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Enigma, Maine, Bundle Three

Page 9

by Iris Abbott


  Entering a locked door was child’s play to one such as him. He slipped inside the apartment, promising himself one look was all he needed. He wanted to make sure she wasn’t too scared and unsettled after the close call with Scott West. He was obligated to make contact with Lucian Petrakos and report the night’s events to the head guardian, but first, he had to lay eyes on Jillian to make sure all was well.

  His inner cat hissed at the memory of the stench of her fear when the scumbag reached out of the fog to grab her. The cat had no need to worry. The man was no more. Scott West wouldn’t be harming Jillian or anyone else ever again. The guardian made sure of that.

  As stealthy as his cat, he silently entered the bedroom. Jillian’s light floral scent was everywhere. His cat purred when his superior sense of smell picked up on the feminine scent that he associated with Jillian. The pleasant smell was all that remained of the woman, however. Jillian Katherine Byrd was nowhere to be found.

  He blocked out all thoughts of Jillian and took a good look around. The disarray in the bedroom and bathroom finally registered. Cats were observant creatures by nature, but guardians were trained to notice all details, no matter how small they might be. He’d been too focused on getting to Jillian to take in the details. It only proved that keeping her at arm’s length before was the right decision.

  It looked like a tiny whirlwind raced through her living area. Dresser drawers were half-open with garments haphazardly hanging out. The closet looked about the same. Disturbed dresses and tops were half on and half off their hangers. Some lost the battle and had fallen to the bottom of the closet floor.

  He couldn’t sense the presence of another being. That only meant one thing. His Jillian was on the run. Dante smiled. If there was one thing his cat relished, it was the thrill of the chase.


  Dante drummed his fingers on the table. He wasn’t used to waiting even for someone like Lucian, the oldest and most powerful of his kind. He stopped by to see the head guardian in person as a courtesy, but Lucian had better not keep him waiting too much longer. Jillian Byrd was his to claim, and Dante was tired of waiting. He was more than ready to reap the rewards of a job well done. So far, the chase took him to Enigma, Maine, but he was far from done.

  Finally, the door swung open. Always on the alert, Dante tensed, ready to spring into action. He instantly relaxed when he recognized Lucian. The head guardian walked into the conference room followed by Phillip Saint John and a third man who Dante had yet to cross paths with in his many centuries of existence. If he had to take a guess, he’d put his money on raptor.

  Brisk as usual, Lucian got straight to the point. “Dante, I don’t think you’ve left Europe in several decades. What brings you to this continent?”

  “Jillian Byrd,” was his curt response. Dante could be abrupt as well. He had no interest in a longwinded conversation. He wanted to make a final report to the council so he could move on to much more pressing matters, like the seduction of the woman who unknowingly calling to him for a year.

  The stranger stiffened. “Why?” He snapped out the question, glaring at Dante with sharp, cold, black eyes.

  If Dante were in cat form, his hackles would rise, his back would arch, his claws would come out, and he’d be spitting mad. He raised an arrogant brow and met the stranger glare for glare. “What’s it to you?”

  “Gentlemen, Gentlemen,” Phillip’s authoritative voice echoed around the room. “Stand down, both of you! We’re all on the same side here,” the guardian stressed.

  It didn’t matter to Dante who was on what side. Nobody, friend or foe was going to stand between him and Jillian. He took a step forward, letting everyone in the room know he had no intention of standing down. “Mine,” he hissed at the stranger. “Jillian’s mine!” He looked the other three males in the eyes, making sure they knew he meant business.

  “Does Jillian know that?” the stranger smugly asked, squaring off with Dante.

  “Enough!” Lucian shouted. His voice boomed out, and the power that resonated from the head guardian was enough to make everyone freeze.

  “I think introductions are in order,” Phillip, the world’s second oldest guardian, finally broke the tense silence.

  Lucian agreed. “Dante, this is Craig Aquila. He’s Jillian’s brother-in-law. Craig, this is Dante, the head guardian in Central Europe. He’s been watching over your sister-in-law for the past year.”

