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Enigma, Maine, Bundle Three

Page 11

by Iris Abbott

  “Wow, I’m impressed. Even if Scott were still out there, I’d feel safe enough staying here.”

  “That’s the idea. Your sister has an extra key she’ll give you once you’re settled. That way you can come and go as you please while you’re visiting. If it gets lost or stolen let me know immediately so that I can notify one of the Gannons.”

  “Definitely, if I’d known the security here was so topnotch, I wouldn’t have worried about you half as much as I did,” Jillian confessed to her sister.

  “With Craig by my side, I was always safe,” Jenna told her. “I was more worried about you. That’s why I kept my distance. I didn’t want to give Scott a reason to target you.”

  Jillian sighed. “Like that lunatic needed a reason.”

  “I totally agree,” Craig said. He cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to rush you, but I need to go into EPD and finish an ever-growing stack of paperwork,” he reminded the ladies.

  Jenna leaned over and kissed Craig. “Don’t worry about seeing us up, we’ll be fine.”

  “Nonsense,” Craig informed his wife, before putting his mouth on her lips for another quick kiss. “I have enough time to escort the two of you to the apartment, and I’ll carry Jillian’s bag for her. I don’t want my sister-in-law to think I don’t have any manners.”

  Jillian offered him a grateful smile. She was beginning to see why her sister fell so hard and fast for the detective. “I would never think that. I imagine your job can be quite demanding even in a town the size of Enigma.”

  “Sometimes it’s a matter of life and death,” Craig agreed. “Today, however, it’s only paperwork demanding my attention, and it’s not going anywhere.”

  The three of them exited the SUV. Craig refused to let her take her own bag, even though she tried. He wasn’t kidding about the manners thing, Jillian decided, giving in gracefully. She linked arms with her sister, and they followed Craig onto the waiting elevator car. It quietly and swiftly ascended to the top floor.

  “Welcome to our home,” Jenna said as soon as she keyed in the security code and opened the door.

  Jillian’s breath immediately caught in her throat. “It’s absolutely gorgeous. It reminds me of the trip we took to the desert when we were children. The color scheme is incredible. It’s so warm and inviting.”

  “That’s exactly what I thought the first time I saw it too,” Jenna agreed. “Craig gave me free reign to redecorate when we got married, but I didn’t want to change a thing.”

  “I can’t blame you for that. It’s perfect just the way it is.” Jillian slowly did a complete circle so that she could see everything in view. “I’m going to love staying here until I find a job and relocate,” she enthusiastically exclaimed.

  “I’m sure you’re excited to start the next phase of your life,” her sister piped up, “but don’t be in a hurry on our account. This apartment is a lot larger than it looks. There’s plenty of room for you here.”

  “That’s right,” Craig was quick to add. “Our home is your home. Your sister is thrilled to have you close once again, and anything that makes Jenna happy makes me happy as well.”

  Her eyes watered, and Jenna lightly sniffed. “Thank you so much. You’ll never know how much I needed to hear that.” Being kept away from her much-loved older sister and unable to meet their newly discovered family had taken its toll on Jillian. She understood the reasoning behind Jenna’s request for her to stay safe in Italy, but sometimes the forced separation and the great distance made Jillian feel isolated and unwanted.

  If it weren’t for the job that practically fell into her lap after graduation, Jillian would have probably gone crazy from the worry, fear, and loneliness. She pulled up sharp at the reminder of her job. Someone at work was probably wondering what happened to her. She was going to have to call and explain her hasty retreat back to the states. She was going to have to resign also. The thought made her sad, but it had to be done.

  Her sister started talking to her, snagging her attention. “The guest bedroom is this way. I have a feeling you’re going to love it!” Jenna exclaimed.

  She followed her sister and brother-in-law to the back of the apartment. Craig opened a door on the far right and placed her suitcase next to a queen-sized bed. She glanced around him to get her first look at the guest bedroom. It was decorated in beige, pale pink, and turquoise.

