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Insert Groom Here Page 20

by K. M. Jackson

  Eva sucked in a breath. “I’d say that was worth any risk. And as for your team, they knew what they were getting into when they took the job. The fact is you all made it home.”

  Still Aidan couldn’t take it in. “That doesn’t matter. I spent long enough being the guy you heard about. Before I covered more serious issues, I started out doing hard-hitting celebrity news. My interview was the last one the night before a young pop star died of an overdose. I’m a magnet for trouble.”

  Eva pulled back at the same time she pushed at him. “Wow, you really think you’re a special snowflake, huh?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Just how much of the universe do you really think you control?” She laughed. “Sorry, but it’s a bit much.”

  Aidan wanted to offer a comeback but couldn’t. She’d gone and tossed his guilt aside like it was nothing. And for the first time in a long time, that guilt started to feel a lot less like a boulder on his shoulders. He honestly didn’t know what to do with the feeling. But Eva leaned forward and kissed him sweetly, her lips a balm to his confused soul. When she pulled back and looked at him and he took in her gorgeous cinnamon skin and those delicious full lips, even plumper now from all his sucking and biting this evening, he was once again instantly hard. Aidan then looked at her straight on and got a glimpse of those pretty brown eyes and wanted to kick himself all over again. Though some of his anxiety was eased, how far had he really come from the guy he had been back then if he was currently in her bed when she was going to marry another man in just a few weeks? Aidan swallowed and looked away.

  He studied the tidy bedroom that was so her. Light and sweet. Prim and ladylike. It’s hard to imagine a man ever truly inhabiting this space, ever sullying her and making her less of the princess she was at heart.

  He looked at Eva, now hoping that when she looked back at him she’d see the remorse and the truth of his heart in his eyes. He hated the person he used to be. For a while, after the pop star’s OD, he had had some pretty dark years, but it was Carter and their friend Vin who had brought him back from the brink. He also hated what he’d done to his crew, but he couldn’t change it. Thankfully, he could fix his mistake when it came to her. He could see this process through and make sure she was protected and would at least be shown in the best possible light. Though she tried so hard to act strong and as though she had it all together, he knew there was a vulnerability to her that kept her just on the edge of breaking. He didn’t want any part of the process to expose that. But still, at the same time, he couldn’t, at least not right now, walk away from her and protect her from himself, and that scared him more than anything else.

  Eva pushed up and kissed him gently, the feeling so soft and tender he wanted to lean into it and breathe it in deep, pretend she was his and would be a part of him forever. “Hey, it’s okay. You have to forgive yourself for your crew and for your past. Like I said, your crew knew the risk when they took their jobs, and as for your past, we all have one that we need to let go of. It’s called the past and not the present for a reason.”

  He lowered his eyes and then looked back at her. “You say that like you’re almost convinced of it yourself.”

  She smiled then, and he knew he’d had her. “Okay, you caught me. I guess we both could do with easing up on ourselves. But it’s so easy to say and hard as hell to actually do. I even go back to when I was a kid and wonder if I had been perfect enough for my father, could I have kept him with my mother? What kind of sick mess is that?”

  Aidan nodded. “Okay, you win on that one. Woman, even a real princess couldn’t have made that happen.” He leaned in and kissed her again. “You had nothing to do with your father and your mother not making it, and for the record, you damn sure had nothing to do with that dumbass breaking up with you. The fact that he was an idiot is on him.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Oh, I say so. But I get it. I still feel responsible for so much, even though part of me itches to get back out there. That’s pretty jacked up, isn’t it?”

  She grinned. “Yeah, it is. But you know what I think? I’m not surprised. There are times when you can’t hide your restlessness, when you’re behind the monitor and we’re on location. I see you looking around. You want action, and watching me play the not quite match game is boring you to tears. Action is in your blood. I think you need to find a way to bring the two parts of your life—the road and your network responsibilities—in line so that you can be happy.” Eva tilted her head. “You do deserve to be happy, you know? You can’t give up on that.”