  So, the other male was an eagle shifter. The name said it all. He and Craig nodded at each other, and the tension in the room dropped several notches.

  “I’m sure we all have other places we need to be. What’s the status on Scott West, and why are you really here?” Lucian asked Dante in a clipped voice.

  “West has been eliminated and disposed of.” No one would ever find that body, thanks to Mount Etna. “He tried to attack Jillian last night, and I put an end to the threat. He didn’t harm her physically, but he must have scared the hell out of her. While I was busy disposing of the body, she ran.”

  “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want the pleasure of taking out the bastard myself, but you have my thanks and gratitude all the same,” Craig told him. “At least he’s no longer a threat to Jenna or her sister. As far as I’m concerned, the end justifies the means.”

  “It wasn’t as if I had any choice in the matter.” His eyes narrowed to mere slits, and his jaws clenched. “He approached Jillian, daring to touch what I consider mine. He wasn’t walking away alive.”

  The eagle shifter raised both brows. “I can put your mind at ease about Jillian. She called her sister during a layover in New York City. Jillian is definitely on her way to Enigma. Her plane will be landing in about an hour.”

  “I already knew that,” Dante said with a smirk. “Like I said, she’s the reason I’m here. I could have filed a report with the council electronically. I came because I know Jillian well enough to know she’d run to her sister.”

  “She ran while you were getting rid of West, and you still managed to beat her to town?” Lucian asked with a shake of his head.

  “Of course. You should know that I’m nothing if not resourceful. Jillian flew commercial, and I chartered a flight. She had a layover in New York, I didn’t.”

  “I’m taking Jenna to the airport as soon as I leave here,” Craig informed them.

  “I’m going with you.” His blood heated, and his body tightened at the thought of seeing Jillian again.

  “No.” Craig stared at the guardian with the cutting gaze of a top predator. “Jenna and Jillian need some time together to reconnect. If you know her as well as you claim, you know what I’m saying is true.”

  Dante’s lips tightened into a snarl, but he refrained from making any noise. The raptor was correct. “Twenty-four hours,” Dante warned with a hiss. “I can’t promise to stay away from her any longer than that.”

  The other three males in the room were all mated with their soul mates. They could feel the tension that seeped from the guardian and recognized it for exactly what it was. The cat teetered on the edge when it came to Jillian Byrd. If he went over, not even a guardian as powerful as Lucian would be able to keep him away from the woman he desired.

  “I have an idea,” Phillip spoke up. “Alessandro and Julie Russo are hosting their annual Halloween costume party tomorrow night,” he reminded the others. “And that get-together is becoming known as matchmaker’s heaven,” he said with a grin.

  Not being from Enigma, Dante was the odd man out. But he didn’t miss the knowing looks that passed between the other three males. If the costume party was that important, he was willing to give it a try. “You think Jillian will be there?” he asked.

  “Jenna and I have an invitation,” Craig confirmed. “Jenna wouldn’t miss it for the world. All of her closest friends will be there. And knowing my wife, she’s probably already managed to get her hands on an invitation for her sister as well. So yeah, I’m pretty sure Jillian will be there

  Dante knew the centuries-old vampire but not very well. They hadn’t seen each other in decades. He turned to Lucian. The guardian knew all the paranormal beings in and around Enigma and most of the ones scattered all over the world as well. “Can you get me an invitation to the party?”

  Lucian grinned. “I’m sure that Alessandro and Julie would be thrilled to have Dante the Elusive perform at their Halloween party, even on such short notice.”

  “I always have a few tricks up my sleeve,” he smugly commented. “Every magician needs a lovely woman to assist him on stage. Performing a few party tricks plays right into my favor.” He gave them a wicked grin. “As an encore, I can make Jillian drop into my arms.”

  “Good luck with that.” It was Craig’s turn to smirk. “If Jillian is anything like her sister, she’s as stubborn and strong-willed as any woman alive.”

