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Enigma, Maine, Bundle Three

Page 5

by Iris Abbott

  Jenna picked up the toy eagle. She held it out for Craig’s inspection before hugging it to her breasts. “Isn’t it precious?” she wanted to know.

  Craig frowned. “If you say so.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Golden eagles are raptors, birds of prey.” He snorted. “They’re fierce predators, not fuzzy toys.”

  “Well, I like it. And it has special meaning to me.”

  That got Craig’s attention. He tried not to sound too interested, but he had to ask. “What’s so special about eagles?”

  “They’re majestic animals,” she said with a whimsical smile. “I saw one soaring in the sky not long before you rescued me. Golden eagles are a good omen,” she steadfastly informed him. “At least they are for me.” She hugged the stuffed eagle tighter.

  If she only knew, Craig thought. “Where did you get it from?”

  She lovingly placed it inside her large tote bag. “I walked down to the gift shop this morning. I saw it and had to have it.”

  Craig frowned hard. “Officer Hall let you walk to the gift shop?”

  “Of course. The doctor said I needed to start working my muscles, so they didn’t stiffen up on me. I was tired of being stuck in this tiny room.”

  “What if Scott was hanging around the hospital lobby looking for you. I’m sure he knows by now that you didn’t die from the fall.”

  “Officer Hall was with me the entire time. He took excellent care of me.”

  Jealousy settled like a giant lead ball in the pit of Craig’s stomach. It didn’t sit well with him that he had to depend on other people to help protect Jenna. “I’m sure he did,” Craig responded. “You ready to go?”

  “You better believe it!” Her hand clenched the twin handles of the tote bag. “Thanks for arranging to have my stuff dropped off.” She rubbed her hands down the tight-fitting pair of jeans she wore. “I was so tired of that hospital gown. It feels good to be back in my own clothes.”

  “You’re welcome. The clothes you wore during the rescue were pretty grungy.”

  “Not surprising. I kind of figured that. Most of my stuff is still at the inn. I can’t wait to return to my room and be surrounded by the few things I managed to get out of Baltimore.”

  “Not happening!” Craig said with a grunt.

  Jenna eyed him up and down. “Of course it is! The doctor’s already signed the discharge papers. I’m dressed, packed, and ready to go! There’s nothing you can say that’ll make me want to stay here, even for one more day!”

  “You’re not staying here.”

  “Umm, then where are we going if we aren’t going back to my room at the inn?”

  “We’re going to my place.” He closely watched her reaction. “I went by the inn earlier. I closed out your bill, packed all your things, and took them to my home. Everything is in my guest room waiting for you.”

  “I could say I don’t feel comfortable going home with a man I just met, but we both know that would be a lie. After all, I fell asleep in your arms the night before last.”

  Craig certainly hadn’t forgotten. Holding Jenna in his arms and against his body without claiming her was nothing short of torture. He pushed the memory to the back of his mind. “Good, because my penthouse is the best place for you to be. I don’t think there’s any way your ex-boyfriend can track you there. And if by some chance he did, I’ll be able to protect and defend you much easier on my own territory.”

  “Sold! You don’t have to convince me of anything, Craig. I’ve never felt safer than when I’m with you. I trust you to find Scott, and keep me safe at the same time.” She picked up the box. Craig reached out to take it from her.

  “Let me get that,” he insisted.

  “It’s just a few flowers. Besides, don’t you need your hands free in case we run into Scott or some other kind of trouble?”

  Craig was stronger and faster than the average human. He also possessed the killer instincts of a predator at the top of the food chain.

  He calmly gripped the box on both sides and gently took it away from Jenna. “I’ve got it. Let’s go.” Craig carefully tucked the box under one arm. He entwined the fingers of his free hand with one of Jenna’s and guided her out of the room and away from the hospital.


  It felt as if Jenna’s stomach dropped to her feet. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or the speed of the elevator that hurtled upward toward Craig’s penthouse apartment. “Top of the building, huh?” She frowned at the unpleasant thoughts that suddenly crossed her mind.