  “Absolutely stunning,” she said in a breathless voice. It reminds me of the Painted Desert, which is my favorite memory from the desert trip. At the time, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”

  “I knew you’d love it!” Jenna beamed. “I said almost the same thing the first time I saw it.”

  “I hate to interrupt,” Craig gave his wife an indulgent smile. “But I need to get going.”

  “Do you have to?” Jenna asked with a pout.

  “I need to clear my desk and take care of any urgent matters before tomorrow. I don’t want any interruptions during the party, because I have a feeling I’m not gonna want to miss a thing this year.”

  “I don’t remember you being so excited about the costume party last year,” Jenna said as soon as the couple pulled apart. “As a matter of fact, you didn’t even wear a costume.”

  He gave her a smug look. “There’s going to be a special guest this year, and I have a feeling that sparks are gonna fly.”

  “Maybe I should see if Brianna has a costume for you too,” Jenna teased. “Why should Jillian and I have all the fun, anyway?”

  Craig lost his smug look, but not his spirit of adventure. “Go ahead, I trust Brianna’s judgment. Like you said before, she has a talent.”

  Jillian watched the flirty banter between the two with a lopsided grin. The love they shared was obvious. And it was nice to see her sister so happy. Jenna never glowed like this when she was with Scott.

  “I love you,” Craig whispered into his wife’s ear. “Remember to stay alert and be careful out there,” he reminded the women. “Just because Scott is no longer a threat doesn’t mean you can be lax with your personal safety.” He kissed Jenna goodbye, gave Jillian a friendly pat on the shoulder, and disappeared.

  “I can see why you fell in love with him,” she said as soon as she was sure her brother-in-law was out of earshot.

  Her sister giggled like a teenager. “I do love him, and I know he loves me. I can’t wait for you to find someone as special as he is.” She grinned. “Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone tomorrow night. This particular Halloween party has a reputation of bringing soul mates together.”

  Jillian sat on the edge of the bed and gave her sister a long, hard look. “I’m not so sure there’s any such thing.” An image of her mysterious boss filtered through her mind, and she let out a deep sigh of distress.

  “I wasn’t either until I moved to Enigma and met Craig. Deep down inside with an unwavering faith so strong, it can never be shaken, I know he’s my soul mate.” She clutched her heart. “I know we were meant to be.”

  “It does look that way,” she agreed not wanting to say anything that would upset her sister. She still wasn’t convinced that there was any such thing as a soul mate.

  “And I’m not the only one. Brittany and Jessica would say the same thing about their husbands. Actually, the rumor of mated souls or soul mates kind of got started because of Brittany and her friends Julie and Selena. They’re almost legendary in certain circles around Enigma.”

  “Rumors are just that, rumors. I don’t put much stock in them. I’m sure most people think they’ve found their soul mate,” she told her sister. “That is until they find themselves in divorce court.”

  “You’re such a cynic, Jillian. The divorce rate in Enigma is almost nonexistent,” she said with another of her secretive smiles.

  Jillian shook her head but didn’t argue. It was apparent her sister and all of her friends were head over heels in love. Maybe one day she would know the magical feeling of being loved and cherished, and then she’d believe in soul ma
tes too.

  “The guest bathroom is one room down, and the master bedroom is on the other side of the apartment. I love the layout because we don’t have to worry about disturbing guests and vice versa.”

  “I love the whole apartment,” Jillian sighed. “It won’t be a chore to stay here.” She briskly rubbed her arms.


  “But nothing, I’m just being silly.”

  Jenna sat down on the bed next to her. “True feelings are never silly. I can tell from the tone of your voice and your body language that something is wrong.”

  “I’m so happy for you, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel like I was left behind.” She dashed a tear from her eye.

  “Oh, honey.” Jenna reached over and hugged her tight, just like she used to do when they were younger.

  “See, I told you it was silly.”