  He grinned at her then and leaned in for another kiss. “I could say the same thing to you, you know.”

  Now she was the one who didn’t have a comeback. Instead, she nodded, and he continued. “But like I said, I’m working this from the inside out. I have no problem doing my part. My dad is getting up in years. He’s done his time, and I’m here to help, so leaving right now is not an option. For now I’m stuck.”

  Her brows came together. “Lucky me.”

  He pulled her in close to him. “Oh, baby, it’s not like that. With you I’m the lucky one. It may not seem that way for you, but this is the best part of me being back.”

  Eva smiled then, her lovely lips spreading, her gaze perfectly relaxed and sincere. “Don’t worry. I’m not that fragile. I totally understand, and thank you, but you don’t have to stroke my ego. Going back to where we started, this is not permanent, so what I think or understand really doesn’t matter now, does it? Don’t let that worry you in the least.” She turned away, then onto her back, for the first time leaving his arms and leaning up against the headboard. She looked at him squarely. “But I am wondering what you’re doing working on this show? You could be doing anything with the network, things that are a much better use of your time.”

  Aidan shrugged, trying his best to appear nonchalant when in reality he was anything but. “Don’t worry. I do a lot of things when I’m not chasing behind you. But the truth is, I like chasing you. Something about you does it for me, if you haven’t noticed by now.” He waggled his brows at her in an attempt to lighten the moment. “You pull me in. You did from the first moment I saw you, and then for sure on the day you ran off the set, right before you told your ex what you really thought and made that declaration.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she groaned.

  “Well, I thought it was glorious. Crazy but glorious. Then and there I was drawn to you and wanted to know you more.” His voice lowered and became slightly hitched. “That’s why I ran after you. It wasn’t about humiliating you. It was because I wanted to know you, see what made you tick.”

  She pulled up short. “What, like some strange social experiment?”

  He shook his head. “No, of course not. It’s because I was drawn to you. I didn’t want to see you go. Yes, you were the story. For good or bad, that’s how I am. It’s in my programming to go where the story goes. That we’ve sadly established. But it was you too. I didn’t want to see you walk away. And then you kissed me. Well, that was it. From that moment I was a goner. Smashed balls and all.”

  Eva twisted her lip as she stared, and he just let it all sink in. Like a guy in a confessional waiting to find out what his penance would be. But really it would seem they were both imperfect and doing what they were doing for all the wrong reasons—out of anger, obligation, and circumstance. And now they were here. He couldn’t be mad at that. In fact, having her with him right now, tangled in sheets and looking oh so sexy made him want to give the evil hand of fate a high five.

  Aidan heard a small sound, like a light shuffle, as Jester, her little dog, came over to the side of the bed and stretched up on his hind legs, staring at them with his big brown eyes. He let out a little whine, indicating he wanted either some attention or a walk or food. Aidan really didn’t know what the dog was after, but there he was, all eyes and fur. Yet another consequence of their circumstances that could not be ignored.

  Eva l
ooked back up at Aidan. “You really probably shouldn’t have chased me, you know.”

  He leaned up and pulled her down so she was once again flush with his body. Instantly, his body heated. Then he kissed her, his tongue twining with hers, stroking her deep until she softened, her body becoming liquid as his went rock hard. It took all he had to pull back when Jester let out another whine. “Okay, so maybe the dog wasn’t one of my better ideas, but chasing you is not one I’m going to regret.”

  Chapter 18

  As they walked, Eva could not help but notice the side glances Aidan got from many of the passing women. To his credit, there were none of the slick glances back their way when he thought she wasn’t looking, the way Kevin used to try and unsuccessfully do. No, he seemed totally and completely focused on her and Jester. Like they were some sort of little city family unit, and the scenario filled her with panic.

  It was still early morning, and she didn’t know what had gotten into her, perhaps coming off a lovemaking high, but Aidan had talked her into joining him to walk Jester and grab some breakfast out. It was Saturday morning, and they didn’t have to film. Eva was clad in easy shorts and a tee with a baseball cap and shades worn low to cover her features by way of disguise.

