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Enigma, Maine, Bundle Three

Page 7

by Iris Abbott

  Craig put his arms around her and held her close for just a second. He was aware that he had a very interested audience. He wanted to reprimand her for leaving the penthouse, but he kept the biting comments to himself. He didn’t want to spoil the moment. Besides, she was surrounded by friends and family, who could take out any human who posed a threat.

  He wanted her all to himself, had to have her. “Say goodbye,” he whispered into her ear.

  “But, you just got here. And I’m making so many new and wonderful friends.”

  He pressed into her body and lightly nipped the side of her neck. “I have to make love to you as soon as possible. I need you, Jenna. Don’t make me wait.”


  Jenna’s knees buckled under her. She had to grab hold of Craig’s shoulders to keep from falling into an undignified heap at his feet. “I don’t want to wait either,” she said in a husky whisper. She took a deep breath and tried to regain her composure.

  She slipped out of Craig’s embrace and turned to the interested group of friends and family standing behind them. “I loved meeting everyone, and I can’t wait to see each and every one of you again.”

  “But we’re calling it a night,” Craig interjected. He nodded at everyone, entwined his fingers with Jenna’s, and walked away.

  Jenna rushed to keep pace with him. She knew they were headed straight to his penthouse and into his bed. Jenna thought she should be a little more nervous. Instead, she was on fire, burning for his touch, craving his taste.

  Craig waved his hand at the valet, and the man quickly returned with his car. He opened the door and helped Jenna inside, tipped the valet, and floored it. Gravel spit out from under the four tires as they shot down the driveway.

  He drove fast, and Jenna sat on the edge of her seat. Any other time she would probably be scared to death. Anticipation and excitement for what was to come outweighed the fear, drowning it. Tension permeated the car. The silence was thick. Small talk didn’t fit the moment, so Jenna didn’t say anything.

  They were only about five minutes from the penthouse when Craig finally spoke. “Whose idea was the costume?”

  “Rose and Scarlet brought over several costumes courtesy of Brianna. As soon as I saw this one, I knew it was the one. I thought it was another good omen. Remember what I told you earlier about golden eagles and good omens.”

  “As if I could forget,” Craig muttered under his breath. “The costume is perfect. You look sexy as hell in it.”

  Jenna’s body heated up another few degrees. “I kind of figured that. What with the way you practically dragged me away from the Halloween party.” She remembered the mask and slipped it off.

  “I’m on fire for you. It’s a good thing you didn’t stall. I would’ve thrown you over my shoulder and absconded with you.”

  Jenna gasped then let out a small laugh. “Aren’t you afraid that someone would have tried to stop you if you did that?”

  It was Craig’s turn to laugh. He threw back his head and let loose a full belly laugh. “They wouldn’t have interfered. And trust me it wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened at one of Russo’s parties.”

  “It was definitely a fantastic bash,” she exclaimed. “Inside an honest to goodness castle too. I didn’t even know there was anything like that around here.”

  “Most people don’t,” Craig told her. “Alessandro Russo makes sure it stays that way.”

  “I met him,” Jenna said. “He’s married to Brittany’s close friend Julie.”

  “I know,” Craig said. “Everyone, at least the ones that matter, know Brittany, Julie, and Selena. They’re as close as sisters and have been for as long as anyone can remember.”

  “They were very welcoming to me,” Jenna said with a happy smile. “If I don’t hit it off with my grandparents for some reason, I still have family in Enigma. I’m so glad I came here. I’ve never been a big believer in fate, but I think I was definitely fated to come to Enigma.”

  “Just wait,” Craig said. “If you didn’t believe in fate before tonight, you will after.”

  Jenna puzzled over the comment. She wanted to ask him what he meant, but he parked in the underground garage next to the elevator. He threw open his door as soon as he put the car in park. Her door was yanked open before she could unfasten the seatbelt.

  He seemed to need to be near her. She let him help her out of the vehicle and entwined her fingers in his. They ran, not walked, to the elevator. The doors slid shut, and the small metal cage began the swift rise to the top of the building.

  Craig backed her up against the wall and crushed her lips with his. Jenna opened her lips to allow him entry. His tongue darted into her mouth, touching and teasing as it thrust in and out. The movement reminded her of sex. She felt her already overheated core pulse with excitement.

  His erection pushed into her lower belly. She couldn’t resist the temptation to press against him. Strong hands wrapped around her hips and lifted her off the ground. Jenna’s sex was even with his now. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his lower back, pressing their bodies even closer together. She was rewarded with a half growl half moan from Craig.

  The cold metal of the elevator bit into her back. It didn’t matter. The only thing she cared about was easing the ache deep inside her. She hungrily kissed him back, putting all of the pent-up need, desire, and passion in that one kiss.

  The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Jenna wasn’t aware until Craig turned her away from the wall and marched them forward. The short distance to his front door was pure torture. His erection rubbed against her core. Every nerve in her body was on high alert. Every muscle tensed, grasping for something just out of reach.

  She heard the beep as he punched in the alarm code and slammed the door before locking it. “Scott West is still out there. I spotted him in Enigma this evening, but he got away before I could capture him. I’ll take care of him sooner rather than later, but you have to remain vigilant until I do.”