  “And I told you feelings are never silly. You should listen to your big sister,” she teased. “I’m always right, remember?”

  Jillian snorted, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore. “I’m all mixed up. I can’t wait to move on to the next chapter of my life, but I miss Italy and the job I left behind. I’m thrilled that we’re finally together again, but your life is so much different than it was before, and I feel like I’m stuck in limbo.”

  “I’m sure your unplanned flight from Italy and leaving everything behind didn’t help. Things always have a way of sorting themselves out, you’ll see.”

  “I guess.”

  “Remember, Mom used to always say that everything happens for a reason. I think she was right.”

  “Really, you actually believe that? You think there’s a reason your ex-boyfriend turned out to be an evil fiend who tried to kill you?”

  “Of course, if I hadn’t been running from him, I might never have found my way to Enigma. Our family and Craig were here waiting for me, I just had to find them, and I did.”

  Jillian couldn’t argue with that, so she kept her mouth shut.

  “I’ll give you a complete tour of the penthouse after you’re rested,” Jenna promised.

  “The bed does look awfully inviting.” Jillian tried but failed to suppress a yawn. “But there’s no way I’m going to nap because resting now will make it almost impossible for me to sleep tonight. My body needs to get used to Eastern Daylight Time instead of Central European Time.”

  “You need to be well rested for the party tomorrow night. Tossing and turning tonight is definitely not an option.”

  A sudden chill made Jillian vigorously rub her arms. Her intuition was trying to tell her something about the party, but she didn’t know what it was. “Is it going to be a late night?”

  “Probably, people don’t usually leave until midnight.” Jenna blushed bright red.

  “What?” She pounced at the opportunity to shrug off her uneasiness and focus on her sister.

  “I was only at the party about an hour last year before Craig swept me off my feet and rushed me back here, where we declared our undying love for each other.”

  “Wow! That is so romantic. No wonder the Halloween party is important to you. It has sentimental value and great memories attached to it. It sounds like the kind of story you’ll definitely want to share with my nieces and nephews if and when they come along.”

  Jenna shrugged. “Like I said, that party has a reputation of bringing people together.” A secretive smile curved her lips. “Maybe this year is your turn. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in Enigma, it’s that there’s not really any such thing as coincidences, and here you are just in time to attend this year’s party.”

  “We’ll see.” The only thing she saw was her boss’s sexy face. And that wasn’t going to happen, because he was thousands of miles away. She sighed.

  “Let’s go visit Brianna at the Witch’s Brew. I’ll call Brittany while we’re on the way, and she’ll notify the others to see if they can meet us for a latte or sweet treat from the new bakery in the town square. After we finish there, I’ll take you to our grandparents’ house. They don’t get out and about much, so we’ll go to them.”

  Jillian wrung her hands together. “I’ve been dying to meet Brianna, Brittany, Jessica, and our grandparents. But now that the moment is almost here, I’m so nervous, I feel like I might actually be sick.”

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about just be your usual lovable self. All of them would have shown up at the airport to greet you if I’d let them know you were coming, but I didn’t want you to be overwhelmed.”

  “Too late for that, but I’d almost kill for a double shot of chocolate right about now. I’m sure the chocolate will go a long way in helping to calm my runaway emotions and nerves.”

  Jenna laughed. “Everyone is going to love you, and you are going to love them, I promise.”

  “I hope so. Just give me five minutes to change clothes and wash my face, and then I’ll be ready to go.”


  Her sister hadn’t been kidding about the castle. It was eccentric and fascinating all at the same time. The vast Gothic structure was more suited to Europe than Maine, but somehow it fit. It was definitely done up right for the occasion.

  Thousands of cobwebs were spread out on the walls and various arches. Mist covered the floor and swirled around the guests’ feet and legs. Spooky organ music reminiscent of Halloween filled the air, adding to the ambiance. What looked like a hundred people decked out in elaborate costumes filled the great hall of the castle.

  “This is spectacular, but I don’t know how much fun I’m going to have.”

