noise behind the store. Sven and Sgt Gregory came in. Sgt. Gregory had ridden an official motorcycle. Ted brought them up-to-date on Liisa’s breakdown while Paul wiped her temples and inside of her wrists with a cool, damp cloth.
Paul slipped away to the front and called Ben to apprise him of the situation. Within forty minutes, Ben was there to check Liisa and insist that she go home and lie down.
Sgt. Gregory returned to his station to add this information to his report and to call Agent Silver to tell him. Sven and Ben left to tend to private business while Ted and Paul took Liisa home and stayed with her.
Ben had left six mild Valium with Paul. He gave one to Liisa with a cup of hot tea. She napped while Paul and Ted discussed what might be done next. Paul had to return to his office, so, Ted stayed with Liisa promising to call if anything happened.
Paul had left his car near the GALLERY and had to walk the couple of blocks in that direction. He felt a sting on the right side of his neck and then everything turned black.
Sven was riding the motor scooter to Liisa’s when he saw an ambulance and a crowd of people a few doors down from her building. He stopped out of curiosity to see what was happening. As he worked his way to the front, he was shocked to see the EMTs lifting Paul on a stretcher into the back of the ambulance.
“Hey, where are you taking that man? I know him.”
The EMTs calmly continued to care for Paul while the three police officers took Sven away from the crowd to question him. He showed them his identification and briefly told them who the injured man was and why he knew him.
I want you to contact Sgt. Ben Gregory of the Fifth Precinct and ask him to meet us. He has been working with us on this case. So has Special Agent Marvin Silver of the FBI,” Sven told the officers.
“This is very serious. Why weren’t all of us informed so that we could be alert for the unsub (unknown subject) also?” the officer in charge asked.
“We’ve tried not to make a big, public deal of this in hopes of bringing the person out where we could arrest him or her.”
“Her?” the officer in charge stated astonished.
“Yes, for several weeks we’ve thought it was a man, but after viewing some tapes from the security cameras in Miss Lofoten’s building, we’re not sure now. It could be a female.” Sven was eager to be away so that he could tell the others what had happened.
“First,” Sven went on, “please notify Dr. Ben Johnson that his son, Paul, is in the Waterbury Care Center. He’ll want to see him. I’ll inform the people, with whom I’ve been working, of this latest development. Please, don’t anyone speak to Miss Lofoten about this until Dr. Johnson can be present. She has been through too much.”
Sven impatiently finished with the officers and ran to Liisa’s apartment. He was relieved to find Ted and know that Liisa was still sleeping. He quickly told Ted about Paul being shot. Ted called Cory and Agent Silver. They left a message for Bernie as he was on a case and couldn’t take messages at that time.
Cory soon joined Ted and Sven at Liisa’s. They were angry and shaken to know this had happened to Paul and they still did not know whether he was alive or dead.
“He was shot with a high-powered rifle, but I don’t know what damage was done,” Sven told them.
Agent Silver hurried to the hospital and met Ben. It didn’t matter that Ben was an experienced physician; this was his own son and he was hurt and angry. Nurse Nancy Holcum told them that a Doctor Forrester was treating Paul and there was no immediate news. She promised that she would come get Ben and let them know as soon as Dr. Forrester had completed his work.
Agent Silver advised Ben not to call, or go to get Ellen until they knew something to tell her. “There may be no need for concern. It could be minor, please God,” Agent Silver told Ben. “Let’s sit here and wait for news.
About fifty minutes later Nurse Holcum came to tell them that Dr. Forrester had completed the treatment and would be out to speak to them in a few minutes. Ben was impatient, but knew he needed to wait and not hinder the work on Paul.
Dr. Forrester came out with a smile on his face and his hand held out to shake Ben’s hand. “Ben, we haven’t had occasion to get together, but I know of you and your fine work.” He sat down and motioned for Ben and Agent Silver to sit. “The bullet went through your son’s neck, barely missed the carotid arteries, and came out clean. He’s young and healthy and will recover just fine. He’ll have a sore throat for a while and will have to be fed through tubes. There will be a tiny scar, but, thank God, he’s going to make it.”
