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Insert Groom Here

Page 7

by K. M. Jackson

  “So you want me to lie,” Eva said smoothly, somehow feeling better if he would just say the words and they could put everything out on the table, so to speak.

  Carter coughed. “No, we—”

  “That’s exactly what they want you to do, but of course it won’t be stated. Well . . . not on the record, at least.”

  Eva briefly closed her eyes and let out a breath before she looked up at the person attached to the voice of the candid interruption.

  Aidan Walker.

  For a moment, when she didn’t see him at the meeting, Eva had convinced herself that he wasn’t coming—that after their pitch meeting at the Ward offices, she was good and well done with him and that it was for the best and what she wanted. She refused to ask, of course, so she just ran with the thought that maybe, by some lucky twist of fate, he had had his fill of her and her public romantic woes. But of course not. Why would luck or fate or what have you do anything in her favor?

  All heads were turned, and all attention was now paid to the fact that Aidan Walker—producer, reporter, cameraman, or whatever the hell he was besides a general pain in her ass—was stepping into the room.

  After the meeting with her mother, Eva had given Aidan Walker one of her critical internet once-overs, looking him up to see how far she’d sunk herself with that embarrassing meltdown and knee to the privates. All she knew of Aidan Walker was what she’d heard from gossip shows and Page Six. His more hard-hitting stuff lately hadn’t been a thing that kept the press talking. After her brief investigation, she had to admit she was more than a little confused by the man who would eagerly invade her privacy and film her at one of the lowest points in her life and shrug it off like it was nothing.

  As she looked him up, trying to get a better angle on who he was and what he was doing in New York, all she ended up with were more questions. For the life of her, she couldn’t quite reconcile him in her mind. He seemed to be a man of duality. He’d received multiple awards for investigative journalism on stories running the gamut from illegal high-stakes celebrity fight clubs to, as of late, little-known reported rings of missing children and stories on the sex-trafficking trade. But then there was the image of him as the playboy wild child, son of the chief operating officer and principal shareholder of WBC, the one photographed on the arm of a different model or socialite every night he was in town.

  She wondered: who was the real Aidan Walker? And what was he doing caring about her little puff piece on a morning talk show? More likely than not, his being there was punishment for his latest screwup. Though it didn’t get much press, it was rumored to have cost the network a pretty penny.

  Eva now watched as Aidan smoothly walked in, this time looking more like the man she thought was just another cameraman on the set the other day. Today he was back in jeans, only these were darker, not as faded, and he topped them with a button-down oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, his tanned, muscular forearms on display. In his hand was a paper cup of coffee, black, which he placed next to hers as he ignored the seat at the other end of the table, instead casually taking the empty seat that had haunted her moments ago.

  “No, it’s not,” Carter countered, but Eva couldn’t focus. As Aidan slid into the seat, a prickly warmth spread uncomfortably from her middle to her chest, rendering her mind unable to wrap around thoughts as it was supposed to. “We’re not doing The Bachelor here,” Carter continued, “We are genuinely trying to make a connection.”

  Aidan leaned back in the chair and gave Eva a quick shake of the head and an easy smile that really should come with a warning of some kind. She grimaced by way of reply as he turned back to Carter. “Sure you are. You keep telling yourself that, C, and you’ll be at the top in no time. What is it, plausible deniability?”

  He turned back Eva’s way and gave her a wink.

  The hell you say, sir! The wink brought Eva back to life, and she rebounded with an even deeper glare before turning back toward Carter. “Can we move on? And does he need to be here for this?” She flicked her hand Aidan’s way.

  Carter looked down and coughed, for the first time slumping a bit. “Well, actually he does. Mr. Walker is overseeing this project. He’ll be my eyes and ears. On this, he has total control.”

  Eva pulled up straighter.

  Total control. The words locked over her like a vice. “Not over me,” she said, instinctively rising out of her chair.

  From her side a chuckle sounded. A carefree rumble, mocking her inner turmoil. The laugh froze her in place as it grated down her spine.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second, Miss Ward. But if you could hold it for just a moment, sit down and think rationally, I think you’ll see this will work out best for all of us.”

