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New Horizons (Emerilia Book 4)

Page 26

by Michael Chatfield

“Fine, yeah, it makes sense,” Florence finally agreed. “Though we also have another problem. It seems that there is someone or a group of someones who are making things hard for us over here. I don’t know what is going on, but I feel the tension in the air.”

  “Well, this will give you a lot more power to deal with them as you see fit. Take from the guild’s treasury as you need to buy as much surrounding land as you can. If not, find a new location and building to put the teleport pad down. We will build a branch location around it if needed. If they even try anything aggressive, expect another Selhi. You’re all Stone Raiders—you helped to deal with all the loot and such we hate dealing with. Stone Raiders look out for one another.” Josh’s tone left no room for questions.

  “Thank you, Josh.” A smile spread across Florence’s face.

  “Oh, and Lucy is also going to chew your ear off about what else is going on. She’s in the guild’s mirror hall. Talk later! I’m off to Devil’s Crater!”

  “As soon as I have this thing up and working, I’ll get some of the traders to move to Devil’s Crater and set up a branch there. Didn’t think things would change this fast or in this way!” Florence laughed.

  “Ah, way more exciting this way!”


  Oson’Mal smiled as a group of five people walked out of the teleport pad.

  Where have they been? Fire thought to herself, using far sight to see them all. She had a sad smile on her face as she saw Deia hug her waiting father. He laughed at seeing her, talking to Dave, who stood off to the side.

  Fire tore her eyes from the scene before the need to run over and check whether Deia was all right overwhelmed her.

  All of them seemed to be rubbing their eyes. It was only that she was trying to grab onto something else to distract her, her daughter being so close, that she even caught it. “Somewhere dark?” Fire tapped her chin in thought.

  “Lady Fuego, I have one of the librarians having an issue with some traps that seemed to have activated by themselves,” her secretary called from her office door.

  “Very well, I will be right there.” Fire grabbed the glasses hanging around her neck. Fire saw the group leave the teleport pad area and head off, being hidden by buildings.

  Fire took a deep breath, putting her glasses on, and canceled her far sight. A life of regret and missed opportunities, she thought sadly, remembering the young lady who had run for two days straight to check on her father, one of the strongest Fire mages on Emerilia.

  She smiled as she headed out of her office and toward the library. It wasn’t far away and it took her just a handful of minutes to get there.

  “What seems to be the issue?” she asked as she reached the desk. She was well known as a fair librarian who liked to spend the majority of her time reading and helping others find the resources they need to advance their studies. Many came to see her for her recommendations on different books to read. Most of the males came just to see her mousy beauty.

  “This way. We had some of the runes get tripped earlier today. We’ve tried fixing them, but it hasn’t worked. Not even using the different access cards that we have has worked so far,” the older lady working there said, clearly frustrated.

  “We’ll sort it out, Yolinda.” Fire gave her a reassuring smile and pat the lady’s hand.

  Yolinda gave a relieved smile as Fire entered the library. “It’s in the section about high-tier Fire spells. Third floor, in the back where it’s rather musty.”

  Fire paused mid-stride.

  “Something the matter? Do you not know that area?” Yolinda asked.

  “Nothing. And I know the area rather well.” Fire smiled to Yolinda and headed toward the secluded corner.

  Of all days, what is the chance that it would be so close to the location where Mal and I snuck off to make out?

  She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she passed through the library. She was paused here and there by students asking questions. She got to the runes and studied them with her arcane sight spell.

  “Someone has been messing with the runes around here.” She looked at the magical formations. These higher level spell books were restricted to those with higher magical abilities. The mage’s college didn’t want students trying out spells that were well beyond their level and hurting themselves or others.

  Fire wasn’t the best at runes, but the warm sun shone through a nearby window and she already wanted to take her mind off the fact that her lover and daughter were on the same island as her. It took awhile, but finally she found the issue. A rune had been altered slightly, making it look like another character. “Well, that’s weird.”