Ben wasn’t embarrassed that he broke down and sobbed. Agent Silver saw Sgt. Gregory coming down the hall and went to tell him the news. Cory came in a few minutes, so angry that he could have used a gun on someone himself.
Ben looked through moist eyes at these true friends and said, “Could someone please go bring my wife here? She’ll be so concerned about our son.”
Sgt. Gregory called an officer friend of his and asked him to get Ellen. “Just tell her that her son has had an accident and is fine. Be sure and tell her that her husband is here already.”
When Ellen arrived, the first thing she said was, “Does Liisa know?”
Ben hugged Ellen. “No, she had another upset this morning and I gave her something to relax her. Ted and Sven are with her at her apartment while she sleeps.”
Ellen started walking determinedly toward the rooms. “Where is Paul? I want to see him right this minute.”
A nurse carne to Ellen and assured her that she could see Paul. “He isn’t awake. It’s better that he sleeps and heals. You may look at him for three minutes, but don’t try to talk to him. You may visit later tonight if he wakes.”
“Why can’t I talk to him? I want to tell him that I love him and am here for him.”
The nurse smiled. I understand, but we feel that patients hear us even when they’re unconscious. He is not yet aware of what happened to him and he doesn’t need to be upset.”
Ben and Ellen went together. Ellen put her hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t make a noise, but tears ran unchecked down her cheeks. Tears were running from Ben’s eyes also. As Ben put his arm around Ellen to lead her out, she broke away from him and rushed to Paul’s side. She leaned over to kiss him on the forehead and whispered, “Mother loves you darling.”
Ben didn’t scold her for talking because he felt as she did. They told Sgt. Gregory, Cory and Agent Silver that they were going to Liisa. Cory was not family and could not see Paul, so he left. Sgt. Gregory and Agent Silver went about their business.
Liisa woke around six thirty and staggered to the bathroom. She washed her face and brushed the icky taste from her mouth. Smelling fresh coffee and something good, she walked into the kitchen was astonished to see so many people gathered around the dining table.
“Hello! What’s up? Really people, I’m fine. There’s no need to be concerned about me.” She drew in a sharp breath when she saw the tear-filled eyes of Ellen and of all things, Ben, too. Ted and Sven stood to meet her and pull a chair out for her to sit.
“Something else has happened, hasn’t it? For goodness sakes, tell me,” she demanded. Ben stood up and moved to sit by her. He took both of her hands and turned to look in her face.
“Don’t get all upset now because everything is going to be fine. There’s nothing major to worry about.”
“Tell me! You’re worrying me.”
Ellen burst into sobs causing Liisa to shed tears for her. Ben shook her hands to have her look at him again. “Paul and Ted came back to your apartment with you after you received that note on the door this morning. After you went to sleep, Paul had to return to his office to keep an appointment. He hadn’t gotten but a few steps from your building when he was shot.”
Liisa gave a small scream. “He’s dead isn’t he?” She started crying loudly.
“No! He isn’t dead. He was shot through the neck but the bullet didn’t do any major damage. He’ll be in the hospital a while, but he’ll be fine. Sore, but fine.”
“I want to go see him right now.”
You won’t be permitted to see him. His mother and I just barely got to look at him. After he rests tonight and is given all necessary treatment, you can see him. He’s unconscious and wouldn’t know you were there anyway.”
“I’d know I was there.”
Ellen came to kiss Liisa’s cheek. “Yes, sweetheart. We know exactly how you feel, but even Ben is not allowed in because he’s not the attending physician. He couldn’t treat family anyway except in extreme emergencies. We’ll go in the morning during visiting hours and see if we can go in his room. In the meantime, we can pray and be good to each other.” She and Liisa cried together.