  Jenna wrinkled her brows. “Why?”

  “I feel like everyone is staring at me,” Jillian leaned in and whispered to her sister. She rubbed her palms down the white Grecian inspired gown she wore, smoothing out wrinkles that weren’t there.

  “They probably are. I bet you’re the sexiest woman at the party,” her sister answered.

  “Hardly,” Jillian giggled. “Craig is going to have his hands full keeping men away from you.”

  Jenna looked down at her feather-covered bodysuit and scoffed at Jillian. “My husband is the only male that’s going to notice me when they all get a look at your backless gown. The material is so thin, I can almost see through it. The men are going to love that dress!”

  “I know.” She twirled around in a circle. “It’s decadent, isn’t it?” Jillian asked with a saucy grin.

  “Decadent, sexy, intriguing, feminine, and beautiful just like you. The jeweled waistline sparkles in the light, capturing all passing glances, and it accentuates your tiny waist and perfect figure.”

  “Thanks, but Brianna gets all the credit for this one. You were right about her knack for finding the perfect costume. I don’t think I could have found anything else that I love more than this dress.”

  “Told you, she has a sixth sense when it comes to this kind of thing.”

  “Well, if Brianna’s goal was to help me make a big splash and lasting impression at my first Enigma social event, I’m pretty sure she succeeded.”

  “I agree. The security men couldn’t keep their eyes off of you when we turned in our invitations. I thought Mitch was going to smack a couple of them on the back of their heads as a friendly reminder to put their eyes back where they belong. It’s more than the costume though, it’s the whole package.”

  Jillian flipped her long, curly, dark hair over her shoulder. “I’m glad that you and Brianna talked me into curling my hair and wearing it down.”

  “Me too, the overall effect is stunning. You’re going to be turning more than a few heads. If I’m not mistaken, it’s already started to happen.”

  “Jenna! Jillian!” The sisters turned at the sound of their names. They were immediately surrounded by a group of women who were quickly becoming familiar to Jillian. Hugs were exchanged with Brittany, Jessica, Selena, and Julie.

  “Welcome,” Julie greeted Jillian with a kiss. “I’ll give you the grand tour later, but the show’s ge
tting ready to start, and I have front row seats saved for us. The men are already there waiting for us.”

  Brittany rubbed her hands together. “This is going to be great! You guys lucked out this year, and we get to be the beneficiaries.”

  “You didn’t tell me there was going to be live entertainment,” Jillian whispered to her sister.

  Jenna just shrugged.

  “Actually this is a onetime thing,” Julie said. “The opportunity kind of fell into our lap at the last minute, and we couldn’t say no.”

  Jillian followed the other women to the back of the great hall. Several rows of folding chairs were set up in front of a makeshift stage. The fog in that part of the castle was much thicker. The reminder of her last night in Italy made her shiver.

  She found herself seated between her sister and Jessica. “So,” she whispered to her sister. “Do you have any idea what we’re about to see?”

  “Yeah, actually I do. Craig told me last night because we don’t keep secrets from each other.”

  “Well, don’t keep me in suspense.”

  Jenna sighed. “I hope you’re not too mad at me for not giving you a heads up.”

  Before Jillian could question the odd comment, the fog around the stage got even thicker, the organ music stopped, and the booming voice of their host rang out. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are fortunate to have performing for us tonight one of the greatest magicians of all time.”

  No! It couldn’t be! A chill raced up and down Jillian’s spine, causing her to shiver. She slid as far forward as she could, all the way to the very edge of the seat. Her intense gaze focused on the swirling fog near the stage. She held her breath and waited.

  Alessandro Russo was still talking. “Please give a great big welcome to Dante the Elusive!”

  The applause was deafening. It drowned out the sudden and loud gasp that left Jillian’s mouth. Was he really there, or was she just hearing what she wanted to hear? Had her imagination conjured up his name because she already missed him and longed to see him?


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