  The revelation should have dampened the overwhelming passion she experienced, but it didn’t. She wanted and needed Craig. “I know I’m safe with you,” she whispered between kisses.

  “I want inside you now.” He moved forward until they were inside his bedroom.

  Jenna wanted him inside her too. As soon as he sat her on her feet, she untied the feather skirt and let it drop to the floor. She smiled when Craig sucked in a sharp breath. Jenna shimmied her way out of the bodysuit.

  She glanced at Craig when she finished stripping. He stood in front of her in all his naked glory. He was ready, willing, and able if his impressive erection was anything to go by. He was magnificent, and he was all hers.

  Craig wrapped her in his arms. A multitude of sensations swamped her body where naked flesh came together. She lightly ran her hands up and down his back, rubbing and caressing everywhere she touched.

  Jenna squealed when Craig lifted her off her feet and swept her onto the bed. The soft mattress surrounded her from behind. Craig’s firm, toned body covered her from above. She shamelessly rubbed her body against his. The contrast of soft versus hard, rough versus smooth increased her already out of control desire.

  Craig’s leg insinuated itself between hers, pushing them wide. She readily shifted to make room for him. Jenna rocked her hips, bringing their bodies closer together. His crisp chest hair scraped against her pebbled nipples. Ripples of pleasure coursed through her body.

  “You’re beautiful,” Craig told her before reclaiming her mouth. When the kiss came to an end, his lips caressed a scorching trail down her neck to each nipple. His teeth scraped against the sensitive flesh, causing her to tremble.

  She was at the height of arousal. She’d never felt anything nearly as good as what he was making her feel. And it only got better with every passing second. The dampness between her legs increased, making her ready to receive him inside her body.

  “Please, Craig!” she begged as she kissed the side of his neck.

  A shuddering moan escaped her when his fingers rubbed her nether lips. The slippery and swollen flesh separated, and a thick digit slipped inside. Another finger pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerves that begged for his attention.

  Every nerve in her body zinged. Her hips shot off the bed, and she thrashed her head back and forth. His fingers slipped from her body, and she whimpered at the loss.

  “Need you, now!” Craig positioned the thick head of his erection at the entrance of her sex and nudged forward. “Ahhhh, you feel so good.” His raspy breathing echoed around them as he pushed another inch inside her.

  Jenna thought the same thing about him. Her body stretched to accommodate his size as he inched forward. His erection stroked the sensitive skin of her sex. She shuddered.

  It wasn’t enough. She wanted to take all of Craig as deep as he could go. She arched her back, and thrust her hips, forcing him to give her more.

  Finally, his erection was fully sheathed, filling her. He swiveled his hips and thrust in and out. He withdrew until just the tip remained. Then with one powerful thrust, his erection plunged inside.

  Jenna gasped and screamed Craig’s name. Her muscles tightened, straining. They reached for something just out of reach. Jenna let out a tortured sigh of relief when the speed and power of his thrusts increased, giving her what she needed.

  Craig lifted her hips off the bed, increasing the depth of penetration. Her muscles seized around his probing erection. She wanted to keep him inside of her.

  Jenna’s breath left her body in harsh gasps. Her heart pounded against her chest. Her fingers clenched and unclenched the comforter. Her body was so tight, she knew her muscles would be sore tomorrow, but she didn’t care. Just a bit more and heaven would be within her reach.

  Craig thrust forward, ramming his erection inside her. His pelvic bone ground into the swollen and rigid bundle of nerves above her sex. The muscles of her sex quivered from the need of a release that was all so close.

  “Mine!” Craig screeched. He began to frantically thrust in and out of her body. He leaned down and touched his mouth to the flesh where neck and shoulder met. He scraped his teeth across her sensitive skin and bit her hard enough to break the skin. Jenna tried to turn away from him, but he refused to let go.

  Jenna lifted her hands to push against him, but overwhelming sensations took over, and her body exploded. The bite and everything else was forgotten as her body jerked from the force of the orgasm that rolled over her. She mindlessly writhed against him, riding out the storm, milking his erection for all it was worth.

  His body froze deep inside hers. The pressure from the bite eased and faded away. Craig threw back his head and screamed her name as his release poured inside her.


  It took several hours and another bout of intense lovemaking to take before Jenna and Craig were finally able to keep their hands off of each other long enough to talk. “It’s time for a serious conversation,” Craig warned.

  Her heart stalled. However, he didn’t sound like a man about to give her the brush-off. Jenna was grateful for that. “I know we forgot to use protection,” she muttered. “But I’m on the pill, and Scott and I always used condoms.”

  “I’m clean as well, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, about Enigma. But it’s time you learned. I’m so much more than just a detective for EPD.”

  “Somehow I think I always knew that,” Jenna confessed. “I want to know everything about you.”

  “I come from a long line of paranormal beings that are able to shift into animal form. All of my male ancestors are shifters. All of my male descendants will be shifters.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she stared at him with narrowed eyes. “I don’t understand what that means.” Jenna frowned.