  As for Aidan, he, too, wore shorts and a baseball cap, though, at least according to her, hiding his hunky features was a lot harder. Even with his cap and shades, she felt she would be able to spy him out from blocks away. And the fact that he had the nerve to be this hunky guy walking a ridiculously cute little mutt did nothing for them going incognito.

  “I don’t think this is the best idea,” Eva said, again, as a jogging blonde almost bashed into a tree after tripping over Jester’s leash while she was busy breaking her neck double-checking Aidan. Eva pulled a frown, while Aidan played it cool and stayed totally focused on saving Jester from disaster, sidestepping the blonde as she embarrassingly skipped away. Eva could tell, though, that he was furrowing his brows behind his shades over her comment. “It’s fine. We’re just two colleagues out walking a dog and picking up some breakfast. If we’re for some reason questioned, this is a business breakfast—the business being, I’ve got to get some food in me because you have worn me the hell out, woman.”

  At his joke Eva couldn’t help but laugh. And when she did, he leaned in and nudged at her shoulder, and for a moment she thought he might actually kiss her. She quickly stepped back and frowned up at him.

  “Ouch, princess. Your wounds go deep.”

  “And you are playing with fire. We’ve only got a few weeks to go. No need to mess up now.”

  Eva saw his full lips thin. “Of course, no stopping a woman on a mission.”

  She let out a sigh, then looked up as they reached a restaurant with outdoor tables where they could eat and sit with Jester. “Come on, don’t be like that. We’re out, right? This is our time. Let’s just enjoy it, have some food, and then get back to real business.” She gave him a bright smile that she hoped held no indication of the turmoil she was feeling over just taking a stroll with him outside. Over just taking a few moments to play with the idea that in some alternate universe they could possibly be a couple. The teaser of it was torture. She should have never let him talk her into this. It was a huge mistake, and their relationship should never have gone any further than her apartment door. Her stupid heart couldn’t handle it.

  Back home, she shielded herself behind her bathroom door as she tapped at her cell phone.

  E: I’m in trouble.

  C: Oh hell. What’s up? Do I need to call in reinforcements?

  E: I think I’ve fallen.

  C: So I take it it’s not for any of your intended matches?

  Eva stared at her phone while she leaned on her bathroom sink and thought of what to text to Cori. Finally she typed.

  E: No. It’s A that I’ve fallen for.

  C: Is that really so bad?

  E: It is.

  C: Oh honey, I’m sorry. I wish I were there to tell you this in person. If you’ve fallen, you’ve got to get the hell up!

  * * *

  Eva took one look at Miguel Diaz and let out a low breath. She didn’t mean for it to come out so loudly, but one glance Aidan’s way and she knew her mask was momentarily dropped and she’d blown her cover. Yeah, he must have heard her if his steely eyes and tight jaw were any indication. But damn, who could blame her? This Miguel Diaz looked good.

  Once again she was wrangled into another date at another fitness center, but this time her date was nothing like over-pumped iron man Trey Stone. Yes, Miguel was tall and muscled, but that’s where the similarities ended. His muscles had a longer, lither quality. He had inky black hair cut shorter at the back and sides, with a nice wave that swooped over in the front, highlighting the most gorgeous, sparkling green eyes. She would have had to be half blind to not notice his good looks right away. The guy could be a model—hell, a soap star, maybe even on a telenovela, where the guys really have to be all-around hotties.

  And that wasn’t the half of it. He greeted her by lightly taking her hand, raising it, giving it a soft kiss on the knuckles, and then saying smoothly, deeply, and almost musically, “Hello, Eva. I have been so looking forward to meeting you,” with a sexy accent she just about swooned over. Hell, even the hardened Louisa sucked in a breath, and Eva definitely sensed a few of the PAs, both male and female, flutter.

  How could they not? The man was walking sex.