  Lucian and Phillip both snorted at the remark. Most of the women in Enigma were stubborn, at least the ones who were witches.

  “You’re going to have your work cut out for you.” Craig grinned. “Glad I’m going to have a front row seat to the show. I think it’s going to be quite entertaining,” he predicted. “And I’m sure the magic tricks will be enjoyable too.”

  Dante folded his arms across his chest. “Never underestimate the powerful allure of magic.”

  “Just a reminder,” Lucian warned. “Jillian isn’t without her own magic, even if she doesn’t know how to use it yet.”

  “That’s right,” Craig agreed. “And I’m sure once Brianna, Brittany, and Jessica take her under their wings her magic will grow and eventually blossom. It’s only been a year, and Jenna can already create and cast simple spells on her own. Her power grows stronger every week.”

  “That only makes things more interesting. This cat never turns down a chase or runs from a challenge.”

  “You need a specialized invitation issued by Gannon Security to get in the door of Russo’s castle, but consider it done,” Lucian said. “I’ll give Mitch Gannon a call as soon as you leave. Mitch or Justin Gannon will hand deliver an invitation to you. Where should I direct them to?”

  “I’m staying at the inn downtown, the one on Main Street.”

  Lucian nodded. “The Gannon brothers are busy this time of year. Give them a couple of hours, but it will be in your hands before the end of the evening,” he promised.

  The four men shook hands and went their separate ways. Dante got into the high-powered sports car he rented for the duration of his stay. He quickly made his way to the airport while trying to stay off of Craig’s radar. He promised not to approach Jillian for twenty-four hours, but that didn’t mean he had to stay away from her. He had plenty of time to catch a glimpse of her at the airport, and he wouldn’t deny himself that little bit of pleasure at least.


  “My plane landed!” Even with the trauma of her hurried exit and the fatigue of travel beating at her, Jillian was excited to see her sister again. She also looked forward to finally meeting her brother-in-law.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually here!” her sister exclaimed on the other end of the line. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’m off the plane and headed your way as fast as I can walk,” Jillian said with a laugh. “I can’t wait to see you. It’s been way too long.”

  “Entirely my fault,” Jenna somberly took the blame. “I’m the one that let that evil snake Scott West into our lives. It may very well be the biggest regret of my entire life.”

  Jillian hated when her sister thought it was her job as the oldest sibling to take the blame for everything awful that happened to them. She hissed a note of displeasure into the phone. “Don’t you dare take responsibility for that SOB’s actions.”

  “I should have known he was evil.”

  “Anybody can have the wool pulled over their eyes. You like to see the best in people, and that’s not a bad thing,” Jillian quickly reminded her sister. “Mom and Dad would be so proud of you. I’m proud of you. Don’t ever forget it.”

  Jenna sniffed. “God, how I’ve missed you, and I’m so glad the nightmare is finally over.”

  “Scott’s still on the loose,” Jillian felt compelled to remind her sister. It wouldn’t do for them to let their guards down. There was no need to make things easy for the vindictive bastard if he followed her to Maine.

  “He’s not a problem anymore,” Jenna promised.

  “How can you know that?” Jillian was perplexed at her sister’s confidence that the matter was handled. After all, she was the one who’d been there, and she had no idea what happened to Scott.

  A long sigh was the only response for several seconds. “You’re just going to have to trust me, that’s all I can say about it for now.”

  Jillian didn’t argue. Her brother-in-law was a detective with the Enigma Police Department, and they’d been looking for Scott West since he tried to kill Jenna a little over a year ago. Maybe law enforcement in Italy caught him and had him in custody. She didn’t know the ins and outs of international law enforcement, but surely, the various agencies all over the world had some way of communicating, thanks to the superior technology available.

  Jenna took advantage of Jillian’s silence and quickly changed the subject. “I can’t wait for you and Craig to finally meet each other. You’ll love him! I promise. He’s nothing like Scott.” Jenna stopped talking, and the line was silent for several seconds.