  How was it that a police detective in a mid-sized town could afford to live in a penthouse apartment? Was he into something dirty just like Scott? She hated to doubt her rescuer. She told the truth when she said Craig he made her feel safe.

  The problem was her instincts. She’d trusted Scott once. Look how well that turned out. Not only was he a dishonest crook, but he tried to kill her too. Jenna never thought Scott was capable of such violence. Boy was she wrong.

  “Don’t,” Craig demanded in a harsh voice.

  Jenna jumped, startled out of her heavy thoughts. “Don’t what?” she asked. She tried to keep the guilt out of her voice. Jenna winced when she failed.

  “I know what you’re thinking. I’m nothing like Scott West.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. Her sister Jillian always told her she had an expressive face, but it was uncanny that Craig knew exactly what she was thinking. Jenna shivered, looking down she noticed her arms were covered with goosebumps.

  The elevator stopped, and the doors swished open, saving Jenna from having to come up with a suitable reply. She followed a bristling Craig from the elevator. She waited while he unlocked the door then followed him inside.

  “I need you to pay attention. This is important, Jenna. Once you enter the apartment, you have ten seconds to punch in the alarm code. If you don’t, men with big guns will show up. Watch me put in the code.”

  Jenna pressed into his back so she could see the four numbers he pushed on the backlit keypad. “Okay, I got it. I’ll remember,” she assured him. “I’m good with numbers,” she reminded him when he gave her a doubtful look.

  Jenna finally took the time to look at the apartment in detail. Her eyes widened when she took in the unexpected yet striking southwestern décor. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  “Thanks, I grew up in the deserts of Arizona. I like to remember where I came from.”

  Jenna slowly turned until she’d done a complete circle. “I went to Arizona once with my family. We went to see the Grand Canyon. You did a great job capturing the spirit of the desert. It suits you.”

  “You think so?”

  She really did. He had a calm exterior but underneath lurked a deep passion. Jenna had no doubt that it was as hot as the burning sands of any desert. “Yes, I do.”

  “My job is stressful. I need a place where I can leave it behind when I need to. A place to relax and just be me.”

  His candid statement surprised her. Then again, even though they hadn’t known each other very long, they didn’t feel like strangers. “I definitely think you succeeded. The ambiance is wonderful, so much better than the inn. Thank you for inviting me into your home.”

  “You’re welcome. Let’s get you settled. I put your things in the guest bedroom.” He motioned for her to follow. “It’s this way. I’ll show you where everything is.”

  Jenna followed, trying to see and absorb as much as she could. The rich browns, golden yellows, and burnt oranges were warm and homey. Craig stopped, and she peeked around him to get her first look at the guest bedroom. It was decorated in beige, pale pink, and turquoise.

  “Wow! It reminds me of the Painted Desert,” she said in awe. “My family and I visited it when we were out west to see the Grand Canyon. The canyon was striking and awe-inspiring,” she admitted. “But the Painted Desert is my favorite memory from that trip. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I still feel that way about it to this day.�

  Craig gave her a big smile Jenna didn’t think he gifted to many people. “Good eye! I painted the master bedroom and this room myself. And the Painted Desert was my inspiration while I worked on them.”

  Her insides heated at the thought of his most personal space. “So your bedroom is as beautiful as this room?”

  “I used the same colors, and the two rooms are very similar. The master bedroom is about twice as big. I like open space. I’m sure you’ll have a chance to see it while you’re here.”

  Was that an invitation? She wondered. Jenna didn’t know exactly what to make of it, so she ignored the comment. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to unpack. I can’t wait to take a long, hot shower.” She grimaced. “Bed baths in a hospital room just don’t cut it.”

  Jenna could have sworn she heard Craig groan. She quickly glanced his way, but he had a straight face. She wasn’t about to ask.

  He hastily stepped out of the room and into the hallway. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. I have a few things I want to research on your case. I’ve put out several feelers, but nothing on West has turned up yet.”