  Lowering her eyes, Eva let out a breath through her nose. Dammit, she was right. This was a punishment, though it wasn’t his, it was hers. But why? Was he really so upset over her kneeing that this was his way of getting back at her? The thought brought up the possibility of him sabotaging the project and making her life a living hell. But then Eva remembered the kiss, and how when it started it was all her but had quickly changed to something based on mutual satisfaction and—lord help her—stimulation. For some reason, that thought filled her with more anxiety than the idea of him still being angry over the knee.

  She glanced around the table at all the expectant faces. They were just waiting for her to bolt. She looked at Walker and caught the hint of challenge in his eye, but she also saw something more. Dammit, Walker was right. No matter that he rubbed her the wrong way all around. She needed to get past this. Get these next eight weeks over and done with and move on with the rest of her life. She couldn’t let this debacle of hers hold up her life any more than need be, and this seemed to be the most painful but quickest way out.

  Eva thought that careful deliberation last night with Ben, Jerry, and a bottle of pinot had it all squared away in her mind. She had it all mapped out. All she had to do was find a guy who would be as up for the PR as she was, suitable enough to be molded, and ready and willing to do anything to save face and keep her cover, at least for the short term. Once she found him, she’d be sure to get him on her side, go through with the wedding, have a quickie divorce within a suitable but not terribly long time period, and all would be perfect. So what if she had to spend a few weeks being shadowed by an overly pompous Aidan Walker? Getting over her initial embarrassing moment with him was a small price to pay for getting the press off her case and her life back on track. And who knew, once she had regained her dignity, she might yet meet her Mr. Right in due time.

  Turning back to Aidan, she pasted on a smile. “You’re right. I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do to get my reputation back, and hey, if this little puff piece is what daddy gave you to keep you busy and out of his hair,” she shrugged her shoulders, “then so be it.” She saw his dark eyes spark up ever so slightly as his jaw tightened, letting her know she’d indeed hit a nerve. Good. It was about time he knew what it was like. Her own nerves were frayed beyond belief.

  With that, she turned back to Milly, irrationally content with that small hint of anger at the mention of his father. This time her smile was genuine. “As you were saying?”

  Milly swallowed, her eyes shifting between Eva and Aidan as she cleared her throat. “Yes, as I was saying, we have screened for the very best candidates and have a wonderful variety of men set up for you—from a fitness expert to the CEO of an internet start-up company. If we can dim the lights, we’ll begin.”

  At that pronouncement, Karen leaned forward and picked up a remote to bring down the shades and dim the lights, blocking out the picturesque skyscraper view through windows along the far wall. Instantly, Eva became even more hyperaware of Aidan’s presence at her side.

  No matter. She would ignore him, as one would a very large, very good-looking, sexy bug. Shit. She was in for it.

  How does one go about trying to ignore the world’s sexiest spider for eight weeks?
/>   The ridiculousness of it almost made her laugh out loud, and as Eva reached into her bag to pull out her planner and start taking notes, Aidan shifted. It wasn’t by much, just the tiniest bit, the smallest widening of his tentacles—well, legs, if she was being technical—as he leaned back to get a look at the image projected onto the screen. Too bad that that small shift was all it took to send Eva’s hormones into a full-on tilt-a-whirl. As his leg briefly brushed hers, the shockwave sensation zipped from her leg to her sexual center, flaring up into her breast and bringing a heat to her face. She reached out to take a sip of her coffee. The warmth from the rich brew brought her no relief as the memory of his lips, as they went from hard and resistant to soft and compliant under hers, jumped to the forefront of her mind.

  “Bret Meyers,” Jeffrey said as Eva fought to concentrate on the words coming from the other side of the table. Focus, Eva, focus.

  “Is the head of his own Fortune 500 company and the father of a three-year-old.”

  “No,” Eva said curtly, finally catching the words and stopping Jeffrey before he could go further.


  “No kids, I’m sorry.”

