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Insert Groom Here

Page 13

by K. M. Jackson

  With a frustrated moan, she reached down and flicked at the bra, releasing the front clasp, springing it free, and pushing the annoying garment out of the way. He filled one hand with her perfect round globe as he happily circled the nipple with gentle fingers and suckled the other one, her perfect peak heaven on his tongue. Her sigh came out almost at the same moment as his groan, sounding like a long-awaited release, almost as if, like him, she had anticipated this too. He felt almost ready to explode, and there he was standing in her living room still fully clothed.

  Aidan pushed away from her. He needed a moment. Hell, he needed three. Just some time to gather some sense of control. Around her he felt he had none.

  Aidan went to swallow but found the motion as hard as denying his need for release just then. He turned toward the windows and looked at the now-glittering lights of the city against the midnight sky. It was so quiet in the apartment. There was no sound except their heavy, labored breathing.

  Turning back, Aidan was somehow surprised to find her still there, staring up at him, a sensual vision in black on a granite backdrop.

  Aidan pulled her up, lifting her off the counter. She felt so good and warm in his arms, half dressed with her arms wrapped around his neck and her long legs around his waist, that delicious ass in his hands. It took only a few steps to get to the entrance of her bedroom. But he paused at the doorway and looked down at her. “Stay or go?” His voice sounded strained to his own ears, and it was in that moment that he felt just how hard his heart was beating, how labored his breathing was.

  Her gaze went soft. The sex kitten was gone, and so was the ice princess. This woman in his arms was the same unsure, reckless woman he had seen in the studio—the one who took him off guard, the one who sent him running after her. And in that moment he knew why he ran after her. Or at least why part of him did. It wasn’t just to film her. Yeah, that was part of it, but it was also because he knew that someone was going to film her either way, and he wanted to be the one to do it. No one else. He wanted to shield her from the rest of them as best he could. If he could. He ran to protect her.

  He watched as the question turned in her mind. His stomach did a surprising flip as he awaited her answer, suddenly unsure of what she would say and unsure of what he wanted her to say.

  “I’d like for you to stay,” she said, her voice holding all the grace as if she were inviting him for tea. Then her eyes darkened and her tone lowered. “For tonight,” she added, as if it was both a warning and a promise. He wanted to smile, to jump for joy in his conquest, but something stopped him. It could be the way she made the answer come out as a declaration, or the way she added the “for tonight”—to keep her distance and keep him in his place. No matter. He’d play it her way. Besides, it would seem she was the only one of the two of them who was thinking halfway clearly.

  Aidan nodded. “Tonight it is, princess.” He grinned. “But only if you promise to keep on the pearls.” He saw her eyes narrow at that, and he grinned wider, hoping his smile hid his inner turmoil, as he stepped through the doorway to her bedroom.

  * * *

  Eva was breathless, and her stomach was full of butterflies, fluttering and swirling, doing a magical dance that threatened to send her whole body into celestial orbit.

  She swallowed as Aidan laid her sideways in the center of her bed. Leaning up on her elbows, she stared as he stood tall, sexy, rough, and just a little bit dangerous. Her mouth began to water as he reached down and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing more sinewy muscles than should be allowed, and she licked her lips. She almost reached up to wipe her mouth, afraid that she’d out and out drool over so much male eye candy.

  He grinned. “You are seriously going to make me blush looking at me like that, kitten.”

  She laughed, “I’m sorry, but it’s been a minute since I’ve perused a half-naked man in my bedroom.”

  He raised a brow. “You mean another half-naked man.”

  She looked away as the butterflies all bunched up together, forming a knot in her stomach. “Oh yeah. That. Can we just not talk about him right now?”

  “Hey,” he said, his voice low and throaty. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t want any games or secrets in here”—he gestured toward the bed—“in between us, with what we’re doing right now.” Eva felt her eyes go slightly wide with shock over his candor. It was unexpected, but she was grateful for it. And for the moment, she let his honesty touch her heart. But then he leaned, going down on one knee, and pulled off one of her sandals, kissing the top of her foot.