  “So, these are the strongest Fire spells?” a female voice said behind her.

  “Oh, sorry, you okay?” someone asked, after bumping into Fire as they came around the corner.

  “That’s fine. I was just…” Fire stood up and looked at the others. There was Induca and Malsour, who gave her odd looks and sniffed the air. Oson’Mal was beside Deia, an amused smile on his face.

  Her eyes thinned, seeing his expression. “Fixing something that someone broke.” Fire dusted off her robe as she gave Deia a smile.

  “Lady Fuego is one of the greatest librarians here. I bet that she could help you with whatever studies any of you wish to peruse,” Mal volunteered.

  “Hah! Have you read the basics of their runing techniques? It’s like using a hammer instead of an interface! Ugh, someone’s going to need to re-write these.” Dave walked to join up with the group. A High Elf trailed behind him and rolled her eyes.

  “I just know where a few of the books that might help you can be located,” Fire said, downplaying as she tried to think of a way to escape.

  “She’s also accepted my offer to dine with us tonight. That way, we might as well get the most out of your stay.” Mal looked to the group and then Fire.

  His eyes were serious and pulled at her very heartstrings.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Fire said with a weak smile.

  “Let’s go and check out the arenas. I do know that you like to see magics at work,” Mal said to Deia.

  “Mind if I join?” Suzy asked.

  “Not at all.” Mal smiled.

  “I think I will stay here to catch up on some reading,” Malsour said.

  “So will I,” Induca said.

  “If you want some alone time with your dad…” Dave trailed off.

  “Play with your books as you wish.” Deia smiled at Dave.

  That look made Fire remember how Mal had treated her.

  “Like I don’t even exist anymore.” Suzy shook her head, still with an amused expression on her face.

  Mal, Suzy, and Deia retreated. Mal shot Fire one last glance before they disappeared.

  Dave closed his book with a thump. His cold eyes made Fire feel colder as he turned from beloved fiancé to protector.

  “Who are you and why are you similar to Deia?” Dave’s voice was low and filled with cold calculation.

  “Grandmother.” Induca nodded.

  “She’s Deia’s mother,” Malsour said to Dave.

  “What are you two saying?” Fire hissed.

  “We trust him with our lives. Secrets are of little consequence to us.” Malsour shrugged. “He is also to become Deia’s husband.”

  “Ah, okay, so, why have you changed your body?” Dave tapped his book, becoming closer to how he’d acted when Deia had been there. “Wait, how do you two know her?” Dave looked to Malsour and Induca.

  “That is complicated,” Fire said, looking to the two of them.

  They held their tongues, giving Dave an apologetic look.

  “And I look like this because others know my true appearance and I don’t really like being the center of attention in my own college.”

  “Okay, so are you a Dragon or something else? Your aura makes me think you’re a Dragon,” Dave said.

  “Something else,” Fire said slowly.

  “Okay.” Dave sighed, sounding as if he
really didn’t want to know this all, but felt a need to. “Well, I’m going to go look at rune books.”

  “Are you going to tell Deia anything?” Fire asked, anxious.

  “If Deia asks me, I’ll tell her.” Dave wandered away.

  Fire’s eyes thinned, bringing power to her hands. She felt twin auras flare up. Her angry expression turned to surprise as she looked at Malsour and Induca. Before she could say anything, Malsour spoke.

  “Do you wish that Deia’s fiancé would lie to her for a woman he doesn’t know?” Malsour asked.

  Fire let her anger go, dissipating back down. “No, just…I don’t know how she would handle it.” Fire’s anxiety returned.

  “Well, it’s about damned time you told her instead of her getting blindsided later,” Induca said, her eyes level with Fire as if to challenge her.

  Fire shook her head and let out a small chuckle. “Seems that you two have grown up while you’ve been gone. Shall we go somewhere more private to talk?”

  Chapter 26: Secrets and Revelations

  “How long did you know?” Fire asked as Mal walked into her office a few hours later.