Liisa was heartbroken and so tired of crying - so tired of being afraid for herself and her friends and loved ones. Paul, oh, Paul. I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but certainly not you. I’ve always felt close to you and thought of you as a big brother, but - truthfully - my feelings for you run deeper than brother and sister. Oh, what am I to do? I can’t be in love with you. But it wouldn’t be incest. Would it? No! We’re not blood related. You despicable person. Who are you? Why won’t you face me and tell me what you’re afraid I’ll tell? If you only knew how little I know, I hope you’d be ashamed of yourself. Lord, I know you haven’t deserted me. You never leave us. Be with Paul and let him live. Take me if it will save any of the others. Give us the wisdom to know how to deal with this
Ted and Sven had found supplies to make spaghetti. There was sauce, that Ellen had made, in a jar. A loaf of French bread was in the freezer. Sven thawed it, split it and placed butter and garlic salt on it and warmed it. They ate listlessly. Ben had to make Liisa take a few bites by telling her that she must stay strong for Paul’s sake.
Ellen stayed the night with Liisa and the men left. Ben had made Liisa take another pill to help her relax. Ellen couldn’t sleep and walked the living room most of the night.
The next morning Liisa staggered in feeling like she had a bowling ball for a head. Ellen had squeezed oranges for fresh juice. She had made coffee and biscuits and fried the last of the sausage to make sausage gravy. Both women ate very little.
Ellen took a shower first and grumbled that she had to wear the same clothes she had on the day before. Liisa smiled and said it would do no good to offer her clothes as they were nowhere near the same size.
While Liisa was showering, Ellen called Ben to bring her a change of clothes. “Do you want to eat what we have here?” she asked him.
“No, thank you. I had a bowl of cereal and juice. That’ll hold me for a while.” Ben came around nine o’clock and brought Ellen’s clothes.
Liisa’s phone started ringing almost as soon as Ben came. Bernie called first and wanted to be brought into the loop. Cory called next. Ted and Sven came to her apartment and wanted to know if they could do anything.
Ben thanked them. “Gentlemen, my two ladies here want to go to the hospital. I would appreciate it if you would escort them. I’m meeting with Dr. Forrester and Agent Silver, so I’ll see all of you later.”
The nurse on duty wasn’t going to allow Liisa in, but Ellen was upset enough because he son was in danger.
“Liisa and I are going in to see Paul. She’s my child and she has a right to see her brother.”
The nurses were not sure of the relationship but did back off and allow the two women to see Paul for three minutes.
Liisa took a deep breath and put her hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t make a noise. Her heart ached to see Paul with tubes and wires over him and machines burping all around him. She walked to stand on one side of his bed and Ellen stood on the other. Paul’s hand, near Ellen, had an IV so Ellen didn’t try to hold it. Liisa gently took his other hand and held it.
Paul slowly opened his eyes and looked around perplexed. He looked at Liisa and tried to speak but couldn’t.
“Don’t try to talk. I’m going to be here for you and will be by you until you have a long, grey beard,” she tried to joke. He turned one side of his mouth to try to smile but closed his eyes again. He opened them in a few seconds and looked at his mother. Ellen leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I love you, my darling boy. Your dad will be in later. We were both here with you last night but you didn’t know it.”
Paul frowned and looked questioningly.
“You won’t remember yet because you had just had an accident. We’ll have a lot of time to talk after you’ve rested and get all these tubes put away for good. I’ll have your favorite dinner for you when you get home. Hey, we missed your birthday in March but Liisa’s is in a couple of weeks. We’ll all be together and have a big celebration.”
“I missed Paul’s birthday? How could that have happened? I’m so sorry Paul. It looks as if I’ve thought of no one but myself and let everything of importance to others go down the drain. I’ll make it up to you.” Liisa had a catch in her throat.