  “Hello.” Eva fought to get her cool back. She was on camera and still had to be on task with getting her image back on track. Get in the game, girl, you can do this. The world is watching. She swallowed as she slowly pulled her hand away, purposefully ignoring the prickles on her neck that let her know how hard Aidan was staring. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  It was then that Eva looked around the room where they were meeting and had her first letdown of the day. The room looked like your normal workout room. It was a neat, well-lit room and mirrored on three sides, but hooks hung from the ceiling with long swaths of fabric. She suddenly got even more prickly as various BDSM images jumped into her head. Just how far were they trying to push the envelope with this morning show?

  She tried to make her voice sound light as she looked at Miguel. “So I hear you’re a yoga instructor?”

  He smiled, hitting her and the camera with the full force of his devastation. Eva almost laughed out loud. Yeah, there was no way this guy was really looking for a wife on this show. He was definitely in it for the fame. She let out a breath and smiled. Oh well. He was good-looking, and who could blame him? Maybe when this was all over, they could take him on as a client. He definitely had star quality.

  “I am. I teach Ashtanga and Kundalini.”

  And once again the mask fell as Eva giggled with the way he rolled his l’s, making the word Kundalini sound positively dirty and made her want to both strip and at the same time cross her legs. She looked over at Aidan’s stern expression and burst out laughing full on.

  “What is it?” Miguel asked.

  But she couldn’t stop laughing at the unlikely absurdity of it all. Here she was, secretly sleeping with one man who, for the record, just hours earlier, had performed his own version of exactly what Miguel had her thinking about while she was eye-banging him. There was no way Kevin could accuse her of being a prude now. She was a social misfit and an emotional mess, but a prude she was not. Just the thought cracked her up even more, and the laugh came from somewhere deep in her belly.

  “Are you okay?” Miguel asked again, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  She nodded her head and shook her hands out. “Pull it together, Ward,” she inwardly told herself before telling Miguel, “I’m fine.” Eva looked over at Lou, who now was looking at her like she had grown two heads, and purposefully didn’t look Aidan’s way. “I’m fine. Sorry. Let’s begin.”

  “Great.” Miguel continued. “I heard you like yoga.” Eva nodded again, feeling more together and infinitely more relaxed after getting
that laugh out. “Good, because today we’re going to do something a little different. I plan to make you fly.”

  Her usual self quickly snapped back into place at the threat of something different. She instantly looked up at the hooks and the fabric hanging from them. “I’m not doing anything kinky, darling. We’ve only just met.”

  Miguel laughed. “Don’t worry. Kinky is reserved for my personal silks at home.”

  And there it was. His tell that pushed him into the first disaster column.

  Eva’s frown deepened, and she looked Aidan’s way. He was looking at the monitor now, but his head came up, and his eyes met hers. “Uh, I’m not sure I know or like where this is headed.”

  “So you’ve never done anti-gravity yoga?” Miguel asked.

  Eva blinked, giving a small head shake to a stoic Aidan, who looked like he was ready to take one of the silks hanging from the ceiling and strangle Miguel with it. Uh oh. That wouldn’t do. Though it would make for exciting TV, it definitely wouldn’t do. She then looked up at the hooks with the large swathes of blue fabric attached. Trying to keep her voice light, she spoke. “Why would I like to do anti-gravity anything? Gravity is a good thing. It keeps us grounded. Without it, we’d be flying off into space.”

  He grinned. “So I take it you’re the type who likes to stay grounded.”

  Eva raised a brow. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  Miguel shook his head and made a sort of “tsk” sound that annoyed her to no end.

  “What’s that for?”

  “Oh, it was nothing. I’m sorry.”

  Eva crossed her arms. “You were judging me, Mr. Silky Swing.”

  Miguel put his hands up. “I was not. There is no judgment here. None at all. I was just hoping you’d give it a try. You never know, feeling weightless may be something you like.”

  Eva felt her brows draw together tight, but finally she uncrossed her arms. “Fine, Silky, let’s go at it. I won’t have it said that I’m not a team player.” When she looked over at Aidan this time, his expression had miraculously changed from one of barely checked rage to one of barely concealed enjoyment. Now she was the one who wanted to jump across the monitor and wring a neck.


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