  “About the second day I was here. You might hide the strength of your aura, but I know it well, and even with those glasses and robes, I know when I find my little Fire.” He moved across the room. Fire kept her arms crossed even as he moved closer and put his hands on her hips.

  “Someone’s moody.” He lifted an eyebrow and pulled off her glasses.

  She wanted to remain angry at him, annoyed for the situation he had gotten her into. Deia and the others were good at aura suppression, but not as good at it or aura detection as Fire.

  “Ignil.” Mal’s voice and the look in his eyes dissolved her barriers.

  She turned her face from him as he leaned in. Her cheeks heated up. Why? What is stopping you? You’ve wanted to do this so bad for so long!

  Mal pushed her against the wall gently, using a finger to guide her to look at him. His lips rose to hers.

  Her anger fled as other emotions filled her: Happiness at seeing him. Fear that it would once again end or that the rest of the Pantheon would try to use her daughter and husband against her. Scared that it might be the last time and he would go and find another because of her constant pushing away. It was to protect him, but it hurt her so.

  She gave herself into the kiss, grabbing at his shirt, drawing him closer as she wrapped her leg around him. After a few heated minutes, they pulled apart. Fire’s body ached for more. To never let him go.

  “That’s my Fire.” He smiled.

  Fire looked over herself. She was taller!

  “Dammit, how did you?” She had reverted into her natural form: Her rich red hair and eyes. Her leather pants and vest.

  “I didn’t do a thing. I guess I just have a secret way to break your magic.” He grinned widely.

  “Oh, shut up and kiss me.” She pulled him in toward her. He didn’t even try to resist, grabbing her thighs and pulling her up. He cleared her desk with a swipe of his arm. Flames started to appear around them, floating in the air, neither hot nor warm as they tore at each other’s clothes.

  “I liked that vest!” Fire complained as he threw it aside.


  “I Knew you couldn’t stay angry at me for that long.” He looked up from where his head lay on her chest.

  She made a shuddering noise, a smile on her lips. Not deeming that statement worthy of a response.

  Mal rolled over onto his back and pulled her onto him. She rolled over, cuddling his side, and wrapped her leg over his body.

  The lights around them lessened in number, coming lower, keeping them warm.

  Fire listened to his heart. Her fears once again started to fill her mind.

  Mal bopped her on the head, as if understanding them. “Now stop that. Guess this is what I get for going out with a girl as smart as you. Always thinking, usually of the worst consequences.” He gave her a hard look.

  “I’m a girl, huh?” Fire smiled, happy to not think about her fears for a night.

  “Prettiest girl I ever did fall in love with.” Mal smiled.

  She flicked his elven ears. “So, what other girls did you fall in love with?” She feared the response.

  “Just this one called Ignil. She was quite the adventurer.” Mal smiled mischievously.

  “That doesn’t count and you know it,” Fire said.

  Mal turned her over and looked down into her eyes. “There has only ever been one for me.”

  Tears welled up in Fire’s eyes as she hit his chest. “You damned charmer,” she said, trying to stop the tears.

  “Would sound better if you did call me husband instead.” He kissed her. “Because in my mind, you’re already my wife.”

  Tears ran freely as Mal sat up, leaning against the desk and holding her in his arms.

  “See what you did?” She took comfort in his arms as he rocked her and kissed the side of her head.

  “Hopefully, it finally gets into that hard head of yours,” Mal said.

  Fire took a few minutes to calm down before they just sat there, happy to be in each other’s arms again.“Husband,” Fire said, as if testing how the word felt on her tongue. “Sounds pretty good.”

  Mal chuckled.

  “So, what is the purpose of this dinner?” Fire asked. Trying to turn her thoughts away from becoming more than just Mal’s lover, but to his partner.

  “To tell Deia who her mother is.” Mal’s arms tightened as she tried to distance herself, her emotions becoming erratic.