Paul tried to squeeze her hand and made a motion with his face that it didn’t matter. His eyes lit up and he looked happy when Liisa leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
“We’re only permitted to stay three minutes, Paul. We’ll be back later and your dad will be in soon,” Ellen told him and motioned for Liisa to leave with her.
As Liisa and Ellen left Paul’s room, Cory came walking to them. “Could you please ask them if I can go in just for one minute? Tell them he’s my partner, or claim me for your son,” he begged Ellen.
The nurse is back at the station and no one is here. “Duck into his room just long enough to tell him you’re here,” Ellen encouraged him.
Cory hurried in and patted Paul’s hand. “Hey, ole buddy. I’m here and I’ll help take care of Liisa. I love you.” He hurried out before Paul could see the tears in his eyes.
Agent Silver had met with Dr. Forrester the night of the shooting and got the report. The bullet had gone straight through Paul’s neck and hadn’t been found yet. He wanted Dr. Forrester to know the seriousness of the situation and how important it was that Paul’s room was guarded.
When Ben came a few minutes after Liisa and Ellen had left, there was a city police officer outside of Paul’s room. This was a relief to Ben. He felt helpless, angry and ready to forget about being a healer if he could get hold of whoever was creating these situations and endangering lives.
Liisa didn’t feel like opening the store. It was Friday and Ben felt that a long weekend would do her good. By the time Monday rolled around, Paul would be much stronger and possibly ready to talk. It wasn’t clear yet if he saw anything before he was shot. He didn’t appear to know how he had gotten hurt.
Ted and Sven took Liisa back to her apartment to get some clothes and then took her to the Johnsons to stay with them. She didn’t really want to go but knew that it would make them feel better to have her with them.
I’ve caused enough trouble and heartache for my loved ones. The least I can do is stay with them and reassure them that I’m safe. Oh, dear Lord, when will this be resolved? Please hold Pa
ul in your arms and keep him safe. Keep all my loved ones safe.
Chapter Thirteen
Paul’s youth and good health did help him heal quicker and easier. He cooperated with the therapists and gained strength faster than was expected. In a week he was able to sit and listen to the discussion about his shooting.
“No, I had no warning. I had no idea anyone threatening was around. It was a quirk of fate, good fate, that I was struck in the neck instead of the head. I would not have survived a shot in the head.” Paul told what he knew to Agent Silver and Sgt Gregory.
“The bullet was found embedded in a brick in the building, but was so flattened we had to make an educated guess. It’s something else we’re adding to our collection of notes, etcetera. When this is finally solved, we’re going to say, well, for goodness sakes. That’s so obvious.” Agent Silver tried to lighten the atmosphere.
Liisa listened quietly as Paul and the men talked. I was raised with Paul as brother and sister, but, at this moment, I don’t feel sisterly. I truly feel love for Paul. Not because he’s been so good and protective to me, but I really feel love for him.
Liisa was surprised and puzzled at her own feelings. I hope no one catches on that I have deeper feelings for Paul than as a sibling. Oh, please don’t let Paul catch on. I would be so embarrassed.
In the meantime, Paul was watching the emotions wash over Liisa’s face. I would love to know what she’s thinking. I know she’s been so frightened and puzzled. How I wish I could erase all her worries and give her a carefree, wonderful life. I would be embarrassed if she ever caught on that I had deeper feelings for her than as a brother and sister. Mom figured it out and questioned me. I told her the truth and by now she’s probably told Dad, but they’ll never tell on me unless I decide to make my feelings known.
Liisa saw Paul staring at her and smiled at him, glad that he couldn’t read her mind.
Fourteen days after the shooting, Paul was discharged to go home. He could hardly wait to taste some of his mother’s good food and relax with his little nephew. He knew that small children grew and changed so rapidly, he hated missing any of Jerome’s keen mind learning and growing. They had told him that Jerome now knew his colors and could count to ten. That was excellent for a child just turning two.