  “He’s a sneaky bastard,” Jenna agreed. “He’s persistent too. I’m sure he’s slinking around somewhere nearby.”

  “Agreed.” He started to leave but turned back. “About your sister.”

  “Jillian,” she softly whispered.

  “Jillian,” he repeated the name. “Where is she?”

  “Why?” Jenna couldn’t hide the alarm she felt.

  He looked perturbed. “Either you trust me, or you don’t, Jenna.”

  “Sorry.” She knew she was overprotective of her sister. That was a result of the early death of their parents. Craig was right about one thing. If she trusted him enough to temporarily move in with him, she could trust him with Jillian’s whereabouts.

  “I don’t need your apologies. I want you to let me help you,” he said in a gruff voice.

  She nodded. “Jillian is studying abroad this semester. She’s in Italy. I think it’s too much trouble for Scott to track her down. She never liked Scott and avoided him as much as she could.”

  “Smart girl,” Craig replied.

  “Jillian has a knack for reading people. I should have paid more attention to the obvious dislike she seemed to harbor for Scott.”


  Craig wished Jenna had too. But then again if she had, she may never have run to Enigma. They might not have crossed paths. That depressing thought was enough to almost bring him to his knees.

  “And if it’s any consolation, I’m sure you’re right about Jillian. She should be safe enough overseas.” He would make sure of it.

  “That’s what I thought, but it’s good to hear someone like you agree.”

  Craig made a mental note to call Lucian immediately. He would put in a formal request for a guardian to check on Jillian. There were guardians all over the world, for just this type of emergency. And Lucian knew them all.

  Just because she was miles and miles away from Enigma didn’t mean she was out of West’s reach. He could hire a local thug to snatch Jillian off the street. Of course, he wasn’t going to tell Jenna that. Craig wanted Jenna worrying about herself, not her sister.

  “Take your time getting settled. There’s an unlimited supply of hot water, so you don’t need to rush through the shower either.”

  “Sounds heavenly.” She gave him a happy smile. “See you soon.”

  “All right. If something comes up and I have to go out, I’ll leave a guard on the door. I don’t want you to step outside the apartment without me for any reason.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she agreed and turned away with a laugh.

  Craig’s eagle bristled. He reached out and grasped her upper arm. At the unexpected touch, Jenna spun around and glared at him. “What is your problem?” she demanded.

  “I want to make sure we’re on the same page, Jenna. You’re as safe as you can be here, but there’s no reason to take unwarranted risks. That means don’t answer the door and don’t step even one cute little toe outside the apartment.”

  She gave him a girly smile and giggled. “You think my toes are cute?”

  Craig growled. “You need to take this matter a little more seriously,” he demanded.

  Jenna sobered immediately. “I think I am. That’s why I’m here with you instead of peaceably resting in the solitude of my own room at the inn.” Her eyes were so bright they sparkled as she glared at him.

  Craig couldn’t help it. She was already under his skin and delving deeper every minute they spent together. He had to taste her. The iron control he was well known for around the police department was all but gone.

  He stepped forward until they stood toe to toe. He reached out and cupped her face between the palms of both hands. His lips crashed down onto hers. Craig held nothing back. He nipped her bottom lip, demanding that she open for him.

  She instantly complied. His tongue shot forward, thrusting and sparring with hers. His fingers caressed the soft and delicate skin of her face before inching up to tangle in her long, wavy, thick strands of hair. A strangled moan of satisfaction slipped past her lips, and she pressed her shapely body against his much harder planes.

  Harsh rasping sounds filled the air as they both fought to breathe and catch their breath. His eagle screamed for Craig to claim what was his. He tightened his grip in her hair for a fraction of a second. Then he gathered his resolve and pulled back.

  A strangled sob of want and need slipped past Jenna’s swollen and parted lips. Her hand flew to her mouth and lightly touched it.