  A chill snaked its way down her spine at the mention of the man who accosted her the night before. She could only hope her sister was correct about Scott West no longer being a threat. “I’m headed toward the exit now. This airport doesn’t look very large. I don’t think it’ll take me long to find you.”

  “Craig drove me to the airport and dropped me off in the passenger pickup area. He’s going to keep circling the area until you’re ready to go.”

  “Great, I’ll see you soon. Love you!”

  Jillian anxiously glanced around the small commuter airport located on the outskirts of Enigma. It was a lot busier than she thought it would be. The autumn leaves must be quite a tourist draw, though most of the travelers Jillian spotted appeared to be single males. Maybe there was more business and industry in eastern Maine than she was aware of.

  Several of the men gave her appreciative stares, but Jillian was oblivious to the attention. The willowy brunette hurried through the airport with one goal in mind. She couldn’t wait to be reunited with her sister and meet her brother-in-law. She was also looking forward to finally meeting her grandparents and a handful of other distant relatives.

  A long sigh slipped through Jillian’s pursed lips. She wanted to come for a visit long before now. However, her sister insisted she would be safer in Italy and begged Jillian to postpone her homecoming until the threat was over. Well, Jillian didn’t know if Scott was still a threat or not, but she knew that Italy was no longer the safe haven her sister thought it was. On the bright side, that meant there was no reason for her to stay away from the family she so desperately wanted and needed.

  Living and working in was a dream come true, but she lived the fantasy, and now she was ready to be with family. Her study abroad was complete, she graduated, and she had several months of experience working as a translator and interpreter. Finding another job and relocating to the East Coast shouldn’t be too difficult.

  The reminder of the job she’d left behind when she fled Italy made her stop in her tracks. A few people grumbled as they shifted to move around her. Jillian ignored them and their complaints. The face of her enigmatic boss popped into her mind and refused to leave. He was as elusive as his reputation, but that didn’t stop Jillian from becoming infatuated with the sexy as sin man. Yes, she would miss her job, but she’d yearn for the man she worked for even more.

  It was silly, really. Her boss was abrupt with almost everyone, even Jillian. She didn’t even work directly with him most of the time. She was low woman on the totem pole at the job, but i
t seemed to her that he went out of his way to avoid being near her. As a result, she usually worked directly with his personal assistant.

  Actually, her abrupt departure from Italy was probably very well timed. She became more fixated with her boss every day. The obsessive behavior was unusual for her, and Jillian was more than slightly alarmed by the intensity of her hunger for the elusive man.

  Some nights she even dreamed about him, imagined he was in her bedroom watching over her and whispering comforting words in a language she couldn’t understand. The fact that Jillian didn’t understand the words he spoke was odd because she was very good with languages. She double majored in Italian and French, but she was also fluent in Spanish and spoke enough German to get by. But the words this man spoke were unlike anything she’d ever heard before. They sounded ancient.

  If the strangeness of the language weren’t enough, the words had an odd effect on her. Like a spell, they seemed to weave themselves around Jillian and surround her in a cocoon of warmth and protection. It was a conflicting sensation, both comforting and confusing all at once. The dreams were so vivid and real they made her question her sanity. She usually woke up, an aching mass of want and need, craving the man who occasionally watched her with brooding eyes but refused to let her close.

  Jillian took a deep breath, shaking off the thick cloud of doubt and regret. Longing for a man she couldn’t have was a waste of time and energy. She focused and pushed the image and memory of her boss out of her brain. He was in Italy, and she was in the United States. With time and distance, the intense physical desire she harbored for him would hopefully fade away to nothing.

  Her sister deserved to be the center of her attention. The two of them were close, and her sister was always there for her, especially since the death of their parents. She didn’t want Jenna to think she left her heart in Italy. That would cause her to worry like the big sister she was, and their reunion should be a joyous occasion.


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