  Eva couldn’t help the smile that spread as she eased back and the butterflies slowly uncoiled. Aidan reached over and took off the other shoe, paying the same attention to that foot, his strong hands massaging as he went. Eva arched her back. He really had hidden talents, she thought, as his hands trailed her legs, going up her thighs.

  Reaching for the hem of her skirt, he shimmied it up, the cool air bringing tingling goose bumps of sexual excitement all over her body. And then there he was, with his hands on both sides of her hips, the flimsy fabric pulling against her skin. The excitement of it all was driving her insane when suddenly he stopped, and she looked up.

  He stared at her, his eyes full of a kind of passion she hadn’t seen in such a long time. Eva blinked to fight against the pricking wetness where wetness should just not be right now. “Why are you stopping?”

  He frowned. “Well, though you may not believe me, I didn’t start out this day with some grand plan of seduction. You wouldn’t happen to have any condoms, would you? Because if you don’t, that’s cool, and we can revisit this on another night.” His frown went deeper, and for the first time, she actually saw a hint of insecurity in his eyes. “Though I hope that revisiting won’t bring you to your senses and have you rethinking the whole thing.”

  Eva quickly sat up and reached for her nightstand drawer, the side that Kevin usually slept on, but she quickly pushed that thought aside and reached for the condoms. She’d think about the fact that he had insisted on using them long into their exclusive relationship later.

  She held up the roll and gave Aidan a grin. “How’s this for not rethinking anything?”

  “This,” he said taking the condoms with one hand and gently pushing her back down on the bed with the other, “is perfect.”

  And he was perfect. He took her hand then, and they both stood and undressed together. Eva thought she might embarrassingly swoon when he reached for the button of his jeans and tugged them off, showing just how perfect he was everywhere.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her hard, breaking her gaze. “Really, you’re going to have to stop doing that, or you’re going to give me performance anxiety.”

  “Sorry. It’s that you’re a lot to, um, take all at once.”

  He laughed. “How about we test it and see just how much you can take, Miss Ward?”

  Laying her down, he hovered over her and trailed kisses down her neck, licking around her pearls, going between her breasts, around and under, driving her completely insane before taking a nipple fully into his mouth. Slow and easy. There was no rushing with him. Eva had gotten so used to sex with Kev and him hitting his usual spots that she half forgot what it was like to be lingered over. It was lovely. She felt like a flower blooming to life as he licked and tugged at her gently and reverently.

  Normally quiet, Eva couldn’t help the sighs that escaped with every new sensation he brought to her body. When he went lower, his tongue dipping into her belly button, she stifled a giggle.

  “I like that sound,” he said, his voice now a low rumble from between her thighs.

  The giggle quickly disappeared on an intake of breath as his tongue flicked across her most intimate, most sensitive of sensual spots. Her eyes tightened shut as her back arched and her hands gripped the duvet. “Ohhh.” It came out on her exhale, and her toes curled as he licked her in long, languid strokes. She felt his scruff as he grinned.

  “Now that sound I

  He reached up and stroked her torso, going to her breasts, taking a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing to the point just before pain. He lowered his head, his tongue swirling against her hard peak, bringing her almost immeasurable pleasure.

  Eva’s toes curled harder. Holy hell. That was really a thing. Her toes, fingers, everything suddenly twisted and folded in as she experienced what had to be the most incredible orgasm of her life.

  She didn’t know how long it lasted. He was there, and it just didn’t seem to stop. But then as the world began to come back into focus and she breathed again, starting to find herself, he was over her, looking at her face with the most fierce, possessive, yet still gentle expression in his eyes.

  “My god, woman, you are gorgeous.”

  Her hand came up to cover her face. Did she really just come like that in front of this man? Her cheeks flamed. “I’m so not. But thanks. A lot.”