  “Now, come on, Eva. Do you really want to come off as one of those hard-assed career women who can’t stand kids? Besides, everyone loves a cute kid, and that means ratings,” Carter piped up.

  Eva opened her mouth to speak but was stopped by the sound of Aidan’s voice. “Now wait.” It was low and deep, but still commanding enough to fill the room. “Do you really think it’s best if we drag kids into this sham, only to have it be a short-lived affair? How would that look for the station?”

  Eva closed her mouth and looked at him wide-eyed. It was just what she was about to say, and frankly, she was surprised he had said it. But then he went and ruined it by giving her a cheeky little grin that told her he knew he’d surprised her. To top it off, the grin was altogether way too sexy, with his full lips and scruffy beard and perfect teeth and sparkling eyes. Eva twisted in her seat, and he grinned wider.

  The jerk!

  She narrowed her eyes. He had to be playing some sort of angle. The man who would follow her into the greenroom to tape her humiliation would not care a whit about dragging a kid through the mud right along with the rest of them for ratings.

  Eva looked back up at the picture of Bret. Light, tan skin; expressive brown eyes; a nice smile; neat, close-cropped hair. She flipped over the head shot Milly slid her way. He was the CEO and founder of Uptech Media, a mobile media advertising platform voted one of the best start-ups this past year. Hmm, maybe she was being shortsighted kicking their first suggestion to the curb. Why should the kid thing be a deal breaker? At thirty-one, he was a little older than she was, but if she was going to go for men in their late twenties to mid-thirties, she was bound to meet a few that had been down the kid road and back again. Best not to eliminate prospects before sniffing them out fully. Besides, Carter did have a point. The image of her raging on Kevin came back to mind as did the GIFs and memes that followed. There were plenty that had her looking like a harpy. Coming off as sweet and child-loving wouldn’t be the worst thing for her image right now. She had a long way to go to rebuild her levelheaded brand and to get her mother off her back and their clients on surer ground. Putting the photograph down and ignoring Aidan at her side, she looked back to Carter. “You’re right. I have my reputation to rebuild here, and his stats seem good. He’s in.”

  Eva slid Aidan a glance, but his expression was now cool and unreadable. Good. One point in her column. Jeffrey clicked to the next photo, and a bright-eyed, to the point of almost manic man with close-cropped blond hair filled her field of view. “Trey Stone. Adventurer, champion at the X Games, and partner in CroxTrec Inc.”

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Eva said. “Do I seem like I’d go for someone interested in any of those things?”

  “No,” Louisa, who up until this point had been silent, chimed in from where she had been pecking away on her phone for most of the meeting. She let out a bit of a maniacal chuckle and looked Eva’s way. “That’s why he would be perfect for the show.”

  From her side, Aidan let out a snort, and she could practically feel his eyes assessing her outfit choice of the day: slim white skirt, white linen blouse, dove-gray pumps, and dove satchel to match. She rolled her eyes at Louisa and then shot Aidan a look. “If you’ll recall from my past appearances, Mr. Walker, I can handle myself fine in almost any situation. I’m pretty quick on my feet.”

  He sobered at that. “Oh, don’t worry, your reflexes won’t be forgotten, Miss Ward, and I’ll be sure they are highlighted to their fullest over the course of this process.”

  What the hell does he mean by that? Highlighted to their fullest? “Listen, I’m not going into this to be exploited and made a fool of once again.” She pushed back from the table, ready to leave the room, but he stilled her with a soft touch on her forearm. She glared, and he quickly pulled back.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to touch you.” His voice was still low, but the apology rolled off his tongue quickly enough. “Please don’t run off.” His eyes held her in place. “Let’s just get through this. Trust us, we are not going to make a fool of you. I personally am not going to let that happen. You were dealt a raw deal last time. Can you trust us to make it right?” His eyes continued to hold hers in a sincere gaze that, for some reason, she started to believe. “Can you trust me to make it right? If you don’t, then you can leave now. We won’t bother you any further.”

  “Now wait a mom—” Carter started to protest, but Aidan silenced his words with a sharp look. Carter let out a sigh. “Fine. If you’re not comfortable with the direction of things, you can go. At any time.”