  As tempting as she was, Craig took a step back. Both from her, and the lust raging inside him. “I was out of line.” He acknowledged the fact, though he refused to apologize for kissing her. “Make yourself at home and remember…”

  Jenna held up a hand and sighed. “I know, I know! Don’t leave the apartment without you,” she said in a huff.

  Craig smirked, spun on his heel, and rapidly walked to his office. He sat down behind the desk and opened the computer file he started on Jenna’s case. He needed to review it. First, he had something else to take care of. He might trust EPD, but he was leaving nothing to chance when it came to Jenna’s safety.

  He grabbed his mobile phone and pushed the button that would connect him to Justin Gannon. When the shifter was on the other end of the phone, Craig explained his concern and request. The co-owner of Gannon Security quickly agreed.

  Disconnecting the call, he made contact with Lucian Petrakos. Craig pointed out his concern for Jillian Byrd. Lucian agreed it was better to be safe than sorry. Craig was pretty sure the guardian’s quick agreement was influenced by his marriage to Jessica and his long-term friendship with Brianna.

  “As it turns out,” Petrakos confided, “I know the senior guardian in charge of protecting Italy quite well. As luck would have it, he happens to live in Rome.”

  “Excellent!” Craig was pleased with how well things were coming together. “Much appreciated, Lucian.”

  “No problem. Send an email with all the specifics to my council account. I’ll contact Dante as soon as I receive the relevant information on Ms. Byrd.”

  Craig said goodbye and ended the call. Now that he had a known location for Jillian, he could use his computer and research skills to find the rest of the information he needed to send to Petrakos. It gave him something to do while he waited for his relief.

  About twenty minutes later, he completed the dossier on Jillian Byrd. He attached the information to an email and zipped it off to Lucian. He included another hearty thanks at the end of the correspondence. If only finding and disposing of West were as easy.

  The doorbell rang. Craig checked the clock on his computer. Good! Justin hadn’t wasted any time. He heard running water and knew that Jenna was still in the shower. The thought was a major distraction he couldn’t afford. Mistakes were not an option. Not when it came to Jenna.

  He glanced through the peephole and was surprised to s
ee Justin Gannon. “Hey, man,” he greeted once he opened the door. “I was expecting one of your wolves, figured you’d be too busy to do something as mundane as watch a door.”

  Justin snorted. “You wouldn’t believe the pile of paperwork on my desk.”

  Craig raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m not complaining. You and your brother are the best security experts in the state.”

  “I was going to send Jenkins, but Rose caught wind of the situation. She really wants to meet Jenna. That’s how I got roped into this gig. If there’s any possibility of some deranged human getting within fifteen feet of Rose, I’m going to be the one in charge of security.”

  Craig nodded. He completely understood. He didn’t want to let Jenna out of his sight and was having second thoughts about leaving the apartment. But he couldn’t’ track West from inside the penthouse, at least not effectively.

  “Where is Rose?”

  He shrugged. “She’s riding over with Scarlet. They mentioned something about running an errand first.”

  Craig frowned. “I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

  “No problem. Go take care of business. I’ll stay on duty until you return or I’m relieved by one of my men.”

  “I’m going to leave Jenna a note then I’m out of here. This is one case I can’t wait to close.”

  “I completely understand. Things were a bit intense with me until I took out the man trying to kill Rose.”

  “It’s harder than I thought it would be. I’ve never been torn like this. I need to find and end the threat to Jenna, but at the same time I don’t want to let her out of my sight. Knowing you’re on the job makes it easier for me to walk out the door.”

  Justin gave him a knowing look. “I’ll make sure no harm comes to your Jenna. Good hunting, my friend.”


  Jenna’s insides were twisted in knots. She felt much better, at least physically, after the shower. Emotionally she was all over the map. She was wary of Craig after the intense passion-filled kiss they shared. Despite everything, she was anxious to see him again.

  She walked out of the guest bedroom, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw a beautiful woman sitting on the couch. “Umm… hello,” she finally managed to stammer. Was the beautiful blonde Craig’s girlfriend or current lover? Jenna went icy cold at the thought.


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