  Aidan pulled her hands down and kissed her fingertips. “Don’t ever be embarrassed around me. And please don’t thank me.” He leaned in and kissed her, at the same time pulling her knees up and getting comfortable between her legs. He reached over, picked up a condom packet, and ripped it open with his teeth, tugging it on and down over his long, thick shaft. Eva wanted to reach out and touch him, give him a little help, but she was practically boneless, and besides, at that moment watching was way too much fun.

  “There you go with those looks again, kitten,” he said as he pulled her in closer, coming right to her entrance. “Like I said, you keep it up, you’re going to have me blushing.”

  She grinned. “Somehow you don’t look like a man who blushes easily.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “We’ll see.”

  And with that he entered her—swiftly, filling her fully and completely. Any other thought of banter was taken away on a swift intake of breath. The heat from their union radiated from her center throughout her entire body. His strokes were long and languid, caressing her sensuously. The overwhelming sensation made her arch up to meet him as he ran his hands down the center of her body, causing her to rise and fall toward him over and over again.

  Finally, Aidan lifted her by her hips and pulled her to him, bringing them chest to chest as he kissed her deep so they fully connected top and bottom.

  Eva sucked at his tongue as they found a rhythm, and when she tightened herself around him, he sucked in a groan. “I’m not gonna last, kitten.”

  “Then let go.”

  “Let go with me, Eva, please.”

  His words pulled her up short. He didn’t know how much she truly wanted to do it, in so many different ways. But all she could do was follow his physical command, kiss him hard, and come.

  Chapter 12

  Eva checked her cell phone once more, then walked out of her office to her assistant’s desk. Yet again. She paced back and forth absentmindedly before turning to go back into her office, paused, then paced back out.

  “Is there something you need, Eva? You’ve been out here three times already. Are you all right?” her assistant, Jess, asked, her dark brows drawn together. “Honestly, you don’t look well. Are you sure you’re up for your second date tonight?”

  Eva paused in her pacing and looked at the young woman. She was sweet. Not long out of school, always on trend with her style, but still professional. Wide-eyed and eager, but sharp and in no way a slacker. She felt lucky to have her. Today, though, she looked at her and felt something different as she took in the girl’s appearance. When she had interviewed for the job, Jess wore her long, natural hair twisted in neat dreads that flowed freely down her back. Today the dreads were pulled up tightly into a chignon, mimicking Eva’s own style. She remembered admiring the girl’s offbeat style, with her asymmetrical skirts and modern tops, but today she wore slim black pants and a cream twinset. The only remaining hint of her true bohemian nature was the delicate nose ring twinkling in her left nostril. Even her shoes were neat spectator pumps that looked like they strangled her feet.

  Looking at her now, part of Eva wanted to tell her to loosen up, not to allow the job or the pressure to conform to take away who she was. Eva had settled into her role as a nondescript pleaser long before she was Jess’s age. It suited her. It suited who she was and what she did for a living. She played that part well. But she didn’t want to have a hand in grooming another stiff, nondescript people pleaser for the future.

  “Eva?” Jess prompted. “Did you hear me?”

  Eva blinked and made a mental note to figure out a way to approach the subject with her.

  “No,” she said to Jess, who looked at her with confusion. Eva shook her head. “I mean yes, I’m fine. I’m thinking on my feet about all I need to get together, and the Gardenia account. I hate that their meeting had to be moved because of my ridiculous shooting schedule.”

  It was an excuse, of course. At that exact moment, she was really pacing with nerves, not over the impending date tonight, but over the fact that she would once again see Aidan. It had been four days since they’d gotten together and made that pact. So yes, she was a bundle of nerves. She was an expert at putting on a mask, but she didn’t think she could quite pull off hiding her feelings once she saw him face-to-face.

  Jess waved a hand. “Oh, don’t worry about them. They were fine with coming in on Monday. Hey, you’re the celebrity now. The phones are ringing off the hook. Now that your segment has aired, everyone wants a meeting with you. And the clients understand that you’re getting booked up.”