  “And,” Aidan continued, “if it’s me you really don’t trust, say the word, and I’ll pull myself off the project and leave you in the hands of Carter and his capable crew. The choice is yours, Miss Ward.”

  She looked from one man to the other. Carter embodied all slickness, and she knew he had screwed her over last time, and given the chance, he’d do it again. Her gaze went back to Aidan. He’d done her dirty by filming her meltdown, but for some reason she felt he knew it, and she also felt that somewhere, deep down, he was sincere about making up for it. Besides, that footage had never aired, and she had a feeling he might have been the one behind it not going public.

  She pushed her chair back forward, smoothed her hair, and addressed Jeffrey again, making sure her voice was calm and steady. “Put the hulkster on the list, and let’s move onto the next one. The quicker we’re through this process, the quicker we’ll be done.”

  Chapter 7

  Plain and simple, it was a full-blown invasion.

  As she peered through her apartment door’s peephole, Eva’s groggy mind was still filled with lovely carnal images of faceless men with scruffy beards and toned muscles when it was brutally jolted to reality with the distorted, but still way-too-cocky smirk of Aidan Walker. Instinctively, she pulled back from her apartment door and looked down at her sleep tee and shorts, assessing the state of her morning dishevelment. Just perfect. Would this man always catch her off guard?

  “Just a minute. I’m not ready for you all yet,” she yelled through the door.

  “There is no ‘you all,’” he countered through the door. “It’s only me. The rest of the crew will be up shortly. I came ahead. And I have coffee.”

  The magic of the C-word pulled Eva up short.

  She angled back toward the door, her lips twisting as her suspicions went on full alert. How did he know how she liked her coffee, and why did he care? Eva leaned in close to the door. “You aren’t armed with a camera now, are you? I swear, if I open this door and you shove a camera in my face, you will live to regret it.” She leaned forward a bit more and looked back through the peephole again, only to be confronted by another cocky smirk and the baring of perfect white teeth.

  “No. Scouts’ honor. Just the coffee. Now, don’t you think i
t’s a little early to be shouting through a door? Want to open up and let me in, or do you want to wait until all of your neighbors are awake?”

  Eva let out a sigh. Why did he always use logic on her and make it seem like she was being the irrational one? Besides, she should have thought of her neighbors. Though they had filming permission, and at this hour, especially on a Saturday, no one was up except the early-exercise fanatics, and she didn’t have many of them on her floor besides the jogger in 12D. No need to get everyone mad at her on top of pitying her.

  Reluctantly, Eva went for the dead bolt and gave it a turn, opening the door. “As if they’d ever let the likes of you be a scout,” she snorted. “Isn’t there some sort of code of honor? I’m serious, if you’ve got some sort of hidden pen camera somewhere, I’ll make our last encounter seem like foreplay.”

  Aidan stepped into the small foyer area, then looked down at her and slowly spread his arms wide, taking up all the space, his large span brushing both sides of the narrow entryway. “You want to frisk me, princess?”

  Eva stared, wide-eyed at first, shocked at how appealing his challenge, though made in jest, sounded at the moment. She gave him a quick appraisal, eyes swooping from top to bottom in the span of one point five seconds. His jeans were well-worn so that they hugged his muscular thighs in all the right places. His tee, a gray jersey Henley that skimmed his toned chest and accentuated the fact that the man treated his body right, had two buttons open at the top, showing a hint of dark hair that matched the scruff on his chin he wore so well. His full lips, upturned at one corner, reminded her of the reckless and so out-of-character moment that she had had with him in the not-so-green greenroom.

  What was she thinking kissing the man? The knee, sure, that was awful and, yes, she shouldn’t have done it, but the kiss? That was beyond out of bounds. Not that she would take it back. Looking at him now, she could still feel every moment—from when he went from shocked to pliant and from there to deliciously dominating—and if she were halfway honest with herself, that’s when things got really interesting. Too bad it was also when she had come to her senses and backed off.


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