  “There is a war coming; we both know it. You might not want her to know who you are, but she is her own woman and she deserves to know instead of getting blindsided with it later. She’s going to be on the front lines of this war that’s coming. It’s something that she’s always wanted to know. If we deny it to her now, then there might not be a time for us to tell her later.” Mal’s voice was calm and soothing.

  “You make it sound so easy.” Fire’s mind conjured what the other lords and ladies might do if they were to find out about Deia. Already, they had tried to attack her Dragons multiple times, even changing them over to their side in rare circumstances.

  “Deia has told me what she can in different messages, but this coming war looks like it could change everything that we know. She’s said that the Stone Raiders are actually excited to confront the Dark Lord. Seems that they don’t like him much and they want to go and kick his ass in the Pantheon,” Mal said.

  Fire’s look turned incredulous before becoming thoughtful as she remembered Bob’s messages and their recent conversations.

  “I know that the Dwarves are going to be unlocking the vaults holding the Weapons of Power in that tournament in five months. The Dwarves are also making alliances with many of the races, offering their weapons and armor and opening up trade. Then there are the other things that are returning.”

  “Now is the time to meet with her.” Mal kissed her head.

  Fire felt nervousness in her stomach, scared at what Deia might do.

  “I’ll be right beside you,” Mal reassured her, again as if he knew what she was thinking.

  She squeezed his arms tighter. “The Lady of Fire nervous to meet her daughter—some Lady of the Pantheon I am,” she muttered.

  “Just the kind of lady I fell in love with.” Mal smiled.

  Fire couldn’t resist smiling back as she rested her head on his shoulder.


  Deia watched the Librarian Fuego and her father together in the small kitchen in the apartment her father had been loaned for his stay. Malsour and Induca were off on the balcony while she sat with Dave on one of the couches.

  Looks like he’s found someone else he likes. She smiled, seeing how nervous Fuego was. It was as if she were holding off having to talk to Deia in case she brought up anything to scare her off.

  As long as she makes Dad happy, I’ll be happy with that. Deia felt sad as she thought of her absent mother.
  Mal and Fuego finally took the seats on the couch opposite.

  “I’m just going to have a look out over Per’ush. I’ve heard that it’s pretty at night,” Suzy said, leaving them.

  “Deia, we have something to tell you.” Mal tried to hide his excitement and his smile but failed. He nudged Fuego, who seemed even more nervous than before.

  “Deia, have you ever noticed that you have an abnormally high Affinity for Fire?” Fuego asked.

  “Yes.” Deia frowned. This is not how I thought this conversation would be going.

  “That your Mana level is higher than it should be for someone your level?” Fuego took off her glasses and looked to Deia.


  “Well, it’s because you’re not totally mortal.” Fuego seemed to have trouble speaking the words. “You’re a child of one Lady of the Pantheon and this dolt.” Fuego jabbed her thumb at Mal, who looked amused.

  “So, my mother is a Lady of the Pantheon? How do you know this?” Deia asked.

  Fuego stood, a bundle of nerves, but resolute. Flames seemed to cover her body before someone else was revealed.

  The same woman Deia had seen when she had reached her dad after the Earth sprites turned on the people around Boran-al’s Citadel.

  Deia’s eyes went wide.

  “I am the Lady of Fire, your mother,” the woman said.

  Deia saw her own red eyes, the same nose on the other woman. Her heart pounded in her chest. The Human half of her blood.

  She stood up, as if in a daze, and stepped toward the Lady of Fire. She looked to her father, who rose as well. “Dad?” she asked, like a lost girl once again, the girl who had asked where her mother was again and again for years.

  He gave her a nod.

  She was far from a child now, but she still had a rolling storm of emotions running through her. Tears fell down her face. So many questions and emotions warred inside her, making her unable to talk.

  “Why did you not say anything? Nothing for two hundred years. Was I that much of a burden?” Deia’s face crumpled into tears and she buried her face in Dave’s shoulder. He clearly had questions, but he kept them to himself.


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