  “It means that I am able to take the physical form of the bird of prey whose spirit lives inside me.”

  Jenna’s hand flew to her mouth. “You’re a golden eagle!” she insisted. “I know you are!”

  She rubbed her arms as if she was cold. She gave Craig a long hard look. “How?” Jenna whispered.

  Craig took advantage of Jenna’s confusion and preoccupation to slide behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and held on tight. He slowly loosened his grip when it was clear she wasn’t going to move away from him.

  “I’m going to start at the beginning of the legend,” he said. “This is a story that’s been passed down for many generations over the centuries. Not just by my family or those like us, but many others as well.”

  Jenna gently caressed the arms that were wrapped around her middle. She swallowed hard enough for it to be audible. “I want to know everything there is to know about you,” she insisted. “I feel connected to you. I have deep feelings for you that are only going to grow with time. I’m honored you want to share your family history with me.”

  Craig dropped a kiss on top of her head. “You’re an extraordinary woman. I sensed that about you the first time I laid eyes on you,” he confessed.

  “I’m going to explain how shifters and other beings like me came to be in existence.” He paused. When she didn’t say anything, Craig took a deep breath and launched into the tale.

  “At the beginning of civilization, in an area known as Mesopotamia, there was a wealthy old man. His greatest desire was a male heir. He went through three wives, but he was still denied his much wanted son.”

  Jenna’s muscles stiffened, and she held herself rigidly against him. She slowly relaxed, leaning into him. Craig took that as a good sign and continued his recitation of the legend

  “The man knew he was nearing the end of his time, and he desperately wanted an heir. So against his latest wife’s wishes, he bargained with one of the lesser gods. This deity was generally thought of as evil, but the old man was desperate. The god, who sometimes took the form of a combination of canine and bird of prey, was hungry for power and wanted to rise in the ranks among the gods.”

  “It sounds like something from a mythology textbook. What happened? Did the old man get his son?”

  “Yes and no,” Craig replied. “The god wanted at least ten blood sacrifices made in his honor. One for each month of pregnancy and then one after the child was born. The old man agreed. He made his first sacrifice the next day and another one exactly one month later. His wife began to show signs of pregnancy. Thrilled beyond belief the old man continued with the sacrifices.”

  “Something bad happened,” Jenna guessed. A violent shiver shook her entire body.

  Craig held her tighter but continued the story. “The old man died with two months of pregnancy and three promised sacrifices left. The wife who had never wanted her husband to bargain with the evil god in the first place refused to continue the sacrifices despite dire warnings issued from her husband while on his deathbed.”

  Jenna sucked in a deep breath of air. “This is a chilling story. It’s cold enough to freeze me if I let it.” She squeezed Craig’s hand hard.

  He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze with his free hand. “Do you want me to keep going?”

  “Oh, yes! I want to know everything about you,” she confessed.

  “Very well. Two months later, the widow gave birth to three small and sickly male children. The god who often took the shape of a winged canine visited her bedside and told her that she had given birth to three males that would always remind her of her folly in refusing to complete his blood sacrifices. Since he was denied blood, she gave birth to a child that would need to take the blood of others to survive, or he’d die a slow and painful death as disease ravaged his body. The other two males were made in the evil god’s likeness. One could shift into a wolf at will, while the other could take the shape of the fiercest bird in that region, a falcon.” He paused giving Jenna time to process the meaning of his words.

  Jenna caressed Craig’s cheek. “No part of this legend or anything else you share with me will make me turn my back o
n you. I need you to know that.”

  Craig leaned into Jenna’s touch. “That means the world to me. You mean the world to me,” he promised. “And I’m glad we’re getting all of this out in the open.” He gently turned her face toward him and lightly kissed her lips.

  “Ready for more?”

  “Of you or the legend,” she teased.

  “Both, but I’ll finish the story first.”

  Craig cleared his throat and continued. “The midwife already noticed the strange looking fur and feathers of the second and third born. Fearing that a dark evil was at work and that the children would be a curse to every human in the vicinity she left them outside, hoping the elements would dispose of them.” He shrugged.

  “That’s horrible! They were just babies,” Jenna said in disbelief.

  Craig shrugged. “People were so much more superstitious back then. Anyone else would have done the same thing if not killed them outright.”

  “I like to think I wouldn’t have,” Jenna said with a soft sigh. “Tell me the rest,” she insisted.

  “Legend has it that a goddess felt sorry for the two banished babies and enlisted a family of wolves and falcons respectively to care for them. Against all the odds and probably with some interference and help from the benevolent gods and goddesses the falcon shifter thrived. Eventually, he grew into a man and felt the need to be around others more like him. He set out on his own to find a human mate.”

  “He must have found one because you’re here with me now. What happened to the other two babies? Do you know?”

  “Obviously all three of the babies survived because wolf shifters and vampires walk the Earth today along with raptor shifters.”


  “Have I met any other paranormal beings?” Jenna’s curiosity was going to get the best of her. She had to know.

  “As a matter of fact, you have. And I think you are going to be very surprised. Are you sure you want to learn everything in one sitting?”

  “Yes! I want to know about any and everything related to you.”


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