  Eva grimaced. “Don’t remind me. What a disaster that segment was. I looked ridiculous up there on that wall and throwing those balls. Jeez, what a mess.”

  “Oh stop. It’s all over. You looked like a black super hero on that rock wall, and that guy was clearly a jerk, but you handled him perfectly. Now you just relax, and here’s hoping that Prince Charming is right around the corner,” she smiled. “Or at least on the next date.”

  Jess looked down, then picked up a file and handed it to Eva. “But if you don’t mind, while you wait for your car, can you look these over? They need your signature for the Lush Cosmetics event.”

  Eva took the file. “No problem. And thanks for taking so much extra work on while I’m dealing with this silliness. When this is over, I’m giving you a spa day. You deserve it.”

  “Hey, it’s my job,” Jess said with a grin. “But that is really nice of you.”

  Eva narrowed her eyes, taking in Jess’s sensible pumps; the clunky heels she used to wear were a thing of the past. “And you should loosen up,” she said. “Take your hair down. If I’ve learned anything from this ordeal, it’s to be more of myself and less of what’s expected.”

  Jess’s smile went wider. “If you say so, boss. Though I don’t know what Val would think of that.”

  “Oh, I know what Val would think, but I’m your boss, and it doesn’t affect how you do your job.”

  Sitting back at her desk, Eva checked her phone one more time before letting out a sigh. Jeez, Cori had not yet replied to her text. She shook her cell next to her ear, then put it back in front of her face and stared at it. No response from her BFF to her cryptic “I’ve gotten under one” callout, and worse still, nothing back from Aidan since he’d left her apartment. God, was she really being that girl? The thought made her lip curl, it was so infuriating. She was a full-grown woman, and a top, sought-after Manhattan PR exec. She should not be hanging by the phone like a teen waiting on an invite to the prom. And yet here she was. Waiting. Waiting and barely able to concentrate on her job because of the “Will he or won’t he call”? sirens going off in her head. But still, it was weird—weird and infuriating—that she hadn’t heard a word from Aidan since their encounter.

  Encounter. She chuckled to herself. The thought of such a whitewashed word made her think of her mother. Her cool, sanitized euphemism for the completely amazing night of sex would make her mom proud.

  But still, euphemism or not, receiving no wor
d from Aidan didn’t sit as well as it should have with Eva. She pursed her lips and let out a long breath as she swiveled her chair around, taking in the view of the city stretched out below her.

  She guessed that Aidan was following her directions. You couldn’t fault the man for that. And he’d proven on Sunday night that he was very good at following directions—Eva got a shiver and unconsciously bit her bottom lip—just about as good as he was at giving them.

  “Relax, kitten. I’ve got this.”

  The memory of his deep voice was enough to make her cross her legs. Not to mention the memory of how good he looked in his raw masculinity, so sexy as he quickly stripped, throwing his clothes aside without a care for the expensive material and no hint of shame in his body. She couldn’t help the unwelcome comparison to Kevin that came to her mind. Kevin was classical in his good looks, but for all his talk about wanting to get so-called adventurous in bed, he never once got half as passionate over her as Aidan had. Never let himself go as Aidan had. And never had she let herself go as she had with Aidan.

  Eva’s cell phone buzzed on her desk, and her eyes shot open. She blinked, half surprised to be hit by the brightly lit Manhattan view and not her own dimly lit bedroom where her mind had wandered. She glanced at the phone and saw it was Cori finally getting back to her. Her heart sank for a moment, but then it bolstered. Hey, at least she still ranked with her friend. She swiped at the screen.

  Sorry been crazed here with IMPOSSIBLE clients. But love you and will call in the evening my time. I sure hope your “got under” means what I think it means and it had better had been with a new man and not asshole Kev. Because I’ve already written him out of the friend will. Love ya. C


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